Journal of Urban Affairs

(The H4-Index of Journal of Urban Affairs is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Art as intervention: Protests on urban transformation in China and Australia48
Sustaining the grassroots: How community organizations mitigate the downsides of collaborating with unions28
Keeping the sanctuary pure: Movements and frictions in an Argentine gated community26
Local rental market dynamics and homelessness rates among unaccompanied youths, single adults, and people in families23
City in Africa II: Urban environmental health19
Fresh Kills: A history of consuming and discarding in New York City, by Martin V. Melosi15
Local factors sustaining co-production: Two case studies from the city of Yokohama, Japan14
Race, housing policy, and the demographic and spatial structure of modern housing programs: Who receives rental assistance and where do they live?13
Who is the city for? Architecture, equity, and the public realm in Chicago , by Blair Kamin and Lee Bey Who is the city for? Architecture, equity, a12
Urban home values and multi-level political accountability: Evidence from Calgary, Canada12
Street-level architecture: The past, present and future of interactive frontages , by Conrad Kickert and Hans Karssenberg Street-level architecture:12
Kobenhavn: Urban architecture and public spaces , by Eva Herrmann, Sandra Hofmeister (editor-in-chief), and Jakob Schoof Kobenhavn: Urban architectu11