Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

(The TQCC of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Strongly magnetized plasma produced by interaction of nanosecond kJ-class laser with snail targets60
Application of the triple-probe technique to magnetized plasmas36
Statistical analysis of magnetic divertor configuration influence on H-mode transitions32
Computation of linear MHD instabilities with the multi-region relaxed MHD energy principle32
A neoclassical validation of balanced and unbalanced rotations on EAST H-mode discharges31
Gyrokinetic analysis of core turbulent transport in high-β scenarios in the EHL-2 spherical torus31
Parallel Bayesian optimization of free-electron lasers based on laser wakefield accelerators30
Comment on ‘The influence of plasma evolution on a kinetic scenario of collisional relaxation of a magnetized plasma’29
Developing solid-surface plasma facing components for pilot plants and reactors with replenishable wall claddings and continuous surface conditioning. Part A: concepts and questions28
Magnetics only real-time equilibrium reconstruction on ASDEX Upgrade27
Heavy impurity transport in tokamaks subject to plasma rotation, NTV and the influence of saturated ideal MHD perturbations26
Structure of the electron temperature profile around the separatrix26
Impurity analysis of JET DiMPle pulses25
Drift instabilities driven by slab ion temperature gradient in suprathermal plasmas21
Experimental study on plasma characteristics in the extraction region of a high-power RF negative ion source based on electrostatic probe20
Dense plasma focus: different cathode geometries and their influence on the hard x-ray production19
Characterisation and optimisation of targets for plasma wakefield acceleration at SPARC_LAB19
Orbit-modulated transport and sources in time-dependent plasmas18
Nonlinear feedback algorithm for tearing-mode magnetic control in tokamak18
Analytical model for the combined effects of rotation and collisionality on neoclassical impurity transport18
The ‘SXR—Pit’ paradox as an indicator of electron transport in tokamaks18
Ion acceleration from a multispecies nanostructured target using a high-intensity laser: a simulation study16
Towards a fusion power plant: integration of physics and technology16
Study of ablation phase in double-wire Z-pinch based on optical Thomson scattering16
Gigabar shock wave driven by laser-accelerated electron stream16
MHD simulations of small ELMs at low triangularity in ASDEX Upgrade16
Understanding the electromagnetic topology during the ohmic breakdown in tokamaks considering self-generated electric fields16
The effect of curvature induced broken potential vorticity conservation on drift wave turbulences16
Investigations into growth of whistlers with energy of energetic electrons15
Commissioning results from the high-repetition rate nanosecond-kilojoule laser beamline at the extreme light infrastructure15
Investigating the n = 1 and n = 2 error fields in W7-X using the newly accelerated FIELDLINES code15
Modeling turbulent impurity transport in the SOL of DIII-D with a reduced model15
A 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the propagation of a plasma plume transverse to applied magnetic field15
Discussion on the transport processes in electrons with non-Maxwellian energy distribution function in partially-ionized plasmas15
Two types of helical-core equilibrium states in tokamak plasmas15
Effect of inclusion of pitch-angle dependence on a simplified model of RF deposition in tokamak plasma14
Plasma opacity induced by laser-driven movement of background ions14
Modelling of runaway electron dynamics during argon-induced disruptions in ASDEX Upgrade and JET14
Ablated precursor plasma and evolution of magnetic field of exploding cylindrical thin liner14
Flow-shear destabilization of multiscale electron turbulence14
Nonlinear lower hybrid wave equations in collisional tokamak plasmas14
Influence of the magnetic field on the emission of hot electrons and ions from ablative plasma produced from a disc-coil target irradiated by the 3rd harmonic of the PALS iodine laser14
Model magnetospheric accretion and bipolar jets with intense lasers13
Review of hydrogen isotope effects on H-mode confinement in JT-60U13
First lithium experiments in HIDRA and evidence of helium retention during quasi-steady-state stellarator plasma operations13
Enhancing the conversion efficiency of extreme ultraviolet light sources using a 2 µm wavelength laser13
Modeling of high-field-side high-density regime in the Globus-M2 tokamak12
Theory of stochastic diffusion in Wendelstein-line stellarators in the presence of radial electric field12
Characterisation of a laser plasma betatron source for high resolution x-ray imaging12
Comparing two- and three-dimensional models of scrape-off layer turbulent transport12
