
(The TQCC of Biotechniques is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A Clinically Validated Human Saliva Metatranscriptomic Test for Global Systems Biology Studies41
Ladder-Shape Melting Temperature Isothermal Amplification of Nucleic Acids36
Special Focus Issue - Celebrating 40 Years of Publishing Lab Techniques: Looking Back to Look Foreword35
Generation of UL128 -shRNA Transduced Fibroblasts for the Release Of Cell-free Virus from Clinical Human Cytomegalovirus Isolates33
Unraveling Crime Scenes Strand by Strand: The Forensic Odyssey of Bruce Budowle30
Colorimetric Analysis of C-reactive Protein Via ‘Jellyfish’ Probe-based Exonuclease III-assisted Multiple-Signal Recycles26
Antibody-mediated Soluble CD14 Stabilization Prevents Agitation-Induced Increases in Presepsin Levels in Blood Component Specimens24
Recombinant Bacterial Endotoxin Testing: A Proven Solution24
A Novel Click Chemistry-based Peptide ELISA Protocol: Development and Technical Evaluation21
Evaluation Protocol for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated CD19 Knockout GM24385 Cells by Flow Cytometry and Sanger Sequencing21
The dynamic duo: cryo-EM teams up with machine learning to visualize biomolecules in motion19
Isolation and characterization of Paenibacillus peoriae JC-3jx from Dendrobium nobile16
Extraterrestrial agriculture: plant cultivation in space15
Isothermal Amplification Using Sequence-Specific Fluorescence Detection of SARS Coronavirus 2 and Variants in Nasal Swabs14
Transitioning from Triton X-100 to Tergitol 15-S-9: impacts on diagnostic assays using viral PCR sample solution14
Intracellular Flow Cytometry Complements RT-qPCR Detection of Circulating SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern12
Effects of a Fully Enclosed Hollow-Fiber Centrifugal Ultrafiltration Technique for Laboratory Biosafety Improvement11
Characterization of nuclear microsatellites in Marchantia polymorpha (liverwort) with additional trans-specific analyses11
Determination of n-3 Index and Arachidonic Acid/eicosapentaenoic Acid Ratio in Dried Blood Spot by Gas Chromatography10
Methods to Evaluate the Impact of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Mutations on Antigen Detection by Rapid Diagnostic Tests10
Smart PCR Machines Can Reduce the Risk of Carryover Contamination10
Ancient DNA Analysis from Epoxy Resin Biodur ® -embedded bones10
Toxoplasma Gondii : The Kitty Litter Parasite9
Biohacking the Food Chain: Using CRISPR to Combat the Global Food Crisis9
Ancient DNA Sequencing: Telling the Tale of Human History and Evolution9
X Marks the Spot: Mapping the Brain with EEG and MRI9
A Cryostat-Based Frozen Section Method to Increase the Yield of Extracellular Vesicles Extracted from Different Tissues8
Cloning Vectors for Gene Delivery, Integration and Expression in Campylobacter Jejuni8
Adaptation of the HEp-2 Cell Line to toTally Animal-Free Culture Systems and Real-Time Analysis of Cell Growth8
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and Library Preparation: a Powerful Tool to Unravel the Epigenome7
Legionella Water Testing and the EU Drinking Water Directive: Could Potentially Harmful Legionella Bacteria Slip Through the Gaps?7
Nanotechnology and Cancer Therapeutics: Delivering on the Hype?7
PCR-Based Gene Synthesis with Overlapping Unisense-Oligomers Asymmetric Extension Supported by a Simulator for Oligonucleotide Extension Achieved 1 kbp dsDNA7
Rapid Microfluidic Isolation of Virally Infected Primary Bronchial Epithelial Cells for Single-Cell RNA Sequencing7
A Rapid and Sensitive Method to Measure Numbers of Live Cells in Alginate Capsules Following Depolymerization with Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid7
Site-Specific Analysis of Ribosomal 2′O-Methylation by Quantitative Reverse Transcription PCR Under Low Deoxynucleotide Triphosphate Concentrations7
Digital Holographic Microscopy: A Noninvasive Method to Analyze the Formation of Spheroids6
A Practical Approach to Genome Assembly and Annotation of Basidiomycota Using the Example of Armillaria6
An Easy Method for Quantification of Anaerobic and Microaerobic Gene Expression with Fluorescent Reporter Proteins6
Modular probe-based colorimetric miRNA detection via polymerase/endonuclease assisted chain displacement6
Adipocyte ABCA1 expression analysis using flow cytometry6
