Experiments in Fluids

(The TQCC of Experiments in Fluids is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Experimental study of how far blood spatter stains on fabrics can be found from the blood source, and relevance to crime scene reconstruction72
Three-dimensional characterization of Reynolds shear stress in near-wall coherent structures of polymer drag reduced turbulent boundary layers33
Wake Interactions of a Small Uncrewed Aerial System with a Moving Vehicle28
On formation and breakup of jets during droplet impact on oscillating substrates27
On the micro-PIV accuracy and reliability utilizing non-Gaussian particle images26
Optimization of planar LIF/Mie imaging for droplet sizing characterization of dilute sprays25
Three-dimensional pressure field measurement on turbine guide vanes using a dynamic distortion correction endoscopic pressure-sensitive paint technique24
Application of a variational approach to the computation of forces around a wing24
Ultrasonic velocity profiler applied to explore viscosity–pressure fields and their coupling in inelastic shear-thinning vortex streets23
Digital holographic microscopy for measurement of instantaneous contact angle of an evaporating droplet23
Pyramidal deep-learning network for dense velocity field reconstruction in particle image velocimetry23
Thanks to our reviewers22
On the closure of Collar’s triangle by optical diagnostics21
Object surface reconstruction from flow tracers21
Comparison of water and cryogenic fluid hammer experiments for rocket engine feed line systems21
Controlled generation of single microbubbles20
Rheological characterization and flow reconstruction of polyvinylpyrrolidone aqueous solutions by means of velocity profiling-based rheometry20
Measurement of a gas–liquid two-phase turbulent flow in a horizontal channel under a sudden decrease in the local void fraction20
Entrapment and cross-flow transport of air bubbles by a hydrophobic strip in a turbulent channel flow20
DNS of a turbulent boundary layer using inflow conditions derived from 4D-PTV data19
Optical spinning rheometry test on viscosity curves of less viscous fluids at low shear rate range19
Measurement of high-Re turbulent pipe flow using single-pixel PIV19
Effect of sinusoidal vertical gust on the pressure distributions on and flow structures around a rectangular cylinder18
Ray-tracing analysis of shadowgraph and diffuse back-illumination extinction imaging of a synthetic GDI spray18
Transient dynamics of laminar separation bubble formation and bursting18
In situ measurement of wave attractor induced forces18
Controlling upwards and downwards gust loads on aerofoils by pitching17
Determination of fluid flow adjacent to a gas/liquid interface using particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) and a high-quality tessellation approach17
Strength and timing of primary and secondary vortices generated by a rotating plate17
The influence of trailing edge shape on the wake circulation and time-averaged wake of bio-inspired pitching panels17
Spatial and temporal resolution of a fast-response aerodynamic pressure probe in grid-generated turbulence16
A fuzzy cluster method for turbulent/non-turbulent interface detection16
Pulse-burst tomographic PIV of an impulsively started cylinder wake in a shock tube16
The effect of perspective error on 2D PIV Measurements of homogeneous isotropic turbulence15
Friction Velocity Determination Techniques in Turbulent Boundary Layers with Miniature Vortex Generators15
Effects of roughness on a turbulent boundary layer in hypersonic flow15
Resolving high-frequency aeroacoustic noises of high-speed dual-impinging jets using fast pressure-sensitive paint15
Effects of salt concentration on top wall bubble injection in a turbulent channel flow: bubble dynamics and wall drag reduction15
Active control of a 3-D flow separation induced by a transonic shock14
Volumetric wake investigation of a free-flying quadcopter using Shake-The-Box Lagrangian particle tracking14
Gas density evolution and recirculation after a nanosecond pulsed discharge: experimental and computational results14
Determination of unsteady wing loading using tuft visualization14
Improving depth uncertainty in plenoptic camera-based velocimetry13
Fully determined three-dimensional velocity field in a divergence-free convection experiment with rigid boundary conditions13
Experimental investigation of extreme skin friction events in polymer drag-reduced turbulent boundary layers13
A bluff body flow control experiment with distributed actuation and genetic algorithm-based optimization13
Experiments on the development of natural disturbances in a hypersonic boundary layer on surfaces with microgrooves13
