Journal of Symbolic Computation

(The median citation count of Journal of Symbolic Computation is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
On a tropical version of the Jacobian conjecture28
Fast Evaluation of Generalized Todd Polynomials: Applications to MacMahon's Partition Analysis and Integer Programming24
Arithmetic of D-algebraic functions24
Computing strong regular characteristic pairs with Gröbner bases13
A post-quantum key exchange protocol from the intersection of conics12
Submodule approach to creative telescoping11
Computing Galois groups of Fano problems10
On surfaces of minimal degree in P10
Editorial Board10
Degree bounds for Gröbner bases of modules9
A fast algorithm for computing multiplicative relations between the roots of a generic polynomial8
Certification for polynomial systems via square subsystems8
Rationalizability of square roots8
Strict inclusions of high rank loci8
Analytic integrability of quasi-homogeneous systems via the Yoshida method8
On symbolic integration of algebraic functions8
Degrees of Kalman varieties of tensors7
Toric geometry of entropic regularization7
Editorial Board7
The anisotropic part of a quadratic form over a number field7
Simplifying regular expressions further7
Symbolic analysis of multiple steady states in a MAPK chemical reaction network6
A counterexample to a conjecture on simultaneous Waring identifiability6
Bit complexity for computing one point in each connected component of a smooth real algebraic set6
Invariants of SDP exactness in quadratic programming6
Multilinear polynomial systems: Root isolation and bit complexity6
Editorial Board6
Segre-driven radicality testing5
Tensor decompositions on simplicial complexes with invariance5
Solving polynomial systems over non-fields and applications to modular polynomial factoring5
Fast computation of the N-th term of a q-holonomic sequence and applications5
Staged tree models with toric structure5
Stabilized recovery and model reduction for multivariate exponential polynomials5
Editorial Board5
Tropical Newton-Puiseux polynomials II5
Universal equations for maximal isotropic Grassmannians5
Editorial Board5
Multivariate volume, Ehrhart, and h⁎-polynomials of polytropes5
Computing the binomial part of a polynomial ideal5
Cohomology with local coefficients and knotted manifolds4
An effective decomposition theorem for Schubert varieties4
Voronoi diagrams of algebraic varieties under polyhedral norms4
Necklaces count polynomial parametric osculants4
Lexicographic Gröbner bases of bivariate polynomials modulo a univariate one4
WhyMP, a formally verified arbitrary-precision integer library4
Efficient computation of Cantor's division polynomials of hyperelliptic curves over finite fields4
Entropy of tropical holonomic sequences4
A linear-algebraic method to compute polynomial PDE conservation laws4
Galois groups over rational function fields and Explicit Hilbert Irreducibility4
Existence and convergence of Puiseux series solutions for autonomous first order differential equations4
On cyclic codes over Zq4
Proof of a supercongruence via the Wilf–Zeilberger method3
On the connectedness of multistationarity regions of small reaction networks3
Efficient rational creative telescoping3
Choosing better variable orderings for cylindrical algebraic decomposition via exploiting chordal structure3
Saturations of subalgebras, SAGBI bases, and U-invariants3
A nearly optimal algorithm to decompose binary forms3
An extension of holonomic sequences: C2-finite sequences3
An in-place truncated Fourier transform3
Solving degree, last fall degree, and related invariants3
Polynomial reduction and supercongruences3
Condition numbers for the cube. I: Univariate polynomials and hypersurfaces3
Computing rational powers of monomial ideals3
Multivariate interpolation: Preserving and exploiting symmetry3
A fast algorithm for computing the Smith normal form with multipliers for a nonsingular integer matrix3
Solving parametric systems of polynomial equations over the reals through Hermite matrices3
The factorial-basis method for finding definite-sum solutions of linear recurrences with polynomial coefficients3
Positive definiteness of infinite and finite dimensional generalized Hilbert tensors and generalized Cauchy tensor3
On rational and hypergeometric solutions of linear ordinary difference equations in ΠΣ⁎-field extensions3
Polynomial modular product verification and its implications3
Squarefree normal representation of zeros of zero-dimensional polynomial systems3
Sextactic points on the Fermat cubic curve and arrangements of conics3
A new general formula for the Cauchy index on an interval with subresultants3
Computing critical points for invariant algebraic systems3
Gram spectrahedra of ternary quartics2
On the classification of foliations of degree three with one singularity2
Computation of orders and cycle lengths of automorphisms of finite solvable groups2
Polynomial-division-based algorithms for computing linear recurrence relations2
Homogeneous spaces of real simple Lie groups with proper actions of non virtually abelian discrete subgroups: A computational approach2
Counting solutions of a polynomial system locally and exactly2
WITHDRAWN: A post-quantum key exchange protocol from the intersection of conics2
An algorithmic approach to small limit cycles of nonlinear differential systems: The averaging method revisited2
An unwinding number pair for continuous expressions of integrals2
Variadic equational matching in associative and commutative theories2
Permutations avoiding sets of patterns with long monotone subsequences2
Levelwise construction of a single cylindrical algebraic cell2
Free resolutions and Lefschetz properties of some Artin Gorenstein rings of codimension four2
Formations of finite groups in polynomial time: F-residuals and 2
Number of moduli for a union of smooth curves in (2
Construction of free commutative Reynolds algebras by Gröbner-Shirshov bases2
Computing a group action from the class field theory of imaginary hyperelliptic function fields2
Guessing Gröbner bases of structured ideals of relations of sequences2
Powers of monomial ideals and the Ratliff–Rush operation2
Efficient q-integer linear decomposition of multivariate polynomials2
