Contributions to Plasma Physics

(The TQCC of Contributions to Plasma Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Physical aspects of dust–plasma interactions25
Screening of a test charge in a free‐electron gas at warm dense matter and dense non‐ideal plasma conditions23
Influence of pulse modulation frequency on helium RF atmospheric pressure plasma jet characteristics20
Shock physics in warm dense matter: A quantum hydrodynamics perspective18
Interaction of dust ion acoustic solitons with cubic nonlinearity in a magnetized dusty plasma with () distributed electrons17
Phase transition in electrorheological plasmas16
Thermodynamics of the uniform electron gas: Fermionic path integral Monte Carlo simulations in the restricted grand canonical ensemble14
Damped dust‐ion‐acoustic solitons in collisional magnetized nonthermal plasmas12
Singular solitons interaction of dust ion acoustic waves in the framework of Korteweg de Vries and Modified Korteweg‐de Vries equations with (r,q) distributed electrons11
Nonlinear electronic density response of the ferromagnetic uniform electron gas at warm dense matter conditions10
Higher‐order inertial Alfvén wave dressed solitons, quasiperiodic structures, and chaos in plasmas10
Roles of positively charged dust in the formation of ion‐acoustic subsonic solitary waves in electron‐ion‐positively charged dust plasmas10
Impact of vibrationally resolved H2 on particle balance in Eirene simulations9
Influence of rippled density and laser profile on third harmonic generation using cosh‐Gaussian laser pulses in inhomogeneous magnetized plasmas9
Sheath formation in the presence of non‐extensive electron distribution9
Detached regime with highly radiating X‐point: Physics and modelling9
Landau damping of ion‐acoustic waves with simultaneous effects of non‐extensivity and non‐thermality in the presence of hybrid Cairns‐Tsallis distributed electrons8
Partition functions of atomic and diatomic species in high‐temperature atmospheric plasmas8
An integrated device for preparation of plasma‐activated media with bactericidal properties: An in vitro and in vivo study7
Nonlinear interaction of external perturbations in warm dense matter7
Equation of state of hydrogen, helium, and solar plasmas7
Neutralization dynamics of slow highly charged ions passing through graphene nanoflakes: An embedding self‐energy approach7
Variable dust charge generates a special type of nonlinear structures through modified Gardner equations7
Study of lump soliton structures in quantum electron‐positron‐ion magnetoplasma7
Spin density polarization effects in the presence of Coriolis force on ion acoustic waves in quantum plasma7
Polarization force in an opposite polarity dusty plasma with hybrid Cairns–Tsallis distributed electrons7
Non‐linear behaviour of electron acoustic wave dynamics in a magnetized plasma with non‐thermal hot electrons6
Issues in the calculations of dc conductivity of warm dense aluminium6
Investigation of the interaction of dense noble gas plasmas with cold cathodes:III—Arc spot ignition on pure and doped W cathodes6
Small amplitude dust‐acoustic soliton energy in dusty plasmas with suprathermal polarization force6
Self‐similarity of nonlinear screening in asymmetric complex plasmas6
Measurement of dense plasma temperature of the shock‐compressed silicon5
Bound states of the hydrogen atom in high‐density plasmas5
Investigation of the interaction of dense noble gas plasmas with cold cathodes: I—Experimental setup and application to Al, Cu, Ti, and graphite cathodes5
The mechanism that drives electrostatic solitary waves to propagate in the Earth's magnetosphere and solar wind5
Extended first‐principles molecular dynamics simulations of hot dense boron: equation of state and ionization5
Low‐frequency variable charge solitary waves in a collisionless dusty plasma with a Cairns‐Gurevich ion velocity distribution5
Study of the energy deposition of helicon plasmas driven by machine learning algorithms4
Effects of non‐thermality and plasma parameters on dust‐ion‐acoustic shock waves4
Calculations of the thermophysical properties of low‐temperature Pb plasma at low densities4
Nonlinear propagation of fast and slow magnetosonic waves in collisional plasmas4
Modulational instability of dust‐ion‐acoustic waves in pair‐ion plasma having non‐thermal non‐extensive electrons4
Advantages to use graphene oxide thin targets in forward ion acceleration using fs lasers4
A self‐consistent κ‐model for anomalous transport due to electrostatic, interchange‐dominated E × B drift turbulence in the scrape‐off layer and implementation in SOLPS‐ITER<4
