Computers in Human Behavior

(The TQCC of Computers in Human Behavior is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Repeat victimization by website defacement: An empirical test of premises from an environmental criminology perspective376
Evaluating the barriers affecting cybersecurity behavior in the Metaverse using PLS-SEM and fuzzy sets (fsQCA)375
Psychological factors leading to sextortion: The role of personality, emotional factors and sexual needs in victimisation373
Exploring user-avatar bond profiles: Longitudinal impacts on internet gaming disorder353
Gaming disorder: Unraveling the role of problematic affective, cognitive, and executive functioning - A systematic review and meta-analytic structural equation modeling316
From wearable to insideable: Is ethical judgment key to the acceptance of human capacity-enhancing intelligent technologies?311
Profiles of vocational college students’ achievement emotions in online learning environments: Antecedents and outcomes240
Finding love in online games: Social interaction, parasocial phenomenon, and in-game purchase intention of female game players216
“A smartphone made my life easier”: An exploratory study on age of adolescent smartphone acquisition and well-being214
No Pain, no Gain? Investigating motivational mechanisms of game elements in cognitive tasks206
Artificial intelligence and human behavioral development: A perspective on new skills and competences acquisition for the educational context194
Let voice assistants sound like a machine: Voice and task type effects on perceived fluency, competence, and consumer attitude194
Reforming higher education with ePortfolio implementation, enhanced by learning analytics173
The interrelations of cryptocurrency and gambling: Results from a representative survey167
Digital support for student engagement in blended learning based on self-determination theory166
Cellphone addiction during the Covid-19 outbreak: How online social anxiety and cyber danger belief mediate the influence of personality162
Swift trust development and prosocial behavior in time banking: A trust transfer and social support theory perspective160
Who benefits from directed communication? Communication directionality, network structures, and perceived social capital in an online game157
Dangerous dating in the digital age: Jealousy, hostility, narcissism, and psychopathy as predictors of Cyber Dating Abuse150
Social media use is predictable from app sequences: Using LSTM and transformer neural networks to model habitual behavior148
Engaging voluntary contributions in online review platforms: The effects of a hierarchical badges system147
A comparison of social media behaviors between sexual minorities and heterosexual individuals146
I feel you: Mixed-methods study of social support of loneliness on twitter142
Working, scrolling, and worrying: Doomscrolling at work and its implications for work engagement141
How does stress experienced on instagram differ from threads? Comparing social media fatigue based on platform types137
Nonverbal behaviors perceived as most empathic in a simulated medical context136
Multi-criteria decision-making methods for the evaluation of the social internet of things for the potential of defining human behaviors135
Are you sure, you want a cookie? – The effects of choice architecture on users' decisions about sharing private online data134
Problematic internet use by university students and associated predictive factors: A systematic review127
Associations between online dating platform use and mental and sexual health among a mixed sexuality college student sample123
The lonely struggle with autonomy: A case study of first-year university students’ experiences during emergency online teaching120
Extended hours of video game play and negative physical symptoms and pain119
A lightweight security model for ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in telehealth applications117
The Emoji Spatial Stroop Task: Exploring the impact of vertical positioning of emoji on emotional processing116
Child online safety education: A program evaluation combining a randomized controlled trial and list experiments in Vietnam114
Showing with whom I belong: The desire to belong publicly on social media114
Experiencing the body as play: Cultivating older adults’ exergame experiences using embodied metaphors and multimodal feedback111
Disentangling the Net of Needs Satisfaction and Gaming Disorder Symptoms in Adult Gamers109
Migration, war trauma, mental health, and technology107
Chinese adolescents’ problematic cellphone use: Exploring the implications of configuration profiles of cellphone-specific parenting behaviors106
The interplay of micro-transaction type and amount of playing in video game evaluations104
The effects of colour attributes on cognitive performance and intellectual abilities in immersive virtual environments104
The impact of social features in an online community on member contribution103
Role of perceived self-efficacy in automated project allocation: Measuring university students’ perceptions of justice in interdisciplinary project-based learning103
Drivers of online social media addiction in the context of public unrest: A sense of virtual community perspective101
The effects of the nomophobic behaviors of emergency room nurses on their clinical decision-making perceptions: A cross-sectional study100
Utilizing artificial intelligence to support analyzing self-regulated learning: A preliminary mixed-methods evaluation from a human-centered perspective99
Measuring perspective taking with the “Virtual Class” videogame: A child development study96
The effect of affordance on deliberation when retweeting: From the perspective of expression effect94
