Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

(The median citation count of Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Increased availability of telehealth mental health and substance abuse treatment for peripartum and postpartum women: A unique opportunity to increase telehealth treatment92
Barriers to accessing treatment for substance use after inpatient managed withdrawal (Detox): A qualitative study83
Where did the specialty behavioral health workforce grow between 2011 and 2019? Evidence from census data81
Down the drain: Reconsidering routine urine drug testing during the COVID-19 pandemic81
Feasibility and early experience of a novel multidisciplinary alcohol-associated liver disease clinic74
Substance use disorders among older populations: What role do race and ethnicity play in treatment and completion?73
The impact of COVID-19 on health care professionals who are exposed to drug-related deaths while supporting clients experiencing addiction64
Racial disparities in use of non-emergency outpatient care by Medicaid-eligible adults after release from prison: Wisconsin, 2015–201762
Employing the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model and predicting successful completion in an alternative drug court program: Preliminary findings from the Orleans Parish Drug Court55
Substance use among women who are pregnant: Examining treatment completion by race and ethnicity55
COVID-19 and treating incarcerated populations for opioid use disorder48
SMART Recovery International and COVID-19: Expanding the reach of mutual support through online groups47
TOC (update)46
Effects of a cannabis use disorder text message–delivered treatment on young adult alcohol misuse: Differential effects by gender46
Patterns of enrollment in a New Orleans women's substance use rehabilitation center45
C2: editorial board45
From there to here: A journey through substance use disorder, prison, and recovery44
TOC (update)43
Mapping recovery: A qualitative node map approach to understanding factors proximal to relapse among adolescents in a recovery high school42
Recidivism prevention for impaired driving: Longitudinal 5-year outcomes from Quebec's severity-based intervention assignment program42
C2: editorial board41
The impact of military sexual trauma and gender on receipt of evidence-based medication treatment among veterans with opioid use disorder39
Associations between prescription and illicit stimulant and opioid use in the United States, 2015–202039
C2: editorial board38
TOC (update)37
Emotion dysregulation and hazardous drinking in relation to suicidal ideation among Spanish-speaking Latinx daily-smokers36
Increased utilization of buprenorphine and methadone in 2018 compared to 2015 among Seattle-area persons who inject drugs36
Variability in outcomes and quality-of-care indicators across clinics participating in a large smoking-cessation program35
Suicidal behavior, opioid use disorder, and behavioral health treatment: Prevalence and correlates among adults in the United States 2015–201834
A delicate compromise: Striking a balance between public safety measures and the psychosocial needs of staff and clients in residential substance use disorder treatment amid COVID-1933
Beyond harm-producing versus harm-reducing: A qualitative meta-synthesis of people who use drugs' perspectives of and experiences with the extramedical use and diversion of buprenorphine32
Timing of smoking cessation treatment integrated into outpatient treatment with medications for opioid use disorder: Feasibility trial32
JSAT call for papers for special issue: Stimulant use disorder32
C2: editorial board32
Influence of a national transgender health care directive on receipt of alcohol-related care among transgender Veteran Health Administration patients with unhealthy alcohol use31
Optimizing outpatient treatment outcomes among methamphetamine-using gay and bisexual men through a computerized depression intervention31
C2: editorial board30
Negative affect-associated drug refusal self-efficacy, illicit opioid use, and medication use following short-term inpatient opioid withdrawal management29
Rates and predictors of brief intervention for women veterans returning from recent wars: Examining gaps in service delivery for unhealthy alcohol use29
The systematic development of a mobile phone–delivered brief intervention for hazardous drinking in India28
Opioid-related emergencies in New York City after the Great Recession28
Characteristics and health care events of patients admitted to treatment for both heroin and methamphetamine compared to patients admitted for heroin only27
Motivational interviewing telephone counseling to increase postpartum maintenance of abstinence from tobacco27
Evaluating buprenorphine prescribing and opioid-related health outcomes following the expansion the buprenorphine waiver program27
Association between availability of medications for opioid use disorder in specialty treatment and use of medications among patients: A state-level trends analysis26
A clinical protocol of a comparative effectiveness trial of extended-release naltrexone versus extended-release buprenorphine with individuals leaving jail26
Public injecting and its association with mental health and other drug-related outcomes among people who inject drugs in Iran25
Mechanisms of change in an adapted marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO intervention on decreased college student cannabis use25
Poking the bear: The inapplicability of the RNR principles for justice-involved women25
Hepatitis C treatment outcomes among patients treated in co-located primary care and addiction treatment settings25
Traditions and Connections for Urban Native Americans (TACUNA): Utilizing community-based input to develop an opioid prevention intervention for urban American Indian/Alaska Native emerging adults24
