Clinical Gerontologist

(The TQCC of Clinical Gerontologist is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Behavioral Health Innovations for Older Adults49
Depressive Symptoms in Older African Immigrants with Mobility Limitations: A Descriptive Study41
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Culturally Adapted Dementia Prevention Animation on Ethnically Diverse participants’ Knowledge of Dementia Prevention39
A Pilot Intervention to Prevent Financial Exploitation27
Bringing Art to Life: Social and Activity Engagement through Art in Persons Living with Dementia26
An Exploration of the Psychometric Properties of the PASS-20 in Older Adults with Chronic Pain: Preliminary Development and Validity26
Insomnia Symptoms and Environmental Disruptors: A Preliminary Evaluation of Veterans in a Subacute Rehabilitation26
New Directions in Sleep Research for Older Adults and Their Caregivers23
Sleep and Healthy Aging: A Systematic Review and Path Forward19
Longitudinal Mediating Effect of Depression on the Relationship between Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Activities of Daily Living in Parkinson’s Disease18
Correlates of Sleep Disturbance Experienced by Informal Caregivers of Persons Living with Dementia: A Systematic Review18
Treatment for Insomnia Symptoms is Associated with Reduced Depression Among Older Adults: A Propensity Score Matching Approach17
Psychological Assessment of Older Adults16
Psychological Dimensions That Explain Integrity in Older Adults: Examination of a Structural Model16
A Preliminary Investigation into the Factor Structure of Two Psychological Flexibility Measures in a Sample of Community-Dwelling Older Adults15
Substance Use Screening in Geriatric Primary Care: Cultural Issues and Alcohol Consumption in the Deep South15
Electronic Health Literacy as a Source of Self-Efficacy Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults14
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Guided Online for Distressed Caregivers of Persons Living with Dementia14
Symptoms and Treatment Needs of People with Dementia-Related Psychosis: A Mixed-Methods Study of the Patient Experience13
Purpose in Life and Cognitive Function in the Malaysian Ageing and Retirement Study13
Improving Suicide Risk Detection and Clinical Follow-up after Discharge from Nursing Homes13
The Evaluation Of Smoking Cessation Treatment Success and Related Factors in Adults Age 65 Years and Older13
Factors Associated With Healthcare and Financial Decision Making Among Older Black Adults Without Dementia12
Risk and Preventive Factors for Depressive Symptoms Among Older Chilean Adults During the SARS-CoV-2 Outbreak: A Longitudinal Study12
Project VITAL at Home: Impact of Technology on Loneliness and Well-Being of Family Caregivers of People with Dementia12
Problem Solving Training for Veterans with Complex Comorbidities: Treatment Delivery Adaptations during COVID-1911
A Qualitative Study of the Usability and Likability of a Virtual Group-Based Social Support Program for Older Adults in Residential Care10
Family Support During Hospitalization Buffers Depressive Symptoms Among Independent Older Adults10
Examining Differences in Behavioural Avoidance Between Younger and Older Adults10
Evaluating the Implementation of the Individualized Positive Psychosocial Interaction (IPPI) as a Quality Improvement Project in Nursing Homes9
The Effect of Cannabidiol 3% on Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Dementia – Six-Month Follow-Up9
A Randomized, Controlled Pilot Study of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Healthy Older Adults9
The Characteristics and Outcomes of People with Dementia in Inpatient Mental Health Care: A Review9
Through Alzheimer’s Eyes: A Virtual Pilot Intervention for Family Caregivers of People with Dementia9
Adapting Measurement-Based Care to VA Home-Based Primary Care Mental Health Treatment: A Quality Improvement Project9
Application of the Person-Centered Care to Manage Responsive Behaviors in Clients with Major Neurocognitive Disorders: A Qualitative Single Case Study9
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Educational Interventions in Promoting Person-Centred Care in Dementia Services9
The Voices of Older African Immigrants on How They Cope with Social Isolation and Loneliness in the United States8
Outcomes of Person-centered Care for Persons with Dementia in the Acute Care Setting: A Pilot Study8
Examining the Relationship Between Internet Use and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults: Analyses of Mediators and Moderators8
Emotion regulation strategies and difficulties in older adults: A systematic review8
Examining Relationships Between Activity, Function, and Mental Health in Older Adults8
Hope and Suicidal Ideation Among Older Adults Living in the Rural Mid-Hills of Nepal8
Internet use by informal caregivers in Chile: An analysis including age and gender perspectives8
Different Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms in Alzheimer’s Disease Caregivers – 5-Year Follow-Up8
Impacts of Depressive Symptoms on the Effectiveness of a Theory-Driven Exercise Intervention Among Community-Dwelling (Pre)frail Older Adults8
Guilt Focused Intervention for Family Caregivers. Preliminary Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial8
Thwarted Belongingness and Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults: The Moderating Roles of Self-Warmth, Self-Coldness, and Place of Residence8
