American Journal of Preventive Medicine

(The TQCC of American Journal of Preventive Medicine is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Trends in U.S. Depression Prevalence From 2015 to 2020: The Widening Treatment Gap195
Who Is (and Is Not) Receiving Telemedicine Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic127
Willingness to Vaccinate Against COVID-19 in the U.S.: Representative Longitudinal Evidence From April to October 2020120
Supervised Injection Facilities as Harm Reduction: A Systematic Review98
Obesity Prevalence Among U.S. Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic81
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Screening in the U.S.72
Using Mistrust, Distrust, and Low Trust Precisely in Medical Care and Medical Research Advances Health Equity70
Associations Between Governor Political Affiliation and COVID-19 Cases, Deaths, and Testing in the U.S.69
Food Insufficiency and Mental Health in the U.S. During the COVID-19 Pandemic67
Trends in E-Cigarette Use by Age Group and Combustible Cigarette Smoking Histories, U.S. Adults, 2014–201867
COVID-19 Vaccination and Mental Health: A Difference-In-Difference Analysis of the Understanding America Study62
Vaccine Hesitancy and Concerns About Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness in Shanghai, China61
Allostatic Load and Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis60
Decreases in Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic59
COVID-19 Leads to Accelerated Increases in Children's BMI z-Score Gain: An Interrupted Time-Series Study57
Subway Ridership, Crowding, or Population Density: Determinants of COVID-19 Infection Rates in New York City56
Tobacco Use at the Intersection of Sex and Sexual Identity in the U.S., 2007–2020: A Meta-Analysis55
Smoking and E-Cigarette Use Among U.S. Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic54
Toward Greater Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Equity: Increasing Provision and Uptake for Black and Hispanic/Latino Individuals in the U.S.53
Past-Year Kratom Use in the U.S.: Estimates From a Nationally Representative Sample50
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage: The Contribution of Socioeconomic and Demographic Factors50
Temporal Associations Between Social Media Use and Depression49
Syringe Services Programs’ Role in Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.: Why We Cannot Do It Without Them47
Impact of Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Warning Labels on Consumer Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis46
High-Risk Drinking in Midlife Before Versus During the COVID-19 Crisis: Longitudinal Evidence From the United Kingdom46
Suicidality Among Sexual Minority Adults: Gender, Age, and Race/Ethnicity Differences44
Social Determinants in Machine Learning Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Models: A Systematic Review44
Trends in Opioid Use Disorder Among Older Adults: Analyzing Medicare Data, 2013–201843
Cigar-Smoking Patterns by Race/Ethnicity and Cigar Type: A Nationally Representative Survey Among U.S. Adults40
Interventions for Reversing Prediabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis40
Using Digital Technologies to Reach Tobacco Users Who Want to Quit: Evidence From the National Cancer Institute's Initiative37
Intersecting Structural Oppression and Black Sexual Minority Men's Health37
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in SARS-CoV-2 Testing and COVID-19 Outcomes in a Medicaid Managed Care Cohort37
Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Uptake, Adherence, and Persistence: A Narrative Review of Interventions in the U.S.37
Consumption of Ultraprocessed Foods and Diet Quality Among U.S. Children and Adults37
Deficient Response to COVID-19 Makes the Case for Evolving the Public Health System37
Resistance Training and Mortality Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis36
Adolescents' Health Perceptions of E-Cigarettes: A Systematic Review35
The Association Between Previous Influenza Vaccination and COVID-19 Infection Risk and Severity: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis34
Racial Disparities in Child Exposure to Firearm Violence Before and During COVID-1934
Effects of a Digital Diabetes Prevention Program: An RCT33
Association Between E-Cigarettes and Asthma in Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis33
Parental Vaccine Hesitancy and Association With Childhood Diphtheria, Tetanus Toxoid, and Acellular Pertussis; Measles, Mumps, and Rubella; Rotavirus; and Combined 7-Series Vaccination33
Mobility Patterns Before, During, and Anticipated After the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Opportunity to Nurture Bicycling32
The Association Between Health Literacy and Self-rated Health Among Residents of China Aged 15–69 Years31
COVID-19 Case and Mortality Rates in the Federal Bureau of Prisons31
