Journal of Urban Affairs

(The median citation count of Journal of Urban Affairs is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Art as intervention: Protests on urban transformation in China and Australia48
Sustaining the grassroots: How community organizations mitigate the downsides of collaborating with unions28
Keeping the sanctuary pure: Movements and frictions in an Argentine gated community26
Local rental market dynamics and homelessness rates among unaccompanied youths, single adults, and people in families23
City in Africa II: Urban environmental health19
Fresh Kills: A history of consuming and discarding in New York City, by Martin V. Melosi15
Local factors sustaining co-production: Two case studies from the city of Yokohama, Japan14
Race, housing policy, and the demographic and spatial structure of modern housing programs: Who receives rental assistance and where do they live?13
Who is the city for? Architecture, equity, and the public realm in Chicago , by Blair Kamin and Lee Bey Who is the city for? Architecture, equity, a12
Urban home values and multi-level political accountability: Evidence from Calgary, Canada12
Street-level architecture: The past, present and future of interactive frontages , by Conrad Kickert and Hans Karssenberg Street-level architecture:12
Kobenhavn: Urban architecture and public spaces , by Eva Herrmann, Sandra Hofmeister (editor-in-chief), and Jakob Schoof Kobenhavn: Urban architectu11
Regional governance and the politics of housing in the San Francisco Bay Area , by Paul G. Lewis and Nicholas J. Marantz10
Subaltern urbanism as a way of life: Redefining and (re)imagining postcolonial urbanity in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe10
They eat our sweat: Transport labor, corruption, and everyday survival in urban Nigeria , by Daniel Agbiboa They eat our sweat: Transport labor, cor10
The importance of public familiarity for sense of belonging in Brisbane neighborhoods10
Urbanism for a difficult future: Practical responses to the climate crisis , by Korkut Onaran Urbanism for a difficult future: Practical responses t10
Street-level collaborative governance for urban regeneration: How were conflicts resolved at grassroot level?10
Handbook on smart growth: Promise, principles, and prospects for planning , by Gerrit-Jan Knaap, Rebecca Lewis, Arnab Chakraborty, and Kay June-Friesen (eds.) 10
Resilience and southern urbanism: Towards a new paradigm , by Binti Singh and Manoj Parmar (eds.) Resilience and southern urbanism: Towards a new pa10
The permanence of temporary urbanism: Normalising precarity in austerity London, by Mara Ferreri9
Temporary food insecurity, social capital, and mental health during the COVID-19 lockdowns in Shanghai9
The house on henry street: The enduring life of a lower East side settlement , by Ellen M. Snyder-Grenier The house on Henry Street: The enduring li9
The urban fix: Resilient cities in the war against climate change, heat islands and overpopulation, by Doug Kelbaugh9
Reinventing food banks and pantries: New tools to end hunger, by Katie S. Martin9
The ecology of homicide: Race, place, and space in postwar Philadelphia, by Eric C. Schneider9
Social justice and adequate housing: Rights, Roma inclusion and the feeling of home, Volume 1 , by Silvia Cittadini Social justice and adequate hous8
Crossing paths crossing perspectives: Urban studies in British Columbia and Quebec , edited by Meg Holden and Sandra Breux Crossing paths crossing p8
Globalizing cities: A brief introduction, by Mark Abrahamson8
Governing climate mitigation in a megacity: Tapping opportunities in the multi-level governance system?8
Neoliberalizing infrastructure: Financing public transportation in Greater Boston8
Advanced introduction to urban segregation , by Sako Musterd Advanced introduction to urban segregation , by Sako M8
Forever struggle: Activism, identity, & survival in Boston’s Chinatown, 1880–2018, by Michael Liu8
The age of surveillance capitalism: The fight for a human future at the new frontier of power, by Shoshana Zuboff8
Scenario planning for cities and regions: Managing and envisioning uncertain futures, by Robert Goodspeed7
The state of urban research: Views across the disciplines7
Case studies in retrofitting suburbia: Urban design strategies for urgent challenges, by June Williamson and Ellen Dunham-Jones (eds.)7
Suburbia in the 21st century: From dreamscape to nightmare? , edited by Paul J. Maginn and Katrin B. Anacker Suburbia in the 21st century: From drea7
