Law and History Review

(The median citation count of Law and History Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Yue Du, State and Family in China: Filial Piety and Its Modern Reform Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 312. Hardcover £ 75.00 (ISBN: 9781108838351). doi:10.1017/978110897447911
LHR volume 41 issue 1 Cover and Front matter7
Thomas J. McSweeney, Priests of the Law: Roman Law and the Making of the Common Law's First Professionals. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xvi, 287. $90.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780198845454).4
Sarah A. Seo, Policing the Open Road: How Cars Transformed American Freedom, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp. 352. $28.95 hardcover (ISBN 9780674980860).4
Ada Maria Kuskowski, Vernacular Law: Writing and the Reinvention of Customary Law in Medieval France Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xviii, 412. $125 hardcover (ISBN 978-1-009-3
From Disestablishment to Dartmouth College v. Woodward: How Virginia's Fight over Religious Freedom Shaped the History of American Corporations3
Chenxi Tang, Imagining World Order: Literature and International Law in Early Modern Europe, 1500–1800, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018. Pp. 360. $59.95 hardcover (ISBN 9781501716911).3
Legacies and Legalities: Bequests of Land to Ecclesiastical Institutions in England c. 1180–13003
Ronit Y. Stahl, Enlisting Faith: How the Military Chaplaincy Shaped Religion and State in Modern America, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2017. Pp. x + 384. $41.00 hardcover (ISBN 978067497213
The Conservative Press and the Interwar Origins of First Amendment Lochnerism2
Nepal's Constitutional Foundations between Revolution and Cold War (1950–60)2
Codifying Credit: Everyday Contracting and the Spread of the Civil Code in Nineteenth-Century Mexico2
Rebellion, Sovereignty, and Islamic Law in the Ottoman Age of Revolutions – CORRIGENDUM2
From Reciprocity to Territoriality: Extradition, the Opium War, and the Idea of British Sovereignty in Hong Kong, 1842–442
Persistence of Practice in Law's Parwana and Palm Leaf Empire2
LHR volume 41 issue 4 Cover and Back matter2
Elizabeth Allen, Uncertain Refuge: Sanctuary in the Literature of Medieval England Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021. Pp. x, 311. $59.95 hardcover (ISBN 978-0-8122-5344-3).1
Yael Berda, Colonial Bureaucracy and Contemporary Citizenship: Legacies of Race and Emergency in the Former British Empire Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. 278. Hardcover $91.981
Alison C. Carey, Pamela Block, and Richard K. Scotch, Allies and Obstacles: Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2020. Pp. 334. 1
LHR volume 40 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
Garland's Million; or, the Tragedy and Triumph of Legal History: American Society for Legal History Plenary Lecture, New Orleans, 2021 – CORRIGENDUM1
Weber in Jerusalem: The Rabbinical Debate over the Establishment of the Rabbinical Court of Appeals, 1918–19211
LHR volume 42 issue 1 Cover and Back matter1
Susan Burch, Committed: Remembering Native Kinship in and Beyond Institutions. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2021. Pp. 240. $95.00 hardcover (ISBN 9781469661612); $17.95 paperback (1
Emily Whewell, Law Across Imperial Borders: British Consuls and Colonial Connections on China's Western Frontiers. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019. Pp. 214. £80.00 hardcover (ISBN 9781521
Religion, Law, and the Dynamics of Intellectual Transmission: Weimar Jurisprudence among Religious Socialists in Israel1
Catherine L. Evans, Unsound Empire: Civilization & Madness in Late-Victorian Law. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2021. Pp. 304. $65.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780300242744).1
“No Quixotry in Redress of Grievances”: How Community Abatement of Public Nuisances Disappeared from American Law1
Michael Ng, Political Censorship in British Hong Kong: Freedom of Expression and the Law (1842–1997) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xiv + 211. Hardcover $39.99 (ISBN 9781108831
LHR volume 39 issue 4 Cover and Back matter1
In Pursuit of Freedom: Oaths, Slave Agency, and the Abolition of Slavery in Western Tanzania, 1905–19301
Sara M. Butler, Pain, Penance, and Protest: Peine Forte et Dure in Medieval England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. xiv, 474. $135.00 hardcover (ISBN 9781316512388).1
Martti Koskenniemi, To the Uttermost Parts of the Earth: Legal Imagination and International Power, 1300–1870 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 1124. $99.99 paperback (ISBN 978111