Modification of Grocott's Staining Procedure with Heat Treatment and Oxidation by Periodic Acid for Mucormycosis in Tissue: A Method to Detect Mucor spp.5
An Approach to Identifying Quality Research Antibodies5
A Simple Approach for Effective Shearing and Reliable Concentration Measurement of Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight DNA5
Apoptosis Assessment in High-Content and High-Throughput Screening Assays5
Phylobook: a tool for display, clade annotation and extraction of sequences from molecular phylogenies5
Comparing robotic and manual injection methods in zebrafish embryos for high-throughput RNA silencing using CRISPR-RfxCas13d5
Multiparameter Screen Optimizes Immunoprecipitation5
eDNA Extraction Protocol for Metagenomic Studies in Tropical Soils4
Age is Just a Number: Can Proteomic Analysis Provide Insight into the Aging Body?4
Development and validation of a portable device for lab-free versatile nucleic acid extraction4
Comparison of Magnetic Bead and Rapid Swab RNA Extraction Methods for Detecting Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 in Rabbit Liver Samples4
Decoding Disease: Scott Patterson’s Perspectives on the Power of Biomarkers in Drug Development4
Simple, Inexpensive and RNase-Free Purification of Plasmid DNA by Fractional Precipitation with Isopropanol4
A domed window chamber for multi-modality optical imaging4
A Method for the Temperature-Controlled Extraction of DNA from Ancient Bones4
An Optimal Genomic Dna Extraction Method for Shoots of Four Dendrocalamus Species Based on Membership Function Analysis4
Design Considerations for Point-of-Need Devices Based on Nucleic Acid Amplification for COVID-19 Diagnostics and Beyond4
The Earth BioGenome Project: A Success Story for Whole-Genome Sequencing?4
Mass Spectrometry: An Old Dog with New Tricks4
Metagenomic Nanopore Sequencing Versus Conventional Diagnosis for Identification of the Dieback Pathogens of Mango Trees4
Prediction of High Fecal Propionate-to-Butyrate Ratios Using 16S rRNA-Based Detection of Bacterial Groups with Liquid Array Diagnostics4
Development of a Droplet Digital™ PCR DNA Methylation Detection and Quantification Assay of Prenatal Tobacco Exposure4
Screening for Androgen Agonists using Autonomously Bioluminescent HEK293 Reporter Cells4
Targeted Proteomics Analysis of Plasma Proteins Using Recombinant Protein Standards for Addition Only Workflows4
Reliable Budding Pattern Classification of Yeast Cells with Time-Resolved Measurement of Metabolite Production4
Quantifying Sequencing Error and Effective Sequencing Depth of Liquid Biopsy NGS with UMI Error Correction4
New Cloning Vectors to Facilitate Quick Allelic Exchange in Gram-Negative Bacteria4
A standardized protocol for sample preparation for scanning electron microscopy to visualize extrachromosomal DNA3
From Bench to Bedside: Three Imperatives for Making the Digital Laboratory a Reality3
Amberlite XAD-4 is a Convenient Tool for Removing Triton X-100 and Sarkosyl from Protein Solutions3
Endogenous Cell-free DNA in Fetal Bovine Serum Introduces Artifacts to in Vitro cell-free DNA Models3
Application of a Robust Microplate Assay to Determine Induced β-1,3-glucanase and Chitinase Activity in the Cotton Plant3
Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis: A Versatile Tool for the Separation of Nanoclusters3
Rectal swab DNA collection protocol for PCR genotyping in rats3
Overcoming Problems to Produce the Recombinant Protein LipL21 of Leptospira interrogans3
The Determination of Cystatin C in Biological Samples via the Surface Plasmon Resonance Method3
Lab Techniques for a More Sustainable World3
A Single-wavelength Flow Cytometric Approach using Redox-sensitive Green Fluorescent Protein Probes for Measuring Redox Stress in Live Cells3
An Assay of Human Tyrosine Protein Kinase ABL Activity using an Escherichia Coli Protein Expression System3
pJoseph2: a family of plasmids as positive controls for bacterial protein expression, transfections, and western blots3
Assay System for Mesocotyl Elongation and Hydrotropism of Maize Primary Root in Response to Low Moisture Gradient3
Accelerated Aging of Forensically Relevant Biological Materials on Swabs3
Developing Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Education3
Instant Pot for Antigen Retrieval: A Simple, Safe and Economical Method for Use in Immunohistochemistry3
Rapid Visual Detection of SARS-CoV-2 by Colorimetric Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification3