International Journal of Impact Engineering

(The TQCC of International Journal of Impact Engineering is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Dust and atmospheric influence on plasma properties observed in light gas gun hypervelocity impact experiments96
Impact dynamics of a free-falling reference test mass in space79
The composite damage effects of explosion after penetration in plain concrete targets65
Experimental evaluation on the mitigation performance of double-layered Kirigami corrugated cladding against impact load64
Ground deformation and blast wave propagation in dry sand subjected to buried explosion: A centrifuge modelling study63
Elastic-plastic response for the foam-filled sandwich circular tube under internal blast loading63
Enhanced cross laminated timber (ECLT) for ballistic resistant design55
Material similarity law of blunt projectiles penetrating scaled steel target plates51
Simulation of PVB-glass adhesion and its influence on the blast protection properties of laminated safety glass49
Cohesive zone failure modeling of polymeric adhesives used in ceramic/metal armor49
Editorial Board49
Blast-resistant design approach for RC bridge piers46
A novel numerical method for stochastic study of fiber-reinforced composites with nanoparticles under impact loading45
Preliminary study of radio frequency waves in hypervelocity impact plasma45
Post repair high velocity impact behaviour of carbon-glass hybrid composite: Experimental and numerical study45
Transient dynamic response of brick masonry walls under low velocity repeated impact load44
A dynamic phase field model for predicting rock fracture diversity under impact loading43
Computational modeling and dynamic response of reinforced concrete shear wall under out-of-plane impact loading42
A data-driven procedure for the analysis of high strain rate tensile tests via visible and infrared image processing42
Research on rockfall impact process based on viscoelastic contact theory42
Similarity error of scaled model under impact42
Experimental investigation of polyisocyanate-oxazodone coated square reinforced concrete slab under contact explosions39
Constitutive modelling of AISI 9310 alloy steel and numerical calculation of residual stress after shot peening39
Editorial Board38
SHPB experiments and FDM-DEM coupled simulations on calcareous sand under uniaxial to triaxial deformation38
On the improvement of the ballistic performance of a silicon carbide tile through pre-stress: Experiments and simulations38
Dynamic response characteristics and damage calculation method of fractured rock mass under blasting disturbance37
Testing and modelling of aluminium cans for prismatic lithium-ion cells under crash loading37
Enhancing impact resilience of thermal battery through honeycomb-structured aluminum buffering devices: Insights from large-scale gas-gun tests and simulations37
Dynamic fracture mechanism and behaviour of V-notch white marble specimens with strain gauge and digital image correlation in three-point bending tests36
Shear localization as a damage mechanism in pore collapse under shock compression36
Impact response of gradient CNT-reinforced epoxy encapsulating materials with a printed circuit board35
Further study on the dynamic loading transmission in cellular solids based on one-dimensional mass-spring model35
Dynamic cumulative damage characteristics of deep-buried granite from Shuangjiangkou hydropower station under true triaxial constraint33
Experimental and numerical investigation on glass panel subjected to pendulum impact33
Stress waves generated in a Rayleigh-Love rod due to impacts32
Low-velocity impact resistance of all composite cylindrical shell panels with a foam filled honeycomb core: Theoretical and experimental investigation31
Typical characteristics of counterintuitive behavior in thin aluminum plates under blast loading31
Novel material model to predict the residual strength of a composite overwrapped pressure vessel after impact31
Light emission signatures from ballistic impact of reactive metal projectiles30
Blast test and probabilistic vulnerability assessment of a shallow buried RC tunnel considering uncertainty30
Recent bicycle helmet designs and directions for future research: A comprehensive review from material and structural mechanics aspects30
Mechanical responses and damage characteristics of the high-velocity impact of ice projectiles on foam sandwich structure30
Strain waves on additively manufactured plates for an on-orbit impact detector concept30
Study on the protective performance of metakaolin-based foam geopolymer (MKFG) as a sacrificial cladding under internal blast mitigation29
Influence of the interlaced holes on crack propagation behavior under impact loads29
Validation of two different analysis techniques to obtain dynamic mechanical properties of concrete using a modified Hopkinson Bar29
Modeling and simulations of high and hypervelocity impact of small ice particles29
Study on the blasting damage of prestressed rock-like specimens with different coupling mediums29
