Telematics and Informatics

(The TQCC of Telematics and Informatics is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Models and constructs to predict students’ digital educational games acceptance: A systematic literature review404
Examining the links between active Facebook use, received likes, self-esteem and happiness: A study using objective social media data239
Improving evidence-based assessment of players using serious games212
Rural broadband: Gaps, maps and challenges126
How online review environment affects review generation behavior: A competing for attention perspective122
Creating the path to success: The impact of crowdsourced exploratory and exploitative activities of expert graphic designers on creativity performance118
Methodological analysis of personalization in urban recommender systems by distance measures106
Customer adoption of p2p mobile payment systems: The role of perceived risk98
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Pathways to e-participation diffusion: A societal and governance perspective94
Why DO citizens engage in government social media accounts during COVID-19 pandemic? A comparative study91
Combating health misinformation on social media through fact-checking: The effect of threat appraisal, coping appraisal, and empathy89
The emergence of core (hash)tags and its effects on performance84
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Is a “6-second” advertisement reasonable? Acceptable mobile advertisement length for consumers79
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Trolling asymmetry toward Republicans and Democrats and the shift from foreign to domestic trolling79
#Buzz: Exploring public interest in pollinators, bees, and honey using online media data76
Research on the dynamic mechanism of group emotional expression in the crisis73
Behind the growth of FinTech in South Korea: Digital divide in the use of digital financial services71
Effects of political orientation on sentiment features: the case of online news outlets in South Korea71
Comparing factors affecting self-disclosure behavior between German and South Korean SNS users71
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Emoji as Icebreakers? Emoji can signal distinct intentions in first time online interactions62
To produce or resell? Which content strategy is more efficient for program providers?61
Who (and with whom) uses more emoji? Exploring individual, relational, and motivational characteristics driving emoji use61
The smartphone: The tourist’s on-site shopping friend. An extended cognitive, affective, normative model59
Smart city and remote services: The case of South Korea’s national pilot smart cities55
An imperative to innovate? Crisis in the sociotechnical imaginary55
Open government data portal usability: A user-centred usability analysis of 41 open government data portals53
Grassroots information divides in China: Theorising everyday information practices in the Global South52
Children’s perceptions of fairness in a data disclosure context: The effect of a reward on the relationship between privacy literacy and disclosure behavior51
Patterns in environmental priorities revealed through government open data portals50
Algorithmic amplification and polarization in social media50
Digital stress within early adolescents’ friendships – A focus group study from Belgium50
Exploring public perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine online from a cultural perspective: Semantic network analysis of two social media platforms in the United States and China49
Systematic evaluation of mobile fitness apps: Apps as the Tutor, Recorder, Game Companion, and Cheerleader49
Fake Reviews or Not: Exploring the relationship between time trend and online restaurant reviews47
Preventing insider threats to enhance organizational security: The role of opportunity-reducing techniques46
What motivates users to continue using current short video applications? A dual-path examination of flow experience and cognitive lock-in44
FibVID: Comprehensive fake news diffusion dataset during the COVID-19 period43
Bubbles bursting: Investigating and measuring the personalisation of social media searches43
Understanding the impacts of Internet use on senior Citizens’ social participation in China: Evidence from longitudinal panel data42
Consumer behavior in an augmented reality environment: Exploring the effects of flow via augmented realism and technology fluidity42
Progress and future directions for research on social media addiction: Visualization-based bibliometric analysis42
People-centered distributed ledger technology-IoT architectures: A systematic literature review41
The Government Metaverse: Charting the Coordinates of Citizen Acceptance40
Unraveling the influence of passive and active WeChat interactions on upward social comparison and negative psychological consequences among university students40
Free contents vs. inconvenience costs: Two faces of online video advertising39
Explaining caste-based digital divide in India39
Designing the metaverse: A study on inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility and safety for digital immersive environments39
Predicting continuity of online conversations on Reddit38
How compulsive WeChat use and information overload affect social media fatigue and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic? A stressor-strain-outcome perspective38
Exploring the Determinants of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy: Digital Divide, Computational Thinking, Cognitive Absorption38
Corrigendum to “Identification of significant features and data mining techniques in predicting heart disease” [Telematics Informatics 36 (2019) 82–93]37
Futures of artificial intelligence through technology readiness levels37
What makes citizens participate in government data governance? A study based on Behavioral Reasoning Theory37
Evaluation of the smart city: Applying the dematel technique37