Experiential Knowledge of urbanites on climatic changes in the Sunyani municipality, Ghana7
Advanced introduction to cities, by Peter Taylor7
The role of nonprofit organizations in the expansion of inclusive transportation in Los Angeles7
A research agenda for small and medium-sized towns , edited by Heike Mayer and Michela Lazzeroni7
South Central is home: Race and the power of community investment in Los Angeles, by Abigail Rosas7
Planning Australia’s healthy built environments, by Jennifer L. Kent and Susan Thompson7
Community involvement in mixed-income transformation in Copenhagen, Denmark7
A note from the new editor-in-chief7
Just urban design: The struggle for a public city , edited by Kian Goh, Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, and Vinit Mukhija7
The man in the dog park: Coming up close to homelessness, by Cathy A. Small with Jason Kordosky and Ross Moore7
Refuge: How the state shapes human potential, by Heba Gowayed6
The impact of built environments on pedestrian safety around bus stops6
Innovating urban governance through ‘Challenges’6
Follow the money: Do gentrifying and at-risk neighborhoods attract more park spending?6
Civic pivot: Smoothing the politics of race and place through arts and culture in Nashville, Tennessee6
Refugees in borderlands: Safe places versus securitization in Athens, Greece6
The changing American neighborhood: The meaning of place in the twenty-first century , by Alan Mallach and Todd Swanstrom The changing American neig6
University City: History, race, and community in the era of the innovation district, by Laura Wolf-Powers6
Fixer-upper: How to repair America’s broken housing systems, by Jenny Schuetz6
International agencies and the implementation of the New Urban Agenda: Evidence from the United Nations in Angola6
The comprehensive plan: Sustainable, resilient, and equitable communities for the 21st century, by David Rouse and Rocky Piro6
Planning public green spaces within customary land tenure contexts: Reflections on the limits to collaborative planning in Tamale, Ghana6
Repowering cities: Governing climate change mitigation in New York, Los Angeles and Toronto, by Sarah Hughes5
Evading the eviction moratorium: Changing patterns in formal and informal evictions and eviction tactics during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Non-design: Architecture, liberalism, and the market, by Anthony Fontenot5
Giving the green light to sustainability: Key political factors behind the European Green Capital Award applications5
First responder ladder of community engagement: Understanding community-facing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Quo vadis, city? Residents’ perception of the lockdown during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in two districts in Rome5
Parks and recreation system planning: A new approach for creating sustainable, resilient communities, by David L. Barth5
The spatial ontologies of interstitial spaces: Insights from Belfast’s “interfaces” and the spatialization of the in-betweenness5
Informality as an approach to claiming the right to resettlement and achieving inclusive rural-to-urban resettlement for landless villagers: The case of Hangzhou, China5
Airbnb in Latin America: A literature review from an urban studies perspective4
Rethinking public space , edited by Ali Madanipour Rethinking public space , edited by Ali Madanipour, Cheltenham, 4
The architecture of suspense: The built world in the films of Alfred Hitchcock , by Christine Madrid French The architecture of suspense: The built 4
Megaprojects for megacities: A comparative casebook , edited by John D. Landis Megaprojects for megacities: A comparative casebook <4
Gentrification is inevitable and other lies , by Leslie Kern Gentrification is inevitable and other lies , by Lesli4
Noticing houses: An analysis of the vernacular landscape of south Marrickville and Tempe, Sydney, Australia4
High-density living, migratory status, and perceived crowding: A study of juveniles in Hong Kong4
Salvaging community: How American cities rebuild closed military bases, by Michael Touchton and Amanda J. Ashley4
Who shares? Participation in the sharing economy in the U.S.4
Does cycling infrastructure prioritize gentrifying neighborhoods? The case of Mexico City4
The space of ideas: Public art policy and the concept of urban model spaces4
Pandemic in the metropolis: Transportation impacts and recovery , edited by Anastasia Loukaitou-Sideris, Alexandre M. Bayen, Giovanni Circella and R. Jayakrishnan 4
