Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

(The TQCC of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Occurrence and Characteristic Frequencies of Nappe Oscillations at Free-Overfall Structures26
Nonhydrostatic Formulation of Unsteady Single and Two-Layer Flow over Topography22
Frequency-Domain Stability Analysis for Hydropower Plants with Complex Tailrace Flow Using the Overall Transfer Matrix Model20
X-Ray Computed Tomography to Measure Bed Density in Sand Transport19
In-Stream Laser Diffraction for Measuring Suspended Sediment Concentration and Particle Size Distribution in Rivers: Insights from Field Campaigns17
Response of Bedload and Bedforms to Near-Bed Flow Structures17
Hydrodynamics and Length-Scale Distributions of a Random Cylinder Array16
Discussion of “Case Study of Prototype Hydraulic Jump on Slope: Air Entrainment and Free-Surface Measurement” by Zhongtian Bai, Ruidi Bai, Rongcai Tang, Hang Wang, and Shanjun Liu15
Toward a Complete Kinematic Description of Hydraulic Plucking of Fractured Rock14
Discussion of “Design Considerations for High-Speed Flow in Sewer Systems”12
A Modified Shock Tracking–Capturing Finite-Volume Approach for Transient Mixed Flows in Stormwater Systems12
Investigation of Transient Wave Behavior in Water Pipelines with Blockages12
Validation of Bagnold’s Approximation of Critical Near-Bed Flow Velocity for Incipient Sediment Motion as Particle Settling Velocity12
Numerical Modeling of Downstream Morphological Evolution during Mount Polley Tailings Dam Failure12
Air Entrained in Flow along a Steep-Stepped Spillway: Data and Insights from a Hydraulic Model12
New Well-Balanced Path-Conservative Numerical Scheme for a Partially Relaxed Two-Layer Hydro-Sediment-Morphodynamic Model12
Reconstructing Extended Irregular Anomalies in Pipelines Using Layer-Peeling with Optimization11
Formulating Dynamic Pressure Characteristics at Flat Plunge Pool Bottom and Inside Rock Joints11
Numerical Study of Scour beneath Sagging Cylinders and Spheres11
Improving the Measurement of Air–Water Flow Properties Using Remote Distance Sensing Technology11
Coupled-ISPH Framework for Modeling Tsunamis Induced by Landslides: Subaerial to Submerged10
Discussion of “Hydraulic Model Calibration Using Water Levels Derived from Time Series High-Resolution SAR Images” by Nicolas M. Desrochers, Mélanie Trudel, Daniel L. Peters, Gabriela Siles, and Rober10
Pressure-Flow Scour Due to Vertical Contraction: A Review10
Closure to “Applied Research Can Enhance Hydraulic Engineering Education” by Robert Ettema, Christopher Thornton, Pierre Julien, and Taylor Hogan10
Hydrodynamic Structure and Turbulent Characteristics of Low-Slope Bedrock Bend Reach with Constant Curvature10
Improved SWMM Modeling for Rapid Pipe Filling Incorporating Air Behavior in Intermittent Water Supply Systems9
Prediction of Geyser Occurrences in Covered Manholes of Urban Stormwater Systems9
Large Eddy Simulation of Inclined Negatively Buoyant Jets with Sloped Beds9
Air Demand of a Hydraulic Jump in a Closed Conduit9
Confluence of Lock-Exchange Density Currents9
Modeling Sediment Resuspension and Transport Processes Induced by Propeller Wash from Ship Traffic9
Drag Coefficients of Debris Accumulations9
Harold O. Kester: A Builder of Hydropower in the American West9
Rigid-Column Model for Rapid Filling in a Partially Filled Horizontal Pipe8
Generation of Supersaturated Total Dissolved Gases from Low-Level Outlets at Hydropower Facilities8
Can Developments in Air–Water Flow Instrumentation Advance Hydraulic Design?8
Functional Relationships between Critical Erosion Thresholds of Fine Reservoir Sediments and Their Sedimentological Characteristics8
Measuring Bedload by a Hybrid Impact Plate System8
Experimental Investigation on Reservoir Sediment Flushing through a Bottom Tunnel with an Initially Covered Intake8
Empirical Determination of Free Alternate Bar Length8
Control of Surface Plastic Transport in Natural Streams7
Numerical Study on the Effect of Bank Vegetation on the Hydrodynamics of the American River under Flood Conditions7
Closure to “Case Study of Prototype Hydraulic Jump on Slope: Air Entrainment and Free-Surface Measurement” by Zhongtian Bai, Ruidi Bai, Rongcai Tang, Hang Wang, and Shanjun Liu7
A Simple Approach to Simulate Logjams in Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Models7
Hydraulic Modeling of Bridges in Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Models7
A Reassessment of Contraction Scour at Bridge Waterways7
Shallow Flows over Curved Beds: Application of the Serre–Green–Naghdi Theory to Weir Flow7
Dam-Break Modeling: LBM as the Way towards Fully 3D, Large-Scale Applications7
Effectiveness of Submerged Vanes for Stabilizing Streamside Bluffs7
Variational Models for Nonhydrostatic Free-Surface Flow: A Unified Outlook to Maritime and Open-Channel Hydraulics Developments7
Turbulence Parameters during Transient Cavitation Flow in Viscoelastic Pipe6
Characterizing the Roughness in Channel Flows Using Direct Numerical Simulations6
Radial Mixing in Steady and Accelerating Pipe Flows6