Physics of drift Alfvén instabilities and energetic particles in fusion plasmas12
Suppression of equilibrium magnetic islands by density profile effect in quasi-axisymmetric stellarator plasmas12
Plasmas, particles and photons—spotlights on multimessenger astronomy12
Commissioning of the tracer-encapsulated solid pellet (TESPEL) injection system for Wendelstein 7-X and first results for OP1.2b12
Addressing the carbon and nitrogen impurity screening issue on HL-2M snowflake minus and conventional divertor using SOLPS12
Neutralized, intense-ion beams for fusion12
Near real-time streaming analysis of big fusion data12
Special Issue on the 26th Workshop on MHD Stability Control12
Potential for suprathermal chain reactions in degenerate deuterium plasmas at high densities11
Investigation of the synergistic effects of ICRF + NBI heating in EAST plasma discharges11
Investigation of core impurity transport in DIII-D diverted negative triangularity plasmas11
Impact of the turbulence wavenumber spectrum and probing beam geometry on Doppler reflectometry perpendicular velocity measurements11
Determining the fuel ion ratio for D(T) and T(D) plasmas at JET using neutron time-of-flight spectrometry11
ECEI characterization of pedestal fluctuations in quiescent H-mode plasmas in DIII-D11
New evidence about the nature of plasma filaments in plasma accelerators of type plasma-focus11
Noise suppression for MHD characterization with electron cyclotron emission imaging 1D technique11
Vertical control of DIII-D discharges with strong negative triangularity11
First measurements with a Coherence Imaging Charge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy (CICERS) diagnostic at Wendelstein 7-X10
Estimation of plasma parameter profiles and their derivatives from linear observations by using Gaussian processes10
Beam model of Doppler backscattering10
Vertical stray field measurements using an electron beam in the MEPhIST-0 tokamak10
Normalizing flows for likelihood-free inference with fusion simulations10
A Bayesian formulation for perturbed current tomography in tokamaks10
Influences of sinusoidal density modulation on stimulated Raman scattering in inhomogeneous plasmas10
The problem of capturing marginality in model reductions of turbulence10
Assessment of vertical stability for negative triangularity pilot plants10
Design of flexible proton beam imaging energy spectrometers (PROBIES)10
Metal evaporation dynamics in electron cyclotron resonance ion sources: plasma role in the atom diffusion, ionisation, and transport10
Breakdown prediction of ion source at EAST-NBI using neural network10
Enhancement of K-shell spectroscopy for temperature measuring of isochorically heated matter in the sub-keV range10
Hall physics during magnetic reconnection with collision effect10
High-frequency measurement of the interferometric phase, the Faraday rotation, and the Cotton-Mouton effect with a single detector in a far-infrared interferometer-polarimeter10
High yield (⩾108/pulse) DD neutron generator based on a compact, transportable and low energy plasma focus device10
Progress of a gas-electron-multiplier based camera (GEM) in investigating EAST macroscopic instabilities10
Excitation of strongly nonlinear plasma wakefield by electron bunches10
On the use of CFD to obtain head loss coefficients in hydraulic systems and its application to liquid metal MHD flows in nuclear fusion reactor blankets10
Currents in reconnection plasma jets: comparative study of laboratory experiments and spacecraft observations10
Blob tracking and formation in edge and SOL plasmas using Q-factor10
Numerical analysis of fast ions transport induced by magnetic islands in HL-2A10
Simulations of tokamak edge plasma turbulent fluctuations based on a minimal 3D model10
Power balance analysis at the L-H transition in JET-ILW NBI-heated deuterium plasmas10
Linear instabilities in the hot-ion regime in a high-field spherical tokamak9
Phases and phase-transitions in quasisymmetric configuration space9
EUROfusion-theory and advanced simulation coordination (E-TASC): programme and the role of high performance computing9
Fast-electron maintaining a high shock-ignition gain with a significant decrease in the laser pulse energy9
Pressure-driven stochastization of flux surfaces in stellarator equilibria: a review of the experimental observations and their analysis9
Linear simulation of kinetic Peeling-Ballooning mode with bootstrap current under the BOUT++ gyro landau fluid code9
Investigation of the double peak in the visible-light range of radiative divertor emission profiles on the EAST tokamak9
Physical insights from the aspect ratio dependence of turbulence in negative triangularity plasmas9
Hot electron and x-ray generation by sub-ns kJ-class laser-produced tantalum plasma9
