International Journal of Health Planning and Management

(The median citation count of International Journal of Health Planning and Management is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Establishment of a psychological intervention mechanism for healthcare workers facing public health emergencies in the context of the COVID‐19 outbreak51
Seeking outcomes under tight budgets: A case for health impact bonds in Post‐COVID times51
From sharing voices to making decisions: The case for centring community ownership in evaluation of health programme planning and management41
Women healthcare professionals' experiences and needs regarding the COVID‐19 pandemic from a gender perspective40
The what, the when and the how: A qualitative study of allied health decision‐maker perspectives on factors influencing the development and implementation of advanced and extended scopes of practice i37
Evaluation of patient transport service in hospitals using process mining methods: Patients' perspective36
Strategically communicating inclusion efforts at hospitals: Trust‐signalling for community engagement33
Implementing coaching programmes for healthcare professionals—A review of the barriers and facilitators32
Forced displacement and the health workforce crisis: Venezuelan healthcare workers in Peru30
Gender, flexibility and workforce in the NHS: A qualitative study30
Developing the future research agenda for the health and social care workforce in the United Kingdom: Findings from a national forum for policymakers and researchers29
The massive attack of COVID‐19 in India is a big concern for Bangladesh: The key focus should be given on the interconnection between the countries26
Pandemic preparedness with 20/20 vision: Applying an intersectional equity lens to health workforce planning25
List of Contributors25
Issue Information25
Households' out‐of‐pocket expenditure for healthcare in Bangladesh: A health financing incidence analysis24
An innovative outpatient monitor service for gynecological patients in the United Kingdom: Case study evaluation of clinical effectiveness, economic outcomes, patient safety, and service improvement23
Strengthening the capacity of healthcare providers to administer intermittent preventive therapy for malaria in pregnancy in Nigeria using a quality improvement strategy23
Issue Information22
Putting the local back into planning‐experiences and perceptions of state and district health functionaries of seven aspirational districts in India on an innovative planning capacity building approac21
Impacts of case‐based payments reform on healthcare providers' behaviour on cataract surgery in a tertiary hospital in China: An eight‐year retrospective study21
Patients' attitude toward informal payments in Iran: an application of the cluster analysis method21
Issue Information20
Building flexible data structure for disaster response19
The experience of Australian aged care workers during a trial implementation of a palliative care outcomes programme18
COVID‐19 vaccine wastage in Africa: A case of Nigeria18
How to facilitate the introduction of value‐based payment models?18
War, inflation, winter, and the pandemic: The WIWP syndemic in the northern hemisphere18
The need for management education of healthcare management employees17
Rethinking health services operations to embrace patient experience of healthcare journey17
Changes in efficiency of tertiary public general hospitals during the reform of public hospitals in Beijing, China17
Women's decision‐making power can influence modern contraceptive use: Evidence from Bangladesh16
Nursing practice environment and missed care at highly specialised hospitals in Mexico: A cross‐sectional observational study16
Issue Information16
Issue Information15
Multiscaled causality of infections on viral testing volumes: The case of COVID‐19 in Tunisia15
List of Contributors15
Health care administration and drug policy15
Use of medical services in Chile: How sensitive are the results to different econometric models?15
What does Bill Gates' call mean? A policy transfer analysis on creating an early warning system to prevent the next pandemic14
Grasping the reality of health care access for migrants: An initial strategy to end social injustice14
Healthcare systems and Covid19: Lessons to be learnt from efficient countries14
List of Contributors14
Appearance characteristics of incision, satisfaction with the aesthetic effect, and quality of life in of thyroid cancer patients after thyroidectomy13
Health workforce in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: From COVID‐19 lessons to actions13
The trend in density of skilled health personnel in BRICS countries: Implication for China and India13
Illicit drug use in Limerick City: A stakeholder and policy analysis using multiple streams model12
Emergency calls from migrants to an emergency call centre: A retrospective epidemiological study12
The impact of policy on availability and price of low‐price medicines in public healthcare institutions: A retrospective survey in Nanjing, China12