Foreign trade, foreign direct investment, and urban inequality: The effects of China4
Boomtown Columbus: Ohio’s Sunbelt City and how developers got their way , by Kevin R. Cox Boomtown Columbus: Ohio’s Sunbelt City and how developers 4
Neighborhood governance during COVID-19: What is lost with reduced face-to-face communication?4
Residential preferences, place alienation, and neighborhood satisfaction: A conjoint survey experiment in Toronto’s inner suburbs4
Survival of the city: Living and thriving in an age of isolation, by Edward Glaeser and David Cutler4
Public space: Notes on why it matters, what we should know, and how to realize its potential , by Vikas Mehta Public space: Notes on why it matters,4
Hyperlocal: Place governance in a fragmented world , edited by Jennifer S. Vey and Nate Storring Hyperlocal: Place governance in a fragmented world<4
City in Africa I: Urbanism and informality4
Reviving Cleveland’s commercial corridors: Analyzing the Storefront Renovation Program, 1983–20164
Shifting lakefronts: Alternative waterfront politics in Wuhan4
Water access disparity in Mumbai, India: Using spatial and structural attributes as formal conditionalities4
Defensible space on the move: Mobilisation in English housing policy and practice , by Loretta Lees and Elanor Warwick Defensible space on the move:3
Making our neighborhoods, making our selves , by George C. Galster3
Disrupting the knowledge and power imbalance in Community Benefits Agreement negotiations: Lessons from the Aggie Square development in Sacramento, California3
Is public agency relocation effective to achieve decentralization? Evaluating its effects on regional employment3
‘It’s like crossing a border everyday’: Police-migrant encounters in a postcolonial city3
Cooperating and competing for land-based interests in the growth coalition of market-oriented urban redevelopment: The case of Longsheng village, Shenzhen3
Exploring local activism in the neighborhoods of Cairo3
The art of “everyday resistance”: Small city cultural actors’ disruption of extralocal growth politics3
Sons, daughters and sidewalk psychotics: Mental illness and homelessness in Los Angeles , by Neil Gong3
Depicting the narratives of escape, drift, compromise, and return: New Chinese youth paradigms in narratives of social mobility3
Municipal mergers under local autonomy: Electoral consequences of city-county consolidation in South Korea3
Local immigrant support policies in the context of economic development3
Gentrification studies and cultural colonialism: Discussing connections between historic city centers of Mexico and Spain3
People and place: Does the reason for redlining impact the long-term trajectory of neighborhoods3
The suburbanization of California’s deserts3
The toponymic battle: Renaming streets in Santiago de Chile 50 years after the military coup3
The historic city of Benghazi in Libya: Towards a holistic post-conflict reconstruction3
The gerrymandering of cities and the politics of racial exclusion: Evidence from a spatial typology of municipal boundary changes3
Unraveling social inequalities in urban health care accessibility in Montevideo: A space-time approach3
We make us safe: Alternatives to policing in a Latinx immigrant inner-ring suburb3
Social mix in context: Comparing housing regeneration programs in Australia and Israel3
Accessibility, mobility, and spatial justice in Nairobi, Kenya3
“Top-down” local government mergers: Political and institutional factors facilitating radical amalgamation reforms3
Streetcars and the shifting geographies of Toronto: A visual analysis of change , by Brian Doucet and Michael Doucet Streetcars and the shifting geo3
Labor lacuna: Disjunctures between local climate action and workforce development in advancing just transitions3
Right-wing populism and urban planning3
Migration, (il)legal status and housing precarity: Difficulties and coping strategies3
Is spatial mismatch really spatial, and really a mismatch? Recent evidence on employment among Hispanic and Black people in the U.S.3
The neighbor spectrum in community housing: Pro-social, anti-social and asocial neighboring in Vancouver3
Lisbon, the Portuguese Erasmus city? Mis-match between representation in urban policies and international student experiences3
Where are the police in urban governance? Three investigations of police, planning, and governance in central Atlanta3
Exploring the perception of ethnic migrants in Kolkata, India: A comparative study using sentiment analysis3
