Expositiones Mathematicae

(The TQCC of Expositiones Mathematicae is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial Board11
Editorial Board11
Statistically characterized subgroups related to some non-arithmetic sequence of integers9
On Ramanujan’s continued fractions of order twenty-four8
On Briançon–Skoda theorem for foliations8
Relative sectional category revisited8
Splitting fields of X7
Independent sets of generators of prime power order6
Observations about the Lie algebra g<5
A note on crossed products5
Some generalizations of the functions τ and 5
Editorial Board5
A survey on conjugacy class graphs of groups5
Editorial Board4
Editorial Board4
Laplace and bi-Laplace equations for directed networks and Markov chains4
The Einstein condition on nearly Kähler six-manifolds4
Criteria on the existence of limit cycles in planar polynomial differential systems4
Exceptional Periodicity and Magic Star algebras4
One complex variable from the several variables point of view4
Kernel-algorithms in frame-approximations3
Harmonic extension through cylindrical and conical surfaces3
Geometric criteria for the existence of capillary surfaces in tubes3
The product of lattice covolume and discrete series formal dimension: 3
Noncommutative Ck3
On the Hopf problem and a conjecture of Liu–Maxim–Wang3
Geometric quadratic Chabauty and p-adic heights3
Notes on equivariant bundles3
A generalization of Hardy’s operator and an asymptotic Müntz–Szász Theorem3
A modern look at algebras of operators onL2
Classification of the conjugacy classes of 2
Characterising the Haar measure on the p-adic rotation groups via inv2
Some useful tools in the study of nonlinear elliptic problems2
Digamma function and general Fischer series in the theory of Kempner sums2
Strong Gröbner bases and linear algebra in multivariate polynomial rings over Euclidean domains2
On ordinary isogeny graphs with level structures2
Some remarks on rational right triangles2
Quantum spheres as graph C*-algebras: A review2
Cartan’s method and its applications in sheaf cohomology2
On Hasse’s inequality2
The stochastic heat equation with fractional time and fractional time–space white noise1
The density theorem for discrete series representations restricted to lattices1
A lonely weak tile1
Hodge–de Rham numbers of almost complex 4-manifolds1
Logarithmic moduli of roots of line bundles on curves1
Ultradifferentiable extension theorems: A survey1
Recent developments pertaining to Ramanujan’s formula for odd zeta values1
An extension of a q-deformed Heisenberg algebra and its Lie polynomia1
Unit lifting morphisms1
Solitary subgroups of Abelian groups1
Brownian motion in a vector space over a local field is a scaling limit1
Introduction to the combinatorial atlas1
Generalizations of Weiss’ version of the Fuglede–Putnam theorem for unbounded operators1
An analogue of Furstenberg–Sárközy’s theorem and an alternative solution to Waring’s problem over finite fields1
Reverse engineered Diophantine equations1
On convergence of points to limiting processes, with an application to zeta zeros1
Strong independence and the dimension of a Tverberg set1
A survey on algebraic and explicit non-algebraic limit cycles in planar differential systems1
Editorial Board1
Constructive approach to the monotone rearrangement of functions1
Editorial Board1
The Blaschke–Lebesgue theorem revisited1
Geography of 4-manifolds with positive scalar curvature1
A nonstandard proof of the spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators1
Phase portraits of separable quadratic systems and a bibliographical survey on quadratic systems1
Editorial Board1
A matrix theory introduction to seaweed algebras and their index1
On extreme contractions between real Banach spaces1
Fourfolds of Weil type and the spinor map1
Green fields1
Introducing memory to a family of multi-step multidimensional iterative methods with weight function1