Where the earth is flat and 9/11 is an inside job: A comparative algorithm audit of conspiratorial information in web search results37
Impulsivity and loot box engagement36
How multidimensional benefits determine cumulative satisfaction and eWOM engagement on mobile social media: Reconciling motivation and expectation disconfirmation perspectives36
Systematic review of survey scales measuring information privacy concerns on social network sites35
The silence of the LLMs: Cross-lingual analysis of guardrail-related political bias and false information prevalence in ChatGPT, Google Bard (Gemini), and Bing Chat34
Global news media coverage of artificial intelligence (AI): A comparative analysis of frames, sentiments, and trends across 12 countries33
Are you satisfied or satiated by the games you play? An empirical study about game play and purchase patterns by genres32
Social media portrait-editing intentions: Comparisons between Chinese and American female college students32
Social media discontinuation: A systematic literature review on drivers and inhibitors32
Conspiracy thinking and social media use are associated with ability to detect deepfakes29
Perception of Artificial Intelligence in Spain29
Understanding the development of public data ecosystems: From a conceptual model to a six-generation model of the evolution of public data ecosystems29
The interplay between social media virality metrics and message framing in influence perception of pro-environmental messages and behavioral intentions28
Users’ responses to humanoid social robots: A social response view28
Privacy disclosure by de-anonymization using music preferences and selections28
Emerging-market consumers’ interactions with banking chatbots27
To be rational or sensitive? The gender difference in how textual environment cue and personal characteristics influence the sentiment expression on social media27
Do social media literacy skills help in combating fake news spread? Modelling the moderating role of social media literacy skills in the relationship between rational choice factors and fake news shar27
Measuring social support for depression on social media: A multifaceted study on user interaction and emotional spread27
Digital dialogue in online brand communities: Examining the social network outcomes of brands’ dialogue with Facebook users27
Disentangling facial recognition payment service usage behavior: A trust perspective26
Fake news and COVID-19: modelling the predictors of fake news sharing among social media users26
Identifying associations between mobile social media users’ perceived values, attitude, satisfaction, and eWOM engagement: The moderating role of affective factors25
Smart contracts on the blockchain – A bibliometric analysis and review25
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Towards efforts to enhance tax revenue mobilisation in Africa: Exploring the interaction between industrialisation and digital infrastructure24
Television, news media, social media and adolescents’ and young adults’ violations of the COVID-19 lockdown measures: A prototype willingness model24
Motivations of online and offline activism against racism and xenophobia among Asian-American publics during the COVID-19 pandemic24
Determinants of intention to use e-government services: An integrated marketing relation view24
Does enterprise social media usage make the employee more productive? A meta-analysis24
Unravelling social media racial discriminations through a semi-supervised approach24
Determinants of consumer acceptance of mobile healthcare devices: An application of the concepts of technology acceptance and coolness24
Segmenting consumers based on social media advertising perceptions: How does purchase intention differ across segments?24
Creating awareness on bullying and cyberbullying among young people: Validating the effectiveness and design of the serious game Conectado23
On spatial variation in the detectability and density of social media user protest supporters22
A mini imitation game: How individuals model social robots via behavioral outcomes and social roles22
Citizen science resource mobilization: Social identities and textual narcissism22
Understanding the actual use of open data: Levels of engagement and how they are related22
An inverted digital divide during Covid-19 pandemic? Evidence from a panel of EU countries21
Predicting cell phone adoption metrics using machine learning and satellite imagery21
Who won the social media March Madness bracket? Demand shifters for Twitter followers21
Understanding the adoption of digital terrestrial, cable-based, and satellite-based television to speed up the analogue switch-off in Indonesia21
How resilient is the open web to the COVID-19 pandemic?21
Should I post my very best self? The within-person reciprocal associations between social media literacy, positivity-biased behaviors and adolescents’ self-esteem21
Political YouTube Channel Reputation (PYCR): Development and validation of a multidimensional scale21
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When attention-grabbing tactics backfire during media multitasking: The detrimental effect of atypical advertising slogans on brand attitude20
Does internet security matter for foreign direct investment? A spatial econometric analysis20
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User settings for advertising optimization on Facebook: Active customer participation or settings blindness?20
Social support for digital inclusion of women in South African townships19
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D-HRSP: Dataset of helpful reviews for service providers19
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Editorial Board18
Sensory and cognitive intrusions with and without media content during the COVID-19 pandemic: Isolation, media use, sleep and stress factors18
Do social media campaigns foster vaccination adherence? A systematic review of prior intervention-based campaigns on social media18
Emotion regulation and cheap talk as signaling strategies: Evidence from crowdfunding for Ukraine18