Löwdin's symmetry dilemma within Green functions theory for the one‐dimensional Hubbard model4
Particle‐in‐cell/Monte Carlo‐simulation of the discharge in helium initiated by a relativistic electron beam in the chamber with a magnetic mirror4
Experimental study of the discharge characteristics of a 3D vortex gliding arc plasmatron4
Electron transfer in proton‐hydrogen collisions in dense semi‐classical hydrogen plasma4
Influence of the drifts on the double‐peaked emission profile of the visible light in the upper divertor region of EAST4
Implementation and verification of a conservative,multi‐species,gyro‐averaged, full‐f,Lenard‐Bernstein/Dougherty collision operator in the gyrokinetic code4
Different configurations of transferred atmospheric pressure plasma jet and their application to polymer treatment4
Investigation of the interaction of dense noble gas plasmas with cold cathodes: II Arc spot ignition on Au, Pd and Pt cathodes4
Accounting for long–range interaction in the Kelbg pseudopotential4
Bayesian maximum a posteriori‐estimation of κ turbulence model parameters using algorithmic differentiation in SOLPS‐ITER4
Nonlinear ion‐acoustic waves in magnetized plasmas in presence of energetic electrons and positively charged dust4
Thermodynamic and transport properties of plasmas: Low‐density benchmarks4
SOLPS‐ITER EU‐DEMO modelling with drifts and kinetic neutrals4
Time‐dependent charged particle stopping in quantum plasmas: testing the G1G2 scheme for quasi‐one‐dimensional systems4
Coulomb logarithm and the Dreicer field in a dense semiclassical plasma4
Waves propagating parallel to the magnetic field in relativistically hot plasmas: A hydrodynamic model with the average reverse gamma factor evolution4
Magnetized dusty plasma: On issues of its complexity and magnetization of charged dust particles4
Variation of filamentation phenomenon in strongly magnetized plasma with various discharge parameters3
Dynamics of resonant self‐focusing on second harmonic generation of Gaussian laser beam in a rippled density plasma3
Parametric study of cylindrical and spherical dust ion acoustic shock waves with two temperature electrons in dusty plasma relevant to Saturn's E ring3
Dynamics of ion‐acoustic rogue waves in electron‐positron‐ion magneto‐plasmas3
A self‐consistent mean‐field model for turbulent particle and heat transport in 2D interchange‐dominated electrostatic ExB turbulence in a sheath‐limited scrape‐off layer3
Real‐time estimation of the electron temperature profile in DIII‐Dby leveragingneural‐networksurrogate models3
Theoretical analysis of electron acoustic shock waves in magnetized superthermal plasma with electron beam3
Günter Kelbg, the Kelbg potential and its impact on quantum plasma theory3
Two‐dimensional drift solitary structures in inhomogeneous magnetized OH ion plasmas with generalized (r, q) distributed electrons3
Eight MeV per charge state from 300 ps laser ion acceleration by using micrometric foils3
Interaction energy in the Poisson–Boltzmann plus hole approximation in asymmetric complex plasmas3
Impact of the improved parallel kinetic coefficients on the helium and neon transport in SOLPS‐ITER for ITER3
Numerical study of the effect of secondary electron emission on the sheath characteristics in q‐non‐extensive plasma3
Enhanced vibrational resonance by an amplitude modulated signal in a nonlinear dissipative two‐fluid plasma model3
Iterative sampling of expensive simulations for faster deep surrogate training*3
Wave breaking limit in arbitrary mass ratio warm plasmas3
Implementation of AI/DEEP learning disruption predictor into a plasma control system3
Screening of spherical moulds manufactured isotropically in plasma etching conditions3
Thin‐film deposition by combining plasma jet with spark discharge source at atmospheric pressure3
Two‐step clustering for data reduction combining DBSCAN and k‐means clustering3
Effects of trapped ions concentration on the dynamics of dust‐acoustic periodic travelling waves in dusty plasmas3
Influence of non‐uniform magnetic field on relativistic q‐Gaussian laser pulses propagating in magnetized plasmas3
Parametric study of plasma active medium and gain saturation region in a Ne‐like soft X‐ray laser3
Numerical modelling of a direct current non‐transferred thermal plasma torch for optimal performance3
Nonmetal‐to‐metal transition in dense fluid helium3
Dust‐ion‐acoustic shock wave excitations at super‐critical points with quartic nonlinearity3
