Contributions to Plasma Physics

(The H4-Index of Contributions to Plasma Physics is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Physical aspects of dust–plasma interactions25
Screening of a test charge in a free‐electron gas at warm dense matter and dense non‐ideal plasma conditions23
Influence of pulse modulation frequency on helium RF atmospheric pressure plasma jet characteristics20
Shock physics in warm dense matter: A quantum hydrodynamics perspective18
Interaction of dust ion acoustic solitons with cubic nonlinearity in a magnetized dusty plasma with () distributed electrons17
Phase transition in electrorheological plasmas16
Thermodynamics of the uniform electron gas: Fermionic path integral Monte Carlo simulations in the restricted grand canonical ensemble14
Damped dust‐ion‐acoustic solitons in collisional magnetized nonthermal plasmas12
Singular solitons interaction of dust ion acoustic waves in the framework of Korteweg de Vries and Modified Korteweg‐de Vries equations with (r,q) distributed electrons11
Roles of positively charged dust in the formation of ion‐acoustic subsonic solitary waves in electron‐ion‐positively charged dust plasmas10
Nonlinear electronic density response of the ferromagnetic uniform electron gas at warm dense matter conditions10
Higher‐order inertial Alfvén wave dressed solitons, quasiperiodic structures, and chaos in plasmas10