Unpacking participation in healthcare governance: Lessons from two local health councils in Brazil and Spain12
The evolutionary trends of health inequality among elderly Chinese people and influencing factors of these trends from 2005 to 201712
The evolving impact of engaging in leisure activities towards life quality: A longitudinal study of elderly in the UK12
Assessing the choice of National Health Insurance Fund contracted outpatient facilities in Kenya: A qualitative study12
How health literacy associates with healthcare utilization and health promotion behaviours in Turkey?: Contributions to discussions concerning the Anderson model and ecological models12
A conceptual framework to describe and evaluate a socially accountable learning health system: Development and application in a northern, rural, and remote setting11
Discussion on China's anti‐epidemic response based on the Protocol on Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 from Chinese Authority11
Issue Information11
Framework synthesis to inform the ideation and design of a paper‐based health information system (PHISICC)11
Does social network impact rising out‐of‐pocket health care expenditure in India? A propensity score matching approach11
How can countries respond to the health and care workforce crisis? Insights from international evidence11
European Health Union: An emergent reality11
Applying critical realism to the COVID‐19 pandemic to improve management of future public health crises11
Healthcare clinic and pharmacy chains in Kenya and Nigeria: A qualitative exploration of the opportunities and risks they present for healthcare regulatory systems11
Reassessing physician interactions with pharmaceutical companies: A response to Murayama et al. and analysis of survey discrepancies11
Exploring causes of neonatal mortality in south east of Iran: A qualitative study11
The dynamics of knowledge sharing in chronically ill patient‐led online health communities11
Financial conflicts of interest of physicians followed by neurosurgical journals on Twitter10
Anticipated cancer burden of low individual fruit and vegetable consumption under climate change: A modelling study in China10
Healthcare in the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan: Lessons for the United States and other western healthcare systems10
Global health workforce research: Comparative analyses of the scientific publication trends in PubMed10
Evaluation of performance at Palestinian public hospitals using Pabón Lasso model10
Actualising power sharing in community‐led initiatives: Insights from community‐based organisation leaders in Chicago, USA10
The teamwork structure, process, and context of a paediatric cardiac surgery team in Mongolia: A mixed‐methods approach10
Willingness to pay brand premiums for generic medicines in Kenya: A bidding game experiment10
Gender differentials in the choice of in‐patient healthcare services among the older adults in India: A cross‐sectional study9
The impact of digital literacy on personal health: Evidence from the China family panel study9
The safety concern of plant‐based supplements: A public health topic9
Voluntary private health insurance demand by Portuguese seniors before the COVID‐19 pandemic9
Ramification of healthcare expenditure on morbidity rates and life expectancy in the association of southeast asian nations countries: A dynamic panel threshold analysis9
Adopting telemedicine in the fight against antimicrobial resistance in West Africa9
Modelling the no‐show of patients to exam appointments of computed tomography9
Vertical integration in the Australian community care setting: Can it work? A theoretical review of current literature9
Knowledge of pregnancy complications and utilization of antenatal care services in Rwanda9
Socio‐demographic and infrastructural variables influencing maternal risk concentration among ever‐married women of reproductive age in rural West Bengal, India9
A study on financial sustainability of healthcare indicators for Turkey under the health transformation program9
The relationship between team dynamics with healthcare coordination and clinical work satisfaction among Commune Health Workers: A Bayesian model averaging study9
Evidence and politics of patient experience in Ontario: The perspective of healthcare providers and administrators9
The paradoxical surplus of health workers in Africa: The need for research and policy engagement8
Unraveling the Jeopardy: Child health in Afghanistan8
The workforce crisis in healthcare: Moving the debate to bridge evidence and policy8
Exploring the triggering process of a cancer care reform in three Scandinavian countries8
People living with mental disorder in Nigeria amidst COVID‐19: Challenges, implications, and recommendations8
Two urgent actions related to international health emergencies amid the escalating conflict in Gaza8
Knowledge, attitude and practice survey towards COVID‐19 vaccination: A mediation analysis8
What motivates individual public service motivation and cooperation at the initial stage of the COVID‐19 outbreak: A cross‐sectional survey8