Caring for Relatives with Dementia in Times of COVID-19: Impact on Caregivers and Care-recipients8
Evaluating In-home Assistive Technology for Dementia Caregivers8
Firearm Safety and Suicide Prevention for Medically Complex Older Veterans: Perspectives of VA Home-Based Primary Care Directors and Psychologists8
Understanding Long-Stay Gabapentin Use Increases: A National Nursing Home Clinician Survey on Prescribing Intent7
Empirical Evaluation of the “Caregivers Passage through Dementia” on African American Caregivers7
The Relationship Between Mental health, Metacognition, and Emotion Regulation in Older People7
Clinical Staging as a Novel Approach for Selecting Psychological Treatment Levels for Older Adults with Borderline Personality Disorder7
Features and Needs of Autistic Older Adults: A Delphi Study of Clinical Experiences7
Perceived Financial Vulnerability, Wealth, and Wealth Change: The Health and Retirement Study7
Telephone-Based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Caregivers of Persons with Dementia: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial7
Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) in Professional Dementia Caregivers Burnout7
Systematic Review of the Psychometric Properties of the Saint Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS) Examination7
Culturally Appropriate Assessment of Depression and Anxiety in Older Torres Strait Islanders: Limitations and Recommendations7
Feasibility of a Telehealth Compensatory Cognitive Training Program for Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment6
Recruiting Socially Disconnected Latinos Caring for a Person with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned6
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy in a Veteran Sample: A Program Evaluation Study6
Psychosocial Distress Among Certified Nursing Assistants in Long-Term Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Social Ecological Model Informed Scoping Review6
Development and Validation of a Knowledge Scale About the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (KS-BPSD) Among Chinese Formal Caregivers6
Factors Predicting Adherence to Artistic-Singing Groups for Older Adults and their Role as Moderators of the Intervention Outcomes6
Integrating Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Selective Optimization with Compensation to Predict Wellbeing6
Illustrating a Person-Centered Approach to Financial Capacity Evaluations Through a Case Study6
Considerations for Evaluating Older Adults with Cancer for Depression: A Qualitative Survey of Experts6
The Feasibility of a Mindfulness Intervention for Depression in People with Mild Dementia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial6
Non-Latinx Healthcare Provider’s Knowledge and Awareness of Latinx Geriatric Clinical Health Needs5
Psychological Resilience Level after Cognitive-Behavior Therapy in Old People with Empty Nest Syndrome - A single-case Experimental Design5
Longitudinal Examination of an Ethnic Paradox of Stress and Mental Health in Older Black and Latinx Adults5
Compassion Meditation for Distressed Older Veterans: A Feasibility Study5
A Systematic Review of Psychotherapy Approaches for Anxiety in Parkinson’s Disease5
Reliability and Validity of Revised Apathy Evaluation Scale-Self in Community-Dwelling Older Adults5
Which Items of the Financial Decision Tracker Differentiate Those with Decision-making Deficits from Those with No Deficits? Data from the Michigan APS Implementation Project5
Impact of War and Resettlement on Vietnamese Families Facing Dementia: A Qualitative Study5
Measuring social isolation in older adults: A rapid review informing evidence-based research and practice5
A Systematic Review of the Reminiscence Functions Scale and Implications for Use with Older Adults4
Stress, Insomnia, and Leisure in Dementia Family Caregivers. Correlates with Distress during the COVID-19 Pandemic4
Provider Perspectives on Addressing Firearm Safety with Older Adults in Primary Care4
Making Meaning of Integrated Care during a Pandemic: Learning from Older Adults4
An Evaluation of an ACT-Based “Aging Resiliently” Group4
Cultural differences in caring for people with dementia: a pilot study of concern about losing face and loneliness in Chinese American and European American caregivers4
Which Variant of Anxiety Is Associated with Smartphone Expertise in Community Dwelling Older Adults?4
Effects of a Pedometer-Based Walking Home Program Plus Resistance Training on Inflammatory Cytokines and Depression in Thai Older People with Sarcopenia: A Three-Arm Randomized Controlled Trial4
Marital Quality and Loneliness Among Aging Vietnam-Era Combat Veterans: The Moderating Role of PTSD Symptom Severity4
Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion and Depressive Symptoms among Caregivers with Different Levels of Empathy4
Immigration-Related Factors and Depression Help-Seeking Behaviors Among Older Chinese Americans4
Suicidal Ideation among Older Family Caregivers for a Person with Dementia4
Hearing Loss and Subjective Well-Being Among Older Adults: Mediating Effect of Social Activity and Cognitive Function4
An Environmental Scan of Suicide Prevention Resources for Older Veterans in Primary Care4
Feasibility of EMDR toward Personality Functioning in Older Adults with PTSD4