Government Information Quarterly

(The H4-Index of Government Information Quarterly is 34. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Implications of the use of artificial intelligence in public governance: A systematic literature review and a research agenda202
Citizens' trust in government as a function of good governance and government agency's provision of quality information on social media during COVID-19139
AI-based self-service technology in public service delivery: User experience and influencing factors90
Co-production in digital transformation of public administration and public value creation: The case of Denmark84
Assessing behavioral data science privacy issues in government artificial intelligence deployment81
AI adoption and diffusion in public administration: A systematic literature review and future research agenda74
The perils and pitfalls of explainable AI: Strategies for explaining algorithmic decision-making74
Digital transformation toward AI-augmented public administration: The perception of government employees and the willingness to use AI in government72
Does government social media promote users' information security behavior towards COVID-19 scams? Cultivation effects and protective motivations72
Artificial intelligence for the public sector: results of landscaping the use of AI in government across the European Union70
Blockchain governance in the public sector: A conceptual framework for public management68
Enabling AI capabilities in government agencies: A study of determinants for European municipalities68
Overcoming barriers to digital government: mapping the strategies of digital champions65
Digital government transformation in turbulent times: Responses, challenges, and future direction64
The impact of using algorithms for managerial decisions on public employees' procedural justice61
Sentiment analysis of public services for smart society: Literature review and future research directions54
Design principles for creating digital transparency in government50
Digitization or equality: When government automation covers some, but not all citizens49
Functional fragmentation in city hall and Twitter communication during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Atlanta, San Francisco, and Washington, DC49
Implementing challenges of artificial intelligence: Evidence from public manufacturing sector of an emerging economy47
Breaking the chain: Governmental frugal innovation in Kerala to combat the COVID-19 pandemic46
Governance of artificial intelligence: A risk and guideline-based integrative framework45
The accidental caseworker – How digital self-service influences citizens' administrative burden44
Determinants of citizens' intention to engage in government-led electronic participation initiatives through Facebook43
Public engagement and AI: A values analysis of national strategies43
Challenges common service centers (CSCs) face in delivering e-government services in rural India43
Big data analytics, resource orchestration, and digital sustainability: A case study of smart city development42
From E-budgeting to smart budgeting: Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence in government decision-making for resource allocation41
Enhancing the usability and usefulness of open government data: A comprehensive review of the state of open government data visualization research39
Unpacking the digitalisation of public services: Configuring work during automation in local government39
Artificial intelligence in public services: When and why citizens accept its usage37
Not everything is as it seems: Digital technology affordance, pandemic control, and the mediating role of sociomaterial arrangements35
Addressing territorial digital divides through ICT strategies: Are investment decisions consistent with local needs?35
Smart cities & citizen discontent: A systematic review of the literature35
Strategically constructed narratives on artificial intelligence: What stories are told in governmental artificial intelligence policies?34