Experimental analysis of droplet coalescence and transport mechanisms on a single vertical fiber13
A combined optical diagnostic based on ultraviolet absorption and planar laser-induced fluorescence for quantification of vapor concentration distributions in fuel sprays13
Investigation of the Richtmyer–Meshkov instability using digital holography in the context of catastrophic aerobreakup13
A comparative study of the immiscibility effect on liquid drop impacting onto very thin films13
Leveraging optical activity in visualizing particle-laden flows13
Kernelized Lagrangian particle tracking13
Dynamics and entrainment mechanism of the jet flows from an elliptical nozzle: time-resolved tomographic PIV measurements12
Application of fast-response pressure sensitive paint to low-speed vortical flow at high angles of attack12
Global analysis of nonlinear second-mode development in a Mach-6 boundary layer from high-speed schlieren data12
Ultrasonic particle volume fraction profiling: an evaluation of empirical approaches12
Measurements and modelling of the residual mass upon impact of supercooled liquid drops12
Contactless pressure measurement of an underwater shock wave in a microtube using a high-resolution background-oriented schlieren technique12
Incomplete fluid–structure coupling mechanism of a flexible membrane wing12
Deep velocimetry: Extracting full velocity distributions from projected images of flowing media12
Rotating three-dimensional velocimetry12
Attenuation of the acoustic noise radiated by a compressible boundary layer through injection of a vibrationally active gas12
Mack-mode instabilities on a cooled flared cone with discrete roughness elements at Mach 612
Hydraulic characterization of sandpaper roughness12
Laboratory investigation of the near and intermediate wake of a wind turbine at very high Reynolds numbers11
Optimization of SLIPI–polarization ratio imaging for droplets sizing in dense sprays11
Attenuation of thermoacoustic instabilities in a swirl-stabilized NH3–CH4–air combustor with secondary air injection11
Bell-cup serrations and their effect on atomization in electrostatic rotating bell atomizers11
Investigation of visible to near-infrared high-speed cameras for thermography in hypersonic testing11
Numerical and experimental study on turbulence statistics in a large fan-stirred combustion vessel11
Large-scale free-piston-driven multi-mode shock expansion tunnel11
Effect of 3D-bioprinted droplet impact dynamics on a pre-printed soft hydrogel matrix11
Deep learning-based image segmentation for instantaneous flame front extraction11
Divergence–curl correction for pressure field reconstruction from acceleration in turbulent flows11
Optimization of a SPIV experiment for derivative moments assessment in a turbulent boundary layer11
Investigation of tyre rim protectors on the aerodynamics of a passenger vehicle11
Upper part-load instability in a reduced-scale Francis turbine: an experimental study11
Assessment of particle image velocimetry applied to high-speed organic vapor flows11
Tuning particle settling in fluids with magnetic fields11
Ray tracing-based PIV of turbulent flows in roughened circular channels11
The flow topology transition of liquid–liquid Taylor flows in square microchannels11
A study of the time-resolved structure of the vortices shed into the wake of an isolated F1 car wheel11
Automatic separation of laminar-turbulent flows on aircraft wings and stabilisers via adaptive attention butterfly network10
Assessment of aerodynamic roughness parameters of turbulent boundary layers over barnacle-covered surfaces10
Study of Reynolds number effects on the aerodynamics of a moderately thick airfoil using a high-pressure wind tunnel10
Aerodynamic optimization of a generic light truck under unsteady conditions using gradient-enriched machine learning control10
Exploring the capabilities of active grids10
Stereoscopic PIV measurements using low-cost action cameras10
Separated flow around half-submerged horizontal circular cylinders at different Reynolds numbers10
Space debris interaction across a two-dimensional oblique shock wave10
Effects of boundary layer thickness on the estimation of equivalent sandgrain roughness in zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers10
Flame image velocimetry: seedless characterization of post-reflected-shock velocities in a shock-tube10
Vortex-induced sound prediction of slat noise from time-resolved particle image velocimetry data10
Particle mass flow determination in dust-laden supersonic flows by means of simultaneous application of optical measurement techniques9
Size effects of vane-type rectangular vortex generators installed on high-lift swept-back wing flap on lift force and flow fields9
