Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion

(The median citation count of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Impurity transport in tokamak plasmas, theory, modelling and comparison with experiments60
Geometry dependence of the fluctuation intensity in gyrokinetic turbulence46
Ballooning instability preventing the H-mode access in plasmas with negative triangularity shape on the DIII–D tokamak36
Electric field and turbulence in global Braginskii simulations across the ASDEX Upgrade edge and scrape-off layer32
Enhanced confinement in diverted negative-triangularity L-mode plasmas in TCV32
Disruption prediction on EAST tokamak using a deep learning algorithm31
The solar corona as an active medium for magnetoacoustic waves31
Nonlocal effects in negative triangularity TCV plasmas30
Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of runaway electron beam termination in JET29
Transport model of plasma heating at the second harmonic of the electron cyclotron frequency29
Disruption prediction using a full convolutional neural network on EAST29
Gyrokinetic investigation of Alfvén instabilities in the presence of turbulence27
Plasma performance and operational space without ELMs in DIII-D26
Thermal confinement and transport in spherical tokamaks: a review26
The MEMOS-U code description of macroscopic melt dynamics in fusion devices25
Microwave diagnostics damage by parametric decay instabilities during electron cyclotron resonance heating in ASDEX Upgrade25
Application of machine learning and artificial intelligence to extend EFIT equilibrium reconstruction23
Nonlinear interaction of intense laser beam with dense plasma23
A novel hydrogenic spectroscopic technique for inferring the role of plasma–molecule interaction on power and particle balance during detached conditions22
Overview of tokamak turbulence stabilization by fast ions21
Modelling of dust generation, transport and remobilization in full-metal fusion reactors20
Accelerating the rate of discovery: toward high-repetition-rate HED science19
Coordinate parameterisation and spectral method optimisation for Beltrami field solver in stellarator geometry19
Exploring extreme magnetization phenomena in directly driven imploding cylindrical targets19
On a fusion chain reaction via suprathermal ions in high-density H–11B plasma18
A unified theory of zonal flow shears and density corrugations in drift wave turbulence18
Electromagnetic and fast ions effects as a key mechanism for turbulent transport suppression at JET18
Thermal quench and current profile relaxation dynamics in massive-material-injection-triggered tokamak disruptions18
Understanding asymmetries using integrated simulations of capsule implosions in low gas-fill hohlraums at the National Ignition Facility18
EMC3-EIRENE simulation of first wall recycling fluxes in W7-X with relation to H-alpha measurements18
Review: Turbulence dynamics during the pedestal evolution between edge localized modes in magnetic fusion devices17
Calculation of permanent magnet arrangements for stellarators: a linear least-squares method16
On the stability and stationarity of the Super H-mode combined with an ion transport barrier in the core16
The impact of fuelling and W radiation on the performance of high-power, ITER-baseline scenario plasmas in JET-ILW16
Approaching the radiating X-point in SOLPS-ITER modeling of ASDEX Upgrade H-mode discharges16
Experimental demonstration of plasma mass separation in a configuration with a potential well and crossed electric and magnetic fields16
Disruption prediction and model analysis using LightGBM on J-TEXT and HL-2A16
Complementary diagnostics of high-intensity femtosecond laser pulses via vacuum acceleration of protons and electrons16
Efficient electron injection by hybrid parametric instability and forward direct laser acceleration in subcritical plasma16
Overview of the isotope effects in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak16
Toward a general quasi-linear approach for the instabilities of bi-Kappa plasmas. Whistler instability16
Modeling of particle transport, neutrals and radiation in magnetically-confined plasmas with Aurora15
Physics of runaway electrons with shattered pellet injection at JET15
Theoretical studies of low-frequency Alfvén modes in tokamak plasmas15
Bremsstrahlung emission and plasma characterization driven by moderately relativistic laser–plasma interactions15
Measurement of the fast ion distribution using active NPA diagnostics at the Globus-M2 spherical tokamak15
Drift kinetic theory of neoclassical tearing modes in a low collisionality tokamak plasma: magnetic island threshold physics15
Phase-space sensitivity (weight functions) of 3 MeV proton diagnostics15
Fast dynamics of radiofrequency emission in FTU plasmas with runaway electrons15
Vibrational excitation and dissociation of deuterium molecule by electron impact14