Predictive Factors for a New Positive Nasopharyngeal Swab Among Patients Recovered From COVID-1931
Association of Smoking and Smoking Cessation With Overall and Cause-Specific Mortality31
Racial‒Ethnic Disparities of Buprenorphine and Vivitrol Receipt in Medicaid30
The Benefits of Vaccinating With the First Available COVID-19 Coronavirus Vaccine30
The Problem of Veteran Homelessness: An Update for the New Decade30
HIV Cluster and Outbreak Detection and Response: The Science and Experience30
Methods-Motivational Interviewing Approach for Enhanced Retention and Attendance30
Suicidal Ideation Among Individuals Who Have Purchased Firearms During COVID-1930
Social and Economic Differences in Neighborhood Walkability Across 500 U.S. Cities29
Religion and Measles Vaccination in Indonesia, 1991–201729
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Digital Media Use Among U.S. Children28
Life's Essential 8 and 10-Year and Lifetime Risk of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in China28
Screening for Social Risk at Federally Qualified Health Centers: A National Study27
Trends in Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Rates and Excess Deaths, 2010–202227
Cardiovascular Disease in a Population-Based Sample of Transgender and Cisgender Adults27
Adolescent Adverse Childhood Experiences and Risk of Adult Intimate Partner Violence27
Association Between Disability and Suicide-Related Outcomes Among U.S. Adults26
ICD-10 Z-Code Health-Related Social Needs and Increased Healthcare Utilization26
Health and Institutional Risk Factors of COVID-19 Mortality in Mexico, 202026
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Cervical Cancer Screening From Three U.S. Healthcare Settings25
Associations Between Purpose in Life and Mortality by SES25
Validity of the Exercise Vital Sign Tool to Assess Physical Activity25
Premature Deaths Attributable to the Consumption of Ultraprocessed Foods in Brazil25
Tobacco Smoking Cessation and Quitline Use Among Adults Aged ≥15 Years in 31 Countries: Findings From the Global Adult Tobacco Survey25
Community Testing and SARS-CoV-2 Rates for Latinxs in Baltimore25
Aspirin Prophylaxis During Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis25
A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Association Between SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and Myocarditis or Pericarditis25
Prevalence and Correlates of Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis in the U.S.25
Closed-Loop Electronic Referral From Primary Care Clinics to a State Tobacco Cessation Quitline: Effects Using Real-World Implementation Training24
Sexual Violence, Mental Health, and Prescription Opioid Use and Misuse23
Cancer Screening Test Use―U.S., 201923
Trends in Blood Lead Levels in the U.S. From 1999 to 201623
Social Needs Resource Connections: A Systematic Review of Barriers, Facilitators, and Evaluation23
Tobacco 21 Policies in the U.S.: The Importance of Local Control With Federal Policy23
Healthy Lifestyle Score Including Sleep Duration and Cardiovascular Disease Risk23
Light-Intensity Physical Activity and Life Expectancy: National Health and Nutrition Survey22
Smoking Disparities by Level of Educational Attainment and Birth Cohort in the U.S.22
Mobile Health Applications and Medication Adherence of Patients With Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis22
Occupations by Proximity and Indoor/Outdoor Work: Relevance to COVID-19 in All Workers and Black/Hispanic Workers22
Patterns in Wealth-related Inequalities in 86 Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Global Evidence on the Emergence of Vaccine Hesitancy22
Interventions to Prevent Drugged Driving: A Systematic Review22
COVID-19 Cases Among Employees of U.S. Federal and State Prisons22
Theoretical Approaches to Research on the Social Determinants of Obesity22
Timecourse of Morbidity Onset Among Adults Living With Cerebral Palsy22
Screening Discordance and Characteristics of Patients With Housing-Related Social Risks21
Health Disparities Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Service Members and Veterans21
Binge Drinking, Other Substance Use, and Concurrent Use in the U.S., 2016–201821
A Pilot Study Examining the Efficacy of Delivering Colorectal Cancer Screening Messages via Virtual Health Assistants21
Workplace Violence, Workforce Stability, and Well-being in China's Psychiatric Hospitals21
Disparities in Activity and Traffic Fatalities by Race/Ethnicity21
Relative Harm Perceptions of E-Cigarettes Versus Cigarettes, U.S. Adults, 2018–202021
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Child Development Outcomes in Ceará, Brazil: A Population-based Study20
A Systematic Review of the Roles and Contributions of Peer Providers in the Behavioral Health Workforce20
Easing Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Hesitancy: A Communication Experiment With U.S. Parents20