Structure and transportation of electron vortices in near-critical density plasmas driven by ultrashort intense laser pulses9
Thermal quench and current profile relaxation dynamics in massive-material-injection-triggered tokamak disruptions9
Characteristics of neutron emission profile from neutral beam heated plasmas of the Large Helical Device at various magnetic field strengths9
Three-dimensional first principles simulation of a hydrogen discharge9
Review of magnetic islands from the divertor perspective and a simplified heat transport model for the island divertor9
Development of a portable pulsed fast ⩾106 neutron generator based on a flexible miniature plasma focus tube9
Magnetohydrodynamics simulation of magnetic flux rope formation in a quadrupolar magnetic field configuration9
Numerical simulations on loss of ICRF-heated NBI ions in EAST9
Collective stimulated Brillouin scattering with shared ion acoustic wave under the action of two overlapping laser beams9
Simulation of lithium flow, redeposition, and vapor shielding in liquid lithium divertor of T-15MD tokamak with SOLPS 4.3 code9
Initial growth of tungsten fuzz induced by bubble-driven surface stress layer under helium irradiation9
Prediction of high-performance scenario with localized magnetic shear reversal on EAST tokamak9
The dynamic axial compression of FRC with high-speed translated θ-pinch plasma9
Incorporating large larmor radius effects in the full wave code TORIC9
Isotope effects on transport in LHD8
B2.5-Eunomia simulations of Magnum-PSI detachment experiments: II. Collisional processes and their relevance8
Prediction of ICRF minority heating schemes for JET D–T experiments8
Benchmark of a self-consistent dynamic 1D divertor model DIV1D using the 2D SOLPS-ITER code8
Enhancement of detachment control with simplified real-time modelling on the KSTAR tokamak8
Interface transport barriers in magnetized plasmas8
Disruption avoidance by stabilizing coupled MHD modes using resonant magnetic perturbations on J-TEXT8
Machine learning aided line intensity ratio method for helium–hydrogen mixed recombining plasmas8
Tungsten accumulation during ion cyclotron resonance heating operation on WEST8
Radially inward particle transport driven by low-frequency instability in cylindrical magnetized plasma8
Observation of proton modulations in laser–solid interaction8
Numerical study of divertor detachment in TCV H-mode scenarios8
Effects of energetic particles on the density-gradient-driven collisionless trapped electron mode instability in tokamak plasmas8
Single-stage stellarator optimization: combining coils with fixed boundary equilibria8
Ponderomotive force driven mechanism for electrostatic wave excitation and energy absorption of electromagnetic waves in overdense magnetized plasma8
Simulation of shell pellet injection strategies for ITER-scale tokamaks8
Extended electron tails in electrostatic microinstabilities and the nonadiabatic response of passing electrons8
Application of multiple regression for sensitivity analysis of helium line emissions to the electron density and temperature in Magnum-PSI8
B2.5-Eunomia simulations of Magnum-PSI detachment experiments: I. Quantitative comparisons with experimental measurements8
The solar corona as an active medium for magnetoacoustic waves8
A comparative study of internal kink stability in EU DEMO designs with negative and positive triangularity8
Remote infrared view of JET divertor compatible with D-T operations8
New linear stability parameter to describe low-β electromagnetic microinstabilities driven by passing electrons in axisymmetric toroidal geometry8
Supervised learning approaches to modeling pedestal density8
EMC3-EIRENE simulation of first wall recycling fluxes in W7-X with relation to H-alpha measurements8
Mesoscopic transport in KSTAR plasmas: avalanches and the E × B staircase8
The global energy balance of the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak determined with the revised cooling water calorimetry8
Erratum: Regions without flux surfaces of given class for magnetic fields in toroidal geometry (2023 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 65 095021)7
Existence of a detachment cliff at ASDEX Upgrade7
Correlation between the blob properties and global plasma parameters in L-mode on EAST7
Fast dynamics of radiofrequency emission in FTU plasmas with runaway electrons7
PPCF Editor-in-Chief year-end update: news and announcements for 2024 and 20257
A convenient analytical parametrization of a tokamak plasma last closed flux surface for use in shape and discharge design7
Corrigendum: Multi-temperature generalized Zhdanov closure for scrape-off layer/edge applications (2022 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 64 045005)7
Cold ion effects in density-asymmetric collisionless magnetic reconnection7
Corrigendum: Optimization of the N 7