Kinetic equilibrium reconstructions of plasmas in the MAST database and preparation for reconstruction of the first plasmas in MAST upgrade14
Trapped upper hybrid waves as eigenmodes of non-monotonic background density profiles14
Rapidly-convergent flux-surface shape parameterization14
Machine learning and Bayesian inference in nuclear fusion research: an overview14
Simulations of COMPASS vertical displacement events with a self-consistent model for halo currents including neutrals and sheath boundary conditions14
Deep learning and image processing for the automated analysis of thermal events on the first wall and divertor of fusion reactors14
Alfvénic fluctuations measured by in-vessel Mirnov coils at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator14
Ionization induced plasma grating and its applications in strong-field ionization measurements14
Analytical model for collisional impurity transport in tokamaks at arbitrary collisionality14
Implementation of a thin, flat water target capable of high-repetition-rate MeV-range proton acceleration in a high-power laser at the CLPU13
Analytical model for the combined effects of rotation and collisionality on neoclassical impurity transport13
Gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulations of electromagnetic turbulence in the presence of fast particles and global modes13
MHD simulations of small ELMs at low triangularity in ASDEX Upgrade13
Overview of L- to H-mode transition experiments at ASDEX Upgrade12
Magnetohydrodynamic hybrid simulation model with kinetic thermal ions and energetic particles12
Review of magnetic islands from the divertor perspective and a simplified heat transport model for the island divertor12
The role of radio frequency scattering in high-energy electron losses from minimum-B ECR ion source12
Synergy of coupled kink and tearing modes in fast ion transport12
SOLPS-ITER modeling of ASDEX Upgrade L-mode detachment states12
Application of multiple regression for sensitivity analysis of helium line emissions to the electron density and temperature in Magnum-PSI12
Beam model of Doppler backscattering12
Collisional radiative model for the evaluation of the thermal helium beam diagnostic at ASDEX upgrade12
Improvement of electron beam quality in laser wakefield acceleration by a circularly-polarized laser pulse12
Interpreting radial correlation Doppler reflectometry using gyrokinetic simulations12
B2.5-Eunomia simulations of Magnum-PSI detachment experiments: I. Quantitative comparisons with experimental measurements12
Numerical modelling of an enhanced perpendicular transport regime in the scrape-off layer of ASDEX Upgrade12
Simulation of tungsten target erosion and tungsten impurity transport during argon seeding on EAST11
Assessment of filtered cameras for quantitative 2D analysis of divertor conditions during detachment in JET L-mode plasmas11
Healing plasma current ramp-up by nitrogen seeding in the full tungsten environment of WEST11
Deep sequence to sequence learning-based prediction of major disruptions in ADITYA tokamak11
Core integrated simulations for the Divertor Tokamak Test facility scenarios towards consistent core-pedestal-SOL modelling11
The effect of metastable atomic levels in neutral tungsten for erosion and impurity transport applications11
The model of synchronization between internal reconnections and edge-localized modes11
The modeling of a Tokamak plasma discharge, from first principles to a flight simulator11
Pedestal analysis of MAST ELMy regimes11
Investigation of core impurity transport in DIII-D diverted negative triangularity plasmas11
Key impact of phase dynamics and diamagnetic drive on Reynolds stress in magnetic fusion plasmas10
2D distributions of potential and density mean-values and oscillations in the ECRH and NBI plasmas at the TJ-II stellarator10
Magnetic field amplification by high power lasers in underdense plasma10
Evaluation of abrupt energy transfer among turbulent plasma structures using singular value decomposition10
Experimental and numerical characterization of a radio-frequency plasma source with a DC-grounded electrode configuration using a quarter-wavelength filter10
Computation of linear MHD instabilities with the multi-region relaxed MHD energy principle10
Experimental study of single- vs two-close-frequency heating impact on confinement and loss dynamics in ECR ion source plasmas by means of x-ray spectroscopy and imaging10
Extended electron tails in electrostatic microinstabilities and the nonadiabatic response of passing electrons10
Comparing spontaneous and pellet-triggered ELMs via non-linear extended MHD simulations10
Mitigation of multibeam stimulated Raman scattering with polychromatic light10
Generation of attosecond electron bunches and x-ray pulses from few-cycle femtosecond laser pulses10
Fusion performance of spherical and conventional tokamaks: implications for compact pilot plants and reactors10
EMC3-EIRENE modelling of tungsten behavior under resonant magnetic perturbations on EAST: Effects of tungsten sputtering and impurity screening10
