Econometric Reviews

(The median citation count of Econometric Reviews is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
List of referees23
The MLE of Aigner, Amemiya, and Poirier is not the expectile MLE17
Large dimensional portfolio allocation based on a mixed frequency dynamic factor model16
Inference and extrapolation in finite populations with special attention to clustering14
Quantile regression with interval data14
Improved tests for stock return predictability12
Best Paper Award9
Bayesian estimation of dynamic panel data gravity model8
The variances of non-parametric estimates of the cross-sectional distribution of durations8
A state-space approach to time-varying reduced-rank regression7
Smoothed gradient least squares estimator for linear threshold models6
MCMC conditional maximum likelihood for the two-way fixed-effects logit5
Estimation of average treatment effects for massively unbalanced binary outcomes5
Estimation of counterfactual distributions with a continuous endogenous treatment4
Inferring inequality: Testing for median-preserving spreads in ordinal data4
Time-varying cointegration and the Kalman filter4
A hybrid nonparametric multivariate density estimator with applications to risk management4
Extremal quantiles and stock price crashes4
Right tail information and asset pricing3
Panel data measures of price discovery3
Partially linear functional-coefficient dynamic panel data models: sieve estimation and specification testing3
Estimating flow data models of international trade: dual gravity and spatial interactions3
Second order expansions of estimators in nonparametric moment conditions models with weakly dependent data3
Panel cointegrating polynomial regressions: group-mean fully modified OLS estimation and inference3
Estimation of average treatment effect based on a semiparametric propensity score3
Model selection and model averaging for matrix exponential spatial models3
Inference for the VEC(1) model with a heavy-tailed linear process errors*2
A one-covariate-at-a-time multiple testing approach to variable selection in additive models2
Linear fixed-effects estimation with nonrepeated outcomes2
Best Paper Award: Econometric Reviews, 20242
On the estimation of quantile treatment effects using a semiparametric propensity score2
Exact and asymptotic identification-robust inference for dynamic structural equations with an application to New Keynesian Phillips Curves2
Optimal model averaging for divergent-dimensional Poisson regressions2
Forward detrending for heteroskedasticity-robust panel unit root testing2
Optimal minimax rates of specification testing with data-driven bandwidth1
List of reviewers for Econometric Reviews , volume 431
A panel data model of length of stay in hospitals for hip replacements1
A robust test for serial correlation in panel data models1
Estimation of random functions proxying for unobservables1
Forecasting Levels in Loglinear Unit Root Models1
Testing independence between exogenous variables and unobserved errors1
Sequential and efficient GMM estimation of dynamic short panel data models1
Efficient semiparametric copula estimation of regression models with endogeneity1
Finite-sample results for lasso and stepwise Neyman-orthogonal Poisson estimators1
Two-step series estimation and specification testing of (partially) linear models with generated regressors1
Event count estimation1
Semiparametric transition models1
Semiparametric spatial autoregressive models with nonlinear endogeneity1
Common and idiosyncratic conditional volatility: Theory and empirical evidence from electricity prices1
The lower regression function and testing expectation dependence dominance hypotheses1
“Fellows and Scholars of Econometric Reviews”1
The heterogeneous impact of parental leave take up on the wage distribution: Evidence from Luxembourg1
Global estimation of finite mixture and misclassification models with an application to multiple equilibria1
Doubly robust estimation of multivariate fractional outcome means with multivalued treatments1
Nonparametric identification and estimation of heterogeneous causal effects under conditional independence1
Back Matter1
Forecasting crude oil price intervals and return volatility via autoregressive conditional interval models1
A method to evaluate the rank condition for CCE estimators1
Best Paper Award Econometric Reviews, 2019–20201
Adaptive information-based methods for determining the co-integration rank in heteroskedastic VAR models1
GLS estimation and confidence sets for the date of a single break in models with trends1
Econometric Reviews Honors Cheng Hsiao1
Regularized maximum likelihood estimation for the random coefficients model1
Model averaging for generalized linear models in diverging model spaces with effective model size1
Testing for time-varying factor loadings in high-dimensional factor models0
Assessing volatility persistence in fractional Heston models with self-exciting jumps0
Smooth structural changes and common factors in nonstationary panel data: an analysis of healthcare expenditures0
Panel data nowcasting0
Using machine learning for efficient flexible regression adjustment in economic experiments0
An application of copulas to OPEC’s changing influence on fossil fuel prices0
Moment conditions for the quadratic regression model with measurement error0
Estimation of high-dimensional dynamic conditional precision matrices with an application to forecast combination0
Frequency domain local bootstrap in short and long memory time series0
Determining the number of factors in constrained factor models via Bayesian information criterion0
Confidence intervals for intentionally biased estimators0
Generalized spatial matrix specifications0
Time-dependent shrinkage of time-varying parameter regression models0
An approximated exponentially tilted empirical likelihood estimator of moment condition models0
A robust score-driven filter for multivariate time series0
Locally time-varying parameter regression0
Nonparametric estimation of additive models with errors-in-variables0
Quantile random-coefficient regression with interactive fixed effects: Heterogeneous group-level policy evaluation0
Estimation of high-dimensional seemingly unrelated regression models0
Nonparametric multidimensional fixed effects panel data models0
Smoothed maximum score estimation with nonparametrically generated covariates0
