Journal of Memory and Language

(The median citation count of Journal of Memory and Language is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Contrast coding choices in a decade of mixed models56
Sensorimotor and interoceptive dimensions in concrete and abstract concepts44
Word predictability effects are linear, not logarithmic: Implications for probabilistic models of sentence comprehension42
Semantic and phonological false memory: A review of theory and data29
Domain-general auditory processing as an anchor of post-pubertal second language pronunciation learning: Behavioural and neurophysiological investigations of perceptual acuity, age, experience, develo27
Context-based facilitation of semantic access follows both logarithmic and linear functions of stimulus probability27
How emotion is learned: Semantic learning of novel words in emotional contexts26
How reliable are individual differences in eye movements in reading?22
Anchoring and contextual variation in the early stages of incidental word learning during reading20
Morphemes as letter chunks: Discovering affixes through visual regularities19
Immediate sensorimotor grounding of novel concepts learned from language alone18
The effects of elaboration on working memory and long-term memory across age17
The pictures who shall not be named: Empirical support for benefits of preview in the Visual World Paradigm17
The signed mental lexicon: Effects of phonological neighborhood density, iconicity, and childhood language experience15
Integrating statistical learning into cognitive science14
Reanalysis and lingering misinterpretation of linguistic dependencies in native and non-native sentence comprehension14
What cognates reveal about default language selection in bilingual sentence production14
Does retrieval potentiate new learning when retrieval stops but new learning continues?14
Share the code, not just the data: A case study of the reproducibility of articles published in the Journal of Memory and Language under the open data policy14
A model of the production effect over the short-term: The cost of relative distinctiveness14
Magnitude sound symbolism influences vowel production13
The influence of prior knowledge on the formation of detailed and durable memories13
Production without rules: Using an instance memory model to exploit structure in natural language13
Higher order factors of sound symbolism13
Boundedness in event cognition: Viewers spontaneously represent the temporal texture of events12
Categorical distinctiveness constrains the labeling benefit in visual working memory12
Semantic ambiguity and memory11
Does high variability training improve the learning of non-native phoneme contrasts over low variability training? A replication11
Linguistic focus guides attention during the encoding and refreshing of Working Memory content11
Elaborative strategies contribute to the long-term benefits of time in working memory11
Number feature distortion modulates cue-based retrieval in reading11
Language learning as uncertainty reduction: The role of prediction error in linguistic generalization and item-learning11
Factors influencing bilinguals’ speed and accuracy of number judgments across languages: A meta-analytic review10
Multimodal language processing: How preceding discourse constrains gesture interpretation and affects gesture integration when gestures do not synchronise with semantic affiliates10
Minding the load or loading the mind: The effect of manipulating working memory on coherence monitoring10
Foveal and parafoveal processing of Chinese three-character idioms in reading10
Inhibitory control of the dominant language: Reversed language dominance is the tip of the iceberg10
Attending to encode: The role of consistency and intensity of attention in learning ability10
How does dialectal experience modulate anticipatory speech processing?10
Chunks of phonological knowledge play a significant role in children’s word learning and explain effects of neighborhood size, phonotactic probability, word frequency and word length9
Interlocutor modelling in lexical alignment: The role of linguistic competence9
When retrieval practice promotes new learning – The critical role of study material9
Prior context influences lexical competition when segmenting Chinese overlapping ambiguous strings9
What causes lingering misinterpretations of garden-path sentences: Incorrect syntactic representations or fallible memory processes?9
Psychometric models of individual differences in reading comprehension: A reanalysis of Freed, Hamilton, and Long (2017)9
How does semantic knowledge impact working memory maintenance? Computational and behavioral investigations9
Reducing retrieval time modulates the production effect: Empirical evidence and computational accounts9
Data-driven computational models reveal perceptual simulation in word processing9
Calories count: Memory of eating is evolutionarily special8
Content matters: Measures of contextual diversity must consider semantic content8
The semantic relatedness effect in serial recall: Deconfounding encoding and recall order8
Initial landing position effects on Chinese word learning in children and adults8
Processing agreement in Hindi: When agreement feeds attraction8
Principle B constrains the processing of cataphora: Evidence for syntactic and discourse predictions8
Global matching in music familiarity: How musical features combine across memory traces to increase familiarity with the whole in which they are embedded8
The dissociations of confidence from accuracy in forced-choice recognition judgments7
Cross-linguistic patterns of morpheme order reflect cognitive biases: An experimental study of case and number morphology7
The role of visual feedback in detecting and correcting typing errors: A signal detection approach7