A novel plasma source concept for negative ion generation in neutral beam injectors for fusion applications7
Wave propagation in rotating magnetised plasmas7
Observation and characterisation of trapped electron modes in Wendelstein 7-X7
Study on stray electrons ejecting from a long-pulse negative ion source for fusion7
Particle-in-cell methods in edge plasma physics: the PICLS code7
Modeling magnetic field amplification in supernova remnants driven by laser7
Quasioptical modeling of the electron cyclotron emission diagnostic7
Tomographic reconstructions of the fast-ion phase space using imaging neutral particle analyser measurements7
Corrigendum: Thermal confinement and transport in spherical tokamaks: a review (2021 Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 63 123001)7
Wakefield decay in a radially bounded plasma due to formation of electron halo7
Numerical investigation of neoclassical tearing mode in toroidal plasma7
Building robust surrogate models of laser-plasma interactions using large scale PIC simulation7
Numerical study of turbulent eddy self-interaction in tokamaks with low magnetic shear. Part I: Linear simulations7
A FAIR based approach to data sharing in Europe7
Electron collision cross sections and electronic states of BH: an R-matrix study for fusion edge plasmas7
Characterization of the SCR-1 stellarator physics: investigating plasma discharge, MHD equilibrium calculations, and O-X-B mode conversion feasibility7
First measurements of line-integrated electron density in an ITER-like configuration using the JET far infrared polarimeter diagnostic7
Constructing the space of quasisymmetric stellarators through near-axis expansion7
ORBIT simulations of fast ion power loads on the wall of the Divertor Tokamak Test7
A non-twisting flux tube for local gyrokinetic simulations7
Two plasmon decay instability stimulated by large-incidence-angle laser in inertial confinement fusion7
Special Issue on the 27th Workshop on MHD Stability Control, a joint US-Japan workshop7
Thermal confinement and transport in spherical tokamaks: a review7
Generation of meter-scale hydrogen plasmas and efficient, pump-depletion-limited wakefield excitation using 10 GeV electron bunches6
Thermal instabilities in micropinches under turbulent heating conditions6
Fast ion confinement in the presence of core magnetic islands in Wendelstein 7-X6
QScatter: numerical framework for fast prediction of particle distributions in electron-laser scattering6
Accuracy of kinetic equilibrium reconstruction of NSTX and NSTX-U plasmas and its impact on the transport and stability analysis6
Investigation on the edge cooling threshold of the density limit in the J-TEXT tokamak with limiter and divertor configurations6
Frontiers in data analysis methods: from causality detection to data driven experimental design6
Experimental study of the magnetic field and current distribution in double-wire Z-pinch6
Reduction of transport due to magnetic shear in gyrokinetic simulations of the scrape-off layer6
Edge harmonic oscillations in plasmas with a separatrix and the effect of edge magnetic shear6
Assessment of relevant pinch magnitudes of plasma focus devices based on non-uniform internal distributions of density and temperature6
Transition between continuous and discrete spectra of high-wavenumber turbulence in neutral gas pressure scan experiments on a linear magnetized plasma6
Analytic solutions for delocalized heat transport6
Propagation of dipole structure in an inhomogeneous-density plasma using two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation6
Finite-temperature Thomas–Fermi–Dirac-Weizsäcker model in the warm dense matter regime6
Numerical simulation of YSO jet collimated by toroidal magnetic fields and radiative cooling effect6
Influence of electron cyclotron current drive on the transition between normal sawteeth and the stationary state6
Adaptive low-temperature plasmas6
Toroidal plasma acceleration due to NBI fast ion losses in LTX-β6
The effect of longitudinal static magnetic field on the radiation efficiency of high harmonics from overdense plasma6
Effect of nonlinearity, magnetic islands on turbulence and observation of electron energization, temperature anisotropy at Earth’s magnetopause (magnetosphere)6
Simulating the impact of charge exchange on beam ions in MAST-U6
Monitoring of two-dimensional tungsten concentration profiles on the HL-2A tokamak6
Stability and debris-mitigation of a solid tape target delivery system for intense laser-matter interactions towards high-repetition-rate6
Reversed-direction 2-point modelling applied to divertor conditions in DIII-D *6
Effect of central plasma pressure on high-order harmonics of 1/1 quasi-interchange instability in a central weak magnetic shear tokamak configuration6
A 1.5D fluid—Monte Carlo model of a hydrogen helicon plasma6