Fast fracture in toughened glass when impacted randomly by Ice28
Rigid–flexible coupling design and reusable impact mitigation of the hierarchical-bistable hybrid metamaterials27
Experimental and analytical investigations on single and repetitive impact failure responses of composite sandwich panels with orthogonal woven GFRP facesheets and PVC foam cores27
Design, simulation and experiment study of a snap-fit spatial self-locking system for energy absorption27
Impact resistance and energy absorption characteristics of nickel-based alloy ring at elevated temperatures27
Ballistic response of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene laminate impacted by mild steel core projectiles26
Damage characteristic of electronic devices caused by products generated by Al/Ep/KMnO4/TiH2 active material projectile hypervelocity impacting on aluminum target26
Experimental and analytical study on homogeneous and layered Al matrix syntactic foams under impact26
AEM analysis of asphalt pavement on PC bridge under the coupling effect between impact from ruptured vertical PC bars and temperature26
Solidification of a shear thickening fluid in a finite volume under low-velocity impact25
High strain rate constitutive and fracture characterization of AA7075-T6 sheet under various stress states25
Blast-resistance characteristics and design of steel wire reinforced ultra-high performance concrete slabs25
Editorial Board25
Piezo-driven clamp release for synchronisation and timing of combined direct-shear stress waves25
Microscopic ejecta measurements from hypervelocity impacts on aluminum and powdered regolith targets25
A generalized model for one dimensional impact response of a heterogeneous layered medium25
Jet onset time and velocity for various natural hypervelocity impacts25
Ballistic performance of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene laminate with different thickness25
Numerical simulations of hypervelocity collisions scenarios against a large satellite25
Effect of strain rate on ductility of Cu TU1 in electromagnetic ring expansion24
Identification of damage properties of glass/epoxy laminates using machine learning models24
Influence of the mushroomed projectile's head geometry on long-rod penetration24
Experimental and numerical investigation of badarpur sand subjected to air-blast loading24
Editorial Board23
Damage characteristics and evaluation investigation of rigid projectiles penetrating steel-concrete-steel composite targets based on AHP-TOPSIS method23
Pressure and temperature dependent dynamic flow and failure behavior of PMMA at intermediate strain rates23
Low-velocity impact response and breakage characteristics of hollow brittle particles23
Effect of pre-impact waves in an elastic rod on coefficient of restitution23
Orthotropic elastic–plastic–damage model of beech wood based on split Hopkinson pressure and tensile bar experiments23
Comment on: “Penetration into soil targets” (Int J Impact Eng 1992; 12: 427–444)23
Roadways fracture response under varying dominant blasting frequencies and lateral pressure coefficients23
Hybridization effects on ballistic impact behavior of carbon/ aramid fiber reinforced hybrid composite23
Dynamic mechanical response and deformation behavior of a novel hierarchical cellular structure material – The thousands of eyes Bodhi22
The optimal nose shape of a rigid projectile deeply penetrating into a solid target considering friction22
Dynamic cavity-expansion penetration model of elastic-cracked-crushed response for reinforced-concrete targets22
Nonlinear transient response of elastoplastic sandwich beam22
Yawing motion of rifle bullets penetrating into ballistic gelatin22
Three-dimensional mesoscopic investigation on equation of state for dry sand under shock compression22
Editorial Board22
Modelling of ductile fracture in ship structures subjected to quasi-static impact loads22
Manipulation of the granular fluid-structure interaction via sliding coating layers22
Photon Doppler velocimetry measurements of impact-induced surface waves in glass and their role in fracture initiation and damage evolution21
Experimental and numerical study of the interaction between dynamically loaded cracks and pre-existing flaws in edge impacted PMMA specimens21
Editorial Board21
Investigation of blast-induced cerebrospinal fluid cavitation: Insights from a simplified head surrogate21
The penetration and perforation of concrete targets: A 3D meso‑mechanical modelling21
On the nature of energy-horizon and determination of length scales in dynamic fragmentation of rocks21
Dynamic response prediction of prototype from scale-down model for I-core sandwich panels subjected to internal explosion21
The spall failure delay: Experimental observation and theoretical analysis21
Editorial Board21
Editorial Board21
Fracture characteristics and damage prediction in flat steel beams under contact explosions20
The legitimacy of decoupled dynamic flow stress equations and their representation based on discrete experimental data20
Loading measurement for intermediate strain rate material test based on dynamic oscillation20