The episodic encoding of talker voice attributes across diverse voices7
True clauses and false connections7
The development of shared syntactic representations in late L2-learners: Evidence from structural priming in an artificial language7
A model of position effects in the sequential lineup7
Conventional metaphors elicit greater real-time engagement than literal paraphrases or concrete sentences6
Subjective confidence influences word learning in a cross-situational statistical learning task6
Indirect associations in learning semantic and syntactic lexical relationships6
Language control after phrasal planning: Playing Whack-a-mole with language switch costs6
Implicit learning of structure across time: A longitudinal investigation of syntactic priming in young English-acquiring children6
The head constituent plays a key role in the lexical boost in syntactic priming6
Prediction involves two stages: Evidence from visual-world eye-tracking6
Producing filler-gap dependencies: Structural priming evidence for two distinct combinatorial processes in production6
Moving experimental psychology online: How to obtain high quality data when we can’t see our participants6
The effect of animacy on structural Priming: A replication of Bock, Loebell and Morey (1992)6
How permeable are native and non-native syntactic processing to crosslinguistic influence?6
The relationship between sentence comprehension and lexical-semantic retuning5
Using GAMMs to model trial-by-trial fluctuations in experimental data: More risks but hardly any benefit5
Replication of Cutler, A., & Fodor, J. A. (1979). Semantic focus and sentence comprehension. Cognition, 7(1), 49–595
Rethinking bilingual enhancement effects in associative learning of foreign language vocabulary: The role of proficiency in the mediating language5
The processing of pronominal relative clauses: Evidence from eye movements5
Are there segmental and tonal effects on syntactic encoding? Evidence from structural priming in Mandarin5
Where is mirror invariance? Masked priming effects by mirrored and rotated transformations of reversible and nonreversible letters5
Effects of divided attention at encoding on specific and gist representations in working and long-term memory5
Agents’ goals affect construal of event endpoints5
What masked priming effects with abbreviations can tell us about abstract letter identities5
Revealing pragmatic processes through a one-word answer: When the French reply Si5
Effects of phonological neighbourhood density and frequency in picture naming4
Do readers maintain word-level uncertainty during reading? A pre-registered replication study4
Interference between non-native languages during trilingual language production4
Syllable and letter similarity effects in Korean: Insights from the Korean Lexicon Project4
Referencing context in sentence processing: A failure to replicate the strong interactive mental models hypothesis4
The testing effect with free recall: Organization, attention, and order effects4
The dependence of root extraction in a non-concatenated morphology on the word-specific orthographic context4
Infrequent but adaptive outsourcing in recognition memory4
Large-scale benchmark yields no evidence that language model surprisal explains syntactic disambiguation difficulty4
Selective activation of language specific structural representations: Evidence from extended picture-word interference4
Sound-space symbolism: Associating articulatory front and back positions of the tongue with the spatial concepts of forward/front and backward/back4
Tradeoffs between item and order information in short-term memory4
Weaker than you might imagine: Determining imageability effects on word recognition4
Does grammatical gender affect object concepts? Registered replication of Phillips and Boroditsky (2003)4
The interplay between syntactic and non-syntactic structure in language production4
Inference strength predicts the probability of conditionals better than conditional probability does4
The head or the verb: Is the lexical boost restricted to the head verb?4
Do we remember when to better recall what? Repetition benefits are probably not due to explicit temporal context memory3
Towards a processing model for argument-verb computations in online sentence comprehension3
Priming reveals similarities and differences between three purported cases of implicature: Some, number and free choice disjunctions3
SEAM: An integrated activation-coupled model of sentence processing and eye movements in reading3
MINERVA-DE: An instance model of the deficient processing theory3
Statistical and explicit learning of graphotactic patterns with no phonological counterpart: Evidence from an artificial lexicon study with 6–7-year-olds and adults3
Morphemes as letter chunks: Linguistic information enhances the learning of visual regularities3
Lexical prediction does not rationally adapt to prediction error: ERP evidence from pre-nominal articles3
Working memory prioritization: Goal-driven attention, physical salience, and implicit learning3
Retrieval processes and audience design3
Agreement attraction in grammatical sentences and the role of the task3
True and false recognition in MINERVA 2: Extension to sentences and metaphors3
Reprint of: Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes3
Processing of linguistic focus depends on contrastive alternatives3
Do particle verbs share a representation with their root verbs? Evidence from structural priming3
Discrepant findings on the relation between episodic memory and retrieval practice: The impact of analysis decisions3
Language modality and temporal structure impact processing: Sign and speech have different windows of integration3
Lexical choice and word formation in a taboo game paradigm3