The Case of Proclamations (1610), Aldred's Case (1610), and the Origins of the Sic Utere/Salus Populi Antithesis1
Andrea Freeman, Skimmed: Breastfeeding, Race, and Injustice, Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2020. Pp. 304. $28.00 hardcover (ISBN 9781503601123); $28.00 ebook (ISBN 9781503610811).0
Stefan Kirmse, The Lawful Empire: Legal Change and Cultural Diversity in late Tsarist Russia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. 310. $99.99 hardcover (ISBN 9781108499439).0
“Let the Commander Respond”: The Paradox of Obedience in the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces – CORRIGENDUM0
LHR volume 39 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
LHR volume 39 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
“Unlawful Intimacy”: Mixed-Race Families, Miscegenation Law, and the Legal Culture of Progressive Era Mississippi0
Susan Bartie, Free Hands and Minds: Pioneering Australian Legal Scholars. Oxford: Hart, 2019. Pp. 323. $94.00 hardcover (ISBN 8791509922611).0
Slavery, Law, and Race in England and its New World Empire0
Emergency by Design: The “Native Repressive Tribunals” and the Normalization of Exception in Colonial Algeria, 1858–19040
The Cartojuridism of the British East India Company0
Into Law's Artifice: Postwar Policing, Sexual Difference, and the Epistemic Gap0
Using Topic-Modeling in Legal History, with an Application to Pre-Industrial English Case Law on Finance0
Legal Pluralism's Other: Mythologizing Modern Law0
“A New Ethnology”: The Legal Expansion of Whiteness under Early Jim Crow0
Context Matters: Understanding Why Medieval Legislators Chose to Regulate Women's Pregnant Bodies0
Written Constitutionalism, Past and Present0
In This Issue0
The Uses and Abuses of Legal Pluralism: A View from the Sideline0
Lisa Ford, The King's Peace: Law and Order in the British Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. Pp. 336. $35.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780674249073).0
Christopher Casey, Nationals Abroad: Globalization, Individual Rights, and the Making of Modern International Law, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. 316. $39.99 cloth (ISBN 9781108784040
Pathologization, Law, and Gender in Cases of Infanticide in Spain and the Netherlands in the Mid-Twentieth Century: A Comparative Perspective0
Kathryn D. Temple, Loving Justice: Legal Emotions in Blackstone's England, New York: New York University Press, 2019. Pp. viii, 265. $45.00 hardcover (ISBN 9781479895274).0
Diana S. Kim, Empires of Vice: The Rise of Opium Prohibition across Southeast Asia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. 336. $35.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780691172408).0
A Grand Jury Exhortation0
Meet Me in Pervert Park: Epistemology, Positionality, and Praxis in the Queer History of Policing and the Law0
The Redefinition of Clandestine Marriage by Sixteenth-Century Lutheran Theologians and Jurists0
Not Only Territorial Waters But Also Free Sea: Contested Coastal Jurisdiction in the Ravenna–Chishima Case (1892–1895)0
Barry E.C. Boothman, Corporate Cataclysm: Abitibi Power & Paper and the Collapse of the Newsprint Industry, 1912–1946. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. Pp. xxvii + 645. $95.00 hardcover0
LHR volume 40 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Ahmad Bey's 1846 Istiftāʾ: Its Dual Legislative Framework and Religio-Political Context0
LHR volume 40 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Half Real: Presence and Absence in Mexico's Juzgado General de Naturales0
Paper Empires: Layers of Law in Colonial South Asia and the Indian Ocean0
Introduction: Rethinking the Criminalization of Childbirth: Infanticide in Premodern Europe and the Modern Americas0
Concrete Leviathan: The Interstate Highway System and Infrastructural Inequality in the Age of Liberalism0
Mona L. Siegel, Peace on Our Terms. The Global Battle for Women's Rights after the First World War. New York: Columbia University Press, 2020. Pp. 344. $35.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780231195102).0
Exploring African Abolitionism: Fante Perspectives on Domestic Slavery in the Nineteenth-Century Gold Coast0
Policing Sati: Law, Order, and Spectacle in Postcolonial India0
Carlton F. W. Larson, The Trials of Allegiance: Treason, Juries, and the American Revolution New York: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp.424. $40.95 hardcover (ISBN 9780190932749).0
