International Journal of Morphology

(The TQCC of International Journal of Morphology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
The Relationship of the Posterior Cranial Fossa with Age and Sex45
Inhibition of Diabetes Mellitus-Induced Knee Joint Injury in Rats by a Combination of Metformin and Captopril18
The Macro and Micro-Structure of the Celiac and Cranial Mesenteric Ganglia in a Long-Lived Rodent - Paca (Cuniculus paca, Linnaeus 1766)14
Quercetin Inhibits ROS-p53-Bax-caspase-3 Axis of Apoptosis and Augments Gonadotropin and Testicular Hormones in Chronic Unpredictable Stress-Induced Testis Injury11
Physical Therapy Protocols to Attenuate Skeletal Muscle Atrophy in Critically ill Patients: Narrative Review10
Evaluación de las Relaciones entre la Rama Palmar Profunda de la Arteria Ulnar y el Ramo Profundo del Nervio Ulnar en la Región Palmar8
Function of s100 Protein in Coronary Atherosclerosis8
Variations of the Cerebral Arterial Circle. Morphological and Clinical Analysis8
The Effect of the Minimum Effective Volume for Suprainguinal Fascia Iliaca Block in Fresh Cadavers6
Anatomical Control of the Lower Nasal Width in Le Fort I Osteotomy6
Anatomical and Morphological Findings of the Root Canal of Maxillary Premolars and Their Prevalence: CBCT Study in a Mexican Population6
Anatomical Study of the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle Flap6
Vitamin E Suppresses Aortic Ultrastructural Alterations Induced by Toxic Doses of Monosodium Glutamate6
Histomorphological Structure of the Bursa cloacalis (Bursa of Fabricius) in Young Leiothrix lutea: A Comparative Study Using Light Microscopy and Transmission Electron Microscopy5
Overall Distribution Pattern of the Intramuscular Nerves of the Extraocular Muscles and its Clinical Implications5
Plataforma Móvil Basada en la Nube para Mejorar la Experiencia de Aprendizaje en la Anatomía Humana5
Rate of Force Development and Stretch-Shortening Cycle in Different Jumps in the Elite Volleyball Players5
Anatomy of the Skull of Saanen Goat. An anesthesiology and Stereology Approach5
Terminologia Embryologica, Parto y Anomalías de la reproducción: Propuesta de Términos Embriológicos en Español5
Histology for the Visually Impaired: A Study Applying Models at Universities in Spain and Brazil4
A Histochemical and Immunohistochemical Study on the Gastrointestinal Tract of Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)4
Strength and Strength-Related Anthropometric Parameters of the International Level Canoe Slalom Male Paddlers4
The Effects of Acute Binge Alcohol Consumption on the Trabecular Morphometry and Tensile Strength of Adolescent Sprague Dawley Rat Femora4
Anatomo-Histological Evaluation of Male Reproductive System of the Juvenile Caiman crocodilus yacare4
Probióticos y Prebióticos. Rol en la Terapéutica de la Enfermedad Diarreica Aguda Infantil4
Statistical Analysis of Shape of Auricular Concha for Mass Customization of OTC Hearing Aids4
An Assessment of Ankle Function, Oxidative Damage, and Inflammatory Factor Levels in Minimally Invasive Ankle Joint Fusion Surgery for the Treatment of Traumatic Ankle Osteoarthritis4
Dental Loss in the Lower Socioeconomic Stratum of a Sample of the Chilean Population Born in the 19TH and 20TH Centuries4
Patrones Morfológicos Erróneamente Diagnosticados como Huellas de Mordedura en Contextos Forenses: Una Revisión con Búsqueda Sistemática4
Composición Corporal, Parámetros Bioeléctricos y Fuerza de Prensión Manual en Escaladores Chilenos Federados y Recreativos4
Comparison of Primary Keloid Fibroblast Cultivation Methods and the Characteristics of Fibroblasts Cultured from Keloids, Keloid-surrounding Tissues, and Normal Skin Tissues4
Phytochemical Screening and in vitro Anticancer Activity of Some Medicinal Plants Grown in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia4