Primary health care ‘From Alma‐Ata to Astana’: Fostering the international debate through the experiences of Portuguese‐speaking countries8
Promoting male participation in maternal healthcare in the Jaman North District in Ghana: Strategies and implementation challenges8
The interaction of delayed retirement initiative and the multilevel social health insurance system on physical health of older people in China8
Applying after action review to examine residential treatment programs' responses to COVID‐198
The Future of the Health Professions: Navigating Shortages, Imbalances, and Automation8
Situations of anomie and the health workforce crisis: Policy implications of a socially sensitive and inclusive approach to human resources8
Strengthening the ICUs' human resource‐related responses to Covid‐19: A rapid review of the experience during the first year of public health emergency8
Organizational climate for safe and effective inter‐unit handoffs in Japanese hospitals8
Voluntary private health insurance and cancer screening utilisation in Europe7
Quality assessment of cold chain storage facilities for regulatory and quality management compliance in a developing country context7
No time to lose: Pandemic agreement—Urgency over complacency; unity over fragmentation7
Enhancing over‐the‐counter headache medicine counselling: Lessons from Germany and implications for Taiwan7
The rising incidence of African swine fever during the COVID‐19 pandemic in Africa: Efforts, challenges and recommendations7
“If we can just dream…” Māori talk about healthcare for bipolar disorder in New Zealand: A qualitative study privileging Indigenous voices on organisational transformation for health equity7
The impact of strike action on patient morbidity: A systematic literature review7
Predictors of hospital readmission within 30 days after surgery for thoracolumbar fractures: A mixed approach7
Prevalence, Predictors and Reasons for Discharge Against Medical Advice Among Patients With Chronic Disease During COVID‐197
Issue Information7
A View on the Emerging Concern of Oropouche Fever in Brazil and Its Diagnosis7
Policy considerations for scaling up access to HIV pre‐exposure prophylaxis for adolescent girls and young women: Examples from Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda7
Healthcare performance management using integrated FUCOM‐MARCOS approach: The case of India7
Challenges and innovations in access to community‐based rural primary care services during the Covid‐19 pandemic in Australia7
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Accelerating Vaccine Development: Challenges and Opportunities in Pandemic Preparedness7
Quandaries of Trying to Do Good—The Adequacy of the WHO FENSA Regulations7
The influence mechanism of psychological contract on primary medical staff's turnover intention in the context of COVID‐19 pandemic in China6
Simulation‐based optimisation approach to improve emergency department resource planning: A case study of Tunisian hospital6
Issue Information6
Identification of behavioural changes in reporting adverse events early during COVID‐19: An ambulatory care perspective in Israel6
Examining the Effects of Health Work Shortages and Deployment in Integrated Programme in Bihar, India: An Institutional Ethnography6
Individuals' personal characteristics associated with private health insurance policy possession in Greece6
Impacts of a new diagnosis‐related group point payment system on children's medical services in China: Length of stay and costs6
Do the determinants of institutional delivery among childbearing women differ by health insurance enrolment? Findings from a population‐based study in Nigeria6
Assessment of health system performance in Germany: Survey‐based insights into the perspective of people with private health insurance6
Service design activities in health services: A systematic literature review based on ecosystem perspective and transformative approach6
An urgent call for the environmental sustainability of health systems: A ‘sextuple aim’ to care for patients, costs, providers, population equity and the planet6
A Novel Approach to Evaluating Cardiac Surgery Providers: An Alternative to the RAMR6
Exploring the impact of clawback on pharmaceutical expenditure: A case study of public hospitals in Greece6
Does medical insurance improve health? An empirical analysis from China6
Using Learning Health System Principles to Embed Patient Experience Data in Primary Care: A Qualitative Investigation6
Catastrophic health expenditures for children with disabilities in Iran: A national survey6
National accreditation programmes for hospitals in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: Case studies from Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon6
How do we design and evaluate health system strengthening? Collaborative development of a set of health system process goals6
Waiting for surgery after hip fracture—Health and/or economic risk?6
A research of service quality perceptions and patient satisfaction: Case study of public hospitals in Romania6
The implications of COVID‐19 for health workforce planning and policy: the case of Peru6