Edge localized mode characteristics and divertor heat flux during stationary and transient phase for CFETR hybrid scenario10
Implementation of multi-component Zhdanov closure in SOLEDGE3X10
Phases and phase-transitions in quasisymmetric configuration space10
The use of near-axis magnetic fields for stellarator turbulence simulations10
Excitation of Alfvén eigenmodes by fusion-born alpha-particles in D-3He plasmas on JET10
Inhibition of parametric decay in heating microwave beams during fluctuations of the density profile in the edge island of Wendelstein 7-X10
Demonstration of TNSA proton radiography on the National Ignition Facility Advanced Radiographic Capability (NIF-ARC) laser10
Analytic theory of ideal-MHD vertical displacements in tokamak plasmas10
Automatic identification of MHD modes in magnetic fluctuation spectrograms using deep learning techniques10
Transport simulations of pre-thermal quench shattered pellet injection in ITER: code verification and assessment of key trends10
Ion cyclotron resonance heating fast and slow wave excitation and power deposition in edge plasmas with application to ITER10
ECEI characterization of pedestal fluctuations in quiescent H-mode plasmas in DIII-D10
Real-time feedback system for divertor heat flux control at COMPASS tokamak10
Progress in researching the implosion of nested arrays of mixed composition and the generation of soft x-ray power pulse9
Effect of triangularity on plasma turbulence and the SOL-width scaling in L-mode diverted tokamak configurations9
Extreme UV spectroscopy measurements and analysis for tungsten density studies in the WEST tokamak9
Laser-driven ion acceleration from near-critical Gaussian plasma density profile9
Kinetic ballooning modes as a constraint on plasma triangularity in commercial spherical tokamaks9
Edge turbulence in ISTTOK: a multi-code fluid validation9
Validation of high-fidelity ion cyclotron range of frequencies antenna coupling simulations in full 3D geometry against experiments in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak9
Towards a fusion power plant: integration of physics and technology9
Ablated precursor plasma and evolution of magnetic field of exploding cylindrical thin liner9
Measurement of strong electromagnetic pulses generated from solid targets at sub-ns kJ-class PALS laser facility9
COMPACT—a new complex plasma facility for the ISS9
Nonlinear simulations of energetic particle-driven instabilities interacting with Alfvén continuum during frequency chirping9
Electron acceleration in supernova remnants9
A novel scenario decreasing the saturation level of low-threshold two upper hybrid plasmon parametric decay instability of extraordinary wave9
Self-similar expansion of a plasmoid supplied by pellet ablation9
ITB formation in gyrokinetic flux-driven ITG/TEM turbulence9
Physics of chromatic focusing, post-acceleration and bunching of laser-driven proton beams in helical coil targets9
Benchmark of a self-consistent dynamic 1D divertor model DIV1D using the 2D SOLPS-ITER code9
Placement of a fast ion loss detector array for neutral beam injected particles in Wendelstein 7-X9
Analysis and modelling of momentum transport based on NBI modulation experiments at ASDEX Upgrade9
Collisional-radiative non-equilibrium impurity treatment for JOREK simulations9
Self-consistent simulation of resistive kink instabilities with runaway electrons9
Modelling and theoretical understanding of the isotope effect from JET experiments in view of reliable predictions for deuterium-tritium plasmas9
Gyrokinetic study of transport suppression in JET plasmas with MeV-ions and toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes9
Fast Fourier transform-volume integral: a smart approach for the electromagnetic design of complex systems in large fusion devices9
Numerics and computation in gyrokinetic simulations of electromagnetic turbulence with global particle-in-cell codes9
Noise suppression for MHD characterization with electron cyclotron emission imaging 1D technique9
Ponderomotive force driven mechanism for electrostatic wave excitation and energy absorption of electromagnetic waves in overdense magnetized plasma9
First results from beam emission spectroscopy in SPIDER negative ion source8
Electron-positron pair production in the collision of real photon beams with wide energy distributions8
Impurity transport studies at the HSX stellarator using active and passive CVI spectroscopy8
TJ cm−3 high energy density plasma formation from intense laser-irradiated foam targets composed of disordered carbon nanowires8
Highly efficient few-cycle laser wakefield electron accelerator8
Structure-preserving marker-particle discretizations of Coulomb collisions for particle-in-cell codes8
Ion dynamics driven by a strongly nonlinear plasma wake8
Effect of tailored density profiles on the stability of imploding Z-pinches at microsecond rise time megaampere currents8