State Paid Sick Leave and Paid Sick-Leave Preemption Laws Across 50 U.S. States, 2009–202020
Poor Individual Risk Classification From Adverse Childhood Experiences Screening20
Sexual Violence Against Women With Disabilities: Experiences With Force and Lifetime Risk20
The Context of Sunburn Among U.S. Adults: Common Activities and Sun Protection Behaviors19
Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Prevention Among Youth: A Community Guide Systematic Review19
Examining Health Behaviors of Chronic Disease Caregivers in the U.S.19
Engaging Community Health Workers to Increase Cancer Screening: A Community Guide Systematic Economic Review19
The Melbourne Safe Injecting Room Attracted People Most in Need of Its Service19
Alcohol Consumption and 15 Causes of Fatal Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis19
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Prevalence Among Adults Aged 19–45 Years: An Analysis of the 2017 National Health Interview Survey19
No Evidence of Food or Alcohol Substitution in Response to a Sweetened Beverage Tax19
Impact of Medicaid Expansion on Reported Incidents of Child Neglect and Physical Abuse19
Heated Tobacco Products: Awareness and Ever Use Among U.S. Adults19
Associations of Passive and Active Screen Time With Psychosomatic Complaints of Adolescents19
Eviction, Healthcare Utilization, and Disenrollment Among New York City Medicaid Patients19
Child Access Prevention Laws and Firearm Storage: Results From a National Survey19
County-Level Socioeconomic and Political Predictors of Distancing for COVID-1919
Women's Reproductive Rights Policies and Adverse Birth Outcomes: A State-Level Analysis to Assess the Role of Race and Nativity Status19
Data Needs in Opioid Systems Modeling: Challenges and Future Directions19
Workplace Violence and the Mental Health of Public Health Workers During COVID-1919
Adverse Childhood Events in American Indian/Alaska Native Populations19
Paid Sick Leave and Healthcare Utilization in Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis19
Paid Family Leave and Mental Health in the U.S.: A Quasi-Experimental Study of State Policies19
Intimate Partner Violence–Related Fatalities Among U.S. Youth Aged 0–24 Years, 2014–201818
Motivational Interviewing in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Arterial Hypertension in Primary Health Care: An RCT18
Frequency, Associated Risk Factors, and Characteristics of COVID-19 Among Healthcare Personnel in a Spanish Health Department18
Response to a Large HIV Outbreak, Cabell County, West Virginia, 2018–201918
Long-Term Air Pollution and Blood Pressure in an African American Cohort: the Jackson Heart Study18
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Dementia: Interactions With Social Capital in the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study Cohort18
Before and During Pandemic Telemedicine Use: An Analysis of Rural and Urban Safety-Net Clinics18
Cost of Cigarette Smoking‒Attributable Productivity Losses, U.S., 201818
Characteristics Associated With Opioid and Antibiotic Prescribing by Dentists18
Timeliness of Early Childhood Vaccinations and Undervaccination Patterns in Montana18
Gestational Diabetes and Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy by Maternal Birthplace18
Association of Cannabis Use With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality Among Younger- and Middle-Aged U.S. Adults18
Prenatal Care Adequacy Among Women With Disabilities: A Population-Based Study18
Ten Million Calls and Counting: Progress and Promise of Tobacco Quitlines in the U.S.18
Awareness of Alcohol as a Carcinogen and Support for Alcohol Control Policies18
Association Between Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder and Mortality Risk18
Different Times Call for Different Measures: Using Retail Sales to Monitor the Tobacco Product Landscape18
Building Infrastructure for Surveillance of Adverse and Positive Childhood Experiences: Integrated, Multimethod Approaches to Generate Data for Prevention Action17
Excess Mortality in California by Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic17
Environmental Noise Exposure and Mental Health: Evidence From a Population-Based Longitudinal Study17
Barriers to Implementing Cardiovascular Risk Calculation in Primary Care: Alignment With the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research17
Governor's Party, Policies, and COVID-19 Outcomes: Further Evidence of an Effect17
Women's Empowerment and Child Vaccination in Kenya: The Modifying Role of Wealth17
Healthcare Utilization and Costs Associated With Perinatal Depression Among Medicaid Enrollees17
Association of Affirming Care with Chronic Disease and Preventive Care Outcomes among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Older Adults17
Community Health Centers’ Performance in Cancer Screening and Prevention17