Proton acceleration from TiH2 target plasma produced by different pulse laser intensity3
Formation of solitons and shocks in toroidal ion temperature gradient mode in the presence ofnon‐Maxwellianelectrons3
Formation of droplets in weightless complex plasmas3
The processes of thermal and “cold” ionization in caesium vapours3
The effect of the plasma density gradient on current filamentation instability3
Oblique interaction of electrostatic nonlinear structures in relativistically degenerate dense magnetoplasmas3
Effect of Tsallis–Gurevich distributed ions on nonlinear dust‐acoustic oscillations in collisionless nonextensive plasma3
Vladimir E. Fortov (1946–2020)3
SOLEDGE3X full vessel plasma simulations for computation of ITER first‐wall fluxes3
Advanced spatially hybrid fluid‐kinetic modelling of plasma‐edge neutrals and application to ITER case using SOLPS‐ITER3
Helium atom embedded in non‐ideal classical plasmas: Doubly excited singlet S states2
Implementation and validation of guiding centre approximation into ERO2.02
Modification of a machine learning‐based semi‐empirical turbulent transport model for its versatility2
Spatial adaptivity in SOLEDGE3X‐HDG for edge plasma simulations in versatile magnetic and reactor geometries2
Obliquely propagating ion‐acoustic shock waves in a degenerate quantum plasma2
In memoriam Vladimir Evgenevich Fortov2
Non‐linear coherent structures in multi‐species dusty plasma2
The influence of plasma evolution on a kinetic scenario of plasma collisional relaxation2
Small‐amplitude kinetic Alfvén solitons for hot electrons taking regularized kappa distribution in Earth's inner magnetosphere2
Experimental study on shock‐shock interaction over double wedge controlled by surface arc plasma array2
Stability and bifurcation analysis of low‐frequency electrostatic waves in warm negative ion plasmas2
Symplectic model reduction methods for the Vlasov equation2
On the formation of spin dependent double layer structure in astrophysical plasmas2
Thermodynamic coefficients of ideal Fermi gas2
Effect of quantization and positron concentration on shielding potentials in electron‐positron‐ion plasma2
Classical and quantum theory of fluctuations for many‐particle systems out of equilibrium2
Plasma phase transition in historical aspect and the role of bound states2
Attenuation properties of EM wave by magnetized nonuniform plasma slab coated on perfect conductor plane2
Heating and acceleration of ions with Kappa distribution functions by low‐frequency Alfvén wave2
Enhancement of seed germination of Daucus carota sativus L. by non‐thermal plasma treatment2
The homogeneous mixing of MgO and H2O at extreme conditions2
Structural properties of Li atom under quantum and classical plasmas: A composite variational framework2
Spectroscopic diagnostic of oscillating electric fields in edge plasmas2
Secondary electron emission and collisional effects in a two‐electron temperature plasma sheath2
Coupling between multiple coaxial antennas surrounding a plasma column produced by helicon antenna2
Feasibility analysis of machine learning applied to magnetized plasma diagnosis2
The effect of modulated electric field on characteristic of SDBD‐like plasma jet for surface modification2
Uncertainty quantification in three‐dimensional magnetohydrodynamic equilibrium reconstruction via surrogate‐assisted Bayesian inference2
The advent of ab initio simulations of dense plasmas2
Yuri L'vovich Klimontovich, his theory of fluctuations and its impact on the kinetic theory2
On the Klimontovich description of complex (dusty) plasmas2
Cold electrons acceleration in TNSA laser‐generated plasma using a low‐contrast fs laser2
Study of self‐organised criticality in a coaxial plasma source with gridded cathode2
Effect of inactive impurity ions on deuteron beam‐fusion in fast ignition approach2
Modelling of electrostatic ion‐scale turbulence in divertor tokamaks with the gyrokinetic code COGENT2
The macroion effective charge in asymmetric complex plasmas2
The arbitrary amplitude of a solitary pulse propagating obliquely in electron spin‐polarized plasma2
N‐convergence in one–component plasma: Comparison of Coulomb, Ewald, and angular–averaged Ewald potentials2
Self‐organization of plasma edge turbulence in interaction with recycling neutrals2
Kinetic approach on the DIA wave propagation in a non‐extensive distributed dusty plasma2
Analysis of plasma sheath propagation attenuation based on ray tracing2
Synthetic data generation using generative adversarial network for tokamak plasma current quench experiments2