Comparative full-field velocimetry of liquid flow within monolithic catalyst carriers via CFD simulations and MRV measurements9
SmartPIV: flow velocity estimates by smartphones for education and field studies9
Surface reconstruction in three-dimensional space using structured illumination9
Dynamic behavior of detonation waves in millimeter-scale tubes: unraveling the influence of tube diameter, initial pressure, and mixture9
Characterization of a high-pressure flame facility using high-speed chemiluminescence and OH LIF imaging9
Measurements and analysis of hypersonic tripped boundary layer turbulence9
Experimental study on wake flows of a live fish with time-resolved tomographic PIV and pressure reconstruction9
Flow characteristics of a Francis turbine under deep part-load and various no-load conditions9
Experimental investigation of the pre–Darcy regime9
A modified Richardson–Lucy deconvolution for rapid reconstruction of light field μPIV9
Drag reduction mechanisms on a generic square-back vehicle using an optimised yaw-insensitive base cavity9
High-Speed PIV of shock boundary layer interactions in the transonic buffet flow of a compressor cascade9
Focused, high-speed liquid jets induced via low-voltage sparks in capillary tubes9
PIV/PLIF investigation of unsteady turbulent flow and mixing behind a model gas turbine combustor9
Investigation of the atmospheric surface layer using a novel high-resolution sensor array9
Advanced iterative particle reconstruction for Lagrangian particle tracking9
Double refractive particle tracking and sizing9
Interferometric laser imaging for respiratory droplets sizing9
Visualization of the two-phase flow in the air gap of an optically accessible generic electric motor and its effect on torque8
Flow sensors for on-chip microfluidics: promise and challenges8
Investigation of particle laden gravity currents using the light attenuation technique8
Accurately predicting turbulent heat transfer over rough walls: a review of measurement equipment and methods8
LDA measurements in a one-sided ribbed square channel at Reynolds numbers of 50,000 and 100,0008
An accurate optical flow estimation of PIV using fluid velocity decomposition8
Development of a floating element photoelastic force balance8
Experimental study of a self-excited jet precession in a sudden expansion flow8
Pressure field measurements using bio-inspired pressure-sensitive film with adjustable sensitivity and range8
Coupled thermoacoustic interactions in hydrogen-enriched lean combustion8
On-site aerodynamics using stereoscopic PIV and deep optical flow learning8
Correction to: Volumetric study of a turbulent boundary layer and swept impinging oblique SBLI at Mach 2.38
Stereoscopic Micro-PIV measurement of the flow dynamics in a spherical dimple8
Neural-network-enhanced line-of-sight method for 3D particle cloud reconstruction in particle tracking velocimetry8
A functional error analysis of differential optical flow methods8
A procedure for computing the spot production rate in transitional boundary layers8
Flow measurements in the wake of an adhering and oscillating droplet using laser-Doppler velocity profile sensor8
A lightweight convolutional neural network to reconstruct deformation in BOS recordings8
Investigating intermittent behaviors in transitional flows using a novel time–frequency-based method8
Internal wave field generated by oscillating rough topography8
Correction to: Visualization and image analysis of droplet puffing and micro-explosion in spray-flame synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles8
Correction to: Particle image velocimetry in refractive index felds of combustion flows8
A meshless and binless approach to compute statistics in 3D ensemble PTV8
Imaging of flame propagation and temperature distribution in an all-metal gasoline engine with endoscopic access via anisole fluorescence8
A lightweight neural network designed for fluid velocimetry8
Velocity measurements of vortex structures induced by sphere/wall interaction8
Structural aspects of the attached turbulent boundary layer flow over a hill8
Simultaneous PIV–LIF measurements using RuPhen and a color camera7
Time-resolved determination of velocity fields on the example of a simple water channel flow, using a real-time capable FPGA-based camera platform7
Wall shear stress measurement using a zero-displacement floating-element balance7
Bubble migration in containers with interior corners under microgravity conditions7
3D reconstruction of a thin flexible disc in a vortical flow7
Uncertainty and validation of unsteady pressure-sensitive paint measurements of acoustic fields under aero engine-like conditions7
Quantifications of the interaction between nearby, outwardly angled gas jets7
