Andean Geology

(The median citation count of Andean Geology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Chronology of the Bayo River valley deglaciation and implications for the Late Pleistocene Atlantic-to-Pacific drainage reversal of the General Carrera-Buenos Aires palaeolake, Patagonia-Chile12
Mondaca Volcano lahar of December 3, 1762, Maule Region (35°28’S): one of the largest volcanic disasters in Chilean history12
Origin of the vanadium-uranium geochemical anomalies in the limestones of the Puyango Formation, La Sota (Ecuador): preliminary results9
A Holocene tephra layer within coastal aeolian deposits north of Caleta Olivia (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina)6
Upper Cretaceous intrusives in the Coastal Cordillera near Valdivia: forearc magmatism related to the passage of a triple junction?6
The geology and geomorphology of Seymour (Marambio) Island, Antarctica5
Relationship between fissility, composition, rock fabric and reservoir properties in Vaca Muerta Formation (Neuquén Basin, Argentina): from outcrop to subsurface core data5
Tracing hotspot traces in the Andes4
Nuevo registro de Puma concolor Linnaeus, 1771 (Carnivora, Felidae) para el Pleistoceno tardío de Uruguay y su importancia paleoecológica4
Evolución de las cuencas Tumaco, Atrato y San Juan sobre una plataforma continua a lo largo del margen pacífico colombiano4
First report of Euthyneura (Heterobranchia: Gastropoda) in the Early Jurassic of Southern Patagonia, Argentina4
New insights on the Silurian graptolite biostratigraphy of the La Chilca Formation, Poblete Norte section, Central Precordillera of San Juan, Argentina: faunal replacement and paleoenvironmental imp4
Geochronology of the Cordillera Real granitoids, the inner magmatic arc of Bolivia4
Los mármoles cálcicos de El Escorial (Complejo Metamórfico Cushamen, Macizo Norpatagónico): caracterización isotópica de 87Sr-86Sr y edad de sedimentación3
Intertwining volcanoes and society in Chile through arts and interdisciplinary connections3
Review of bomb and ash flows: Genesis and case studies of a subset of block and ash flow deposits2
Magnetic fabric of the Parashi stock and related dyke swarm, Alta Guajira (Colombia): The Caribbean-South American plates oblique convergence2
The April 2015 Calbuco eruption pyroclastic density currents: deposition, impacts on woody vegetation, and cooling on the northern flank of the cone2
The Iglesia basin (San Juan, Argentina), seismic interpretation, geometry basin, and implications for geothermal systems2
Morfometría de una cuenca de los Andes Centrales, San Juan, Argentina: evaluación de los factores condicionantes del terreno a la ocurrencia de aluviones2
Tectono-stratigraphic and sedimentological analysis of the Early to Middle Devonian Floresta Formation: Insights from the Floresta Massif, Northern Andes, Colombia2
Irrigación de largo plazo como desencadenante de flujos de tierra en Chenque Malal, Norpatagonia argentina2
Eocene mammals from volcaniclastic deposits of the Somun Cura Plateau: biostratigraphic implications for north Patagonia Paleogene2
Comment on “Crustal faults in the Chilean Andes: geological constraints and seismic potential” by Santibáñez et al. (2019), Andean Geology 46 (1): 32-652
Lower Ordovician calcareous microfossils from the San Juan Formation, Argentina: a new type of calcitarch and its paleoenvironmental implications2
Remotely sensed time series of rapid terrace formation: Laguna del Viedma valley (Patagonia)2
Caracterización estructural del sistema de ledges y clavos mineralizados del sector Cachinalito, mina El Guanaco, región de Antofagasta, Chile2
Diagenesis of continental carbonates linked to the evolution of the flexural margin of the Triassic Sorocayense-Hilario rift sub-basin, Argentina1
Profesor Alfredo Lahsen Azar (1939-2022) Pionero de la energía geotérmica en Chile1
K-Ar geochronology of the western half of Tupungato volcano: the 1984 Hildreth-Drake-Fierstein expedition1
Geological heritage sites assessment in the northern flank of the Calbuco volcano (Southern Andes, Chile)1