Bronach C. Kane, Popular Memory and Gender in Medieval England: Men, Women, and Testimony in the Church Courts, c.1200–1500. Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press, 2019. Pp. vii, 301. $99.00 hardcover (IS0
The Measure of Her Actions: A Quantitative Assessment of Anglo-Jewish Women's Litigation at the Exchequer of the Jews, 1219–810
Alison C. Carey, Pamela Block, and Richard K. Scotch, Allies and Obstacles: Disability Activism and Parents of Children with Disabilities. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2020. Pp. 334. $109.500
How Hermann Kantorowicz Changed His Mind About America and Its Law, 1927–34 – CORRIGENDUM0
Genuine Concern for Animals in England's Nineteenth-Century Animal Protection Movement: The Case Against Reductionist Interpretations0
Witnesses for the State: Children and the Making of Modern Evidence Law0
Why did Latin America Lose Faith in the Law?0
Andrew Phillips and J.C. Sharman, Outsourcing Empire: How Company-States Made the Modern World, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp 272. $40.99 hardcover (ISBN 9780691203515).0
Legal Pluralism, Arbitration, and State Formation: The Rise and Fall of Philadelphia's Quaker Court, 1682–17720
The Portable Coup: The Jurisprudence of ‘Revolution’ in Uganda and Nigeria0
Making Maritime Boundaries in the Bay of Bengal0
Free Black Witnesses in the Antebellum Upper South0
Taking the Discipline of Law Seriously: Twining, Arthurs, and Histories of Academic Lawyers0
LHR volume 41 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
“They Call it Schaec in Flemish”: The Language of Abduction with Marital Intent in the Late Medieval Low Countries0
Anglo-Romano Common Law on Natural Subjecthood, Lansdowne MS 486 ff. 142–1430
LHR volume 40 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
Aaron Griffith, God's Law and Order: The Politics of Punishment in Evangelical America. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2020. Pp.335.00. $35 hardcover (ISBN 9780674238787).0
Philip Stern, Empire, Incorporated: The Corporations that Built British Colonialism Cambridge, MA and London, England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2023. Pp. 408. $35 hardcove0
Sascha Auerbach, Armed with Sword and Scales: Law, Culture, and Local Courtrooms in London, 1860–1913 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xxii, 403. $99.99 hardcover (ISBN 978-1-100
Interpolity Law and Jurisdictional Politics0
LHR volume 40 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
The Stuff of Legal History0
The Enigma of a Taiping Fugitive: The Illusion of Justice and the “Political Offence Exception” in Extradition from Hong Kong0
Oceanic Mobility and the Empire of the Pass System0
Conflicting Legal Perspectives on the Establishment of Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes0
Human Rights at the Edges of Late Imperial Britain: The Tyrer Case and Judicial Corporal Punishment from the Isle of Man to Montserrat, 1972–19900
E. Claire Cage, The Science of Proof: Forensic Medicine in Modern France Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. x, 237. $110 hardcover (ISBN 9781009198332). doi:10.1017/97810091983560
LHR volume 39 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Review Essay: Surgeons at the Bar: From the Crime Scene to the Courtroom0
Doreen Lustig, Veiled Power: International Law and the Private Corporation, 1886–1981. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 256. £80.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780198822097).0
Michael Lobban, Imperial Incarceration: Detention without Trial in the Making of British Colonial Africa Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xii, 450. $120.00 hardcover (ISBN 978130
Hierarchical Inclusion: The Untold History of Israel's Affirmative Action for Arab Citizens (1948–68)0
A New Language of Rule: Alwar's Administrative Experiment, c. 1838–580
Beyond “Death Do Us Part”: Spousal Intestate Succession in Nineteenth-Century Hispanic America0
K.J. Kesselring, Making Murder Public: Homicide in Early Modern England, 1480-1680, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. vi, 156. $85.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780198835622).0
Protecting Foreigners: The Refugee Crisis on the Belize–Yucatán Border, 1847–710
Christian R. Burset, An Empire of Laws: Legal Pluralism in British Colonial Policy New Haven: Yale University Press, 2023. Pp. 272. $75.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780300253238). doi:10.2307/jj.56667410
The Requerimiento in the Old World: Making Demands and Keeping Records in the Legal Culture of Late Medieval Castile0
A Christmas Eve Murder and the Notorious Georges: Community Identity in Northern British Columbia, 1913/140