Association between discharges against medical advice and readmission in patients treated for drug injection-related skin and soft tissue infections24
Predicting longitudinal service use for individuals with substance use disorders: A latent profile analysis24
The impact of race, gender, and heroin use on opioid addiction stigma23
Barriers and facilitators of implementing integrated interventions for alcohol misuse and intimate partner violence: A qualitative examination with diverse experts23
Health care-seeking experiences for people who inject drugs with hepatitis C: Qualitative explorations of stigma23
Personality change during substance use disorder treatment is associated with improvements in abstinence self-efficacy post-treatment among U.S. military veterans23
Exploring nonprescribed use of buprenorphine in the criminal justice system through qualitative interviews among individuals recently released from incarceration22
Long-acting depot buprenorphine in people who are homeless: Views and experiences22
Contingency management for treatment attendance: A meta-analysis22
Community perspectives on supervised consumption sites: Insights from four U.S. counties deeply affected by opioids22
Peer recovery services for persons returning from prison: Pilot randomized clinical trial investigation of SUPPORT21
Acceptance of medications for opioid use disorder in recovery housing programs in Missouri21
Commentary on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on opioid use disorder treatment among Indigenous communities in the United States and Canada21
A pilot randomized clinical trial of mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement as an adjunct to methadone treatment for people with opioid use disorder and chronic pain: Impact on illicit drug use, he21
Real-world outcomes with extended-release buprenorphine (XR-BUP) in a low threshold bridge clinic: A retrospective case series21
Augmenting substance use treatment in the drug court: A pilot randomized trial of peer recovery support21
The role of social network support in treatment outcomes for medication for opioid use disorder: A systematic review21
Using implementation interventions and peer recovery support to improve opioid treatment outcomes in community supervision: Protocol21
Law enforcement assisted diversion: Qualitative evaluation of barriers and facilitators of program implementation21
Impacts of COVID-19 on residential treatment programs for substance use disorder20
Digital delivery of a contingency management intervention for substance use disorder: A feasibility study with DynamiCare Health20
Associations between patient experience and clinical outcomes in substance use disorder clinics: Findings from the veterans outcomes assessment survey20
Racial disparities in linkage to care among patients with substance use disorders20
Buprenorphine use and disparities in access among emergency department patients with opioid use disorder: A cross-sectional study20
Retention in care for persons with opioid use disorder transitioning from sublingual to injectable buprenorphine19
Reducing tobacco use in substance use treatment: An intervention to promote tobacco-free grounds19
Medication treatment for opioid use disorder in the age of COVID-19: Can new regulations modify the opioid cascade?19
Attitudes toward opioid use disorder pharmacotherapy among recovery community center attendees19
The intersection of race and opioid use disorder treatment: A quantitative analysis19
Implementation of buprenorphine initiation and warm handoff protocols in emergency departments: A qualitative study of Pennsylvania hospitals18
Predictors and moderators of marijuana and heavy alcohol use outcomes in adolescents treated for co-occurring substance use and psychiatric disorders in a randomized controlled trial18
Diagnostic remission of substance use disorders: Racial differences and correlates of remission in a nationally representative sample18
Evaluating disparities in prescribing of naloxone after emergency department treatment of opioid overdose18
Race, ethnicity, and emergency department post-overdose care18
Corrigendum to “Feasibility and acceptability of mindful recovery opioid use care continuum (M-ROCC): A concurrent mixed methods study” [Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 130 (2021) 108415]17
Employment outcomes of substance use disorder patients enrolled in a therapeutic workplace intervention for drug abstinence and employment17
Considerations for remote delivery of behavioral economic interventions for substance use disorder during COVID-19 and beyond17
Increasing access to family planning services among women receiving medications for opioid use disorder: A pilot randomized trial examining a peer-led navigation intervention17
Corrigendum to “Naturalistic follow-up after a trial of medications for opioid use disorder: Medication status, opioid use, and relapse” [Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 131 (2021) 108447]17
Experiences of stigma among individuals in recovery from opioid use disorder in a rural setting: A qualitative analysis17
Developing a cascade of care for opioid use disorder among individuals in jail17
Understanding opportunities and challenges with telemedicine-delivered buprenorphine during the COVID-19 pandemic17
An efficacy trial of adaptive interventions for alcohol use disorder17
Maintenance on extended-release naltrexone is associated with reduced injection opioid use among justice-involved persons with opioid use disorder17
Mobile methadone medication units: A brief history, scoping review and research opportunity17
Using telehealth to improve buprenorphine access during and after COVID-19: A rapid response initiative in Rhode Island17