Paleontology and stratigraphic implications of a late Paleocene elasmobranch assemblage in Talcahuano, southcentral Chile1
A peculiar specimen of Panochthus (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae) from the Eastern Cordillera, Bolivia1
Conjugate Riedel shears in a volcanic caldera: the case of the Laguna del Maule Volcanic Complex, Central Chile1
Local Cuban bentonite clay: composition, structure and textural characterization1
Origen y distribución de depósitos de tsunami en la marisma de Chaihuín (40° S/73,5° O), Chile1
Living in-between: Implications of local risk perceptions for the management of future eruptions at the Calbuco and Osorno volcanoes (Ensenada, Chile)1
Old and modern volcanic depictions as evidence of communities-volcanoes mutualism in Colombia1
Fossil vertebrates of the early-middle Miocene Cerro Boleadoras Formation, northwestern Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina1
Detección de roca intrusiva alterada mediante tomografía de resistividad eléctrica: El caso del área de San Luis, zona central de Panamá1
El plutón anorogénico Chinquilchoro del Pérmico medio: un caso de zonación concéntrica normal en su parte meridional, norte de Chile1
The first Peruvian record of Enchodus (Actinopterygii, Aulopiformes, Enchodontidae) in the Upper Cretaceous Vivian Formation1
Quaternary glaciolacustrine deposits around a Triple Junction site: Paleolakes at the foot of the Northern Patagonian Ice field (Argentina and Chile)1
Late Jurassic syn-extensional sedimentary deposition and Cenozoic basin inversion as recorded in The Girón Formation, northern Andes of Colombia1
Las Quínoas oncoids: a new deposit of microbialites in the Salar de Antofalla (Catamarca, Argentina)1
Modelo cinemático del control estructural 4D y metalogénesis del distrito auroargentífero Vetas-California (Santander, Colombia)1
Diffuse gases in soil of Araró-Simirao geothermal system, Michoacán, Mexico0
Gold Deposits in Chile0
The hydrocarbon potential of the offshore Talara Basin, Peru0
(U-Th)/He ages of Proterozoic-Paleozoic basement rocks from northern Chile (18-19° S) and implications on the Neogene uplift history of the Western Cordillera0
Campanian-Eocene dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy in the Southern Andean foreland basin: Implications for Drake Passage throughflow0
Fluctuaciones recientes del glaciar Alerce (1953-2020), Andes de Patagonia norte0
(U-Th)/He ages of Proterozoic-Paleozoic basement rocks from northern Chile (18-19°S) and implications on the Neogene uplift history of the Western Cordillera0
Caracterización y reconstrucción del deslizamiento Agassiz mediante el uso de datos geoespaciales. Patagonia Austral, Argentina0
Biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic significance of the Darriwilian microfossils from the top of San Juan Formation in the Los Baños de Talacasto section, Central Precordillera (Argentina)0
Mineralización, control estructural y modelado 3D de clavos mineralizados en la veta Julieta, distrito Casposo (Cordillera Frontal, San Juan, Argentina)0
Cambio de área glaciar en el volcán Maipo (Andes Centrales), una aproximación morfométrica: 4 décadas de registros satelitales0
Mid-Cenozoic SHRIMP U-Pb detrital zircon ages from metasedimentary rocks in the North Patagonian Andes of Aysén, Chile0
Estratigrafía, paleoambientes y correlación del Paleozoico Superior en la localidad Río Francia, Cuenca Paganzo, Argentina0
Influencia de cuerpos discordantes de distinta cohesión en la geometría estructural de fajas plegadas y corridas: aproximación sobre la base de un modelamiento analógico0
Landslide susceptibility zonation in the Tartagal River basin, Sierras Subandinas, Salta, Argentina0
Nematherium (Xenarthra, Folivora) from the Serravallian of La Venta, Department of Huila, Colombia; chronological and biogeographical implications0
Grutas del Palacio and other related Upper Cretaceous continental deposits (SW Uruguay): main sedimentary features and evidence for an old flooded forest0
