Rhetoric Review

(The TQCC of Rhetoric Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Living from the Dead: Disaffirming Biopolitics Stuart J. Murray. The Living from the Dead: Disaffirming Biopolitics 15
The Phantom of Pure Ethos7
Review of Interrogating Gendered Pathologies5
Activist Orientations: Wayfinding, Writing, and How Alumni Effect Change in the World5
Me Too, Feminist Theory, and Surviving Sexual Violence in the Academy3
After Gun Violence: Deliberation and Memory in an Age of Political Gridlock3
Rhetorical Speculations: The Future of Rhetoric, Writing, and Technology3
Polyvalent Practices and Heteropraxis as Heuristic: A Survey of Doctoral Examination Processes in Rhetoric and Composition2
Identifying Specific Arguments in Discussion Sections of Science Research Articles: Making the Case for New Knowledge2
Bordered Writers: Latinx Identities and Literacy Practices at Hispanic-Serving Institutions2
The Constitutive Rhetoric of Late Nationalism: Imagined Communities after the Digital Revolution2
“Motherhood, Saliency, and Flattening Effects: World War I and the ‘The Greatest Mother in the World’”2
Stripped: Reading the Erotic Body2
Symposium on Community-Engaged Environmental Justice Rhetorics1
Maps as Rhetorical Tools of Colonial Power and Alternative Cartographies: The Americas’ Cartographic Invention1
Reclaiming Malintzin: Epideictic Practices of a Chicana Rhetoric1
Understanding the Ideological Force of Graduate Application Materials: A Rhetorical Genre Study of Personal Statement Prompts1
Analog to Digital and Back Again: The Rhetoric of Graffiti1
Interrupting Identity: Zionism and the Palestinian Other1
Food, Feminist Rhetorical Studies, and Conservative Women: The Case of Elizabeth David1
The Impact of the Literate Revolution on Orality in Ancient Athens: A Synthesis Essay on Rhetorical Research with Commentary1
Conspiracy Theories, Jouissance, and the Aristotelian Enthymeme1
“Crusaders on a Quest for Democracy”: Addie W. Hunton and Kathryn M. Johnson’s Black Civic Pedagogy1
Institutional Ethnography: A Theory of Practice for Writing Studies Researchers1
The Civic Education of Ignacio Bonillas: Revising Ambient Notions of Citizenship in the Arizona-Sonora Borderlands0
What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of … Well … Us? A Response to Richard Leo Enos about the Possibilities for a 21 st Century Rhetorical Education0
Haunting Women’s Public Memory: Ethos, Space, and Gender in the Winchester Mystery House0
Sylvan Rhetoric in the Planes of Plato’s Phaedrus0
Algorithmic Abstraction and the Racial Neoliberal Rhetorics of 23andMe0
Epideictic Metaphor: Uncovering Values and Celebrating Dissonance Through a Reframing ofVoice0
Redefining Rhetorical Figures through Cognitive Ecologies: Repetition and Description in a Canadian Wind Energy Debate0
Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus Rhetorics0
2023 Theresa J. Enos 25 th Anniversary Award Recipient0
Engaging Museums: Rhetorical Education and Social JusticeLauren E. Obermark. Engaging Museums: Rhetorical Education and Social Justice 0
Composing Ethical Communities of Antiracism in Tulsa’s Black Wall Street0
Paulo Freire’s Situação-limite0
The Switched-off Circulation: A Rhetoric of Disconnect0
Latin Literature and Roman Rhetoric … and Beyond: A Symbiotic Relationship Re-examined0
Violent Exceptions: Children’s Human Rights and Humanitarian Rhetorics0
State-Run Martial Arts Institutions: The Rhetorical (Re)Inventions ofTaekwondo0
Women’s Ways of Making0
Toward a Rhetorical Theory of the Face: Algorithmic Inequalities and Biometric Masks as Material Protest0
Acknowledging Betrayal: The Rhetorical Power of Victim Impact Statements in the Nassar Hearing0
Mythic Progenitors in Chinese and Sumerian Rhetorical Culture: A Short Primer0
Genre Bending and Spiritual Resistance: Mina Pachter’s Concentration Camp “Cookbook”0
Rhetorics of Overcoming: Rewriting Narratives of Disability and Accessibility in Writing Studies.0
Reviewer as Activist: Understanding Academic Review through Conocimiento0
Radcliffe’s Strongest Woman: The Bricolaged Body in One Progressive Era Women’s College Scrapbook0
“There is Not One Shred of Evidence That [Being Trans] is Not a Divine Gift”: Grace and Lace Letter and the Rhetorical Construction of an Evangelical Transfeminine Ident0
Rhetoric of Social Statistics: Statistical Persuasion and Argumentation in the Lumosity Memory Wars0
Rhetoric of Health and Medicine As/Is: Theories and Approaches for the Field0
Awful Archives: Conspiracy Theory, Rhetoric, and Acts of Evidence0
Bridging the Gap: Speculative Roles of Specific Intellectuals in Climate Justice0
There Went the Neighborhood: Spatial Rhetoric, Spatial Occupation, Regendering and Forgetting in Mid-Century Detroit0
Histories of Ethos: World Perspectives on Rhetoric.0
Nuancing Networks: On the Individuation of Doxa in Online Communities0
Job Market Mentoring in Rhetoric and Composition and Technical Communication0