Reductions in tobacco use in naltrexone, relative to buprenorphine-maintained individuals with opioid use disorder: Secondary analysis from the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network16
Engaging the justice system to address the opioid crisis: The Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (JCOIN)16
Deaths associated with opioids, race and ethnicity, and years of potential life lost in Washington State16
Pre-incarceration polysubstance use involving opioids: A unique risk factor of postrelease return to substance use16
Mobile low-threshold buprenorphine integrated with infectious disease services16
Life satisfaction among individuals with opioid use disorder receiving extended-release naltrexone: A 12-week randomized controlled trial and a 36-week follow-up16
Addressing racial & socioeconomic disparities in access to medications for opioid use disorder amid COVID-1916
Persons from racial and ethnic minority groups receiving medication for opioid use disorder experienced increased difficulty accessing harm reduction services during COVID-1916
Differential impacts of COVID-19 across racial-ethnic identities in persons with opioid use disorder16
Predictors of therapeutic alliance, treatment feedback, and clinical outcomes among African American women in treatment for co-occurring PTSD and SUD16
Patterns and contexts of polysubstance use among young and older adults who are involved in the criminal legal system and use opioids: A mixed methods study15
Follow-up after ED visits for opioid use disorder: Do they reduce future overdoses?15
TOC (update)15
Caring for women with substance use disorders through pregnancy and postpartum during the COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons learned from psychology trainees in an integrated OBGYN/substance use disorder outp15
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A qualitative study of service engagement and unmet needs among unstably housed people who inject drugs in Massachusetts15
Adaptations to jail-based buprenorphine treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic15
Integration of pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder treatment in primary care settings: A scoping review15
C2: editorial board15
Multimorbidity classes indicate differential patterns of health care engagement among people who inject drugs14
Perspectives on electronic portal use among patients treated with medications for opioid use disorder in primary care14
C2: editorial board14
COVID-19 surveillance and Black American substance use disorder: An examination of data and policy14
Characterizing nicotine withdrawal in smokers experiencing homelessness14
Beliefs related to health care incentives: Comparison of substance use disorder treatment providers, medical treatment providers, and a public sample14
Motherhood, substance use and peer support: Benefits of an integrated group program for pregnant and postpartum women14
Cognitive insight, medication adherence and methamphetamine cessation in people enrolled in a pharmacotherapy trial for methamphetamine use14
Teaching residents to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: Insights from a community-based residency program14
A cohort study examining changes in treatment patterns for alcohol use disorder among commercially insured adults in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic14
TOC (update)14
Using daily diary methods to understand how college students in recovery use social support14
Guidelines for authors14
C2: editorial board14
Drug and sexual HIV-risk behaviors among adolescents and young adults with opioid use disorder14
TOC (update)14
Sociodemographic and clinical correlates of cannabis dependence among Israeli combat veterans14
An intervention pilot to facilitate harm reduction service decentralization in Vietnam14
C2: editorial board13
Comparative outcomes for Black children served by the Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams program for families with parental substance abuse and child maltreatment13
C2: editorial board13
The Emergency Department Longitudinal Integrated Care (ED-LINC) intervention targeting opioid use disorder: A pilot randomized clinical trial13
Post–residential treatment outpatient care preferences: Perspectives of youth with opioid use disorder13
The opioid epidemic: Mobilizing an academic health center to improve outcomes13
Kindness, connection, and science13
TOC (update)13
Emergency department utilization by individuals with opioid use disorder who were recently incarcerated13
SBIRT administered by mental health counselors for hospitalized adults with substance misuse or disordered use: Evaluating hospital utilization and costs13
‘They don't actually join the dots’: An exploration of organizational change in Irish opiate community treatment services13
Not in my treatment center: Leadership's perception of barriers to MOUD adoption13
Participation in the Fathering through Change intervention reduces substance use among divorced and separated fathers13
Value of family involvement in substance use disorder treatment: Aligning clinical and financing priorities12
Family involvement in treatment and recovery for substance use disorders among transition-age youth: Research bedrocks and opportunities12
The provision of counseling to patients receiving medications for opioid use disorder: Telehealth innovations and challenges in the age of COVID-1912
Successful transfer of stable patients on opioid agonist therapies from specialty addiction treatment to primary care settings in Ukraine: A pilot study12
Utility of interactive voice response self-monitoring in stabilizing initial change during natural recovery attempts among persons with alcohol use disorder12