A Morphological, Histological and Histochemical Study of the Sexual Segment of the Kidney of the Male Chamaeleo calyptratus (Veiled Chameleon)4
Ruptura del Paradigma: Estudio Macroscópico del Desarrollo Embrionario de Aves (Gallus gallus domesticus) Realizado Por Métodos Complementarios3
Análisis Comparativo de la Visualización del Canal Mandibular Mediante Tomografía Computarizada Cone Beam en Humanos3
Differences in Muscle Strength Performance According to the Genotypes of the rs4646994 Polymorphism of the ACE Gene in a Sedentary Population3
Risk Factors for Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis: A Systematic Review3
Stereological Quantification of Extraocular Muscles in Humans3
Biomechanical Effects of Angiotensin 1-7 in Diabetes Rats Femur3
Anthropometric Characteristics and Body Composition of Elite Youth Male Basketball Players - Participants of Junior Euroleague3
Hemangioma Hepático Gigante Único. Serie de Casos con Seguimiento de Pacientes Tratados Quirúrgicamente3
The Ameliorative Effects of Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester in Cisplatin-Induced Nephrotoxicity: Assessment of the Oxidative Stress an Inflammation3
Evaluation of the Presence of the Third Head on the Lateral Pterygoid Muscle in Adult Individuals3
Evaluación Morfológica del Músculo Subclavio en una Muestra de Material de Autopsia. Inferencias Clínicas3
Expression and Clinical Significance of CLCA2 in Pan-Cancer3
Synergistic Renoprotective Effects of Green Tea Extract and Gemigliptin against Tacrolimus-Induced Nephrotoxicity in Mice3
Ursolic Acid Increases Strength in mdx Mice Model and may Decrease Fibrosis Deposition by TGF-ß Downregulation3
Reparative Regeneration by Substitution of Bone Tissue Defects with Bioglass, Using Regeneration Technologies3
Histological Evaluation of the Effect of Alendronate on the Maxillary Bone of Wistar Rats Combined with Orthodontic Movement of Intense Force3
Relationship Between Ethanol Intake and Insulin Sensitivity Metabolism in Men with no Comorbidities: A Systematic Review3
Morphological Description of Extrinsic Muscles of the Thoracic Limb in a Specimen of Pudu (Pudu puda)3
Morphometric Analysis of Infraorbital Foramen Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography in a Cohort of Sri Lankan Adults3
Disposición Infrecuente de la Arteria Digital Palmar Propia Radial del Índice3
Effect of Replacing Fish Meal in Fish Diet with Shrimp by-Product Meal on Growth Performance, Feed Utilization, Length-Weight Relationship and Condition Factors of Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus 3
Somatic Maturity and Physical Performance in Male Youth Players from a Professional Soccer Academy3
Morphology of the Second Mesiobuccal Canal in the Maxillary Second Molar3
RGD Peptide Inhibits Tumor Growth by Affecting Angiogenesis Related Signaling Pathway of Laryngeal Cancer Stem Cells3
Suppression of Nitrosative Stress and Inflammation of the Knee Joint Synovium in Collagen Type II-Induced Rheumatoid Arthritis by the Inhibition of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3ß3
Percepción de la Virtualización de la Asignatura de Anatomía Humana Normal y Embriología en Pandemia3
Localization of Diacylglycerol Kinase ζ in the Kidney of Adult Rats: Its Dominant Expression in Collecting Tubules and its Selective Lack in Proximal Tubules3
Morphometric Study of Extra-Hepatic Biliary Pathways - Study in Human Corpses3
Anthropometric Profile of Leg Length Inequality and its Impact on Gait3
Has the Literature Thoroughly Categorized the Lower Third Molars? A New Classification of the Various Lower Third Molar Root Forms for a Better Understanding of their Morphology2
Aspectos Morfológicos de la Mama. Una Revisión de la Literatura2