New method for predicting perforation parameters of a concrete slab target to a penetrating projectile20
Functional gradation of aluminum alloy by impact of ballistics as severe plastic deformation process20
Simplified model to consider influence of gravity on impacts on structures: Experimental and numerical validation20
Investigating the relationship between radial pre-stress magnitude and ballistic projectile dwell in heavy confined ceramic targets20
Dimensionless parameters for ballistic performance evaluation of ceramic-faced bicomponent targets against sharp-nosed projectiles20
Low-velocity out-of-plane impact tests on double-wythe unreinforced brick masonry walls instrumented with optical measurements19
Energy absorption and impact behavior of composite sandwich panels under high-velocity spherical projectile19
Typical fracture modes of metal cylindrical shells under internal explosive loading19
Dynamic Brazilian splitting experiment of bedding shale based on continuum-discrete coupled method19
Dynamic failure of the aluminium plate under air-blast loading in the framework of the fractional viscoplasticity model - theory and validation19
Effects of lateral inertia on the group velocities and specific damping capacities of viscoelastic polymeric rods19
Propagation of stress pulses in a Rayleigh-Love elastic rod19
Parameter calibration and numerical algorithm realization of physically visco-hyperelastic constitutive model based on compression experiment of EPDM19
Ballistic impact modeling of woven composites using the microplane triad model with meso-scale damage mechanisms18
Analytical and numerical models to predict the shape of incident pulse in split-Hopkinson bar experiments18
Dynamic response of double-layer rectangular sandwich plates with graded foam cores under blast loading18
Indentation modelling of aluminium cladding panels subjected to hailstone impact18
Comparative investigation of shock pressure, shock duration, pressure decay time, and elastic energy of both porous gelatin and pure gelatin in shock state18
Peridynamics modelling of projectile penetration into concrete targets18
A modified bond-based peridynamic approach for rigid projectile perforation on concrete slabs18
Influence of void defects on impact properties of CFRP laminates based on multi-scale simulation method18
A novel analytical framework for assessing the impact response of SFRC beam18
Solid face sheets enable lattice metamaterials to withstand high-amplitude impulsive loading without yielding18
Editorial Board18
Quasi-static and impact behaviour of foam-filled graded auxetic panel18
A mathematical model for perforation of metal plates through adiabatic shear plugging17
Machine learning model for predicting structural response of RC columns subjected to blast loading17
Ballistic penetration of deforming metallic plates: Experimental and numerical investigation17
High-velocity impact response of titanium-based fiber metal laminates. Part II: Analytical modeling17
Peridynamics modelling of dynamic tensile failure in concrete17
Dynamic response of single curved fiber-metal hybrid lamina composites subject to low-velocity impact17
The dynamic response of composite auxetic re-entrant honeycomb structure subjected to underwater impulsive loading17
Dynamic responses and damage mechanism of rock with discontinuity subjected to confining stresses and blasting loads17
On the saturated impulse for a circular hollow beam under pressure pulse loading17
A DIC-based Taylor impact test by measuring inertia force from acceleration distribution to obtain uniaxial stress–strain behavior of pure aluminum17
A new equivalent method for complex-shaped pulse loading based on saturation analysis and membrane factor method17
Sandwich meta-panels for vibration and explosion attenuation: Manufacturing, testing, and analyzing17
Experimental and numerical study on the failure modes of ship stiffened plate structure under projectile perforation17
High-velocity impact failure modeling of Armox 500T steel: Model validation and application to structural design16
Machine-learning based prediction of crash response of tubular structures16
Crashworthiness performance and multiobjective optimization of a combined splitting circular tube energy absorber under eccentric impact for subway vehicles16
Ballistic impact response of complex concentrated alloys16
Analytical study on the dynamic response of foam-core sandwich plate under wedge impact16
Dynamic mechanical behavior of additively manufactured bio-inspired metallic lattice structure subjected to high strain rate impact loading16
The effect of current rise time on the acceleration of thick flyers to hypervelocities using an electric gun16
Velocity-space analysis method for hazardous fragments in debris clouds16
Non-linear FE investigation of subsurface tunnel with gfrp protection against internal blast16
Numerical validation of composite panel impact tests16
Hypervelocity impact induced light flash experiments on single and dual layer Kapton targets to develop a time of flight space dust and debris detector16