A control function approach to estimate panel data binary response model0
Optimal smoothing parameter selection in single-index model derivative estimation0
Selecting the number of factors in approximate factor models using group variable regularization0
Comprehensively testing linearity hypothesis using the smooth transition autoregressive model0
A James-Stein-type adjustment to bias correction in fixed effects panel models0
Inference in the presence of unknown rates0
Bounds on direct and indirect effects under treatment/mediator endogeneity and outcome attrition0
A RMT-based LM test for error cross-sectional independence in large heterogeneous panel data models*0
Fellows and scholars of Econometric Reviews , 20240
Market integration, systemic risk and diagnostic tests in large mixed panels0
Yet another look at the omitted variable bias0
Uniform inference in linear error-in-variables models: Divide-and-conquer0
Asymptotic inference for a sign-double autoregressive (SDAR) model of order one0
Binary outcomes, OLS, 2SLS and IV probit0
Unified M-estimation of matrix exponential spatial dynamic panel specification0
Directional predictability tests0
Boosting the HP filter for trending time series with long-range dependence0
Random autoregressive models: A structured overview0
Testing for nonlinear cointegration under heteroskedasticity0
Estimation of a partially linear seemingly unrelated regressions model: application to a translog cost system0
Lassoed boosting and linear prediction in the equities market0
Hamiltonian sequential Monte Carlo with application to consumer choice behavior0
Reconciling negative return skewness with positive time-varying risk premia0
Panel threshold model with covariate-dependent thresholds and unobserved individual-specific threshold effects0
Indian Buffet process factor model for counterfactual analysis0
Estimating production functions using costs when outputs are restricted0
Moment estimation for censored quantile regression0
Monitoring the direction of the short-term trend of economic indicators0
Semiparametric inferences for panel data models with fixed effects via nearest neighbor difference transformation0
Non linear correlated random effects models with endogeneity and unbalanced panels0
Testing Granger non-causality in expectiles0
Income and democracy: a semiparametric approach0
Testing rank similarity in the local average treatment effects model0
Testing for homogeneous treatment effects in linear and nonparametric instrumental variable models0
A simple test of completeness in a class of nonparametric specification0
Inference in a similarity-based spatial autoregressive model0
Bounded tilting estimation0
Inference in the nonparametric stochastic frontier model0
An asymptotically F-distributed Chow test in the presence of heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation0
Efficient estimation with missing data and endogeneity0
GMM estimation of a spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive disturbances and endogenous regressors0
Bootstrap inference on a factor model based average treatment effects estimator0
Determination of different types of fixed effects in three-dimensional panels*0
Detecting multiple equilibria for continuous dependent variables0
An augmented Anderson–Hsiao estimator for dynamic short-Tpanels0
Simultaneous bandwidths determination for DK-HAC estimators and long-run variance estimation in nonparametric settings0
Empirical Monte Carlo evidence on estimation of timing-of-events models0
Nonseparable panel models with index structure and correlated random effects0
Control variables approach to estimate semiparametric models of mismeasured endogenous regressors with an application to U.K. twin data0
Specification tests for univariate diffusions0
ER interview: Essie Maasoumi, editor of Econometric Reviews (1987–2024)0
Semiparametric estimation of signaling games with equilibrium refinement0
Rotation group bias and the persistence of misclassification errors in the Current Population Surveys0
Using generalized estimating equations to estimate nonlinear models with spatial data0
Powerful t-tests in the presence of nonclassical measurement error0
Indirect inference estimation of higher-order spatial autoregressive models0
Post-averaging inference for optimal model averaging estimator in generalized linear models0
Tricks with metrics: combining statistics for improved inference in regression analysis0
Two-way fixed effects versus panel factor-augmented estimators: asymptotic comparison among pretesting procedures0
Lag order selection for long-run variance estimation in econometrics0
Estimation of dynamic panel data models with a lot of heterogeneity0
Forecasting vector autoregressions with mixed roots in the vicinity of unity0
Nonparametric estimation of mediation effects with a general treatment0
The two-way Mundlak estimator0
Automatic variable selection for semiparametric spatial autoregressive model0
Best Paper Award Econometric Reviews, 2017–20180
A unified unit root test regardless of intercept0
Dynamic factor, leverage and realized covariances in multivariate stochastic volatility0
Finite sample inference in multivariate instrumental regressions with an application to Catastrophe bonds*0
Identification and estimation of panel semiparametric conditional heteroskedastic frontiers with dynamic inefficiency0
A unifying switching regime regression framework with applications in health economics0
Inference in an incomplete information entry game with an incumbent and with beliefs conditioned on unobservable market characteristics0
Endogeneity in semiparametric threshold regression models with two threshold variables0
Testing the endogeneity of a spatial weight matrix in the weak-tied spatial dynamic panel data model0
Modeling heterogeneous treatment effects in the presence of endogeneity0
Robust nonparametric frontier estimation in two steps0
An IV estimator for a functional coefficient model with endogenous discrete treatments0
A new Bayesian model for contagion and interdependence0
Monotonicity-constrained nonparametric estimation and inference for first-price auctions0
In memory of Michael McAleer: special issue of Econometric Reviews0
Latent local-to-unity models0
Bandwidth selection for nonparametric regression with errors-in-variables0