µPIV measurements of the phase-averaged velocity distribution within wavy films7
Water tunnel testing of downwind yacht sails7
Interfacial phenomena of the interaction between a liquid–liquid interface and rising bubble7
Shape/penetration analysis and comparisons of isolated spray plumes in a multi-hole Diesel spray7
Fluid dynamics and blood damage in the dilated ascending aorta after mechanical prosthetic valve implantation: an in vitro study7
Force moment partitioning and scaling analysis of vortices shed by a 2D pitching wing in quiescent fluid7
A simple boundary-layer transition detection method using mean static pressure measurements7
A low-rank decomposition-based deconvolution algorithm for rapid volumetric reconstruction of light field μPIV7
Direct measurement of vorticity using tracer particles with internal markers7
Deep learning-based spatial refinement method for robust high-resolution PIV analysis7
Methodology to image the panel surface pressure power spectra in weakly coupled fluid/structure interactions6
Automated large-scale and terrain-induced turbulence modulation of atmospheric surface layer flows in a large wind tunnel6
Shock/shock interferences in a supersonic rarefied flow: experimental investigation6
Scaling analysis of the Plateau–Rayleigh instability in thin film flow down a fiber6
Investigation of the applicability of conditioned particle image velocimetry under conditions close to lean blow-off6
Jet noise predictions by time marching of single-snapshot tomographic PIV fields6
Effect of leading-edge protuberances on unsteady airfoil performance at low Reynolds number6
Flow mechanism study and geometrical parameters analysis of fluidic oscillators based on pressure-sensitive paint measurements and modal analysis6
Studying macro- and mesoscopic wetting dynamics of a spreading oil droplet using multiple wavelength interferometry6
Instantaneous characteristics of interacting opposing plane jets in a generic enclosure measured with PIV6
Experimental evolution of explosively driven gas clouds in varying confinement6
Convergence of turbulence statistics: random error of central moments computed from correlated data6
Turbulent junction flow characteristics upstream of boulders mounted atop a rough, permeable bed and the effects of submergence6
Ultrasonic velocity profiler placement for flow over cylinder based on determinant greedy line selection method6
Speed of sound in gypsum slurries with foaming agent and expected spanwise spreading6
Background-oriented schlieren technique with vector tomography for measurement of axisymmetric pressure fields of laser-induced underwater shock waves6
Experimental analysis of Lagrangian paths of drops generated by liquid/liquid sprays6
PIV analysis of wake characteristics of slanted-back Ahmed bodies: effect of leading-edge shape6
Planar Interferometric Tracking of droplets in evaporating conditions6
Aerodynamic interactions of blunt bodies free-flying in hypersonic flow6
Direct velocity measurements in high-temperature non-ideal vapor flows6
Reconstruction of the 3D pressure field and energy dissipation of a Taylor droplet from a $$\upmu$$PIV measurement6
Editorial: topical collection on hypersonic flight6
Data-driven determination of low-frequency dipole noise mechanisms in stalled airfoils6
Experimental investigation on boundary-layer streaks induced by grid-generated free-stream turbulence in a water channel6
Droplet evaporation dynamics on microstructured biphilic, hydrophobic, and smooth surfaces6
Experimental characterization of mixing and flow field in the liquid plugs of gas–liquid flow in a helically coiled reactor6
Simultaneous measurement of pressure and temperature on the same surface by sensitive paints using the sensor selection method6
Hypersonic boundary-layer instability characterization and transition downstream of distributed roughness6
Enhanced laboratory x-ray particle tracking velocimetry with newly developed tungsten-coated O(50 μm) tracers6
Maximum likelihood filtering for particle tracking in turbulent flows6
Eulerian and Lagrangian coherent structures in a positive surge6
Time- and frequency-domain spectral proper orthogonal decomposition of a swirling jet by tomographic particle image velocimetry6
Investigation of static wings interacting with vertical gusts of indefinite length at low Reynolds numbers6
Frequency response of separated flows on a plunging finite wing with spoilers6
High-order modal acoustic wave driving vertical jetting of droplets on 128° Y–X LiNbO36
Analysis of the unsteady surface pressure distribution of a pitching airfoil using modal decomposition6
A simple boundary condition regularization strategy for image velocimetry-based pressure field reconstruction6