The cascade of care for opioid use disorder among youth in British Columbia, 201812
Who stays in medication treatment for opioid use disorder? A national study of outpatient specialty treatment settings12
Views of barriers and facilitators to continuing methadone treatment upon release from jail among people receiving patient navigation services12
Clinical symptoms and personality traits predict subpopulations of treatment-seeking substance users12
Substance use and criminogenic thinking: Longitudinal latent class analysis of veterans with criminal histories12
Simulating the experience of searching for LGBTQ-specific opioid use disorder treatment in the United States12
Integrating substance use care into primary care for adolescents and young adults: Lessons learned12
Gender differences in patient outcomes following drug abuse treatment in Afghanistan: Results from a new evaluation12
Reduction in injection risk behaviors after implementation of a syringe services program, Miami, Florida12
Technology-assisted methadone take-home dosing for dispensing methadone to persons with opioid use disorder during the Covid-19 pandemic11
Adaptations to substance use disorder monitoring by physician health programs in response to COVID-1911
Effectiveness of medication for opioid use disorders in transition-age youth: A systematic review11
Correlates of disparities in syringe return ratios: A cross-sectional study of a syringe services program in New York11
“I didn't feel like a number”: The impact of nurse care managers on the provision of buprenorphine treatment in primary care settings11
Comparison of self-reported substance use with biological testing among treatment-seeking patients with opioid use disorder11
Examining differences in retention on medication for opioid use disorder: An analysis of Ohio Medicaid data11
Corrigendum to “The investigation of the mediating role of coping strategies on the relationship between childhood traumas, depression and alcohol use disorder in university students” [Journal of Subs11
Internalizing and externalizing subtypes in female patients with co-occurring post-traumatic stress disorder and substance use disorders11
Uncommon and preventable: Perceptions of diversion of medication for opioid use disorder in jail11
The new services that opioid treatment programs have adopted in response to COVID-1911
Black clients in expansion states who used opioids were more likely to access medication for opioid use disorder after ACA implementation11
Predictors of engagement and retention in care at a low-threshold substance use disorder bridge clinic11
Cascade of care for office-based buprenorphine treatment in Bronx community clinics10
Expanding buprenorphine treatment to people experiencing homelessness through a mobile, multidisciplinary program in an urban, underserved setting10
Emergency department–based efforts to offer medication treatment for opioid use disorder: What can we learn from current approaches?10
Choice of extended release medication for OUD in young adults (buprenorphine or naltrexone): A pilot enhancement of the Youth Opioid Recovery Support (YORS) intervention10
Parental status and characteristics of women in substance use treatment services: Analysis of electronic patient records10
The association between heated tobacco product use and cigarette cessation outcomes among youth smokers: A prospective cohort study10
Alcohol and drug use among bartenders: An at risk population?10
Association of polysubstance use disorder with treatment quality among Medicaid beneficiaries with opioid use disorder10
Parent SMART (Substance Misuse in Adolescents in Residential Treatment): Pilot randomized trial of a technology-assisted parenting intervention10
Take-home dosing experiences among persons receiving methadone maintenance treatment during COVID-1910
A scoping review of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use treatment interventions for sexual and gender minority populations10
Trends and age-related disparities in opioid use disorder treatment admissions for adolescents and young adults10
Racial differences in overdose training, naloxone possession, and naloxone administration among clients and nonclients of a syringe services program10
Treatment retention, return to use, and recovery support following COVID-19 relaxation of methadone take-home dosing in two rural opioid treatment programs: A mixed methods analysis10
Racial inequity in methadone dose at delivery in pregnant women with opioid use disorder10
Goal setting and monitoring with alcohol and other drug use disorders: Principles and practices10
Sex-based differences in psychiatric symptoms and opioid abstinence during buprenorphine/naloxone treatment in adolescents with opioid use disorders10
Massachusetts Justice Community Opioid Innovation Network (MassJCOIN)10
Juvenile probation officers' perceptions on youth substance use varies from task-shifting to family-based contingency management10
Transporting to treatment: Evaluating the effectiveness of a mobile engagement unit10
A collision of crises: Addressing an HIV outbreak among people who inject drugs in the midst of COVID-199
A randomized comparison of 4 vs. 16 weeks of psychosocial treatment for stimulant users9
Online digital recovery support services: An overview of the science and their potential to help individuals with substance use disorder during COVID-19 and beyond9
Psychometric properties of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 in adults with substance use disorders9
A pilot randomized trial of CBT4CBT for women in residential treatment for substance use disorders9
Prevalence of high-risk drug use and coverage of opioid substitution treatment and needle and syringe programs in Lithuania in 2015–2016: A multi-method estimation study9