“People Crushed by Law Have No Hopes but from Power”: Free Speech and Protest in the 1940s0
Prisons of Rubble and Paper in Colonial Saint-Domingue and Beyond0
The Rise of the Indigenous Jurists0
The Sultans of Zanzibar and the Abolition of Slavery in East Africa0
An Instrument of Military Power: The Development and Evolution of Japanese Martial Law in Occupied Territories, 1894–1945 – ERRATUM0
The Drafting of the Constitution of the Union of Burma in 1947: Dominion Status, Indo–Burmese Relations, and the Irish Example0
Tibor Várady, People in Spite of History: Stories Found in an Attorney Archive in the Banat Region, translated by János Boris, Owen Good, and Péter Balikó Lengyel. Budapest: Central European Universit0
The Edicts of the Praetors: Law, Time, and Revolution in Ancient Rome – ERRATUM0
LHR volume 40 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Government, Money, and the Law0
The Surveillance State and the Surveillance Private Sector: Pathways to Undercover Policing in France and the United States0
Margaret McGlynn, The King's Felons: Church, State and Criminal Confinement in Early Tudor England Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023. Pp. xx, 371. $145.00 hardcover (ISBN 978-0-19-288768-9). doi:10
How Hermann Kantorowicz Changed His Mind About America and Its Law, 1927–340
The Sailing Scribes: Circulating Law in the Twentieth-Century Indian Ocean0
Introduction: Rethinking the Policing of Homosexuality in Modern America0
Paul Sabin, Public Citizens: The Attack on Big Government and the Remaking of American Liberalism. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2021. Pp. 272. $26.95 hardcover (ISBN 978-0-393-63404-4).0
LHR volume 40 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Stephanie Elsky, Custom, Common Law, and the Constitution of English Renaissance Literature, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. x, 224. $70.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780198861430).0
A New Foundation for Freedom of Movement in an Age of Sovereign Control: The Liberal Jurisprudence of August Wilhelm Heffter0
LHR volume 41 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
LHR volume 41 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Garland's Million; or, the Tragedy and Triumph of Legal History: American Society for Legal History Plenary Lecture, New Orleans, 20210
Margot Canaday, Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern America Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2023. Pp. 312. $35.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780691205953). doi:10.1353/book.1099800
The Politics of Libel: Thomas Erskine, Freedom of the Press, and Transatlantic Legal Culture, c. 1780–18300
Laura Flannigan, Royal Justice and the Making of the Tudor Commonwealth, 1485–1547 Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. xv, 304. $110.00 hardcover (ISBN 978-1-009-37136-0). doi:10.10
Ashley T. Rubin, The Deviant Prison: Philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary and the Origins of America's Modern Penal System, 1829–1913. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 356. $59.990
Sir John Baker, English Law Under Two Elizabeths: The Late Tudor Legal World and the Present, The Hamlyn Lectures 2019. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xxxv, 213. $89.99 hardcover (IS0
The Medico-Legalization of Sex in the Nineteenth-Century United States0
What Happened to Nancy Jackson? A Riddle of Race and Resistance on the Southern Frontier0
Wolfgang P. Müller, Marriage Litigation in the Western Church, 1215–1517 Cambridge, UK; New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. viii, 270. $99.99 hardcover (ISBN-13: 978-1108845427). doi:10
Religious Liberty Sacralized: The Persistence of Christian Dissenting Tradition and the Cincinnati Bible War0
Carsun Chang's Jefferson: A Lost Era of Transnational Sino-American Constitutional Imagination0
Henrietta Harrison, The Perils of Interpreting. The Extraordinary Lives of Two Interpreters between Qing China and the British Empire Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021. Pp. 312. $29.95 hardc0
Re-Reading Morant Bay: Protest, Inquiry, and Colonial Rule0
Lisa Kloppenberg, The Best Beloved Thing is Justice: The Life of Dorothy Wright Nelson New York: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 216. $39.95 hardcover (ISBN 9780197608579); ebook (ISBN 978010
A True Copy? Documents and the Production of Legality in the Bombay Inam Commission0
LHR volume 40 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Pardoning Infanticide in Late Medieval France0