Personality and susceptibility to political microtargeting: A comparison between a machine-learning and self-report approach93
The independent impacts of perceived immediate and future benefits of internet gaming on internet gaming disorder among adolescent internet gamers in China: Mediation via internet gaming time92
Keep on scrolling? Using intensive longitudinal smartphone sensing data to assess how everyday smartphone usage behaviors are related to well-being92
Diffusion of COVID-19 misinformation: Mechanisms for threat- and efficacy-related misinformation diffusion92
Early prediction of Autism Spectrum Disorders through interaction analysis in home videos and explainable artificial intelligence91
Institutional behavior mechanism: Exploring the impacts of macro-environmental stimuli on continued digital payment adoption behavior91
Editorial Board91
Editorial Board90
Illusion of diffusion: A percolation perspective on social structure and segregation in Twitter networks89
Instruction vs. emergence on r/place: Understanding the growth and control of evolving artifacts in mass collaboration88
Attachment insecurities and body image self-consciousness among women: The mediating role of pornography use87
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The role of social media activism in offline conservation attitudes and behaviors83
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Harm severity in internet gaming disorder and problem gambling: A comparative study81
“It’s us against them up there”: Spreading online disinformation as populist collective action81
Cognitive plasticity induced by gaze-control technology: Gaze-typing improves performance in the antisaccade task80
Investigating 4D movie audiences’ emotional responses to motion effects and empathy80
Lost in transition – Learning analytics on the transfer from knowledge acquisition to knowledge application in complex problem solving79
The automated model of comprehension version 4.0 – Validation studies and integration of ChatGPT78
Editorial Board77
Is learning analytics applicable and applied to education of students with intellectual/developmental disabilities? A systematic literature review77
Longitudinal relations between gaming, physical activity, and athletic self-esteem76
Sharing emotion while spectating video game play: Exploring Twitch users' emotional change after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic76
Starting the Discussion76
Digital and physical factors influencing an individual's preventive behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic in Taiwan: A perspective based on the S–O–R model75
Unfriending effects: Testing contrasting indirect-effects relationships between exposure to hate speech on political talk via social media unfriending75
Editorial Board73
Screen-play: An observational study of the effect of screen media on Children's play in a museum setting73
Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer and outcome-devaluation effects in individuals with gaming experience71
Beneficial outcomes of (appropriate) nonverbal displays of negative affect in virtual teams70
Elder orphans on Facebook: Implications for mattering and social isolation70
Editorial Board69
Gender disparities in esports – An explanatory mixed-methods approach67
Who endorses conspiracy theories? A moderated mediation model of Chinese and international social media use, media skepticism, need for cognition, and COVID-19 conspiracy theory endorsement in China67
Adults still can't resist: A social robot can induce normative conformity67
Digital gaming and metacognition in middle childhood66
Robomorphism: Examining the effects of telepresence robots on between-student cooperation66
Diminishing returns of information quality: Untangling the determinants of best answer selection66
Emotions in the time of coronavirus: Antecedents of digital and social media use among Millennials66
Social media behaviors and symptoms of anxiety and depression. A four-wave cohort study from age 10–16 years.64
The cyber-industrialization of catfishing and romance fraud64
Understanding the what and when of peer feedback benefits for performance and transfer64
Exposure to social suffering in virtual reality boosts compassion and facial synchrony63
Unintended effects of open data policy in online behavioral research: An experimental investigation of participants’ privacy concerns and research validity63
I cue you liking me: Causal and spillover effects of technological engagement bait63
The interplay between executive function deficits, psychopathological traits and dysfunctional gaming habits in the context of Game Transfer Phenomena62
Self-presentation in medicine: How language patterns reflect physician impression management goals and affect perceptions62
Right agent, wrong level of hedonism: How high (vs low) hedonic values in AI-performed tasks lead to decreased perceptions of humanlikeness, warmth, and less consumer support62
How live Twitter commentaries by professional sports clubs can reveal intergroup dynamics61
Modeling the interaction between resilience and ability in assessments with allowances for multiple attempts61
How do depression, duration of internet use and social connection in adolescence influence each other over time? An extension of the RI-CLPM including contextual factors61
Smartphone addiction and internalized and externalized aggression among adolescents: Evidence from longitudinal study and weekly diary study61
Exploring the landscape of learning analytics privacy in fog and edge computing: A systematic literature review61
Exploring the (lack of) facilitative effect of emoji for word processing60
Age and gender in language, emoji, and emoticon usage in instant messages60
