Exploration Geophysics

(The TQCC of Exploration Geophysics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Acoustic full-waveform inversion to match far-offset reflections with pseudo-horizontal particle acceleration data7
Porosity mapping of shallow subsurface sediments: a case study in Mahanadi basin, eastern margin of India6
Attenuation of linear noise based on denoising convolutional neural network with asymmetric convolution blocks6
Density and magnetic susceptibility of major rock types within the Abitibi greenstone belt: a compilation with examples of its use in constraining inversion5
Microtremor exploration at strong motion stations in Aydin and Denizli provinces, western Turkey4
Seismic forward modeling for investigating and interpreting thin beds in a carbonate reservoir in SW Iran4
Combination of extended elastic impedance and rock physics templates for reservoir characterisation in Temblador field, Eastern Venezuela basin4
A high resistivity anomaly identification method for marine controlled-source electromagnetic data4
Ground-penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography surveys aimed at the knowledge of the Messapian and Medieval settlement of Ugento (southern Apulia, Italy)3
GPR investigations at San Nicolò Church: a case-study from the 1669 eruption in the old settlement of Misterbianco (Etna, Sicily)3
Influential factors of inclined fracture induction logging based on numerical simulation and physical experiment3
Processing of passive EM fields acquired during active-source airborne EM surveys3
How magnetic susceptibilities measured on outcrops can be used for modelling (and constraining inversions of) aeromagnetic data3
Q-compensated full waveform inversion for velocity and density3
Application research of comprehensive geophysical prospecting in a typical slope of abandoned open-pit in Beijing, China3
Self-learning regression interpolation based on Ricker kernel function for seismic data3
Mesh-free radial-basis function generated finite differences and its application in full-waveform inversion3
Simulating and imaging wavefield of irregular topography based on spectral element method3
Practical considerations in the implementation of time-domain acoustic full waveform inversion2
A new implementation of convolutional PML for second-order elastic wave equation2
A novel equivalent staggered-grid finite-difference scheme and its optimization strategy for variable-density acoustic wave modelling2
A Self-adaptive numerical dispersion suppressed method for shallow seismic simulation2
Multiple-order moments of the transient electromagnetic response of a one-dimensional earth with finite conductance – the Gaussian variation applied to a field example2
Comparison of short-offset and long-offset grounded-wire transient electromagnetic responses based on the 3D model2
A fuzzy entropy, Contourlet based automatic fault detection2
Anisotropy in shale and its impact on AVO modelling and prospect de-risk: a case study of a Central North Sea field2
Depth calibration of distributed acoustic sensing data using well log ties2
Seismic de-multiple strategy in the submarine slope of Taiwan accretionary wedge2
Elastic waveform inversion using the finite-difference contrast source inversion method2
Seismic acquisition parameters to improve imaging beneath mafic igneous units: case study from Australia’s Northwest Shelf2
Geophysical studies around abu gharadig basin, North Western desert, Egypt2
Complete Euler deconvolution2
Fuzzy c-mean (FCM) integration of geophysical data from an iron-oxide copper gold (IOCG) deposit under thick cover2
Electrical structure and crustal architecture of the southern Mount Isa Province2
Study the conservation degree in wood structures using TDR and GPR techniques2
Minimising the effects of obstacles on 2D seismic lines2
The magnetic gradient tensor of a right circular cylinder: theoretical considerations in the determination of magnetisation direction2
Fast hyperparameter-free spectral approach for 2D seismic data reconstruction2
Seismic noise attenuation via convolution neural network with learningnoise prior2
CSAMT constraints on the metallogenic mechanism of the Zhaishang gold deposit, West Qinling, China2
Amplitude-balanced edge detection filters for potential field data2
Seismic structure-constrained inversion of CSAMT data for detecting karst caves2
Reviewers consulted for Exploration Geophysics during 20202
An optimized patch-point based approach for seismic fault interpretation using CNN2
3-D spatial distribution of concealed ore-forming granitoid intrusion and structures determined by the CSAMT survey of Wuxu Sb-Zn-polymetallic ore district, South China2