Australian Journal of Earth Sciences

(The TQCC of Australian Journal of Earth Sciences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Peesey Swamp—a Last Interglacial (MIS 5e) marine corridor across southern Yorke Peninsula, southern Australia14
A review of lithogeochemical dispersion haloes of LCT pegmatites, and their application to rare metal exploration, with special reference to lithium in an Australian context11
Middle–Upper Pleistocene tephras in the Papua New Guinea highlands10
The tabular Strathbogie batholith in central Victoria: a comment on emplacement10
The origin of mafic–ultramafic rocks and felsic plutons along the Clarke River suture zone: implications for porphyry exploration in the northern Tasmanides10
Mid-Jurassic volcanism at Bokhara River and insights into metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle of the Thomson Orogen, eastern Australia9
Assessment of two grainsize methods for peat sediments and their paleoenvironmental significance: the Yueliangwan Peatland in northeast Asia8
Basin provenance and its control on mineralisation within the Early Devonian Cobar Basin, western Lachlan Orogen, eastern Australia7
Strain localisation and transcurrent reactivation in the granulite facies Kalinjala Shear Zone at Port Neill, South Australia7
2730–2670 Ma rifting triggers sagduction prior to the onset of orogenesis at ca 2650 Ma: implications for gold mineralisation, Eastern Goldfields, Western Australia7
Paleogene carbonate ramp development in the Kohat Basin of northwestern Pakistan7
The age and origin of Sydney Harbour and the Parramatta River: the Cenozoic history of the coastal rivers of central New South Wales6
Characterisation of the tensile performance of bonding agents for the restoration of heritage dimension stone from southeast Australia6
Performance measurements of machine learning and different neural network designs for prediction of geochemical properties based on hyperspectral core scans6
Paleocurrent and paleowind direction reconstruction research progress and perspectives: a review6
Blueschist emplacement in the Sepik Headwaters region, Papua New Guinea: field relations, petrology, isotopic dating and tectonic setting5
Provenance of sandstones in the Hastings Block, southern New England Orogen: implications for tectonic setting5
Analogue modelling of a Tabberabberan fold-thrust belt in the Cobar region and implications for the origin of Cobar-type mineral deposits5
Devonian–Carboniferous regional deformation in the northeastern Lachlan Orogen, southeastern Australia4
Fluid inclusion characteristics and mechanisms of tin mineralisation in the Jialong tin polymetallic deposits, Jiuwandashan–Yuanbaoshan, northern Guangxi, China4
Late Quaternary history of the Gumants catchment, Papua New Guinea4
Geology, geochemistry and depositional history of the Port Campbell Limestone on the eastern flank of the Otway Basin, southeastern Australia4
Convergence and transpression along the paleo-Pacific margin of Australia during the Paleozoic: insights from the Pinnak Sandstone at Mallacoota, northeast Victoria4
Zircons from the Wambidgee Serpentinite Belt, southern Lachlan Orogen: evidence for oceanic crust at the Cambrian–Ordovician boundary4
Lithofacies characteristics and sedimentary model of a gravelly braided river-dominated fan: a case study of modern Poplar River alluvial fan (northwest Junggar Basin, China)4
The pollen record from marine core MD03-2607 from offshore Kangaroo Island spanning the last 125 ka; implications for vegetation changes across the Murray-Darling Basin4
Gold placer characteristics in marine sediments of Bayah, West Java, Indonesia4
A mid-Permian mafic intrusion into wet marine sediments of the lower Shoalhaven Group and its significance in the volcanic history of the southern Sydney Basin4
Geotourism and geoparks for sustainable rural development and poverty alleviation: Huanggang Dabieshan UNESCO Global Geopark, China4
A new discovery of 423.6 Ma Hongbaoshan gabbro in the Beishan area, NW China, and its geological significance3
Early Permian zircon ages from the P. confluens and P. pseudoreticulata spore-pollen zones in the southern Bonaparte and Canning basins, northwestern Australia3
Strong tides during Cryogenian glaciations: tidal rhythmites from early and late Cryogenian glacial successions and interglacial beds, South Australia3
Dating initial crystallisation of some Devonian plutons in central Victoria and geological implications3
The premature decay of rifting processes in the northern South China Sea (38–33.9 Ma): insight from 3D seismic and its interpretation of the Lufeng Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin3
New metamorphic constraints on the Nova-Bollinger Ni–Cu deposit, Fraser Zone, Western Australia3
Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of granitic plutons in the Guaizihu region, North Alxa Block, China: constraints from whole-rock geochemistry, zircon U–Pb ages and Hf isotope compositions3
The growth and size of orogenic gold systems: probability and dynamical behaviour3
Geochemical and palynological records of rapid climatic change from the early to late Aptian: evidence from the Jiaolai Basin, eastern China3
Pore development in terrestrial shale reservoirs: the Permian Lucaogou Formation, Junggar Basin, northwestern China3
The Woolamai Granite of Phillip Island: S-, I- or A-type, stock or batholith?3
Paleoclimatic and vegetational change in the Siwalik sub-Group of Pakistan and its contemporary geographic regions: a stable isotope perspective3
Mid-Devonian basaltic magmatism and associated sedimentation: the Ooloo Hill Formation, central-eastern South Australia3
Provenance of lower Paleozoic sedimentary rocks in Tasmania and Waratah Bay, southern Victoria: constraints from detrital zircon hafnium isotopes and trace-element geochemistry3
Shoshonitic pluton and an associated base-metal deposit in the Tarom–Hashtjin metallogenic zone, NW Iran: implication for tectono-magmatic evolution and metallogenic considerations3
Hyperspectral data as a proxy for porosity estimation of carbonate rocks2
The tabular Strathbogie batholith in central Victoria: Response to comments by C. D. Branch2
How thick is the Strathbogie Complex?2
Refining the depositional model of the lower Permian Carynginia Formation in the northern Perth Basin: anatomy of an ancient mouth bar2
The early Ediacaran Brachina sequence, Flinders Ranges, South Australia: its age, formation and plate tectonic setting2
3D geometry of the Dugald River Shear Zone, Mount Isa Inlier, Australia2
Fan-delta facies architecture, morphological evolution and sediment delivery in the Oligocene Dongying Formation of the Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China2
Geochemical and paleoenvironmental characteristics of upper Neoproterozoic ore-hosting black shales in the Bafq metallogenic zone, Central Iran2
Geochemistry and provenance of lower Permian sedimentary rocks, Nambucca Block, southern New England Orogen2
Origins of clay-rich strata in Cenozoic paleochannel deposits: an example from Suttor Formation, Queensland2
Nundorite: a geological oddity of critical minerals significance from the Mount Arrowsmith Volcanics, northwestern NSW2
Holocene infill of the Anglesea Estuary, Victoria: a keep-up estuary in a geologically constrained environment2
Petrogenesis of the Hoy lava field, a long-lived continental mafic volcanic province in eastern Australia2
Quantifying and characterising metal concentrations in Derwent Estuary sediments using portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometry2
Late Ordovician subsurface carbonates and fossil assemblages from the area immediately west and northwest of Peak Hill in central New South Wales and their regional correlation2
A review of the occurrence of and potential for jade in the New Guinea Mobile Belt2
A Pb isotope model for the Proterozoic of northern Australia with a focus on the McArthur Basin2
Shale brittleness within the Paleoproterozoic Isa Superbasin succession in the South Nicholson region, Northern Australia2
Quantitative modelling of the morphology of age plateaux in muscovite argon spectra and the implications for thermochronology2
Basaltic dykes and their xenoliths from the Gerroa–Kiama region, southern Sydney Basin, New South Wales: evidence for multiple intrusive episodes2
2020 Reviewers2
Igneous reasons why porphyry Cu–Au deposits are not magmatic2
In situ calcite U–Pb geochronology of carbonate and clastic sedimentary rocks from the Canning Basin, Western Australia2
Segmentation and fault–monocline relationships in the Lapstone Structural Complex, Sydney Basin, New South Wales2
Hydrothermal alteration and corresponding reservoir significance of the Permian Emeishan basaltic lavas, west Sichuan, China2
Preservation of the Cadia Valley porphyry Au–Cu district, NSW, Australia: Silurian basin formation and subsequent inversion2
Seeking Earth’s oldest geological record: an unexpected discovery of well-preserved 3834 Ma metatonalite2
Understanding present-day stress in the onshore Canning Basin of Western Australia2
The spatial and temporal occurrence and significance of dinoflagellates and other marine fossils within onshore coal measures, Gippsland Basin, Australia2
The use of structural geology in the mineral exploration industry2
Composition of pre-Carboniferous siliciclastic rocks in Tasmania2
2020 Reviewers2
Browns Creek mine, Blayney, NSW—a transtensional strike-slip fault-hosted Au–Cu skarn deposit2
Triaxial stress and failure modes in hydrothermal mineral systems2
The Tasmanian Tyennan Domain–a structural synthesis and review with tectonic and dynamic implications for continental margin subduction and exhumation2