Is review visibility fostering helpful votes? The role of review rank and review characteristics in the adoption of information60
Is Alexa female, male, or neutral? A cross-national and cross-gender comparison of perceptions of Alexa's gender and status as a communicator59
Do you have your smartphone with you? Behavioral barriers for measuring everyday activities with smartphone sensors59
The processing of emoji-word substitutions: A self-paced-reading study59
Self and other ratings of problematic smartphone use: The role of personality and relationship type58
Using learning analytics to understand student perceptions of peer feedback58
Nowhere else to go: Help seeking online and maladaptive decisional styles58
Image-based sexual abuse: Victim-perpetrator overlap and risk-related correlates of coerced sexting, non-consensual dissemination of intimate images, and cyberflashing58
Unique and interactive effects of guilt and sympathy on bystander aggressive defender intervention in cyberbullying: The mediation of self-regulation57
Different mechanisms mediating cybervictimization and internalizing/externalizing problems: The moderating role of emotion regulation strategies57
Usage patterns of short videos and social media among adolescents and psychological health: A latent profile analysis56
Sound of silence: Does Muting Notifications Reduce Phone Use?55
Strategies to combat misinformation: Enduring effects of a 15-minute online intervention on critical-thinking adolescents55
Being at the cutting edge of online shopping: Role of recommendations and discounts on privacy perceptions55
The affective and relational correlates of algorithmic beliefs among U.S. online daters: Extension of two previous studies54
The impact of problematic Facebook use and Facebook context on empathy for pain processing: An event-related potential study54
Informative and peripheral metaverse: Which leads to experience? An investigation from the viewpoint of self-concept54
Does algorithmic control facilitate platform workers’ deviant behavior toward customers? The ego depletion perspective53
Developing a formative scale to measure consumers’ trust toward interaction with artificially intelligent (AI) social robots in service delivery53
Authentic presentation or false exaggeration? Exploring the effects of social- and personal-based comparisons from cognitive emotion theory53
When the brain comes into play: Neurofunctional correlates of emotions and reward in game-based learning53
Adoption of shopper-facing technologies under social distancing: A conceptualisation and an interplay between task-technology fit and technology trust52
How pre-service teachers perceive their 21st-century skills and dispositions: A longitudinal perspective52
Appearance-related teasing, rejection sensitivity, acceptance, and coping as risks and resources associated with online appearance preoccupation over one year51
The effect of different types of TikTok dance challenge videos on young women's body satisfaction51
Self-reported technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) of pre-service teachers in relation to digital technology use in lesson plans51
Similarity between perceived selves on social media and offline and its relationship with psychological well-being in early and late adulthood50
Distorting the truth versus blatant lies: The effects of different degrees of deception in domestic and foreign political deepfakes50
Twitter intermittent and permanent discontinuance: A multi-method approach to study innovation diffusion50
Extracting depressive symptoms and their associations from an online depression community50
Prevention approaches to problem gaming: A large-scale qualitative investigation50
The roles of stress, non-digital hobbies, and gaming time in adolescent problematic game use: A focus on sex differences49
Predicting reposting latency of news content in social media: A focus on issue attention, temporal usage pattern, and information redundancy49
Ascribing emotions to robots: Explicit and implicit attribution of emotions and perceived robot anthropomorphism49
Keeping customers' data secure: A cross-cultural study of cybersecurity compliance among the Gen-Mobile workforce49
Pornography diversity: A latent class analysis of pornography users in committed relationships49
No to cookies: Empowering impact of technical and legal knowledge on rejecting tracking cookies48
Associations between parental media mediation and youth attitudes about online privacy in a sample of US adolescents48
A network analysis approach to the relationship between fear of missing out (FoMO), smartphone addiction, and social networking site use among a sample of Chinese university students48
Might insecurity and use of ICT enhance internet addiction and exhaust people? A study in two European countries during emergency remote working48
Adapt and overcome: Perceptions of adaptive autonomous agents for human-AI teaming48
Positive mental health mediates the association between insomnia symptoms and addictive social media use in Germany and Poland48
Celebrity status, sex, and variation in psychopathy predicts judgements of and proclivity to generate and distribute deepfake pornography48
More than meets the eye: In-store retail experiences with augmented reality smart glasses48
Human, I wrote a song for you: An experiment testing the influence of machines’ attributes on the AI-composed music evaluation48
Investigating the negative bias towards artificial intelligence: Effects of prior assignment of AI-authorship on the aesthetic appreciation of abstract paintings48
Performing social engineering: A qualitative study of information security deceptions47
Effects of real-time analytics-based personalized scaffolds on students’ self-regulated learning47
