Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-Revue Canadienne des Scien

(The median citation count of Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-Revue Canadienne des Scien is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Ethical leadership and environment specific discretionary behaviour: The mediating role of green human resource management and moderating role of individual green values53
Trait mindfulness and cross‐cultural sales performance: The role of perceived cultural distance27
Whose autonomy support is more effective? Managers' or Co‐Workers’? An experimental comparison of source and occupational context on intrinsic motivation18
Digital entrepreneurship: Some features of new social interactions13
Promoting remote workers' psychological health: Effective management practices during the COVID‐19 crisis13
The role of international knowledge acquisition and absorptive capacity as a predictor of international performance10
Empowerment or enslavement: The impact of technology‐driven work intrusions on work–life balance9
Strengths use at work: Positive and negative emotions as key processes explaining work performance9
Dealing with the devil: Combined effects of destructive leadership and Dark Triad personality on revenge, happiness and psychological detachment9
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences: A Retrospective Review Using Bibliometric Analysis8
A moderating mediation model of the antecedents of being driven to work: The role of inclusive leaders as change agents7
R.I.G.H.T. leadership: Scale development and validation of a psychologically healthy leadership model6
Can managers become entrepreneurs? A moderated mediation model of entrepreneurial intention5
Contrasting voluntary versus involuntary layoffs: Antecedents and outcomes5
Supervisors' overtime hours, abusive supervision and leader–member exchange: How supervisors' long work hours harm their relationships with subordinates5
Self‐compassion at work: A key for enhancing well‐being and innovation through social safeness at multiple levels5
Hatzfeld syndrome: Narcissistic postpurchase state of mind5
Application of the Balanced Scorecard for strategy reformulation: Perspectives from a Canadian municipality4
Targeted organizational capability development: Comparative analysis of operational and dynamic capabilities4
The performance of international small and medium‐sized enterprises: Overview and future research directions4
Joint influence of R&D strategy and environmental uncertainty on innovation performance: Insight from transaction cost economics4
“Who’s that girl?” The entrepreneur as a super(wo)man4
How organizations adapt their HR practices to a changing environment: 11 theoretical dimensions to inform human resource management4
Inter‐ versus intra‐channel trust transfer on an online‐to‐offline (O2O) platform3
The role of consumer ethnocentrism on boycott behaviour: What if a domestic business behaves egregiously?3
Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Views of Women from the Second‐Wave Feminist Movement3
Understanding the effects of empowering leadership on positive and negative performance behaviors: A manufacturing sector study3
The interaction and influence of digital and non‐digital structures, cultures and social norms on entrepreneurship3
Dark personality in dark times: How Dark Triad personality interacts with injustice and politics to influence detachment and discretionary behaviours3
An integrative model of corporate mindfulness: A systematic literature review3
Toward a digital transformation of the theory of the firm: Emergence as framework for organizational sustainability3
Experiential value and shopping well‐being of aging consumers3
The broken record: How the music industry is making sense of uncertainty and change3
Explaining the relational mechanisms and outcomes of multi‐modal leader–member‐exchange differentiation2
Overworked, friendless, and constrained, but also helpful: How workplace adversity prompts employees to use task conflict to suggest organizational improvements2
Image risk as a deterrent to remedial voice: The moderating effect of proactive personality and moral identity2
Organizational culture and leadership in Egypt, Iran, and Turkey: The contextual constraints of society and industry2
Governance of subsidiaries: The interactive effect of corporate diversification strategy and headquarters' capacity to process information on corporate control mechanisms2
Social structures, social change and the metric/nonmetric distinction2
CEO turnover, stakeholder management, and dynamics between corporate social responsibility and firm performance2
Government accounting in Canada: A special issue2
Emotional intelligence and boundary‐spanning behavior among door‐to‐door salespeople2
Persuasive effect of potential employees' names and photographs in a recruitment advertisement2
Rise up: Career empowerment, adaptability and resilience during a pandemic2
Knowledge creation capability and the impact on innovation performance in global consulting firms: The role of human and social capital2