Characterisation and validation of the JWL equation of state parameters for PE416
Experimental and computational investigation into the damage mechanisms in composite metal hybrid panels subjected to high pressure blast loading16
Damage response of high elastic polyurea coated liquid-filled tank subjected to close-in blast induced by charge with prefabricated fragments16
Experimental and analytical study on impact response of stainless steel-aluminium foam-alloy steel sandwich panels16
Anisotropic behavior of as-extruded 7003 aluminum alloy under quasi-static compression and high-speed impact16
Damage mechanism of composite laminates under multiple ice impacts at high velocity16
Investigation of resistance spot weld failure in tailor hot stamped assemblies16
High Frictional Coated Multi-Layer Ballistic Fabrics for High Velocity and Hypervelocity Impact Protection16
Dynamic mechanical properties and penetration behavior of reactive nano-inorganic cement-based composites15
Effect of confining pressure on damage accumulation of rock under repeated blast loading15
A directional framework of similarity laws for geometrically distorted structures subjected to impact loads15
Numerical and theoretical modeling of the elastic-plastic bulging deformation of UHMWPE composite laminate under high-speed impact15
Critical assessment and demonstration of high-emissivity coatings for improved infrared signal quality for Taylor–Quinney coefficient experimentation15
Dynamic behavior of bridge columns reinforced with shape memory alloy rebar and UHPFRC under lateral impact loads15
Experimental and numerical assessment of the impact behaviour of a composite sandwich panel with a polymeric honeycomb core15
Density, strain rate and strain effects on mechanical property evolution in polymeric foams15
Impact response of a novel sandwich structure with Kirigami modified corrugated core15
An analytical model to predict back face deformation of hybrid soft body armors under ballistic impact15
Impact response of prismatic Li-ion battery jellyrolls and cells15
Confined blast loading of steel plates with and without pre-formed holes15
Pulse regulation effect and nonlinear dynamic model of polyurethane waveform generators15
Dynamic increase factor (DIF) for concrete in compression and tension in FE modelling with a local concrete model15
Dynamic response and failure mode of steel-concrete composite panels under low-velocity impact15
TDOF model for UHPC members under lateral low-velocity impact15
A novel technique to measure the biaxial properties of materials at high strain rates by electromagnetic Hopkinson bar system15
Ice breaking by low-velocity impact with a rigid sphere14
Response of thin walled metallic structures to underwater explosion: A review14
Determination and evaluation of Holmquist-Johnson-Cook constitutive model parameters for ultra-high-performance concrete with steel fibers14
An insight into dynamic properties of SAC305 lead-free solder under high strain rates and high temperatures14
Competing fracture modes in Al-steel resistance spot welded structures: Experimental evaluation and numerical prediction14
Quasi - static and impact performance study of a three-dimensional negative Poisson's ratio structure with adjustable mechanical properties14
Dynamic response and energy absorption performance of aluminum foam-filled sandwich circular tubes under internal blast loading14
Ultra-high performance concrete subjected to high-velocity projectile impact: implementation of K&C model with consideration of failure surfaces and dynamic increase factors14
An investigation on crashworthiness performance of adhesive bonding in automobile hybrid front bumper system subjected to high-speed impact14
Experimental investigation of dynamic shear mechanical properties and failure criterion of ice at high strain rates14
Research on the evolution of state field and damage range of multiple source cloud explosions14
Implementation of three-dimensional contact algorithm in numerical manifold method for the structural impact simulation14
Cohesiveness and penetration performance of jet: Theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies14
Dynamic response and failure of CFRP Kagome lattice core sandwich panels subjected to low-velocity impact14
Development of modelling design tool for harpoon for active space debris removal13
Modeling of fuel in aircraft crashworthiness study with auxiliary fuel tank13
Crash analysis of glass mat thermoplastic (GF/PA6) tubes considering splaying failure mode and energy absorption13
Thermo-viscoplastic behavior and constitutive relations for 304 austenitic stainless steel over a wide range of strain rates covering quasi-static, medium, high and very high regimes13
A three-dimensional penetration trajectory model for ogive-nosed projectile into metal targets13
Effect of projectile nose shape on ballistic resistance of multi-layered explosively welded plates13
Corrigendum to “Modeling of fuel in crashworthiness study of aircraft with auxiliary fuel tank” [Int. J. Impact Eng. 161 (2022) 104076]13