Problematic online behaviors constitute related yet distinct conditions: A cross-sectional study47
Defending humankind: Anthropocentric bias in the appreciation of AI art47
How spatial information structuring in an interactive technological environment affects decision performance under working memory load47
Assessing differences in grooming stages and strategies in decoy, victim, and law enforcement conversations47
COVID-19 concerns in cyberspace predict human reduced dispersal in the real world: Meta-regression analysis of time series relationships across American states and 115 countries/territories47
How gaming motives affect the reciprocal relationships between video game use and quality of life: A prospective study using objective playtime indicators47
Determinants of physicians’ intention to use AI-assisted diagnosis: An integrated readiness perspective47
Understanding youth participation in social media challenges: A scoping review of definitions, typologies, and theoretical perspectives46
Users’ reactions to website designs: A neuroimaging study based on evolutionary psychology with a focus on color and button shape46
The trajectories of online mental health information seeking: Modeling search behavior before and after completion of self-report screens46
The effect of artificial intelligence tools on EFL learners' engagement, enjoyment, and motivation45
From news disengagement to fake news engagement: Examining the role of news-finds-me perceptions in vulnerability to fake news through third-person perception45
The negative consequences of networking through social network services: A social comparison perspective45
Self-regulation deficiencies and perceived problematic online pornography use among young Chinese women: The role of self-acceptance45
Transition-aware human activity recognition using an ensemble deep learning framework45
Young People's digital maturity relates to different forms of well-being through basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration45
Relation between executive functions and screen time exposure in under 6 year-olds: A meta-analysis44
A dual-process perspective to explore decision making in internet gaming disorder: An ERP study of comparison with recreational game users44
Exploring the effects of social capital on crowdfunding performance: A holistic analysis from the empirical and predictive views44
Decision control and explanations in human-AI collaboration: Improving user perceptions and compliance44
Augmented reality (AR): The blurring of reality in human-computer interaction43
Facial behaviour and first impressions in computer mediated communication43
Depression and social anxiety in relation to problematic TikTok use severity: The mediating role of boredom proneness and distress intolerance43
Clustering children's learning behaviour to identify self-regulated learning support needs43
The decision-making by citizens: Evaluating the effects of rule-driven and learning-driven automated responders on citizen-initiated contact42
Utilizing ubiquitous learning to foster sustainable development in rural areas: Insights from 6G technology42
“I feel AI is neither too good nor too bad”: Unveiling Chinese EFL teachers’ perceived emotions in generative AI-Mediated L2 classes42
Influence of appearance and motion interaction on emotional state attribution to objects: The example of hugging shimeji mushrooms42
Relationships among problematic smartphone use, mathematics anxiety, learning interest, and achievement: A multiple mediation model41
How smartphone use becomes problematic: Application of the ALT-SR model to study the predicting role of personality traits41
Does beautification technology use affect appearance anxiety? An exploration of latent mechanisms41
Twitter content strategies to maximize engagement: The case of Thai Banks41
Long-term kinesthetic motor imagery practice with a BCI: Impacts on user experience, motor cortex oscillations and BCI performances41
A genetically informed study of digital screen time, video game play, and impulsivity in established adulthood41
Are we ready for hotel robots after the pandemic? A profile analysis41
Understanding adoption intention of virtual medical consultation systems: Perceptions of ChatGPT and satisfaction with doctors41
Revealing complexities when adult readers engage in the credibility evaluation of social media posts40
Biased by being there: The persuasive impact of spatial presence on cognitive processing40
Problematic smartphone use and the quantity and quality of peer engagement among adolescents: A longitudinal study40
“Put the phone away!”: Does text message content influence perceptions of group member texting?40
A comparison of the impact of exposure to fit ideal and non-fit ideal body shapes in fitspiration imagery on women40
When virtual spaces meet the limitations of traditional sport: Gender stereotyping in NBA2K40
Using smartphone app use and lagged-ensemble machine learning for the prediction of work fatigue and boredom40
Does game-irrelevant chatting stimulate high-value gifting in live streaming? A session-level perspective40
Adolescents’ online appearance preoccupation: A 5-year longitudinal study of the influence of peers, parents, beliefs, and disordered eating40
Does adolescents’ Internet addiction trigger depressive symptoms and aggressive behavior, or vice versa? The moderating roles of peer relationships and gender39
How do gratifications to read reviews and perceived reviewers’ credibility impact behavioural intentions in fashion e-commerce? A mediating-moderating perspective39
Like to drink: Dynamics of liking alcohol posts and effects on alcohol use39
Smart city as a smart service system: Human-computer interaction and smart city surveillance systems39