The impact of state fragility on FDI inflows: The moderating role of natural resources and democratic governance in the MENA region2
Born global in 1847: International entrepreneurship at Siemens1
Rereading entrepreneurial failure from the scientific literature: A bibliometric approach1
The Choice of Stock Over Cash Payments in Mergers and Acquisitions: A Market‐Failure Account and Empirical Evidence1
How to establish a coordinated supervisory mechanism of internet finance companies in China?1
Shooting for the stars: What are the topics of reviews that affect star ratings?1
Relationship Conflict, Low Goodwill Trust, Innovation Propensity—and Help? How to Encourage Helping Behaviours Even in Conflict‐laden Work Settings1
Belongingness on the go: Examining road warrior consultants’ experiences of belongingness with their firms1
Family firms' social responsibility: Exercise of family control versus family dynasty succession1
Workplace ostracism and turnover intention: A moderated mediation model of job insecurity and coaching leadership1
Risky business: How strategy relates to survival1
Is $8.8 per kilogram more expensive than $3.99 per pound? An investigation of the effect of measurement units on price perceptions1
The content, evolution and determinants of COVID‐19 disclosures in Canadian financial statements and MD&A documents: An impression management perspective1
Engaging in internal audit research… in the public sector no less: A Hara‐kiri for your academic career? No way!1
Beyond entrepreneurial failure: Framing failure in the context of family business succession1
How customers' perceptions of innovation activities drive brand preference, purchase and recommendation: The moderating role of product category1
Négligence managériale et acceptabilité sociale: Le cas énergie est (2012–2017)1
Helping an Attractive Group that Ostracized Me: An Experimental Vignette Study1
Resentful and religious: How religiosity can mitigate the detrimental effects of workplace embitterment on helping behaviors1
Comment les organisations adaptent leurs pratiques RH aux changements de l'environnement: 11 perspectives théoriques pour éclairer la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines0
Issue Information0
L'efficacité des annonces publicitaires persuasives incitant à la distanciation sociale0
Conceptualizing employees' behavioral pattern changes by experiencing customer mistreatment: Integrating moral self‐regulation and dual process model perspectives0
Crowdfunding technology projects: The impact of textual characterization on project success0
How subjective ethical congruence facilitates leadership identification construction: A followership perspective0
The relationship between job standardization and abusive supervision0
It Leaves a Bad Taste in Your Mouth: How Corporate Social Irresponsibility Impacts Consumption Experiences0
Social Exchange Relationships with Peer Leaders and Ethical Leadership: A Study among Male Military Team Leaders0
When minority influence is enough to increase tolerance of fraud: An experimental small‐group study0
La contribution des fournisseurs à la résilience de la chaîne logistique d'équipements de protection individuelle0
Généralisation de l'usage du Big Data en finance de marché, entre mythes et réalités: Une approche par le travail institutionnel0
Comprendre les effets du leadership d’habilitation sur les comportements positifs et négatifs de performance: Étude dans le secteur manufacturier0
Qualitative Vignettes Drawing on Real Cases as Method in Organizational Research0
What constrains firms from divesting their legacy business?0
The impact of institutional interactions on cluster response to innovation: The case of Montreal and neural machine translation0
La performance des PMEs internationales: État des lieux et pistes de recherches futures0
Board of directors and innovation: A state‐of‐the‐art review from a contingency perspective0
Virtual forums for public accountability: How internet and communication technologies are influencing citizen interactions with a local government0
Issue Information Info page and TOC0
Work, life, and volunteering: Managing demands across the triple domains by young adults0
Accounting for informalization in Africa's extractive industry: Evidence from Ghana's small‐scale gold mining sector during the colonial period0
Editorial for the June 2023 issue0
Perceived difference in expertize and individual performance in cross‐functional teams0
Embracing interdisciplinarity: CJAS's strategic vision for the future0
Mesurer la valeur publique des radiodiffuseurs publics: création d’un modèle pour le contexte canadien0
Enhancing value‐in‐use in the FinTech innovation context0
Approach and avoidance motivations in response to being envied at work and their effects on proactivity0
Multinational enterprises and strategic actions in emerging economy contexts: From conformity to institutional entrepreneurship0
Tales from the Other Side: An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Third‐party Enforced Psychological Contract Breach Risk on Breachers and their Relationships During a Work‐to‐rule Teacher Strike0
