Cultural Critique

(The TQCC of Cultural Critique is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Black Art as Unmappable Dissent2
Myth and the Rise of the Global Right: Amazons vs. Joan of Arc? Femen and the Front National1
Beyond Bifurcation0
The Invisible Hand of the Indic0
Maps and Mapping Practices in Postreunification Hong Kong0
Escaping the Repetition of Catastrophe: On Abensour's Utopianism0
The Politics of Humor, From Dry to Wet0
Books Received0
Kiarina Kordela's <em>Epistemontology</em>: Monism, Parallelism, and the Problem of Singularity0
The “Scene of Discourse”: Foucault and the Theater of Truth (on <em>Parrhēsía)</em>0
Front Matter0
In Memoriam: J. Hillis Miller (1928–2021)0
Our Eternal Auto-de-fé0
The Violence of the Frame: Image, Animal, Interval in Lars von Trier's <em>Nymphomaniac</em>0
Editorial Statement0
The Disalienating Praxis of Frantz Fanon0
Back Matter0
Toward a Fugitive Politics: Arendt, Rancière, Hartman0
Front Matter0
Response to Justin Clemens & Joe Hughes's Review of <em>Epistemontology</em>0
Editorial Statement0
An Unsavory Saint—A Deidealized Genet and the Future of Queer Studies0
Books Received0
Response to Simon Hajdini's Review of <em>Epistemontology</em>0
Giorgio Agamben's Romantic Ontology0
Back Matter0
Response to Warren Montag's Review of <em>Epistemontology</em>0
The Romance of Expertise: The Research University and the Methodological Turn0
Revisions of Ontology: On Nahum Dimitri Chandler's <em>X—The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought</em>0
Promises, Promises…0
Front Matter0
Becoming White Again: The Bildungsroman, Whiteness, and the Culture of Poverty0
Editorial Statement0
On the Comedy of Race0
The Resistance to Receptivity: Or, Spontaneity from Fanon to Kant0
Against Premature Articulation: Empathy, Gender, and Austerity in Rachel Cusk and Katie Kitamura0
Marx and Spinoza? On Kordela's <em>Epistemontology</em> as the Latest Systematic Program of Spinozist Marxism0
Agamben's Theories of the State of Exception: From Political to Economic Theology0
Back Matter0
Editorial Statement0
Front Matter0
T100: Communism Must Wager on Economic Media0
Language Ex Machina: Private Desires, Public Demands, and the English Language in Twentieth-Century India0
The Golem Awakened0
Cosmic Convolutions0
Technologies of Blackness: Aldo Tambellini, Psychedelia, Widescreen, Media0
Noah Purifoy's Aesthetic for the Racial Capitalocene: Reading <em>66 Signs of Neon</em>0
Books Received0
Books Received0
Revolting Alone0
Worldly Sensibility and Digital Media0
Rebel Language0
Africas of the Mind: From Indigenous Medicine to Environmental Psychoanalysis0
Not Nearly Wrong Enough: Epistemontology as an Analogical Re-fusion of Real Abstraction0
Is There a Place for Spirit in Jane Bennett's Vital Materialism?0