Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

(The H4-Index of Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing is 33. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Secure blockchain enabled Cyber–physical systems in healthcare using deep belief network with ResNet model204
A blockchain-based Roadside Unit-assisted authentication and key agreement protocol for Internet of Vehicles138
SG-PBFT: A secure and highly efficient distributed blockchain PBFT consensus algorithm for intelligent Internet of vehicles116
FELIDS: Federated learning-based intrusion detection system for agricultural Internet of Things113
Scalable blockchain model using off-chain IPFS storage for healthcare data security and privacy107
A review of edge computing: Features and resource virtualization103
Achieving efficient and Privacy-preserving energy trading based on blockchain and ABE in smart grid97
A blockchain-orchestrated deep learning approach for secure data transmission in IoT-enabled healthcare system89
Fog computing: A taxonomy, systematic review, current trends and research challenges87
An edge intelligence empowered flooding process prediction using Internet of things in smart city84
A distributed intrusion detection system to detect DDoS attacks in blockchain-enabled IoT network82
A secured distributed detection system based on IPFS and blockchain for industrial image and video data security79
Decentralized learning works: An empirical comparison of gossip learning and federated learning69
Differential privacy in blockchain technology: A futuristic approach65
Edge computing server placement with capacitated location allocation64
Distributed intelligence on the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum: A systematic literature review61
Cross-domain secure data sharing using blockchain for industrial IoT57
Energy-latency tradeoffs for edge caching and dynamic service migration based on DQN in mobile edge computing53
An adaptive synthesis to handle imbalanced big data with deep siamese network for electricity theft detection in smart grids51
Blockchain-based eHealth system for auditable EHRs manipulation in cloud environments49
A scalable blockchain based trust management in VANET routing protocol49
When services computing meets blockchain: Challenges and opportunities46
Blockchain-based verification framework for data integrity in edge-cloud storage42
Proof of witness presence: Blockchain consensus for augmented democracy in smart cities41
Multi-agent DRL for joint completion delay and energy consumption with queuing theory in MEC-based IIoT40
Anomaly-based intrusion detection system in the Internet of Things using a convolutional neural network and multi-objective enhanced Capuchin Search Algorithm40
SCAB - IoTA: Secure communication and authentication for IoT applications using blockchain39
Collaborative deep learning framework on IoT data with bidirectional NLSTM neural networks for energy consumption forecasting38
Lightweight collaborative anomaly detection for the IoT using blockchain37
Machine learning and the Internet of Things security: Solutions and open challenges37
Communication optimization strategies for distributed deep neural network training: A survey37
Behavior analysis and blockchain based trust management in VANETs37
DDMTS: A novel dynamic load balancing scheduling scheme under SLA constraints in cloud computing36
Task scheduling optimization in heterogeneous cloud computing environments: A hybrid GA-GWO approach33