The Localization of R-Spondin1 and R-Spondin 3 Peptides in Rat Hypothalamus: An Immunohistochemical Study2
Análisis de Datos Antropométricos y Madurativos para la Selección de Talentos en Voleibol2
Structure and Function Adaption of Lung in Phrynocephalus vlangalii by Multiple Mechanisms2
The Comparative Anatomy of the Upper Digestive System in 26 Species of Zoophagous-Polyphagous Palearctic Birds2
Investigation of FAS and IL-6 Expression in Placentas with HELLP Syndrome2
Características de Composición Corporal, Ángulo de Fase y Agua Corporal en Paracaidistas Chilenos de Elite2
A Comparative Study of the Morphology of Suboccipital Cavernous Sinus Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Cast Specimens2
A Truncus Bicaroticus and an Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery. A Rare Case and Literature Review2
Body Height and its Estimation Utilizing Hand Length Measurements in Montenegrin: National Survey2
A Morphometric Study of Head in the Population of Young Chinese Adults2
Marein Regulates Insulin Resistance in Diabetic Nephropathy Mice by Inducing Autophagy2
The Use of Zygomatic Implants in Severe Maxillary Atrophy: A Systematic and Meta-Analysis Review of Randomised Clinical Trials2
Comparative Morphological and Computed Tomographical Measurements of the Orbit in Cattle and Pig Eyes2
Concentraciones de Oxígeno Intermitentes tienen Impacto en el Desarrollo Postnatal Temprano de Ratas Sprague-Dawley: Efectos en CA1 del Hipocampo2
Analysis of the Asterion Morphology in Relation to Its Clinical Significance2
Tokyo 2021 Olympic Water Polo Champions and Their Anthropometric Characteristics and Body Composition Compared to Other Players2
Protective Autophagy in 5-Fluorouracil-Resistant Colorectal Cancer Cells and ERK-RSK-ABCG2 Linkage2
Enseñanza de la Anatomía Humana en la Universidad Austral de Chile: Pasado, Presente y Futuro2
Changes in the Craniomaxillofacial Growth and Development of Sprague Dawley Rats Subjected to Permanent Experimental Unilateral Nasal Obstruction2
A Rare Variation of Radial Nerve Coexisting with the Intercalated Ectopic Muscle from Latissimus Dorsi Muscle2
Interleukin-37 has A Promising Cardioprotective Effect on Isoproterenol-Induced Myocardial Infarction2
Morphological Index of Fetal Cerebral Ventricular Development: A Diagnostic Ultrasound Study2
Morfología Microestructural Dérmica en Juveniles de Dos Especies Hermanas de Tiburón Pala, Sphyrna tiburo y S. vespertina2
Anatomical Variations and Morphometric Study of Pterion in a Thai Population Associated with Clinical Implications2
Estimation of Stature Based on Metatarsal Bones in a Thai Population2
Actualización sobre COVID-19 e Histofisiología del Sistema Reproductor Masculino2
Sonographic and Anatomical Evaluation of the Liver and Portal Vein Reference Values2
Marco Ético y Jurídico en la Investigación Científica en Chile: Acreditación de Comités Ético Científicos2
Expression and Distribution of Kallikrein-related Peptidases 5, 7, 8 and 10 in Normal Apocrine Gland of Canine Skin2
Morphological Characteristics and Motor Abilities Differences: First and Second Montenegrin League Female Volleyball Players2
Morphological Characteristics and Pulmonary Function of Naval Saboteurs and Ground Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Montenegro2
Cardio-Physiological and Anthropometric Profile of Elite International Handball Players from Top Ranking Macedonian Teams2
Zarzio Ameliorates Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Induced By a High Fat Diet in a Rat Experimental Model: A Histological and Immunohistochemical Study2
Machine Learning Algorithms for Sex Classification by Using Variables of Orbital Structures: A Computed Tomography Study2
Effects of Repeated Sprint Training in Hypoxia on Physical Performance Among Athletes: A Systematic Review2