Geología, alteración hidrotermal y mineralogía del sistema de vetas Sofía-Julia-Valencia, distrito minero Andacollo, Neuquén, Argentina0
Delta size variability at Lake General Carrera, Patagonia0
El rol de la exploración geofísica en acuíferos profundos en ambientes semiurbanos y rurales en cuencas de ante arco Andino, caso de estudio en acuífero del río Ñuble, Valle Central de Chile0
Nuevo registro de Puma concolor Linnaeus, 1771 (Carnivora, Felidae) para el Pleistoceno Tardío de Uruguay y su importancia paleoecológica0
Pliocene-Pleistocene ash-fall tuff deposits in the intermountain Humahuaca and Casa Grande basins, northwestern Argentina: tracers in chronostratigraphic reconstructions and key to identify their v0
The likely Quaternary active El Arrayán fault, Santiago, Chile0
Garnet composition from the Reflejos de Mar LCT-pegmatite, Ancasti district, Argentina and its implication for exploration of primary deposits of lithium0
Evaluación de los efectos secundarios tras el sismo del 18 de enero de 2021 (Mw 6,5) en San Juan, Argentina: determinación de la intensidad sísmica a través de la escala ESI-20070
The Nico Pérez terrane (Uruguay) and its archean and paleoproterozoic inheritance0
Historical photographs by South African geologist Alexander L. du Toit taken along the Transandine Railway (Argentina-Chile) in 19230
Taphonomic analysis of Spinicaudata from two Triassic lacustrine systems affected by different volcanic processes0
Historia de la vegetación del sitio Huapilacuy II durante el Holoceno Medio a partir del análisis polínico y de macrofósiles vegetales, Isla Grande de Chiloé, Chile0
CARLOS PÉREZ DE ARCE RAVEAU (1947-2024) 45 años de dedicación a la Geocronología0
Diagenesis and thermal maturity of the Cogollo Group sedimentary rocks in the ANH-CR-Montecarlo-1X well, Cesar-Ranchería Basin, Colombia0
El Plutón sintectónico ordovícico El León, extremo suroccidental del Cordón de Lila, región de Antofagasta, Chile0
Compositional and geothermobarometric analysis of the Upper Miocene tholeiitic volcanic products in the northern Andes at 5-6° N latitude: The Combia Volcanic Province0
The first fossil record of a giant horsetail (Equisetum, Equisetaceae) is from the Miocene of Patagonia, Argentina0
Geochemistry of Cenozoic plutonic rocks in the extra-Andean southern Patagonia as evidence for a magmatic arc migration process0
Is the Central Cordillera of Colombia a potential source of graphite?: Implications for the energy transition in Colombia0
Revisión de la Formación La Veteada en su estratotipo (La Rioja, Argentina): edad, estratigrafía y significado paleoambiental0
Geological mapping in the Argentine Frontal Cordillera (~30°30’ S) using ASTER images0
Susceptibilidad a la licuación de suelos y sedimentos en el valle Ullum-Zonda (31º30’ S-68º25’ O), Precordillera, Andes Centrales, Argentina0
On the validity of the Macrochorobates scalabrinii Biozone (early Huayquerian Stage/Age, Late Miocene). Multi-proxy analysis of the enigmatic Arenas Blancas site (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina)0
Characterization and distribution of adularia and other alteration minerals by X-ray diffraction analysis at the El Peñón Au-Ag epithermal deposit, northern Chile0
Tracing magmatic footprints: Influence of a CO2-rich melt on the mineral assemblage of the San José del Guaviare Syenite, SE Colombia0
The Andean Southern Volcanic Zone: a review on the legacy of the latest volcanic eruptions0
Integrated U-Pb and Hf zircon and whole-rock Nd isotopes studies of Devonian granitic rocks from Sierra de San Luis (Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina): Petrogenetic implications0
Reservas, recursos y exploración de litio en salares del norte de Chile0
Freshwater bivalves and their environmental conditions in a Jurassic lacustrine system (Cañadón Asfalto Formation) from Patagonia, Argentina0
Nuevos sitios fosilíferos y evolución paleoambiental del cenozoico tardío del suroeste de Córdoba, Argentina0
The subaqueous felsic volcanism from the Upper Member of the Cordón de Lila Complex, Antofagasta region, northern Chile0