Robust Linear PID Control of a Pressure Reducing Valve6
Small-Scale Modeling of Flexible Barriers. I: Mechanical Similitude of the Structure6
Bedload and Concentration Effects on Turbulent Suspension Properties in Heavy Particle Sheet Flows6
Numerical Modeling of Self-Aeration in High-Speed Flows over Smooth Chute Spillways6
Investigation on the Water Depth of Choked Flow due to Bottom Blockages in Circular Open Channels6
Serre Equations in Channels and Rivers of Arbitrary Cross Section6
Experimental Tests of Lateral Bedload Transport Induced by a Yawed Submerged Vane Array in Open-Channel Flows6
Effects of Air Vent Size and Location Design on Air Supply Efficiency in Flood Discharge Tunnel Operations6
On Sediment Mass Flux Directionality Induced by Yawed Permeable Vanes under Near-Critical Mobility Conditions5
New Method to Calculate Friction Velocity in Smooth Channel Flows Using Direct Numerical Simulation Data5
Laboratory Measurements of Hydraulic Jacking Uplift Pressure at Offset Joints and Cracks5
Toward a Universal Energy Approach to Estimate Rate of Scour5
Discussion of “Trapping Large Wood Debris in Rivers: Experimental Study of Novel Debris Retention System” by Diego Panici and Prakash Kripakaran5
Surge Analysis of Air Vessel with Different Connection Types in Pressurized Water Delivery Systems5
Opening Configuration Design Effects on Pooled Stepped Chutes5
Closure to “Head-Drop Method for the Modeling of Pressure Reducing Valves and Variable Speed Pumps in Water Distribution Networks”5
Flow-Sediment Interaction and Formation Mechanism of Sediment Longitudinal Streaky Structures in Rough Channel Flows5
Boussinesq Modeling of Transcritical Flows over Steep Topography5
Jet Impinging in Plunging Dropshafts of Medium Height5
Experimental Investigation of Tsunami Bore-Induced Forces on Skewed Deck Girder Section Bridges5
Hydraulics of Fluidized Cavities in Porous Matrices: Cavity Heights and Stability for Upward Water Jets5
Comparison of Numerical Models for the Interaction of a Fluid Transient with an Offline Air Pocket5
Boussinesq Models with Moving Boundaries and Their Applicability to Waves Generated by Lateral Oscillation and Bottom Deformation5
Experiments on Entrainment of Tailings into Suspension in an Annular Flume5
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Bed Load with Drifted Hydrophone5
Hybrid Modeling for Design of a Novel Bridge Pier Collar for Reducing Scour5
It Was the Best of Hydraulic Sections; It Was the Worst of Hydraulic Sections: A Tale of Two Channels4
A Random Choice Scheme for Transient Mixed Flows4
Nikuradse Roughness Height Derived from a Physically Based Model Applied to a River Channel with Dunes4
Philip G. Hubbard, Developer of the Hot-Film Anemometer for Measuring Velocity of Turbulent Water Flow4
Numerical Model for Unidirectional Diffuser in a Crossflow4
Types I, II, III, and IV Stilling Basin Performance for Stepped Chutes Applied to Embankment Dams4
Groyne-Induced Effects on Channel-Shoal Exchange and Saltwater Intrusion in Estuarine Environments4
High-Velocity Erosion of Sand4
Applications of Second Log-Wake Law for Turbulent Velocity Distributions in Laboratory Flumes and Natural Rivers4
Identifying Flow Patterns in Water Pipelines Using Complex Network Theory4
The Damping of Pressure Peaks during Transients for Fault Detection in Pressurized Pipelines: An Expeditious and Manager-Oriented Diagnosis Procedure4
Reynolds Stress Model Study Comparing the Secondary Currents and Turbulent Flow Characteristics in High-Speed Narrow Open Channel and Duct Flows4
Scour at River-Crossing Cylindrical Structures in Degrading Channels4
Modal Analysis of Turbulent Flow near an Inclined Bank–Longitudinal Structure Junction4
Dynamic Selection of Exposure Time for Turbulent Flow Measurements4
Analysis of Bedforms in the Mississippi River at Vicksburg, Mississippi, for Select Flows 2011–20164
Three-Dimensional Simulation of Scalar Transport in Large Shallow Water Systems Using Flux-Form Eulerian–Lagrangian Method4
Closure to “Empirical Model for Shields Diagram and Its Applications” by Junke Guo4
Godunov-Type Solutions for Transient Pipe Flow Implicitly Incorporating Brunone Unsteady Friction4
Hydrodynamic Uplift Forces on Submerged Bridge Decks during Bedform Migration4
Closure to “Performance of Intrusive Phase-Detection Probe with Large Sensor Size in Air-Water Flow Measurement and Application to Prototype Hydraulic Jump Study”4
Flow Behavior and Breakup of Liquid Jets Issued from Rectangular Nozzles4
Clear-Water Scour Mechanism at Vibrating Monopile Foundations4
Low Froude Number Stilling Basins—Hydrodynamic Characterization4
Shallow-Flow Velocity Predictions Using Discontinuous Galerkin Solutions4
Innovative Method for Fixed-Bed Physical Model Construction Applying Modern Materials and Techniques4
A Unit-Scale Framework for Designing Step-Pool Sequences4
Near-Full-Scale Hydraulic Modeling of Fish-Friendly Culvert with Full-Height Sidewall Baffles4
Drag Reduction in Aerated Chute Flow: Role of Bottom Air Concentration4