Before Equal Protection: The Fall of Cross-Dressing Bans and the Transgender Legal Movement, 1963–860
Adriana Chira, Patchwork Freedoms: Law, Slavery, and Race Beyond Cuba's Plantations Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. Pp. 320. $102.95 hardcover (ISBN 9781108499545); $33.95 paperbac0
Tom Johnson, Law in Common: Legal Cultures in Late-Medieval England. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. xii, 324. $105.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780198785613).0
Wool Smuggling and the Royal Government in England, c.1337–63: Law Enforcement and the Moral Economy in the Late Middle Ages0
Killing in the Name Of? Capital Punishment in Colonial and Postcolonial India0
Complicating Conformity0
Four Fragments on Doing Legal History, or Thinking with and against Willard Hurst0
Nurfadzilah Yahaya, Fluid Jurisdictions: Colonial Law and Arabs in Southeast Asia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2020. Pp. xi, 241. $49.95 hardcover (ISBN 9781501750878).0
Macabe Keliher, The Board of Rites and the Making of Qing China. Oakland: University of California Press, 2019. Pp. 288. $80.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780520300293).0
The Contradictions of Reform: Prosecuting Infant Murder in the Nineteenth-Century United States0
The Law of Nations in the Diplomacy of the American Revolution0
Mergers and Legal Fictions: Coverture and Intermarried Women in India0
The Carried-Off and the Constitution: How British Harboring of Fugitives from American Slavery Led to the Constitution of 17870
Luke Taylor, Constructing the Family: Marriage and Work in Nineteenth-Century English Law Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2023. Pp. viii, 411. $90 hardcover (ISBN 978-1-4875-4652-6).0
Reforming Women, Protecting Men: The Prosecution of Infanticide in Venezuela's Early Republic, 1820–600
Voting Trusts and Antitrust: Rethinking the Role of Shareholder Litigation in Public Regulation, from the 1880s to the 1930s0
Creating a Common Law of Slavery for England and its New World Empire0
An Instrument of Military Power: The Development and Evolution of Japanese Martial Law in Occupied Territories, 1894–19450
Rethinking the Rethinking of Legal Pluralism: Toward a Manifesto for a Pluri-Legal Perspective0
LHR volume 39 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Hanging Matters: Petty Theft, Sentence of Death, and a Lost Statute of Edward I0
The Making of Modern US Citizenship and Alienage: The History of Asian Immigration, Racial Capital, and US Law0
Registering and Regulating Family Life: The School Thombos in Dutch Sri Lanka0
An Empire in Disguise: The Appropriation of Pre-Existing Modes of Governance in Dutch South Asia, 1650–18000
LHR volume 41 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Bengal Regulation 10 of 1804 and Martial Law in British Colonial India0
From Slaves to Índios: Empire, Slavery, and Race (Maranhão, Brazil, c.1740–90)0
Negotiating Nationhood: Constitutional Warfare, International Law, and the Birth of Bangladesh0
LHR volume 42 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Alex Thompson, British Law and Governance in Treaty Port China 1842–1927: Consuls, Courts and Colonial Subjects Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2024. Pp. 180. €104.00 hardcover (ISBN 97894637200
Eric H. Reiter, Wounded Feelings: Litigating Emotions in Quebec, 1870-1950, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. Pp. 504. $33.71 paperback (ISBN 9781487526986).0
“Lost in Translation”: Extraterritoriality, Subjecthood, and Subjectivity in the Anglo–Yemeni Treaty of 18210
R.W. Kostal, Laying Down the Law: The American Legal Revolutions in Occupied Germany and Japan, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2019. Pp 472. $55.00 cloth (ISBN 9780674052413).0
LHR volume 39 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Legal Pluralism from History to Theory and Back: Otto von Gierke, Santi Romano, and Francesco Calasso on Medieval Institutions0
LHR volume 39 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Disobedient Children, Hybrid Filiality: Negotiating Parent–Child Relations in Local Legal System in Republican China, 1911–19490
Will Slauter, Who Owns the News? A History of Copyright, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2019. Pp. xii, 352. $30.00 paperback (ISBN 9781503607712).0
Francis Lieber and G. Norman Lieber, To Save the Country: A Lost Treatise on Martial Law, edited with an introduction by Will Smiley and John Fabian Witt, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 0