Exploring wait time variations in a prostate cancer patient pathway—A qualitative study6
Collaboration between health system decision makers and professional researchers to coproduce knowledge, a scoping review6
Mixed time series approaches for forecasting the daily number of hospital blood collections6
Towards a national strategy for the provision of spiritual care during major health disasters: A qualitative study6
Efficiency and productivity analysis of maternal and infant healthcare services in Sub‐Saharan Africa6
Applying global lessons from limerick: Insights for Taiwan's drug policy development6
Performance evaluation of general public hospitals in territories of the Former Yugoslavia: An ecological study using the Pabon Lasso model6
Risk management and communication plans from SARS to COVID‐19 and beyond5
Impact of new cancer therapies on outpatient treatment delivery for colorectal cancer: A population‐based study5
Surgical Care Services in inaccessible zones: Targeted Palliative Care Accessibility Models for patients in resource‐limited settings5
Facilitating and Constraining Factors for Achievement of Strategic Health Sector Results: Findings From a Qualitative Study of 15 Councils in Tanzania5
Digital health and management of chronic disease: A multimodal technologies typology5
Developing COVID‐19 emergency response centres in geographically challenged areas of Pakistan: A case study of the Aga Khan Development Network5
Financial sustainability strategies of public primary health care centres in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina5
Fragility, Health and the Risk Paradigm: A Health‐Sensitive Framework5
Environmental sustainability in healthcare: Time to make outpatient care in orthopaedics and rheumatology greener5
Decentralizing COVID‐19 care—Moving towards a COVID‐19‐capable healthcare system (CCHS)5
After Action Reviews of COVID‐19 response: Case study of a large tertiary care hospital in Italy5
Discrete‐event models for the simulation of computed tomography sectors according to hospital structural/organizational changes and expected patient arrival rates5
Resources management impact on neonatal services performance in the United Kingdom: A system dynamics modelling approach5
Training and practices of quack nurses in Nigeria: A public health concern5
The evolution of infant mortality and neighbourhood inequalities in four world cities: 1988–20165
A roadmap for bio‐medical waste management research5
The Gambian cough syrup tragedy: The need for more pharmaceutical industries in Africa5
Preparing for the ‘next pandemic’: Why we need to escape from our silos5
Bolstering health systems to cope with the impacts of climate change events: A review of the evidence on workforce planning, upskilling, and capacity building5
Patient Satisfaction with Quality of Primary Care Health services‐findings from India5
Artificial intelligence and the future in health policy, planning and management5
America's Health at a Crossroads: What Trump's Second Term Means for the Future5
Some lessons that Peru did not learn before the second wave of COVID‐195
COVID‐19 Rumination Scale (C‐19RS): Initial psychometric evidence in a sample of Dutch employees5
Assessment of resilience levels among Sri Lankan nurses: Is there room for improvement?5
List of Contributors5
International Journal of Health Planning and Management Covid‐19 in Brazil: Three dimensions to understand our tragedy5
Predictors of planned caesarean section births in a sample of Romanian women5
From Bolsonaro to Lula: The opportunity to rebuild universal healthcare in Brazil in the government transition5
The role of primary health care in improving health status, financial protection and health equity in the context of China's health system reform5
Health Expenditure, Governance Quality, and Health Outcomes in West African Countries5
Identifying factors affecting dentists retention in deprived areas in Iran5
A public‐private partnership based model for regulating out‐of‐pocket expenditures to strengthen primary care system5
Determinants of postnatal care coverage among mothers and new‐borns in India: Evidence from a nationally representative survey5
Strategies of drugs cost containment in hospital: A systematic literature review5
Increments of gender‐based violence amid COVID‐19 in Bangladesh: A threat to global public health and women’s health5
Public opinion on COVID‐19 pandemic in Bangladesh: Disruption to public lives and trust in government's immunisation performance5
Issue Information5
List of Contributors5
How context influences the functionality of community‐level health governance structures: A case study of community health committees in Kenya5
Does perceived susceptibility and severity of health problems serve as drivers for household enrolment in health insurance? A case study from Nepal4
Purchasing health services under the Egypt's new Universal Health Insurance law: What are the implications for universal health coverage?4
List of Contributors4
The heterogeneity of public preferences for the first healthcare visit: A discrete choice experiment in the context of Vietnam4
