Annals of Dyslexia

(The H4-Index of Annals of Dyslexia is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Orthographic depth and developmental dyslexia: a meta-analytic study34
Is orthographic knowledge a strength or a weakness in individuals with dyslexia? Evidence from a meta-analysis21
Influences of individual, text, and assessment factors on text/discourse comprehension in oral language (listening comprehension)17
Development and standardization of the DALI-DAB (dyslexia assessment for languages of India – dyslexia assessment battery)17
Exploring sources of poor reading comprehension in English language learners15
The role of grit and resilience in children with reading disorder: a longitudinal cohort study12
An experimental eye-tracking study of text adaptation for readers with dyslexia: effects of visual support and word frequency11
Two aspects of psychological functioning in undergraduates with a history of reading difficulties: anxiety and self-efficacy11
Relationships between test anxiety and metacognition in Chinese young adults with and without specific learning disabilities11
The neurocognitive basis of morphological processing in typical and impaired readers10
A meta-analytic review of comprehension deficits in students with dyslexia10
Contribution of morphological awareness to reading fluency of children with and without dyslexia: evidence from a transparent orthography10