“Let the Commander Respond”: The Paradox of Obedience in the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces0
“To Save the Benefit of the Act of Parliamt”: Mapping an Early American Copyright0
Edward A. Purcell, Antonin Scalia and American Constitutionalism: The Historical Significance of a Judicial Icon. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 310. $34.95 hardcover (ISBN 97801975087630
“Do Not Harm the Decorum”: Mixed Courts and Cloth in Colonial Indonesia0
“Above the Written Law”: Iran-Contra and the Mirage of the Rule of Law0
Material Pluralism and Symbolic Violence: Palm Leaf Deeds and Paper Land Grants in Colonial Sri Lanka, 1680–17950
Abolitionist Decrees in Ethiopia: The Evolution of Anti-Slavery Legal Strategies from Menilek to Haile Selassie, 1889–19420
Courts and Constitutions in South Asia and the Global South: A View from the Middle East0
Christopher Tomlins, In the Matter of Nat Turner: A Speculative History. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. 352. $29.95 hardcover (ISBN 9780691198668).0
LHR volume 41 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Christopher W. Schmidt, Civil Rights in America: A History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp.250. $114.95 hardcover (ISBN 9781108426251); $39.95 paperback (ISBN 9781108444972).0
Courtney E. Thompson, An Organ of Murder: Crime, Violence, and Phrenology in Nineteenth-Century America. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2021. Pp.259. $120.00 hardcover (ISBN 9781978813070
Policing, Profits, and the Rise of Immigration Detention in New York's “Chinese Jails”0
The Abolition of Slavery in Africa's Legal Histories0
Creating Law through Regulating Intimacy: The Case of Slave Marriage in Nineteenth-Century New York and the United States0
Lisa Ford, The King's Peace: Law and Order in the British Empire. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2021. Pp. 336. $35.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780674249073).0
LHR volume 42 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
In This Issue0
Inge Van Hulle, Britain and International Law in West Africa: The Practice of Empire. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 320. $99.00 hardcover (ISBN 9780198869863).0
Uncertain Comparisons: Zionist and Israeli Links to India and Pakistan in the Age of Partition and Decolonization0
Legal Limbo and Caste Consternation: Determining Kayasthas' Varna Rank in Indian Law Courts, 1860–1930 – CORRIGENDUM0
The Reconstruction of Federalism: Foreign Submarine Telegraph Cables and American Law, 1868–780
Heart Transplants, Legislating Death, and Disruptive Anti-Apartheid Advocacy0
The Power of Parwanas: Indo-Persian Grants and the Making of Empire in Eighteenth-Century Southern India0
Policing Jim Crow America: Enforcers’ Agency and Structural Transformations0
Seeing Like an Anti-Fraud State0
Radha Kumar, Police Matters: The Everyday State and Caste Politics in South India, 1900–1975 Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2021. Pp. 241. $19.95 paperback (ISBN 9781501761065).0
Does Originalism Have a Natural Law Problem?0
Legal Pluralism as a Category of Analysis0
The Probate Regime: Enchanted Bureaucracy, Islamic Law, and the Capital of Orphans in Nineteenth-Century Egypt0
Forum: Holly Brewer's “Creating a Common Law of Slavery for England and its New World Empire”—Introduction0
BeyondSomerset?: Slavery and the Temporality of Law0
Protecting the Colony from its People: Bushranging, Vagrancy, and Social Control in Colonial New South Wales0
Rebellion, Sovereignty, and Islamic Law in the Ottoman Age of Revolutions0
A “Practically American” Canadian Woman Confronts a United States Citizen-Only Hiring Law: Katharine Short and the California Alien Teachers Controversy of 19150
Constitutions and Modernity in Post-Colonial Afghanistan: Ethnolinguistic Nationalism and the Making of an Afghan Nation-State0
Between Empire and State: Haudenosaunee Sovereignty at the League of Nations0
Taking the Courts to the Fields: Law, Violence, and Agrarian Custom in Colonial Oaxaca, Mexico0
Law, Courts, and Constitutions in Twentieth-Century South Asia0
LHR volume 39 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Extraterritoriality and Legal Belonging in the Nineteenth-Century Mediterranean0
The Edicts of the Praetors: Law, Time, and Revolution in Ancient Rome0
LHR volume 42 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Genteel Culture, Legal Education, and Constitutional Controversy in Early National Virginia0
Legal Limbo and Caste Consternation: Determining Kayasthas’ Varna Rank in Indian Law Courts, 1860–19300
LHR volume 41 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0