Developing a model of care for substance use in pregnancy and parenting services, Sydney, Australia: Service provider perspectives9
The effect of nicotine dependence and withdrawal symptoms on use of nicotine replacement therapy: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial in primary care9
Phenomenological insight into the motivation to quit smoking9
Emergency department interventions for opioid use disorder: A synthesis of emerging models9
Mobile van delivery of extended-release buprenorphine and extended-release naltrexone for youth with OUD: An adaptation to the COVID-19 emergency9
Episodic future thinking for smoking cessation in individuals with substance use disorder: Treatment feasibility and acceptability9
“If I had them, I would use them every time”: Perspectives on fentanyl test strip use from people who use drugs9
Utilizing patient perception of group treatment in exploring medication adherence, social support, and quality of life outcomes in people who inject drugs with hepatitis C9
A clash of epidemics: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic response on opioid overdose9
Housing and supportive services for substance use and self-efficacy among young mothers experiencing homelessness: A randomized controlled trial9
Client attitudes toward virtual treatment court9
Acceptability, feasibility, and outcomes of a clinical pilot program for video observation of methadone take-home dosing during the COVID-19 pandemic9
“Can we get a Black rehabilitation center”? Factors impacting the treatment experiences of Black people who use opioids9
Predictors and outcomes of online mutual-help group attendance in a national survey study8
Differences in electronic cigarette use among adolescents in Korea: A nationwide analysis8
What is success in treatment for opioid use disorder? Perspectives of physicians and patients in primary care settings8
Rural and small metro area naloxone-dispensing pharmacists' attitudes, experiences, and support for a frontline public health pharmacy role to increase naloxone uptake in New York State, 20198
Cost-effectiveness of extended-release injectable naltrexone among incarcerated persons with opioid use disorder before release from prison versus after release8
The association between history of civil commitment for severe substance use and future imprisonment: A Swedish registry study8
A spatio-temporal Bayesian model to estimate risk and evaluate factors related to drug-involved emergency department visits in the greater Baltimore metropolitan area8
Buprenorphine utilization among all Washington State residents' based upon prescription monitoring program data - Characteristics associated with two measures of retention and patterns of care over ti8
Predictive validity of the New York State Level of Care for Alcohol and Drug Treatment Referral (LOCADTR) for continuous engagement in treatment among individuals recommended for outpatient care8
COVID-19-related treatment service disruptions among people with single- and polysubstance use concerns8
“Sick and tired of being sick and tired”: Exploring initiation of medications for opioid use disorder among people experiencing homelessness8
Emergency department presentation of opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder8
The short-term impact on economic outcomes of SBIRT interventions implemented in reproductive health care settings8
Participation in methadone programs improves antiretroviral uptake and HIV viral suppression among people who inject drugs in Kenya8
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) indication and uptake among people receiving buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder8
C2: editorial board8
TOC (update)8
Al-Anon Intensive Referral (AIR): A qualitative formative evaluation for implementation8
Suicide safer care in behavioral health settings: A comparative analysis of perceptions, training completion, and practice between mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers8
Reducing Opioid Mortality in Illinois (ROMI): A case management/peer recovery coaching critical time intervention clinical trial protocol8
Treatment preference for opioid use disorder among people who are incarcerated8
Patient-centered primary care and receipt of evidence-based alcohol-related care in the national Veterans Health Administration8
Associations between relationship quality and treatment-related stress among couples receiving methadone for opioid use disorder8
Did drug use increase following COVID-19 relaxation of methadone take-out regulations? 2020 was a complicated year8
TOC (update)8
TOC (update)8
C2: editorial board8
Disease and decision7
Use of an electronic pillbox to increase number of methadone take-home doses during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Prevalence and risk factors for opioid related mortality among probation clients in an American city7
Identifying factors that contribute to burnout and resilience among hospital-based addiction medicine providers: A qualitative study7
The impact of self-help groups on successful substance use treatment completion for opioid use: An intersectional analysis of race/ethnicity and sex7
Is necessity also the mother of implementation? COVID-19 and the implementation of evidence-based treatments for opioid use disorders7
Justice community opioid innovation network (JCOIN): The TCU research hub7
How emergency department visits for substance use disorders have evolved during the early COVID-19 pandemic7
The Transitions Clinic Network: Post Incarceration Addiction Treatment, Healthcare, and Social Support (TCN-PATHS): A hybrid type-1 effectiveness trial of enhanced primary care to improve opioid use d7
A Call for Kindness, Connection, and Science7