Enhancing public trust in COVID‐19 vaccination during ramadan 2022: A call for action4
Primary care physician payment mechanisms toward universal health coverage: A study of Iran and selected countries4
Realist evaluation in times of decolonising global health4
Issue Information4
Evaluation of collaborative mental health services in Latin America: Theoretical and methodological basis4
Recent advances in the diagnosis and management of typhoid fever in Africa: A review4
Contribution of private health services to universal health coverage in low and middle‐income countries: Factors affecting the use of private over public health services in Vietnam4
Likely behaviours of people under emergency circumstances in hospitals: A cross‐sectional study4
How much convergence exists between registered process measures and patient reported experience measures? A study on Catalan primary healthcare4
Dengue and Coronavirus disease (COVID‐19) syndemic: Double threat to an overburdened healthcare system in Africa4
Association between health expenditures, economic growth and environmental pollution: Long‐run and causality analysis from Asian economies4
List of Contributors4
Japanese physicians' perceptions of conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies: Estimating two different questioning approaches4
Progressing towards nutritional health in Sub‐Saharan Africa: An econometric analysis of the effect of sustainable food production on malnutrition4
Inquiring about learning lessons from the future UK Covid‐19 inquiry4
Measuring work complexity for acute care services4
Family planning campaigns on television and contraceptive use in India4
Effectiveness of interventions to contain out‐of‐pocket‐expenditure in lower‐middle income countries: A systematic review and synthesis4
NHS reform and health politics in the UK: Revolution, counter‐revolution and Covid crisis. By CalumPaton, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. ISBN 978‐3‐030‐99817‐2; ISBN 978‐3‐030‐99818‐9 (ebk)4
Issue Information4
Association between early care and education centres policies and practices and children's healthy behaviours4
Undergraduate students' experiences of participating in a Danish respite programme for young carers—A mixed methods study4
Locked out of healthcare: A descriptive context of migrant health considerations in pediatrics4
Addressing the workforce crisis in (rural) social care: A scoping review4
List of Contributors4
Does India need a new pharmaceutical policy? Examining the implications of the drug price control order4
After the European Global Vaccination Summit—The need for practical policies to boost vaccination delivery to children in Europe4
Self‐reliance or social accountability? The raison d'être of community health committees in Nigeria4
Outpatient prescribing trends, rational use of medicine and impact of prescription audit with feedback at a tertiary care centre in India4
Measuring catastrophe in paying for healthcare: A comparative methodological approach by using National Sample Survey, India4
Depression, anxiety, stress levels and five‐factor personality traits as predictors of clinical medical students' migration intention: A cross‐sectional study of brain drain3
Public health competences through the lens of the COVID‐19 pandemic: what matters for health workforce preparedness for global health emergencies3
Involving different stakeholders in prioritising outcomes to assess healthcare systems response for type 1 diabetes management: Using co‐creation approaches in Peru3
The ‘hub and spoke model’ for the management of surgical patients during the COVID‐19 pandemic3
The process of estimating the cost of surgery: Providing a practical framework for surgeons3
Purchasing medicines for the public sector: Evaluation of the performance of centralised procurement in Portugal3
Barriers and challenges of using health information technology in home care: A systematic review3
Public trust and the COVID‐19 vaccination campaign: lessons from the Philippines as it emerges from the Dengvaxia controversy3
Climate change and resilience of the Senegalese health system in the face of the floods in Keur Massar3
Quality of nursing care in Saudi's healthcare transformation era: A nursing perspective3
The density paradox: Are densely‐populated regions more vulnerable to Covid‐19?3
Is clinical coordination across care levels different according to the secondary care medical speciality? Results from the Catalan health system3
Looking around the corner: COVID‐19 shocks and market dynamics in US medical tourism3
Estimating and planning hospital costs of public hospitals in Brazil3
Examining the Effect of Parental COVID‐19 Vaccination Prior to Birth and the Association Between COVID‐19 and Cancer in Children Under Six3
List of Reviewers3
Does maternal empowerment improve dietary diversity of children? Evidence from Pakistan demographic and health survey 2017–183
A Dramatic Rise in the Number of Women Who Smoke in Iran: A Need for Developing and Implementing Policies and Procedures3