The influence of interlayer properties on the response of laminated glass to low-velocity hard-object impact13
Dynamic behavior of UHPC member under lateral low-velocity impact: Mesoscale analysis13
The Taylor–Quinney coefficients and strain hardening of commercially pure titanium, iron, copper, and tin in high rate compression13
Low-velocity penetration behavior of ice by steel projectile13
Dynamic response of rock sheds to successive rockfall impacts using lightweight expanded clay aggregate (LECA) cushions: An experimental and numerical study13
The mechanical behaviors of corrugated sandwich panel under quasi-static and dynamic shear-compressive loadings13
Effect of high strain rate and confinement on the compressive properties of autoclaved aerated concrete13
Reconstruction of surface pressures on flat plates impacted by blast waves using the Virtual Fields Method13
Biography of Prof. T.X. Yu12
Dynamic similitude technique for predicting the behaviour of structures subjected to impact loads12
Zr-based metallic glasses Hugoniot under laser shock compression and spall strength evolution with the strain rate (> 107 s-1)12
Low-density sabot stripper: A feasibility study12
Editorial Board12
Spherical cavity expansion method dependent on strain, strain rate, and temperature12
Experimental hypervelocity impact of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks: Reconstruction of crater shapes and volumes12
Experimental and numerical study on explosion cratering and coupled ground shock in clay12
Numerical and experimental study of the second ejection from a grooved tin surface under laser-driven shock loading12
Editorial Board12
Polarization response characteristics of 6061Al and PMMA sheets under impact load12
Experimental and analytical studies on a novel steel-PU foam-concrete-tube multilayer energy absorbing panel under impact loading by a cylinder head12
Editorial Board12
Editorial Board12
Multi-objective optimization of additive manufactured functionally graded lattice structures under impact12
Blast resistance of grouting sleeve connected precast concrete columns under close-in explosions12
Influence of surface preparation and polymer backing properties on the quasi-static and impact response of ceramic faced 1D armour systems12
Dynamic behavior of steel plates subjected to confined blast loading considering afterburning effect12
Objective evaluation on performance of billiard cue in hitting ball12
Influence of UHPFRC jacketing on the static, blast and post-blast behaviour of doubly-reinforced concrete beams12
An efficient three-dimensional damage-based nonlocal model for dynamic tensile failure in concrete12
Experimental and numerical investigation on radial impact of pneumatic tyre12
On alternative strain rate analysis for direct impact method12
Stress Wave Mitigation Properties of Dual-meta Panels against Blast Loads12
A numerical investigation of the nucleation and the propagation of NiTi martensitic transformation front under impact loading12
Experimental and mesoscale analysis on wave propagation induced by impact in dry silica sand12
Performance-based probabilistic capacity models for reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete protective structures subjected to missile impact11
Studying the strengthening mechanism and thickness effect of elastomer coating on the ballistic-resistance of the polyurea-coated steel plate11
Blast resistance of multi-compartment structure subjected to the contact underwater explosion11
A dynamic constitutive model for carbon nanotubes (CNTs) modified unidirectional fibre reinforced plastic laminates11
Residual load-carrying performance of CFRP strengthened RC beam after drop hammer impact11
Comparative study of strength-based damage evolution in ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) and conventional concrete (CC) under dynamic loading11
A cumulative damage model based on deformation-energy parameters for flexible barriers under multiple repeated impacts11
Impact damage of composite laminates with high-speed waterjet11
Oblique penetration of ogive-nosed projectile into aluminum alloy targets11
Fast optimisation of honeycombs for impact protection11
Mechanism of rippling deformation of pipe due to internal reflected detonation11
Mechanism of pre-tension on the impact response of plain weave fabric: Experimental and numerical investigation11
Experimental and numerical investigation on rock fracturing in tunnel contour blasting under initial stress11
Dimensionless parameters for the perforation of ductile plates by armor-piercing rounds11
Effect of ceramic balls/UHPC panel on impact resistance of composite armor11
Characteristics of 3D-printing ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete under impact loading11
Blast analysis of efficient honeycomb sandwich structures with CFRP/Steel FML skins11
A comparison study on numerical analysis for concrete dynamic failure using intermediately homogenized peridynamic model and meso-scale peridynamic model11