Generalized collisional fluid theory for multi-component, multi-temperature plasma using the linearized Boltzmann collision operator for scrape-off layer/edge applications8
Isotope effects on transport in LHD8
ASCOT simulations of 14 MeV neutron rates in W7-X: effect of magnetic configuration8
Plasma wakefield acceleration beyond the dephasing limit with 400 GeV proton driver8
Influence of up-down asymmetry in plasma shape on RMP response8
A grounded electrode beneath dielectric targets, including cancer cells, enhances the impact of cold atmospheric plasma jet8
Development of robust indicators for the identification of electron temperature profile anomalies and application to JET8
Electron acceleration using twisted laser wavefronts8
Negative ion density in the ion source SPIDER in Cs free conditions8
Development of a reduced model for energetic particle transport by sawteeth in tokamaks8
Current structure in the scrape-off layer of a tokamak in a quiescent state8
Vertical control of DIII-D discharges with strong negative triangularity8
Enhancement of detachment control with simplified real-time modelling on the KSTAR tokamak8
Bandwidth effects in stimulated Brillouin scattering driven by partially incoherent light8
Beta-induced Alfvén eigenmodes and geodesic acoustic modes in the presence of strong tearing activity during the current ramp-down on JET8
Resonant wave–filament interactions as a loss mechanism for HHFW heating and current drive8
Activation of vibrational-induced CO2 dissociation in cold non-equilibrium plasma8
Comparative analysis of the plasma parameters of ECR and combined ECR + RF discharges in the TOMAS plasma facility8
Proton beam defocusing in AWAKE: comparison of simulations and measurements8
On possibility of strong anomalous damping of an ordinary pump wave in the electron cyclotron resonance heating experiments due to the low-power-threshold parametric decay instability8
Plasma physics and control studies planned in JT-60SA for ITER and DEMO operations and risk mitigation8
Correlation of bremsstrahlung and energy distribution of escaping electrons to study the dynamics of magnetically confined plasma8
Influences of sinusoidal density modulation on stimulated Raman scattering in inhomogeneous plasmas8
Wave propagation in rotating magnetised plasmas8
Experimental distinction of the molecularly induced Balmer emission contribution and its application for inferring molecular divertor density with 2D filtered camera measurements during detachment in 7
Plasma flux expansion control on the DIII-D tokamak7
Phase relation between rotating phase locked (2, 1) and (3, 1) tearing modes in ASDEX Upgrade7
Single-stage stellarator optimization: combining coils with fixed boundary equilibria7
Effects of the parallel acceleration on heavy impurity transport in turbulent tokamak plasmas7
Effects of energetic particles on the density-gradient-driven collisionless trapped electron mode instability in tokamak plasmas7
Two-dimensional MHD equilibria of diamagnetic bubble in gas-dynamic trap7
Quiescent regions below the X-point in ASDEX upgrade7
Fast neural Poincaré maps for toroidal magnetic fields7
Enhanced preconditioner for JOREK MHD solver7
Scalable multi-physics for fusion reactors with AURORA7
Poloidally resolved measurements of the perpendicular propagation velocity of density fluctuations in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode plasmas7
Studies on the implosion of pinches with tailored density profiles7
Enhancing the conversion efficiency of extreme ultraviolet light sources using a 2 µm wavelength laser7
Physics-based control of neoclassical tearing modes on TCV7
Pedestal particle balance studies in JET-ILW H-mode plasmas7
Absorption efficiency of the second harmonic ECRH waves and comparative plasma transport simulation in the TJ-II stellarator and T-10 tokamak7
Prediction of ICRF minority heating schemes for JET D–T experiments7
Above-100 MeV proton beam generation from near-critical-density plasmas irradiated by moderate Laguerre–Gaussian laser pulses7
On the robustness of spin polarization for magnetic vortex accelerated proton bunches in density down-ramps7
Systematic simulation studies on the penetration of resonant magnetic perturbations in an Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak7
Maximising D − T fusion power by optimising the plasma composition and beam choice in JET7
Instability and turbulent relaxation in a stochastic magnetic field7
Simulating fusion alpha heating in a stellarator reactor7
Three-dimensional first principles simulation of a hydrogen discharge7
Experimental study of the characteristics of energetic electrons outside LCFS in EXL-50 spherical torus7
Single Gaussian process method for arbitrary tokamak regimes with a statistical analysis7
Development of synthetic diagnostics for ITER First Plasma operation7
Investigation of RF driver equivalent impedance in the inductively coupled SPIDER ion source7