On the non-existence of stepped-pressure equilibria far from symmetry6
The effects of E r × B t drift on LH wave coupling with divertor configuration at EAST6
Experimental evidence of very short power decay lengths in H-mode discharges in the COMPASS tokamak6
A low-resolution inversion-based method to enhance poloidal polarimeter accuracy in thermonuclear plasmas6
Alfvén eigenmode stability in a JET afterglow deuterium plasma and projections to deuterium–tritium plasmas6
Plasma-based positron sources at EuPRAXIA6
A 2D dynamic model for the impact of time-dependent low-mode drive asymmetries on the shell asymmetries during acceleration phases of ICF implosions6
News and announcements from the Editor-in-Chief for 20246
Kinetic theory of sech2 x electron holes and applications to Kappa-distributed plasmas6
Accuracy and scalability of incompressible inductionless MHD codes applied to fusion technologies6
Effect of hyper-resistivity on ballooning modes with resonant magnetic perturbations6
Generalized collisional fluid theory for multi-component, multi-temperature plasma using the linearized Boltzmann collision operator for scrape-off layer/edge applications6
Laser-induced quenching diagnostics of hydrogen atoms in fusion plasma6
Stochastic and a posteriori optimization to mitigate coil manufacturing errors in stellarator design6
Validating NEUTRO, a deterministic finite element neutron transport solver for fusion applications, with literature tests, experimental benchmarks and other neutronic codes5
Species dependence of the impurity injection induced poloidal flow and magnetic island rotation in a tokamak5
Conservation of currents in reduced full-F electromagnetic kinetic and fluid models5
Efficient proton-carbon ions acceleration by the plasma-beat-wave mechanism in the presence of the axial magnetic field5
Validation and verification of a quasi two-dimensional turbulence model and an eddy detection method for liquid metal magnetohydrodynamics flows5
Time-resolved deuterium–deuterium fusion born 1 MeV triton confinement study in EAST deuterium plasma5
Gyrokinetic investigations of the electromagnetic geodesic acoustic mode5
Core inductive electric field during sawtooth crashes on DIII-D5
Numerics and computation in gyrokinetic simulations of electromagnetic turbulence with global particle-in-cell codes5
Features of resonant and non-resonant slab ion-temperature-gradient instabilities in weakly reversed magnetic shear configurations5
The effectiveness of D2 pellet injection in reducing intra-ELM and inter-ELM tungsten divertor erosion rates in DIII-D during the Metal Rings Campaign5
Enhancement of nuclear reactions via the kinetic Weibel instability in plasmas5
Simple model for tokamak outer midplane electron temperature profile in scrape-off-layer verified by SOLPS-ITER simulations5
Destabilization mechanism of the collisional microtearing mode in magnetized slab plasmas5
Experiments and gyrokinetic simulations of TCV plasmas with negative triangularity in view of DTT operations5
Linear and nonlinear excitation of TAE modes by external electromagnetic perturbations using ORB55
Local gyrokinetic simulations of tokamaks with non-uniform magnetic shear5
Investigation of triangularity effects on tokamak edge turbulence through multi-fidelity gyrokinetic simulations5
Probabilistic theory of the L-H transition and causality5
Effects of frequency-modulated pump on stimulated Brillouin scattering in inhomogeneous plasmas5
Suprathermal-ion-driven fusion chain reactions in the pure deuterium system5
Identification of MHD modes on EAST using a deep learning framework5
Theory and simulation of the force-free equilibria in the EAST-CTI5
Measurement of the fast ion distribution using active NPA diagnostics at the Globus-M2 spherical tokamak5
SRS-SBS competition and nonlinear laser energy absorption in a high temperature plasma5
Phase relation between rotating phase locked (2, 1) and (3, 1) tearing modes in ASDEX Upgrade5
Coherent mode induced by supersonic molecular beam injection in EAST Ohmic plasmas5
Reduced transport models for a tokamak flight simulator5
Quantifying the role of higher order neoclassical corrections to gyrokinetics in tokamak plasmas5
High fidelity simulations of the multi-species Vlasov equation in the electro-static, collisional-less limit5
State-selective electron capture in Ar 5
Development of synthetic diagnostics for ITER First Plasma operation5
Identification of trapping finer-scale fluctuations in a solitary vortex in linear magnetized plasma5
Use of electrical measurements for non-invasive estimation of plasma electron density in the inductively coupled SPIDER ion source5
Spectral simulation of multivalent collisional-radiative model for W25+–W28+ from EBIT to tokamak plasmas5
Extraction of quasi-coherent modes based on reflectometry data5