Drinfeld modules with complex multiplication, Hasse invariants and factoring polynomials over finite fields2
Computations of Gromov–Witten invariants of toric varieties2
A condition for multiplicity structure of univariate polynomials2
Computing valuations of the Dieudonné determinants2
On the computation of Gröbner bases for matrix-weighted homogeneous systems2
Editorial Board2
First-order factors of linear Mahler operators2
Computing pullback function of second order differential operators by using their semi-invariants2
Lower bounds on the rank and symmetric rank of real tensors2
Bounds for degrees of syzygies of polynomials defining a grade two ideal2
Towards cluster duality for Lagrangian and orthogonal Grassmannians2
Wasserstein distance to independence models2
The dimension of the moduli spaces of curves defined by topologically non quasi-homogeneous functions2
Computation of positively graded filiform nilpotent Lie algebras in low dimensions2
Editorial Board2
Combinatorial algorithm for the computation of cyclically standard regular bracket monomials2
WITHDRAWN: Levelwise construction of a single cylindrical algebraic cell2
Machine learning invariants of arithmetic curves2
A note on the relation between recognisable series and regular sequences, and their minimal linear representations2
Effective spectral systems relating Serre and Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequences2
Autocovariance varieties of moving average random fields2
Computing with Tarski formulas and semi-algebraic sets in a web browser2
Toward finiteness of central configurations for the planar six-body problem by symbolic computations. (I) Determine diagrams and orders2
Representation of non-special curves of genus 5 as plane sextic curves and its application to finding curves with many rational points2
Loci of 3-periodics in an Elliptic Billiard: Why so many ellipses?2
On parametric semidefinite programming with unknown boundaries1
Syzygies, constant rank, and beyond1
On eigenvalues of symmetric matrices with PSD principal submatrices1
Definite determinantal representations via orthostochastic matrices1
Editorial Board1
On the primary decomposition of some determinantal hyperedge ideal1
Computing the real Weyl group1
Semialgebraic sets and real binary forms decompositions1
A certified iterative method for isolated singular roots1
Quartic monoid surfaces with maximum number of lines1
Editorial Board1
Sparse polynomial interpolation based on derivatives1
Conjugacy classes and centralisers in wreath products1
Sagbi combinatorics of maximal minors and a Sagbi algorithm1
Approximate square-free part and decomposition1
Fast computation of the centralizer of a permutation group in the symmetric group1
Foreword: Special issue of JSC on the occasion of MEGA 20191
A generic and executable formalization of signature-based Gröbner basis algorithms1
Proofs of five conjectures on matching coefficients of Baruah, Das and Schlosser by an algorithmic approach1
Editorial Board1
Machine learning parameter systems, Noether normalisations and quasi-stable positions1
Deformations of half-canonical Gorenstein curves in codimension four1
Quasi-independence models with rational maximum likelihood estimator1
Computing integral bases via localization and Hensel lifting1
Neurons on amoebae1
Heuristics to sift extraneous factors in Dixon resultants1
SONC optimization and exact nonnegativity certificates via second-order cone programming1
Algebraic equations for constant width curves and Zindler curves1
Editorial Board1
A unified FFT-based approach to maximum assignment problems related to transitive finite group actions1
Noetherian operators and primary decomposition1
On the generating functions of pattern-avoiding Motzkin paths1
Memories on Vladimir Gerdt1
Isolating all the real roots of a mixed trigonometric-polynomial1
Certified numerical real root isolation for bivariate nonlinear systems1
Two-step Newton's method for deflation-one singular zeros of analytic systems1
Solving determinantal systems using homotopy techniques1
Voronoi cells of varieties1
On the termination of the general XL algorithm and ordinary multinomials1
Computing primitive idempotents in finite commutative rings and applications1
Duality of sum of nonnegative circuit polynomials and optimal SONC bounds1
Lexicographic and reverse lexicographic quadratic Gröbner bases of cut ideals1
MacWilliams' Extension Theorem for rank-metric codes1
Reduction-based creative telescoping for definite summation of D-finite functions1
Reducing radicals in the spirit of Euclid1
Some fast algorithms multiplying a matrix by its adjoint1
Polynomial solutions of algebraic difference equations and homogeneous symmetric polynomials1
Computing quotients by connected solvable groups1
Reflection groups and cones of sums of squares1
Shifted varieties and discrete neighborhoods around varieties1
An improved complexity bound for computing the topology of a real algebraic space curve1
Axioms for a theory of signature bases1
On the dynamics of semilattice networks1
Machine-learning the Sato–Tate conjecture1
Moh's example of algebroid space curves1
Special issue on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: ISSAC 20211
Critical configurations for two projective views, a new approach1
A constructive method for decomposing real representations1
Computing tropical bitangents to smooth quartic curves in polymake1
A fast parallel sparse polynomial GCD algorithm1
On initials and the fundamental theorem of tropical partial differential algebraic geometry1
Editorial Board1
Computing invariants for multipersistence via spectral systems and effective homology1
Unirational differential curves and differential rational parametrizations1
Computing the multilinear factors of lacunary polynomials without heights1
Standard generators of finite fields and their cyclic subgroups1
Smooth points on semi-algebraic sets1
Effective coefficient asymptotics of multivariate rational functions via semi-numerical algorithms for polynomial systems1
Editorial Board1
Effective approximation of the solutions of algebraic equations1
Exact p-adic computation in Magma1
Computing free non-commutative Gröbner bases over Z with Singular:Lett1
The conjugacy problem and canonical representatives in finitely generated nilpotent groups1