Accuracy of Sonographic Identification of Suprascapular Nerve at Supraclavicular Fossa: A Cadaveric Study2
Evaluation of Three-Dimensional High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis2
Expression of Myosin Heavy Chain Isoform mRNA Transcripts in the Masseter and Medial Pterygoid Muscles2
Evaluation of Auricular Morphologies of Motorcycle Couriers Based on Helmet Usage Using Photogrammetric Methods2
Variations in the Origin of the Superior Laryngeal Artery and their Clinical Significance: A Case Report with a Proposal for a New Classification2
The Relationship Between Age-Related Incidences of Heel Spur With Sex and Side2
Teaching-Learning Process of Medical Students with Real Anatomical Parts: A Practical Intervention Strategy2
Why Human Prepuce is a Valuable Resource in Science? Histological, Ultrastructural, Immunohistochemical and Statistical Analysis2
Asociación entre la Termografía por Infrarrojo, Parámetros Antropométricos y Gasto Energético de Reposo en Hombres2
Suppression of Diabetes-Induced Renal Inflammatory Cell Infiltration by Metformin Associated with the Amelioration of Renal Injury Biomarkers2
TTYH3 is a Prognostic Biomarker and Associates with Immune Cell Infiltrations of Lung Adenocarcinoma2
Morphometric Study and Anatomical Variation with its Incidence of Foramina Transversaria on the Lower Cervical Vertebrae2
The Emergence and Effects of the First Anatomy Theatres in Western Europe2
Escape Room como Herramienta Didáctica en la Enseñanza de la Histología1
Anatomía del Cuerpo Calloso en Ratas Sometidas a Estrés Prenatal Crónico1
A Glimpse into Chilean Veterinary Anatomy Educators1
Bone Anatomy of the Thoracic Limb in the Common Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) and White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum)1
Prevalence of the Fabella and Determination of the Fabella Index1
Evaluación de la Mineralización en Mandíbula y Diente de Trucha Arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Mediante Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido de Presión Variable Acoplada a Detector de Espectroscopía de 1
Elite Croatian Junior Taekwondo Competitors: Morphological Characteristics and Body Composition Reference Values1
The lncRNA-MALAT1/miR-330-3p Axis Promotes Growth and Metastasis of Gastric Cancer Through Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A: A Genetic and Cell Evaluation Study1
The Overall Distribution Pattern of the Hand’s Cutaneous Nerves and Its Clinical Implications in Sensory Reconstruction1
Characterization of Salivary Gland Pain: A Review of the Literature1
Articulación Temporomandibular ¿Disco o Menisco Articular?1
The Effects of L-Carnitine on Gastrointestinal Contractility and Histological Changes in Rat Intestinal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury1
Abnormal Obturator Artery with Ipsilateral Inferior Epigastric Artery Passed Behind the Femoral Vein1
Ultrasound Assessment of Diaphragm Thickness in Athletes1
Are Statins a Risk Factor in Patients with Atherosclerosis?1
Anatomical and Clinical Education in Physical and Occupational Therapy: Influence of Integration and Soft Preservation1
Características Antropométricas, Capacidad de Salto Vertical y Resistencia de Carrera de Bomberos, En Servicio Activo, con Relación a la Edad1
Evaluation of Subchronic Formaldehyde Exposure in Rats with Open Field Test1
Bibliometric Analysis of Global Research Output on Teaching and Learning of Human Anatomy1
Telocytes in Human Embryonic Development: A Preliminary Microscopic Anatomy Study1
Investigación en Fisuras Faciales. Quo Vadis España?1
Regulation of Notch1 and Foxp1 by MiR-34a in Psoriasis Vulgaris1
Liver Structural Injury in Leptin-Deficient (ob/ob) Mice: Lipogenesis, Fibrogenesis, Inflammation, and Apoptosis1
