Telematics and Informatics

(The H4-Index of Telematics and Informatics is 43. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Fake news and COVID-19: modelling the predictors of fake news sharing among social media users390
I, Chatbot: Modeling the determinants of users’ satisfaction and continuance intention of AI-powered service agents367
The effect of ICT on energy consumption and economic growth in South Asian economies: An empirical analysis225
What factors contribute to the acceptance of artificial intelligence? A systematic review152
To shop or not: Understanding Chinese consumers’ live-stream shopping intentions from the perspectives of uses and gratifications, perceived network size, perceptions of digital celebrities, and shopp115
Designing the metaverse: A study on inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility and safety for digital immersive environments114
Smart contracts on the blockchain – A bibliometric analysis and review110
Big data analytics meets social media: A systematic review of techniques, open issues, and future directions98
Emerging-market consumers’ interactions with banking chatbots98
Does excessive social media use decrease subjective well-being? A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between problematic use, loneliness and life satisfaction94
Do information and service quality affect perceived privacy protection, satisfaction, and loyalty? Evidence from a Chinese O2O-based mobile shopping application91
Diffusion of blockchain in insurance industry: An analysis through the review of academic and trade literature89
It doesn’t take a village to fall for misinformation: Social media use, discussion heterogeneity preference, worry of the virus, faith in scientists, and COVID-19-related misinformation beliefs86
Virtual reality adoption during the COVID-19 pandemic: A uses and gratifications perspective84
Examining the links between active Facebook use, received likes, self-esteem and happiness: A study using objective social media data82
Virus tinged? Exploring the facets of virtual reality use in tourism as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic79
Exploring public perceptions of the COVID-19 vaccine online from a cultural perspective: Semantic network analysis of two social media platforms in the United States and China79
The impact of knowledge management practices on the acceptance of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) by engineering students: A cross-cultural comparison74
Online grocery shopping before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A meta-analytical review73
Bibliometric mapping of mobile learning71
Uncovering interlinks among ICT connectivity and penetration, trade openness, foreign direct investment, and economic growth: The case of the G-20 countries70
ICT Diffusion, Foreign Direct Investment and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa70
Open government data portal usability: A user-centred usability analysis of 41 open government data portals68
Identifying associations between mobile social media users’ perceived values, attitude, satisfaction, and eWOM engagement: The moderating role of affective factors67
Social comparison as a double-edged sword on social media: The role of envy type and online social identity66
Using enterprise social media to investigate the effect of workplace conflict on employee creativity66
Can COVID-19 pandemic influence experience response in mobile learning?62
The big picture on Instagram research: Insights from a bibliometric analysis59
How compulsive WeChat use and information overload affect social media fatigue and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic? A stressor-strain-outcome perspective58
Does information and communication technology and financial development lead to environmental sustainability in India? An empirical insight57
Did location-based games motivate players to socialize during COVID-19?54
Privacy paradox in mHealth applications: An integrated elaboration likelihood model incorporating privacy calculus and privacy fatigue53
What Makes Indian Cities Smart? A Policy Analysis of Smart Cities Mission53
Who inadvertently shares deepfakes? Analyzing the role of political interest, cognitive ability, and social network size52
Immersive interactive technologies and virtual shopping experiences: Differences in consumer perceptions between augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)51
Identifying relevant segments of AI applications adopters – Expanding the UTAUT2’s variables49
“OK, Google, why do I use you?” Motivations, post-consumption evaluations, and perceptions of voice AI assistants49
Extended reality applications in industry 4.0. – A systematic literature review48
Social media addiction profiles and their antecedents using latent profile analysis: The contribution of social anxiety, gender, and age46
Drivers of social media fatigue: A systematic review46
AI as a friend or assistant: The mediating role of perceived usefulness in social AI vs. functional AI44
What is the impact of service quality on customers’ satisfaction during COVID-19 outbreak? New findings from online reviews analysis44
The self-reinforcing effect of digital and social exclusion: The inequality loop44
Important citation identification using sentiment analysis of in-text citations43