A comparative study of internal kink stability in EU DEMO designs with negative and positive triangularity7
First observation and interpretation of spontaneous collective radiation from fusion-born ions in a stellarator plasma7
Modern methods of signal processing applied to gyrokinetic simulations7
Simulation studies of the interaction of laser radiation with additively manufactured foams7
Optimized laser ion acceleration at the relativistic critical density surface7
Multimillijoule terahertz radiation from laser interactions with microplasma waveguides7
The achievement of the T e,div feedback control by CD4 seeding on EAST7
Disruption avoidance by stabilizing coupled MHD modes using resonant magnetic perturbations on J-TEXT7
Nonlinear microtearing modes in MAST and their stochastic layer formation6
Multi-temperature generalized Zhdanov closure for scrape-off layer/edge applications6
Deuterium retention characteristics in Li film by coating and during flowing liquid Li limiter operation in experimental advanced superconducting tokamak6
Ponderomotive forces due to electron modes in unmagnetized plasmas described by kappa distribution functions6
Structure and transportation of electron vortices in near-critical density plasmas driven by ultrashort intense laser pulses6
Characterizing W sources in the all-W wall, all-RF WEST tokamak environment * , ** 6
Design of flexible proton beam imaging energy spectrometers (PROBIES)6
Development of a collective scattering system and its application to the measurement of multiscale fluctuations in KSTAR plasmas6
Particle-in-cell simulations of parallel dynamics of a blob in the scrape-off-layer plasma of a generic medium-size tokamak6
Effects of equilibrium radial electric field on ion temperature gradient instability in the scrape-off layer of a field-reversed configuration6
Plasma rotation driven by rotating magnetic fields6
Impurity temperatures measured via line shape analysis in the island scrape-off-layer of Wendelstein 7-X6
Spatial characterization of edge zonal flows in the TJ-II stellarator: the roles of plasma heating and isotope mass6
The ITB dynamics controlled by internal kink modes on HL-2A tokamak6
Elements of H-mode pedestal structure6
Experimental study of non-inductive current start-up using electron cyclotron wave on EXL-50 spherical torus6
Wakefield decay in a radially bounded plasma due to formation of electron halo6
Design of HL-2A plasma position predictive model based on deep learning6
New evidence about the nature of plasma filaments in plasma accelerators of type plasma-focus6
Improving a high-power laser-based relativistic electron source: the role of laser pulse contrast and gas jet density profile6
A 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulation of the propagation of a plasma plume transverse to applied magnetic field6
Gyrokinetic simulations of core turbulence and thermal transport in the high-β P discharge on EAST6
Hybrid model of radio-frequency low-pressure inductively coupled plasma discharge with self-consistent electron energy distribution and 2D electric field distribution6
Generation of single attosecond relativistic electron bunch from intense laser interaction with a nanosphere6
High resolution density pedestal measurements during edge localized modes by short-pulse reflectometry in the TCV tokamak6
Spatial characteristics of luminous hydrocarbon pellet clouds in the large helical device6
Investigation of the role of hydrogen molecules in 1D simulation of divertor detachment6
Soliton generation and drift wave turbulence spreading via geodesic acoustic mode excitation6
Validation of IMEP on Alcator C-Mod and JET-ILW ELMy H-mode plasmas6
Recent progress on neoclassical impurity transport in stellarators with implications for a stellarator reactor6
Developing solid-surface plasma facing components for pilot plants and reactors with replenishable wall claddings and continuous surface conditioning. Part A: concepts and questions6
Ion-temperature-gradient stability near the magnetic axis of quasisymmetric stellarators6
Simulation of lithium flow, redeposition, and vapor shielding in liquid lithium divertor of T-15MD tokamak with SOLPS 4.3 code6
Optimization-oriented modelling of neutral beam injection for EU pulsed DEMO6
Magnetic reconnection in 3D fusion devices: non-linear reduced equations and linear current-driven instabilities6
Laser-based photonuclear production of medical isotopes and nuclear waste transmutation6
Parametrization of current–voltage characteristics and operation domains of cylindrical emissive probes in collisionless Maxwellian plasmas at rest6
Absolute parametric decay instabilities of X2 microwave beams in reduced models and fully kinetic codes6
Momentum transfer driven by fluctuations in relativistic counter-propagating electron beams6
Dealing with artefacts in JET iterative bolometric tomography using masks6
Fusion reactivities with drift bi-Maxwellian ion velocity distributions6