Shaping caring cities: A study of community-based mutual support networks in post-pandemic Madrid3
Challenges in the creation of murals: A theoretical framework3
Innate terrain: Canadian landscape architecture , edited by Alissa North3
Urban marginality and institutional effects: Disinvestment, inefficacy, and stigmatization in Santiago de Chile3
Social (in)equality, community well-being and quality of life , by Patsy Kraeger, M. Rezaul Islam, and Rhonda Phillips3
What contributes to the collaborative network of emergency information release? A case study of COVID-19 response in China3
Vulnerability to COVID-19: Cluster analysis of census tracts in Malaga, Spain3
From the ground up: Local efforts to create resilient cities , by Alison Sant From the ground up: Local efforts to create resilient cities 2
Historicizing Latin American urban politics and governments2
Planned urban development: Learning from town expansion schemes in the UK and Europe, by Chris Couch2
Sense of community (SOC) in gated urban neighborhoods: Empirical insights from Accra, Ghana2
The Italian legacy in Philadelphia: History, culture, people, and ideas, by Andrea Canepari and Judith Goode (eds.)2
Resisting garbage: The politics of waste management in American cities, by Lily Baum Pollans2
Environmental justice and resiliency in an age of uncertainty , edited by Celeste Murphy-Greene2
Arbitrary lines: How zoning broke the American city and how to fix it, by M. Nolan Gray2
A policy window for equity? The American Rescue Plan and local government response2
The urban library: Creative city branding in spaces for all , by Julia Nevárez The urban library: Creative city branding in spaces for all 2
Varieties of East-Central European housing tenure structure: The long life of a north-south cleavage line2
Typology of home value change over time: Growth mixture models in Southern California neighborhoods from 1960 to 20102
Everyday improvising in public space: The forest pub as a site for suburban being2
The radical bookstore: Counter-space for social movements, by Kimberley Kinder2
The paradox of urban revitalization: Progress and poverty in America’s postindustrial era , by Howard Gillette Jr The paradox of urban revitalizatio2
What is happening in your community?: Why community development matters, by Matthew J. Hanka2
Planning within complex urban systems, by Shih-Kung Lai2
Movements at the fiscal/monetary crossroads: Financing a Green New Deal for schools in Philadelphia2
Ambiguity and clarity in residential yard ordinances across metropolitan areas in the United States2
Technologies of inclusion in the frontier of urban renewal: State responses to community resistance in Abkouh neighborhood, Mashhad, Iran2
Who owns France? Uncovering the structure of property ownership for a better understanding of the socio-spatial distribution of wealth2
Special Issue: Examining Public-private Partnerships and the Production of Urban Space2
Advanced introduction to housing studies, by William Clark, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Edgar Publishing, 20212
Exploring place attachment dynamics in deprived urban neighborhoods: An empirical study of Nima and Old Fadama slums in Accra, Ghana2
Reframing the urban challenge in Africa: Knowledge co-production from the South, by Ntombini Marrengane and Sylvia Croese2
Business cycles of casino cities: Theoretical model, empirical evidence and policy implications2
Philanthropic foundations as urban climate policy entrepreneurs2
Amsterdam’s Canal District: Origins, evolution, and future prospects , by Jan Nijman (ed.) Amsterdam’s Canal District: Origins, evolution, and futur2
The reinforcement of pedestrian safety in the central business district: A spatial analysis of Austin, Texas2
The right to an age-friendly city: Redistribution, recognition, and senior citizen rights in urban spaces , by Meghan Joy The right to an age-friend2
Toward sustainable urbanization: Understanding the dynamics of urban sprawl and food (in)security of indigenous households in peri-urban Wa, Ghana2
Transit life: How commuting is transforming our cities, by David Bissell2
Race and property: A book review essay2
Urban street fairs in Curitiba from the ecosocioeconomy perspective2
Dark agoras: Insurgent Black social life and the politics of place , by J. T. Roane Dark agoras: Insurgent Black social life and the politics of pla2
The fight to save the town: Reimagining discarded America , by Michelle Wilde Anderson The fight to save the town: Reimagining discarded America2
