Cultural Critique

(The TQCC of Cultural Critique is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-10-01 to 2024-10-01.)
The Disalienating Praxis of Frantz Fanon2
The Politics of Humor, From Dry to Wet1
Africas of the Mind: From Indigenous Medicine to Environmental Psychoanalysis0
Beyond Bifurcation0
Is There a Place for Spirit in Jane Bennett's Vital Materialism?0
Maps and Mapping Practices in Postreunification Hong Kong0
Agamben's Theories of the State of Exception: From Political to Economic Theology0
Giorgio Agamben's Romantic Ontology0
Escaping the Repetition of Catastrophe: On Abensour's Utopianism0
Books Received0
The Romance of Expertise: The Research University and the Methodological Turn0
The “Scene of Discourse”: Foucault and the Theater of Truth (on <em>Parrhēsía)</em>0
Our Eternal Auto-de-fé0
Books Received0
Editorial Statement0
Books Received0
Back Matter0
Worldly Sensibility and Digital Media0
Front Matter0
Toward a Fugitive Politics: Arendt, Rancière, Hartman0
Back Matter0
Response to Justin Clemens & Joe Hughes's Review of <em>Epistemontology</em>0
Books Received0
An Unsavory Saint—A Deidealized Genet and the Future of Queer Studies0
Kiarina Kordela's <em>Epistemontology</em>: Monism, Parallelism, and the Problem of Singularity0
Response to Simon Hajdini's Review of <em>Epistemontology</em>0
Cosmic Convolutions0
Myth and the Rise of the Global Right: Amazons vs. Joan of Arc? Femen and the Front National0
Back Matter0
Response to Warren Montag's Review of <em>Epistemontology</em>0
Revisions of Ontology: On Nahum Dimitri Chandler's <em>X—The Problem of the Negro as a Problem for Thought</em>0
Front Matter0
In Memoriam: J. Hillis Miller (1928–2021)0
Editorial Statement0
The Violence of the Frame: Image, Animal, Interval in Lars von Trier's <em>Nymphomaniac</em>0
The Resistance to Receptivity: Or, Spontaneity from Fanon to Kant0
On the Comedy of Race0
Marx and Spinoza? On Kordela's <em>Epistemontology</em> as the Latest Systematic Program of Spinozist Marxism0
Against Premature Articulation: Empathy, Gender, and Austerity in Rachel Cusk and Katie Kitamura0
Technologies of Blackness: Aldo Tambellini, Psychedelia, Widescreen, Media0
The Invisible Hand of the Indic0
Front Matter0
Editorial Statement0
Language Ex Machina: Private Desires, Public Demands, and the English Language in Twentieth-Century India0
T100: Communism Must Wager on Economic Media0
Front Matter0
Black Art as Unmappable Dissent0
The Golem Awakened0
Noah Purifoy's Aesthetic for the Racial Capitalocene: Reading <em>66 Signs of Neon</em>0
Editorial Statement0
Revolting Alone0
Promises, Promises…0
Rebel Language0
Becoming White Again: The Bildungsroman, Whiteness, and the Culture of Poverty0
Not Nearly Wrong Enough: Epistemontology as an Analogical Re-fusion of Real Abstraction0