The Rhetoric of Redemption in African-American Prison Memoirs0
Rhetorical Education in Complicated Times: Poly-logical Invention and Written Discourse for the 21 st Century University0
Rhetoric Re-View: Five Approaches to Rhetorical Agency0
Turning Tricks in Athens0
Genre Networks and Empire: Rhetoric in Early Imperial China Xiaoye You. Genre Networks and Empire: Rhetoric in Early Imperial China 0
Inventing the Slums: Rhetoric, Race, and Place in Westlake Terrace0
“One Among Many”: Piety Reconstruction in 12-Step Recovery Groups0
Reprogrammable Rhetoric: Critical Making Theories and Methods in Rhetoric and Composition Michael J. Faris and Steve Holmes (eds.). Reprogrammable R0
Visual Rhetorics of Communist Romania: Life Under the Totalitarian Gaze Adriana Cordali. Visual Rhetorics of Communist Romania: Life Under the Total0
Imagining Protection from Domestic Gun Violence0
Maps as Inscription of Power: Imposing Visibility on New York’s “Shadow Transit”0
Octalog IV: The Politics of Rhetorical Studies in 20210
Monster Metaphors: When Rhetoric Runs Amok Peter J. Adams. Monster Metaphors: When Rhetoric Runs Amok . Routledge, 0
Creationist Science and the Rhetorical Capacity of the Scientific Method0
Ecologies of Harm: Rhetorics of Violence in the United States0
Revolutionary Women of Texas and Mexico: Portraits of Soldaderas, Saints, and Subversives0
Strategic Interventions in Mental Health RhetoricLisa Melonçon and Cathryn Molloy, editors. Strategic Interventions in Mental Health Rhetoric. 0
Transforming Ethos: Place and the Material in Rhetoric and Writing0
Rhetoric Re-View: Cicero’s De Senectute, or On Old Age0
(An)other Southern Rhetoric: Charlotte Hawkins Brown’s Mammy: An Appeal to the Heart of the South0
Proleptic Logics in Media Coverage of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report0
Race, Rhetoric, and Research Methods0
Conference Climates: International Rhetoric Workshop and Inclusive Learning Practices0
Mean Girl Feminism: How White Feminists Gaslight, Gatekeep, & Girlboss0
Gestures of Concern0
Zoetropes and the Politics of Humanhood0
The Borders of AIDS: Race, Quarantine, and Resistance0
Nuclear Decolonization: Indigenous Resistance to High-Level Nuclear Waste Siting.0
Unmaking Colonial Fictions: Cherríe Moraga’s Rhetorics of Fragmentation and Semi-ness0
Reclaiming Malcolm X: Epideictic Discourse and African-American Rhetoric0
Post-Aristotelianism and the Specters of Monolingualism0
Symposium: Diversity is not Enough: Mentorship and Community-Building as Antiracist Praxis0
A Play on Occlusion: Uptake of Letters to the University President0
Decoding the Digital Church: Evangelical Storytelling and the Election of Donald J. Trump0
Persuasion’s Physique: Revisiting Sign-Inference in Aristotle’sRhetoric0
(Re)Locating the Rhetorical Commonplaces of Failure and Risk-Taking0
(Re)reading Sor Juana’s Rhetorics: The Intersectional, Cultural, and Feminist Rhetorician0
Why Has America Produced so Few Eloquent Orators in Recent Years? The Ancient Roman Marcus Tullius Cicero Gives Us the Answer and the Remedy0
Masked Meanings: COVID-19 and the Subversion of Stasis Hierarchy0
Public Memory, Affect, and the Battle of Culloden: The Creation of Shared Emotional Memory through Two Exhibits at the Culloden Visitor Centre0
A Manual Training Method as Literate Practice: Rhetorics of the Sloyd Training School for Teachers, 1904-19140
Ethos, Hospitality, and the Pursuit of Rhetorical Healing: How Three Decolonial Cookbooks Reconstitute Cultural Identity through Ancestral Foodways0
Energy Islands: Metaphors of Power, Extractivism, and Justice in Puerto RicoCatalina M. de Onís. Energy Islands: Metaphors of Power, Extractivism, and Justice in Puert0
Quilting as a Qualitative, Feminist Research Method: Expanding Understandings of Migrant Deaths0
Rearticulating “Crisis” and the U.S.-Mexico Border0
Rhetoric Re-View: The Rhetorical Tradition and Modern Writing0
KeepingTABS: Feminist Publishing and Pedagogy in the Wake of Title IX0
Misconception Fatigue: Towards an Embodied Rhetoric for Infertility Advocacy0
Nineteenth-Century American Activist Rhetorics0
Post-Rhetoric: A Rhetorical Profile of the Generative Artificial Intelligence Chatbot0
Students’ Social Media Disclosures: Reconsidering the Rhetorics of Whistleblowing0
Trivialization and Disembodiment of the Black Lives Matter Movement through the Hashtag #BlackLinesMatter0
Wise (Teen) Anger on Twitter: Greta Thunberg Uses “Bio Warfare” to Reshape Oppressive Anger Norms0
Theorizing Reception: Antoinette Brown Blackwell’s Response to Evolutionary Theory0
Kenneth Burke’s Weed Garden: Refiguring the Mythic Grounds of Modern Rhetoric Kyle Jensen. Kenneth Burke’s Weed Garden: Refiguring the Mythic Ground0
The Rhetorical Influence of Contemporary Evangélicas0
Retellings: Opportunities for Feminist Research in Rhetoric and Composition Studies0
Songs “Girls” Love and Hate: Finding Feminist Agency in 1960s Girl Groups and Girl Singers During #MeToo Moments0