Maintaining Sacred Identities: How Religious Anti‐Consumption Conflicts with Culture0
Quand une influence minoritaire suffit à rendre plus tolérant à la fraude: Une étude expérimentale au sein de petits groupes0
L'interaction odeur‐goût et ses effets marketing sur la perception et la consommation des produits diététiques0
Issue Information0
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Drivers of radical and incremental creativity—A moderated mediation framework0
Acknowledgements – Remerciements0
Éditorial du numéro de Juin 20230
Issue Information0
Issue Information0
Green human resource practices for individual environmental performance: A meta‐review0
L'effet persuasif de l'intégration du prénom et de la photographie d'employés potentiels dans une publicité de recrutement0
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/La Revue canadienne des sciences de l’administration0
Riding the populist wave: How does populism affect firm's innovation?0
La mesure du transfert des apprentissages: état des lieux et perspectives d'avenir pour la recherche0
Les organisations internationales et la résolution des problèmes mondiaux: Une analyse qualitative quantitative comparée de l'impact de l'autonomie, de l'expérience et des ressources financières sur l0
The erosion of rationality in high vulnerability conditions: A cognitive‐disruption perspective0
Role of manufacturers' market‐related capabilities in developing market‐oriented codevelopment and competitive advantages in an emerging market0
Examining the relationship between intellectual capital and solvency risk: The moderating effect of the board of directors0
Les obstacles à l'approvisionnement fondé sur la valeur en santé: le cas de la province de Québec0
Issue Information0
It may be urgent, but is it important? A look at how employees evaluate their emails0
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Abandonment issues: A hazard analysis of high‐performance work practices0
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Cognitive flexibility and adaptive performance among workers: Testing the moderating effect of the situational strength on this relationship0
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Issue Information0
Improving attitudes toward brands with global consumer culture positioning: The triggering role of emotions0
Acknowledgements – Remerciements0
Replacing executive stock options with share units: A Canadian study0
International experience, growth opportunities, and repatriate job satisfaction0
L’impact de la fragilité de l’État sur les IDE entrants: Le rôle modérateur des ressources naturelles et de la gouvernance démocratique dans la région MENA0
Issue Information0
A person‐centered perspective on employees' human resource management values and their implication for organizational commitment0
Les rapports de responsabilité sociétale: Une étude des pratiques Canadiennes0
Corporate wrongdoing and board leadership structure: An analysis of the WestJet spying scandal0
The French approach to entrepreneurial failure: A profound paradigm shift0
Reminders of money increase patient empowerment0
Seasonal employee leadership and turnover intention in the hospitality and tourism industry: Serial mediation model workplace ostracism and work alienation0
Issue Information0
The effect of mandatory IFRS adoption on the value of cash: The case of Canada0
The firm is dead; long live the firm: Classifying firm survival after mergers and acquisitions0
Processus de formation délibéré des capacités organisationnelles: Analyse comparée appliquée aux capacités opérationnelles et dynamiques0
The double‐edged sword of going “overboard”: Board connectedness, debt quality, and the cost of debt0
Research trends in the application of big data in smart cities—A literature review0
Development and psychometric properties of the leader apology scale0
L'autocensure des hommes face au congé parental: Le cas français0
The Impact of Multiple Marginalized Social Statuses: How Being a Sexual Minority, a Woman, or Living with Low Income Relates to Workers' Well‐being0
When do challenge‐hindrance stressors differentially effect employees' ability to meet work deadlines?0
Acknowledgements – Remerciements0
International Organizations and Global Problem‐Solving: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Autonomy, Experience, and Financial Resources on Achieving Objectives0
La distance psychologique en sciences de gestion: Apports et limites de la théorie des niveaux de représentation0
Geography and social network influence on crowdfunding a French microbrewery0
Issue Information0
How and when do perceptions of supervisor evasive knowledge hiding escalate into diminished job performance?0
The impacts of coupon and discount on exposure and various stages of conversion funnel: An empirical investigation of the online food delivery service0
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Understanding the effects of counterfeit quality on consumer attitudes toward genuine brands: An associative judgment model0