Measurement of Adverse Childhood Experiences: It Matters17
Mental Health Utilization and Expenditures for Children Pre–Post Firearm Injury17
Sleep Disturbances and Dementia Risk in Older Adults: Findings From 10 Years of National U.S. Prospective Data17
Geographic Heterogeneity in Behavioral and Social Drivers of COVID-19 Vaccination17
The Dose–Response Relationship Between Physical Activity and Cardiometabolic Health in Adolescents16
Modifiable Lifestyle Recommendations and Mortality in Denmark: A Cohort Study16
Past 30–Day Marijuana Vaping: Prevalence and Predictors of Use in a Nationally Representative Study of U.S. Youth16
Re-examining the Association Between E-Cigarette Use and Myocardial Infarction: A Cautionary Tale16
Youth Observation of E-Cigarette Use in or Around School, 201916
Human Flourishing: A New Concept for Preventive Medicine16
Water Shutoff Moratoria Lowered COVID-19 Infection and Death Across U.S. States16
Allostatic Load Among U.S.- and Foreign-Born Whites, Blacks, and Latinx16
Long-Acting Reversible Contraception, Condom Use, and Sexually Transmitted Infections: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis16
Trends in Secondhand Smoke Exposure, 2011−2018: Impact and Implications of Expanding Serum Cotinine Range16
The Association Between E-Cigarette Use and Prediabetes: Results From the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016–201815
Sustained Impact of the Philadelphia Beverage Tax on Beverage Prices and Sales Over 2 Years15
Association of E-Cigarettes With Erectile Dysfunction: The Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study15
Understanding Patients’ Interest in Healthcare-Based Social Assistance Programs15
Routine HIV Testing and Outcomes: A Population-Based Cohort Study in Taiwan15
Health Insurance Disruptions and Care Access and Affordability in the U.S.15
Physical Activity and Hypertension From Young Adulthood to Middle Age15
Early- and Late-Stage Cancer Diagnosis Under 3 Years of Medicaid Expansion15
Impact of Social Isolation on Physical Functioning Among Older Adults: A 9-Year Longitudinal Study of a U.S.-Representative Sample15
Mortality Rates Among U.S. Women of Reproductive Age, 1999–201915
Changes in E-Cigarette Use Among U.S. Adults, 2019–202115
A Community Health Worker–Led Multicomponent Program to Promote Cervical Cancer Screening in South Asian Women: A Cluster RCT15
The Impact of Cannabis Decriminalization and Legalization on Road Safety Outcomes: A Systematic Review15
Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Role of Etiological, Evaluation, and Implementation Research15
A Theory of Change for Community-Based Systems Interventions to Prevent Obesity15
Health Behaviors and Health-Related Quality of Life Among U.S. Adults Aged 18–64 Years15
Development of a Citywide Rapid Antiretroviral Therapy Initiative in San Francisco15
Smoking Cessation Among U.S. Adult Smokers With and Without Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, 201815
Prevalence of Nonpartner Physical and Sexual Violence Against People With Disabilities15
Depression in the Postpartum Year and Life Course Economic Trajectories15
Healthy Eating and Physical Activity Interventions in Faith-Based Settings: A Systematic Review Using the Reach, Effectiveness/Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance Framework15
Consumer Reactions to Positive and Negative Front-of-Package Food Labels15
Substance Use Disorders Among Medicare Beneficiaries: Prevalence, Mental and Physical Comorbidities, and Treatment Barriers15
Trends in State-Level Pharmacy-Based Naloxone Dispensing Rates, 2012–201915
Racial/Ethnic and Socioeconomic Disparities in Adult Vaccination Coverage15
Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Screening in Latinos and Non-Hispanic Whites15
The Association Between the Mediterranean Lifestyle Index and All-Cause Mortality in the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra Cohort14
Increased Risk of Postoperative Mortality Associated With Prior COVID-19 Infection14
Lifetime Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence and Disability: Results From a Population-Based Study in New Zealand14
Trends in Opioid Prescribing by General Dentists and Dental Specialists in the U.S., 2012–201914
Patterns of Birth Cohort‒Specific Smoking Histories by Race and Ethnicity in the U.S.14
Systematic Review of Violence Prevention Economic Evaluations, 2000–201914
Inequities in On-Time Childhood Vaccination: Evidence From Sub-Saharan Africa14
Changes in E-Cigarette Perceptions Over Time: A National Youth Tobacco Survey Analysis14
Misuse of Prescription Pain Relievers, Stimulants, Tranquilizers, and Sedatives Among U.S. Older Adults Aged ≥50 Years14
Oral Nicotine Product Awareness and Use Among People Who Smoke and Vape in the U.S.14
Vaccine Delay and Its Association With Undervaccination in Children in Sub-Saharan Africa14
