Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

(The H4-Index of Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment is 32. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Increased availability of telehealth mental health and substance abuse treatment for peripartum and postpartum women: A unique opportunity to increase telehealth treatment92
Barriers to accessing treatment for substance use after inpatient managed withdrawal (Detox): A qualitative study83
Down the drain: Reconsidering routine urine drug testing during the COVID-19 pandemic81
Where did the specialty behavioral health workforce grow between 2011 and 2019? Evidence from census data81
Feasibility and early experience of a novel multidisciplinary alcohol-associated liver disease clinic74
Substance use disorders among older populations: What role do race and ethnicity play in treatment and completion?73
The impact of COVID-19 on health care professionals who are exposed to drug-related deaths while supporting clients experiencing addiction64
Racial disparities in use of non-emergency outpatient care by Medicaid-eligible adults after release from prison: Wisconsin, 2015–201762
Substance use among women who are pregnant: Examining treatment completion by race and ethnicity55
Employing the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model and predicting successful completion in an alternative drug court program: Preliminary findings from the Orleans Parish Drug Court55
COVID-19 and treating incarcerated populations for opioid use disorder48
SMART Recovery International and COVID-19: Expanding the reach of mutual support through online groups47
Effects of a cannabis use disorder text message–delivered treatment on young adult alcohol misuse: Differential effects by gender46
TOC (update)46
C2: editorial board45
Patterns of enrollment in a New Orleans women's substance use rehabilitation center45
From there to here: A journey through substance use disorder, prison, and recovery44
TOC (update)43
Recidivism prevention for impaired driving: Longitudinal 5-year outcomes from Quebec's severity-based intervention assignment program42
Mapping recovery: A qualitative node map approach to understanding factors proximal to relapse among adolescents in a recovery high school42
C2: editorial board41
Associations between prescription and illicit stimulant and opioid use in the United States, 2015–202039
The impact of military sexual trauma and gender on receipt of evidence-based medication treatment among veterans with opioid use disorder39
C2: editorial board38
TOC (update)37
Emotion dysregulation and hazardous drinking in relation to suicidal ideation among Spanish-speaking Latinx daily-smokers36
Increased utilization of buprenorphine and methadone in 2018 compared to 2015 among Seattle-area persons who inject drugs36
Variability in outcomes and quality-of-care indicators across clinics participating in a large smoking-cessation program35
Suicidal behavior, opioid use disorder, and behavioral health treatment: Prevalence and correlates among adults in the United States 2015–201834
A delicate compromise: Striking a balance between public safety measures and the psychosocial needs of staff and clients in residential substance use disorder treatment amid COVID-1933
Timing of smoking cessation treatment integrated into outpatient treatment with medications for opioid use disorder: Feasibility trial32
JSAT call for papers for special issue: Stimulant use disorder32
C2: editorial board32
Beyond harm-producing versus harm-reducing: A qualitative meta-synthesis of people who use drugs' perspectives of and experiences with the extramedical use and diversion of buprenorphine32