Experimental investigation of flame fluctuation reduction in distributed combustion6
Lensless particle image velocimetry5
Measurements of trajectories and spatial distributions of diatoms (Coscinodiscus spp.) at dissipation scales of turbulence5
Influence of roughness-generated streaks on laminar separation bubbles5
Practical object and flow structure segmentation using artificial intelligence5
Pressure-sensitive paint diagnostic to measure species concentration on transpiration-cooled walls5
Spray interaction in adjacent GCSC injector elements: role of droplet collision and secondary droplet breakup5
Measurement of the turbulent heat fluxes in mixed convection using combined stereoscopic PIV and PIT5
Fast 1D NMR imaging of clay sedimentation using a multi-slice stepper motor method5
Studying droplet adhesion to fibers using the magnetic field: a review paper5
Quantitative concentration measurements in a turbulent helium jet using rainbow schlieren deflectometry5
Analysis of transonic buffet on ONERA-M4 model with unsteady pressure-sensitive paint5
A micro-hot-wire anemometry probe with elongated stubs for turbulent boundary layer measurements5
Rhodamine-based caged dye for aqueous MTV with green lasers5
Simultaneous film temperature and film thickness measurements for jet impingement applications using two-color laser-induced fluorescence5
Thermal response of a nanoscale hot-wire in subsonic and supersonic flows5
A hybrid 3D particle matching algorithm based on ant colony optimization5
High subsonic flow of an organic vapor past a circular cylinder5
Droplet deformation during secondary breakup: role of liquid properties5
A second-order polynomial kernel outperforms Gaussian kernels when smoothing Lagrangian particle trajectories5
Global measurements of hypersonic shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions with pressure-sensitive paint5
Proof-of-concept study of sparse processing particle image velocimetry for real time flow observation5
Modified free-surface synthetic Schlieren method to adjust measurement sensitivity in high-strain waves5
Analysis of transonic buffet using dynamic mode decomposition5
Experimental study on the mode switching of strong-amplitude tones in slat noise5
Particle tracking velocimetry and trajectory curvature statistics for particle-laden liquid metal flow in the wake of a cylindrical obstacle5
Elasticity affects the shock-induced aerobreakup of a polymeric droplet5
Investigating the flow field dynamics of transonic shock buffet using particle image velocimetry5
Turbulence and pressure fluctuations in rough wall boundary layers in pressure gradients5
In situ color-to-depth calibration: toward practical three-dimensional color particle tracking velocimetry5
Ultrasound imaging velocimetry in particle-laden flows: counteracting attenuation with correlation averaging5
Steady rotation of a Mach shock: experimental and numerical evidences5
LIF-based quantification of the species transport during droplet impact onto thin liquid films5
Experimental investigation of particle–droplet–substrate interaction5
Nosetip bluntness effects on a cone-cylinder-flare at mach 65
Experimental investigation of yaw-angle effects on drag reduction rate for trapezoidal riblets5
Experimental study on the impact behaviors of a water drop on immiscible oil surfaces: bouncing, compound central jet formation and crater evolution5
Integrated positron emission particle tracking (PEPT) and X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging of flow phenomena in twisted tape swirl flow5
Refractive-index-matched polymer for experimental fluid dynamics in water5
Delayed transition in a plane channel flow with high contraction ratio5
Ridge-type roughness: from turbulent channel flow to internal combustion engine5
Insights into the dynamics of full-scale sector combustor isothermal flow field5
Ratiometric laser-induced fluorescence for liquid-phase thermometry around boiling bubbles at extended temperatures above 70 °C5
Time-series image denoising of pressure-sensitive paint data by projected multivariate singular spectrum analysis5
Surface temperature measurement of acoustic liners in the presence of grazing flow and thermal gradient5
TrackAER: real-time event-based quantitative flow visualization5
Simultaneous temperature and thickness measurements of falling liquid films by laser-induced fluorescence5
A novel and robust method for the turbulent/non-turbulent interface detection5
FLEET velocimetry measurements in the ONR-UTA arc-jet wind tunnel5
Flow parameter estimation using laser absorption spectroscopy and approximate Bayesian computation5
Micro-droplet deposition and growth on a glass slide driven by acoustic agglomeration5