New Mobilities: Smart planning for emerging transportation technologies, by Todd Litman2
Thinking like an economist: How efficiency replaced equality in U.S. public policy, by Elizabeth Popp Berman2
Oil Beach: How toxic infrastructure threatens life in the ports of Los Angeles and beyond , by Christina Dunbar-Hester2
District government as a policy entrepreneur: Understanding policy experimentation in China’s Wujin District2
Land reform from below: Institutional change driven by confrontation and negotiation2
Homelessness and housing supply2
Colour matters: Essays on the experiences, education, and pursuits of Black youth, by Carl James2
Contributors to concentrated poverty of Blacks and Hispanics in metropolitan America, 1980–20202
Black Mecca Dilemmas: Prosperity, political power, and poverty2
Organizing transit institutions to facilitate cross-jurisdictional service integration: A multi-region comparative case study2
Salinas: A history of race and resilience in an agricultural city, by Carol Lynn McKibben2
The contributions of community-led newspapers to the resilience of Rio’s Maré and Rocinha favelas during the COVID-19 pandemic2
The influence of women’s representation on social spending in local government2
The city creative: The rise of urban placemaking in contemporary America , by Michael H. Carriere and David Schalliol The city creative: The rise of2
The metropolitan and neighborhood geographies of REIT- and private equity–owned single-family rentals2
In the name of “social mixing”: The privatization of public housing to non-governmental organizations2
Urban planning as a way to pursue quality-oriented urbanization: Anatomy of the urban planning of Xiong’an New Area, China2
The mediating role of governance in handling diverse and conflicting land interests in the peri-urban Ethiopia: A structural equation modeling analysis2
Including the majority: Examining the local social interactions of renters in four case study condominiums in Sydney2
Emergency responses of Indian smart cities during the COVID-19 pandemic2
Public space reader, edited by Miodrag Mitrašinović and Vikas Mehta, New York, Routledge, 20212
Chinese urban transformation: A tale of six cities, by Chen Yuanzhi, Alan Hudson and He Lisheng2
Cities and communities beyond Covid-19: How local leadership can change our future for the better, by Robin Hambleton2
Exploring the association between household compositional change and mobility of subsidized householders in the United States: A life course perspective2
Incremental housing and compliance with development control in urban Ghana2
In placement, not just dis placement: Urban assemblages and neighborhood stability in the face of gentrification1
Co-crafting the just city: Tales from the field by a planning scholar turned mayor, by James A. Throgmorton1
Intercity economic networks under recession: Counterintuitive results on the evolution of Russian cities in multinational firm networks from 2010 to 20191
The roots of educational inequality: Philadelphia’s Germantown High School, 1907–2014, by Erika M. Kitzmiller1
Low value and hard to stack: Opportunity zones and the low-income housing tax credit1
Policy-reality gaps in Africa’s walking cities: Contextualizing institutional perspectives and residents’ lived experiences in Accra1
The sociology of housing: How homes shape our social lives , edited by Brian J. McCabe and Eva Rosen The sociology of housing: How homes shape our s1
Creative city: Interrogating the influence of property developers on Brisbane’s arts and culture1
Resilience difference between growing and shrinking resource-exhausted cities and its influencing factors1
The architecture of disability: Buildings, cities, and landscapes beyond access , by David Gissen The architecture of disability: Buildings, cities,1
Climate change adaptation plans: Inclusion of health, equity, and green space1
Disaster resilience and human settlements: Emerging perspectives in the Anthropocene , edited by Bharat Dahiya, Francesco de Pascale, Orlando De Pietro, Piero Farabollini, Francesca1
Conflicted social mix and the ambivalence toward urban Others: Ethnographic exploration of urban regeneration in a liminal space in Tel Aviv1
The Fair Housing Act and Black Atlantans: Post-1970 changes in residential density1
Caring for life in common: Care, diversity and the paradox of the commons1
Post-growth planning: Cities beyond the market economy , by Federico Savini, Antonio Ferreira, and Kim Carlotta von Schönfeld1
