International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer

(The H4-Index of International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer is 60. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Numerical simulations for artillery barrel temperature variation considering mechanical friction heat under continuous shots218
Thermal diffusion of Maxwell nanoparticles with diverse flow features: Lie group simulations185
A reduced-order model based on finite element method for fast prediction of thermal performance of lattice structures149
Investigation of convective heat transfer and flow hydrodynamics in rectangular grooved channels147
Numerical evaluation of thermal stability of a W-shaped crushed-rock embankment with shady and sunny slopes in warm permafrost regions120
Enhancing the charging performance of the latent heat storage unit by gradient straight fins117
Effect of uncertain hydrothermal properties and freezing temperature on the thermal process of frozen soil around a single freezing pipe112
Analytical solutions of thermomechanical responses in skin tissue for hyperthermia treatment111
Degradation of condensation heat transfer on a vertical cylinder by a light noncondensable gas mixed with air-steam mixtures110
Experimental and parametric study in pool boiling enhancement with self-induced jet impingement on the microporous copper surface using R1336mzz(Z)104
Negative differential thermal resistance effect in a nanoscale sandwiched system with nanostructured surfaces102
Numerical treatment of microscale heat transfer processes arising in thin films of metals101
Physical attributes of bio-convection in nanofluid flow through a paraboloid of revolution on horizontal surface with motile microorganisms100
Buoyancy effects on a fully-developed flow inside a vertical pipe in laminar and turbulent regimes100
Diesel/biodiesel/biogas mixtures driven compression ignition internal combustion engines constructal design99
Numerical study on thermal efficiencies in mono, hybrid and tri-nano Sutterby fluids99
New multiple regression and machine learning models of rotary desiccant wheel for unbalanced flow conditions96
Enhanced pool boiling heat transfer on grooved surfaces by wettability modification with nanoparticle coatings96
Detailed showerhead cooling effectiveness measurements on the notched leading-edge surface: Effect of freestream turbulence and density ratio93
Slip flow of micropolar nanofluid over a porous rotating disk with motile microorganisms, nonlinear thermal radiation and activation energy89
Performance evaluation criteria of a star-shaped cross-sectional horizontal microchannel with supercritical carbon dioxide89
Three-dimensional mesoscopic simulation of radiative transfer in graded index media87
Effects of combination modes of different cavities and ribs on performance in mini-channels - A comprehensive study87
Experimental investigation on thermo-hydraulic performance of triangular cross-corrugated flow passages82
Filtration efficiency of particle-laden flows for thermal plug and abandonment of oil wells using turbulence modeling in porous media82
Analysis of thermal transport and entropy generation characteristics for electroosmotic flow through a hydrophobic microchannel considering viscoelectric effect81
Evolutionary design of composite structures for thermal conductance and strength81
Numerical analysis of heat and moisture transfer in waterproof and breathable composite fabric used for steam protective clothing79
Application of Taguchi method in the numerical analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer around a flat tube with various axial ratios78
Nanofluid heat transfer within a pipe equipped with external device77
Dynamics of viscoelastic fluid conveying nanoparticles over a wedge when bioconvection and melting process are significant76
Pore-scale investigation of wettability effects on drying process of three-dimensional porous medium76
Effect of third size on natural convection of variable viscosity fluid in a closed parallelepiped73
Sociotechnical design a review and future interdisciplinary perspectives involving thermodynamics in today societal contest72
An improved POD-Galerkin method for rapid prediction of three-dimensional temperature field for an IGBT module72
Theortical study of temperature-dependent flow induced by MW model70
Lattice Boltzmann simulation of condensation on self-cleaning porous membrane70
Numerical analysis of thermal characteristics for micropolar fluid flux close to an isothermal vertical plate inward porous region70
Development of a phase change solver for concentrated energy beam applications69
Numerical study of thermal-hydraulic performance enhancement in a shell-and-tube milli-reactor69
Heat transfer analysis of compressible laminar flow in a parallel-plates channel via integral transforms68
Analysis of vortex mixing in passive micromixers with misaligned inlet and rectangular winglets67
Filling structure design and cooling mechanism study of the heat-not-burn cigarettes with sidewall openings67
Method for measuring bubble size under low-light conditions for mass transfer enhancement in industrial-scale systems66
Analytical solution to heat transfer in stationary wet granular mixtures with time-varying boundary conditions66
Simple exact analytical solution of laser-induced thermal transport in supported 2D materials66
Identification of the thermo-physical properties of a stratified tissue. Adiabatic hypodermic wall65
An image analysis method of liquid phase distribution during boiling in parallel minichannels64
Adopting a hot film to measure thickness of an ice layer under sweeping wind64
Boiling evaporation characteristics of sessile droplets and its transition evaporation mode64
The effects of swirling purge leakage on aerothermal performance of flat and non-axisymmetric endwalls64
Editorial Board64
Molecular dynamics study of spontaneous capillary flow and heat transfer in nanochannels63
Numerical study of vapor condensation and droplet migration on the asymmetrical micropillar arrays62
Radial temperature gradient investigation of the large-diameter ball screw based on mathematical modelling62
Direct numerical simulation of transition in a differentially heated vertical channel62
Calculation of two-fluid subchannels model of pressurized water reactor: Picard Krylov method61
LBM simulation of stabilizing/destabilizing effects of thermodiffusion and heat generation in a rectangular cavity filled with a binary mixture61
A binary salt composite adsorbent material for solar-driven sorption-based atmospheric water harvesting60
Application of deep learning to study aggregative and non-aggregative nanofluid flow within the nozzle of a liquid rocket engine60