COVID-19 Risk and Resilience Among U.S. Transgender and Gender Diverse Populations14
Associations of Physical Inactivity and COVID-19 Outcomes Among Subgroups14
Neighborhood Environment and Metabolic Risk in Hispanics/Latinos From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos14
Appropriateness of Antibiotic Prophylaxis Before Dental Procedures, 2016–201814
Seasonal Variability in Weight Gain Among American Indian, Black, White, and Hispanic Children: A 3.5-Year Study14
Trends and Characteristics of Prenatal Cannabis Use in the U.S., 2002–201914
Return on Investment of Workplace Wellness Programs for Chronic Disease Prevention: A Systematic Review14
Vaping and E-Cigarettes Within the Evolving Tobacco Quitline Landscape14
Barriers to Patients’ Acceptance of Social Care Interventions in Clinic Settings14
Outpatient Prescribing of Antibiotics and Opioids by Veterans Health Administration Providers, 2015–201714
Effect of Medicaid Expansions on HIV Diagnoses and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Use14
Sports- and Physical Activity–Related Concussion and Risk for Youth Violence13
Determinants of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Uptake by Adult Women Attending Cervical Cancer Screening in 9 European Countries13
County Social Vulnerability and Influenza Vaccine Rates: National and Local Estimates for Medicare Recipients13
Permanent Supportive Housing With Housing First: Findings From a Community Guide Systematic Economic Review13
Adverse Childhood Experiences Among 3 Generations of Latinx Youth13
A Community Health Worker Approach for Ending the HIV Epidemic13
State-Level Social Vulnerability Index and Healthcare Access: The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey13
High Prevalence of Indications for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Among People Who Inject Drugs in Boston, Massachusetts13
Gestational Diabetes and Overweight/Obesity: Analysis of Nulliparous Women in the U.S., 2011–201913
The Impact of Menthol Cigarette Flavor in the U.S.: Cigarette and ENDS Transitions by Sociodemographic Group13
Recommendations for Accurately Reporting Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities on Death Certificates13
Socioeconomic Deprivation, Genetic Risk, and Incident Dementia13
Food Insecurity and Intimate Partner Violence Among HIV-Positive Individuals in Rural Kenya13
Disparities in Adult Fast-Food Consumption in the U.S. by Race and Ethnicity, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2017–201813
Dual Use of Nicotine and Cannabis Through Vaping Among Adolescents13
Economics of Interventions to Increase Active Travel to School: A Community Guide Systematic Review13
Effects of Cannabis Legalization on Adolescent Cannabis Use Across 3 Studies13
Use of Machine Learning to Determine the Information Value of a BMI Screening Program13
Food Insecurity Is Under-reported in Surveys That Ask About the Past Year13
HIV Testing Strategies for Health Departments to End the Epidemic in the U.S.13
Higher-Valency Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines: An Exploratory Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in U.S. Seniors13
Evaluation of the Asian Smokers’ Quitline: A Centralized Service for a Dispersed Population13
The Association of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Units and Reports of Child Abuse and Neglect13
Prepregnancy Counseling Among U.S. Women With Diabetes and Hypertension, 2016–201813
Simultaneous Alcohol/Cannabis Use and Driving Under the Influence in the U.S.12
Racial/Ethnic Variation in Veterans Health Administration COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake12
Receipt of Social Needs Assistance and Health Center Patient Experience of Care12
A Decade of Nutrition and Health Disparities Research at NIH, 2010–201912
Association of State Gestational Age Limit Abortion Laws With Infant Mortality12
Sociodemographic Differences in E-Cigarette Uptake and Perceptions of Harm12
Awareness of Diabetic Retinopathy: Insight From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey12
Suicide Distribution and Trends Among Male Older Adults in the U.S., 1999–201812
Neighborhood Green Land Cover and Neighborhood-Based Walking in U.S. Older Adults12
Factors Associated With Postpartum Diabetes Screening in Women With Gestational Diabetes and Medicaid During Pregnancy12
Dental Opioid Prescriptions and Overdose Risk in Patients and Their Families12
Suicide Risk Among Hospitalized Versus Discharged Deliberate Self-Harm Patients: Generalized Random Forest Analysis Using a Large Claims Data Set12
Marketing to Children Inside Quick Service Restaurants: Differences by Community Demographics12
Severe Maternal Morbidity and Maternal Mortality in Women With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities12
The Long-Term Effect of Food Insecurity During College on Future Food Insecurity12