Police in the urban world: A primer1
Moving ideas? The news media’s impact on ridehailing regulation in Canadian cities1
Preventive repression: Protest policing in New Delhi1
Economic and racial justice coalitions and the rise of progressive cities1
Touristification, commercial gentrification, and experiences of displacement in a disadvantaged neighborhood in Busan, South Korea1
Mallparks: Baseball stadiums and the culture of consumption , by Michael T. Friedman Mallparks: Baseball stadiums and the culture of consumption1
Child stunting in South Africa: Urban premium or penalty?1
Rethinking community resilience: The politics of disaster recovery in New Orleans, by Min Hee Go1
Mayor’s desk: 20 conversations with local leaders solving global problems , by Anthony Flint Mayor’s desk: 20 conversations with local leaders solvi1
Property taxation in a shrinking city1
Race and the suburbs in American film, edited by Merrill Schleier1
Rhetoric and reality of “turnover”: Condominium developer influence in Ontario and New York1
The role of affects in subjective constructions of neighborhood boundaries: An investigation of Bairro de Contumil (Porto, Portugal)1
“All roads lead to Rome?” Performance evaluation across different types of community land trusts based on a large-scale survey1
Housing vacancy and hypervacant neighborhoods: Uneven recovery after the U.S. foreclosure crisis1
Arts in the city: Debates in the Journal of Urban Affairs1
The insurgent smart city: How a social movement created an alternative imaginary of the smart city1
Regulation flexibility and legitimacy building in governing intercity railways: The polymorphous role of the Chinese provincial government1
Fixer-upper: How to repair America’s broken housing systems, by Jenny SchuetzFixer-upper: How to repair America’s broken housing systems, by Jenny Schuetz, Washington, DC, Brookin1
Changing places: The science and art of new urban planning, by John MacDonald, Charles Branas, and Robert Stokes1
A ‘gray area’? Neighborhood decline and reclamation in 1950s and 1960s U.S. urban discourse and legislation1
How neighborhoods came to matter more over time: A broad historical sketch1
The effects of charter schools on neighborhood and school segregation: Evidence from New York City1
“Why are we asking for a seat at the table that our ancestors created for us?” The importance of cultural landscapes and power in urban planning1
Is mixed-housing development healthier for residents? The implications on the perception of neighborhood environment, sense of place, and mental health in urban Guangzhou1
Smart cities and smart communities: Empowering citizens through intelligent technologies , edited by Srikanta Patnaik, Siddhartha Sen and Sudeshna Ghosh 1
Street naming and political identity in the postcolonial African city: A social sustainability framework1
From public goods theory to municipal capitalism: Evaluating investments in sport venues from an urban entrepreneurial perspective1
What explains variation in neighborhood evictions? Investigation of neighborhood characteristics and federal rental assistance: Case study of Kansas City, Missouri1
Gayfriendly: Acceptance and control of homosexuality in New York and Paris , by Sylvie Tissot Gayfriendly: Acceptance and control of homosexuality i1
Social capital, access to healthcare, and health-related quality of life in urban Ghana1
Rethinking neighborhoods: Connections and cohesion , by William A.V. Clark Rethinking neighborhoods: Connections and cohesion 1
The gendered postconflict city: Possibilities for more livable urban transformations in Gulu, northern Uganda1
Tensions in diversity: Spaces for collective life in Los Angeles , by Felicity Hwee-Hwa Chan1
Rainbow infrastruggles: The infrapolitics of LGBTQ2S surplus visibility in suburban infrastructure1
Leadership development in divided cities: The Homecomer, Middleman, and Pathfinder1
Reflections on researching new cities underway in the Global South1
Applying a disaster recovery framework to racism as a public health crisis: From theory to practice1
Building on firm foundations: Organizations and growth in urban arts communities1
Reimagining urban sustainability scholarship1
Rethinking the effects of gentrification on the health of Black communities in the United States: Towards a racialized health framework1
Smart cities in the post-algorithmic era: Integrating technologies, platforms and governance, edited by Nicos Komninos and Christina Kakderi1