Online correlates of cyberhate involvement among young people from ten European countries: An application of the Routine Activity and Problem Behaviour Theory39
Examining the effect of regulatory factors on avoiding online blackmail threats on social media: A structural equation modeling approach38
Identifying patterns of epistemic emotions with respect to interactions in massive online open courses using deep learning and social network analysis38
Assessment of attitudes toward Internet pornography in emerging adults using the Internet Pornography Questionnaire38
Perceived city smartness level and technical information transparency: The acceptance intention of health information technology during a lockdown38
Shifting from face-to-face to online teaching during COVID-19: The role of university faculty achievement goals for attitudes towards this sudden change, and their relevance for burnout/engagement and38
Influence by osmosis: Social media green communities and pro-environmental behavior38
Long-term effect of cybervictimization on displaced aggressive behavior across two years: Mutually predicting mediators of hostile emotion and moral disengagement37
Network effects on physical activity through interpersonal vs. masspersonal communication with the core and acquaintance networks37
Exploring smart wearables through the lens of reactance theory: Linking values, social influence, and status quo37
Determinants of escapism in adult video gamers with autism spectrum conditions: The role of affect, autistic burnout, and gaming motivation37
Exaggeration of emotional responses in online communication37
Social media distractions alter behavioral and neural patterns to global-local attention: The moderation effect of fear of missing out36
Technology-related teaching skills and attitudes: Validation of a scenario-based self-assessment instrument for teachers36
Parental guardianship and online sexual grooming of teenagers: A honeypot experiment36
The dynamics of social support and affective well-being before and during COVID: An experience sampling study36
An examination of remote e-working and flow experience: The role of technostress and loneliness36
Privacy concerns in consumer E-commerce activities and response to social media advertising: Empirical evidence from Europe36
Effects of social skills on lexical alignment in human-human interaction and human-computer interaction36
Show me that you are advertising: Visual salience of products attenuates detrimental effects of persuasion knowledge activation in influencer advertising35
Detecting deception through facial expressions in a dataset of videotaped interviews: A comparison between human judges and machine learning models35
From fear of missing out (FoMO) to addictive social media use: The role of social media flow and mindfulness35
Anthropomorphic response: Understanding interactions between humans and artificial intelligence agents35
“PM me” or “LOL”: Young peoples’ observations of supportive and unsympathetic responses to distress on social media34
The avatar will see you now: Support from a virtual human provides socio-emotional benefits34
Sourcing against misinformation: Effects of a scalable lateral reading training based on cognitive apprenticeship34
The recognition of emotions beyond facial expressions: Comparing emoticons specifically designed to convey basic emotions with other modes of expression34
Misleading political advertising fuels incivility online: A social network analysis of 2020 U.S. presidential election campaign video comments on YouTube34
Use of offensive language in human-artificial intelligence chatbot interaction: The effects of ethical ideology, social competence, and perceived humanlikeness34
From social media diet to public riot? Engagement with “greenfluencers” and young social media users' environmental activism34
Core social network size is associated with physical activity participation for fitness app users: The role of social comparison and social support34
Stealth assessment of creativity in a physics video game34
User interactions with chatbot interfaces vs. Menu-based interfaces: An empirical study34
Fuzzy constructs in technology usage scales34
Brand value Co-creation in social commerce: The role of interactivity, social support, and relationship quality34
Human confidence in artificial intelligence and in themselves: The evolution and impact of confidence on adoption of AI advice33
The Silent Generation vs Baby Boomers: Socio-demographic and psychological predictors of the “gray” digital inequalities33
Social media narratives can influence vaccine intentions: The impact of depicting regret and character death33
Smartphone addiction is increasing across the world: A meta-analysis of 24 countries33
Meaning in life as a mediator between interpersonal alienation and smartphone addiction in the context of Covid-19: A three-wave longitudinal study33
Parental mediation in pandemic: Predictors and relationship with children's digital skills and time spent online in Ireland33
AI-mediated apology in a multilingual work context: Implications for perceived authenticity and willingness to forgive33
Emergency remote teaching and students’ academic performance in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study32
Making conversations with chatbots more personalized32
Social contagion of cyberbullying via online perpetrator and victim networks32
Problematic gaming, social withdrawal, and Escapism: The Compensatory-Dissociative Online Gaming (C-DOG) model32
Private smartphone use during worktime: A diary study on the unexplored costs of integrating the work and family domains32
Mobile devices compared to non-digital toy play: The impact of activity type on the quality and quantity of parent language32