The Effect of Hyaluronic Acid on the Periodontium in Spontaneous Periodontitis in Rats1
Extra-Visceral Retroperitoneal Echinococcosis. Case Series with Follow-Up1
Morphometric Analysis of the Mandibular Lingual Foramina Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in Elderly Korean1
Comparison of Bioelectrical Impedance Parameters and Body Composition Among Street Workout Athletes According to Training Experience1
Differential Effect of ITE on the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Signaling in Breast Cancer Tissue: A Histopathological Study1
Small Molecules Accelerate Skin Wound Healing: Shikonin Efficacy and Mechanism of Action in Mice1
Volumetric Assessment of the Insula in a Normally Functioning Human Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging1
Investigation of Teratogenic Effects of Letrozole on Fetal Bone Development1
Comportamiento Mecánico de un Premolar Humano Sano Sometido a Fuerzas Funcionales y Disfuncionales en un MEF1
CLCA1 is Poorly Expressed in Stomach Adenocarcinoma and Correlates with Immune Infiltration1
Análisis Morfológico y Biométrico de la Fóvea de la Cabeza del Fémur1
Proposal of a Normative Table for Classification of Body Fat Percentage in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Athletes1
Determining Sex from Thai Radius: Discriminant Function Analysis Including the Dry Bone Weight as an Effective Variant1
Neural and Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cell Distribution in the Adult Human Dental Pulp1
Inhibition of Proliferation, Migration, and Invasion of Keloid Fibroblasts By miR-183-5p Through Downregulating EGR11
The Mechanism of Volume Regulation by Cervical Neuroforaminal Veins as was Previously Demonstrated for the Internal Vertebral Venous Plexus (IVVP) in the Cervical and Lumbar Region1
Applying a Unified Model of Fiber Dissection, Tractography, Microscopic Anatomy and Plastination Techniques for Basic Neuroanatomy Education: Hacettepe University Experience1
Study of Digastric Muscle in Brazilian Individuals1
Morphometric Characteristics of Human Skeletal Muscle Cells in Primary Culture1
Neuroprotective Potential of a Novel Soluble Guanylate Cyclase Stimulator the Riociguat Alone or in a Combination Manner with Resveratrol in Experimental Stroke Model in Rats1
Involvement of SIRT1 and SIRT3 in Effects of Hypoxic Hypobaric Preconditioning on Hippocampal Damage Induced by Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion in C57/6j and a7nAchRs(-/-) Mice1
Adaptaciones de la Enseñanza Anatómica Durante el COVID-19 en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Evaluación de los Estudiantes1
Optimal Microimplant Sites in the Mandibular Retromolar Area: Mesh Analysis of Cortical Bone Thickness and Density in CBCT Images1
An Unusual Anatomical Variation of Accessory Left Gastric Artery Arising from Left Hepatic Artery1
Simultaneous Deep Endometriosis Affecting Abdominal Wall and Vermiform Appendix1
Exploring Morphometric Features of the Female Reproductive Tract in Brazilian Pantanal Cattle1
Diseño y Fabricación de Modelos Impresos en 3D como Complemento para las Clases Prácticas de Histología Médica1
Can the Second and Fourth Finger (2D:4D) Ratio Guide Physicians in Choosing Internal Medicine or Surgical Branch?1
Modeling Mediated Crossover Acute and Subacute Damage to the Pulmonary System During Systemic (Subcutaneous) Administration of Bleomycin in Mice to Test the Potential Therapeutic Effect of Polyphenols1
An Experimental Study of Tangzhouling on Morphological Changes of Nissl Bodies in the Dorsal Root Ganglion of DM Rats1
Localization of the Centre of the Highest Region of the Triceps Brachii Muscle Spindle Abundance and its Significance in Muscle Spasticity Block1
Comparison of Kinanthropometric Profiles of Elite Turkish Taekwondo Players With or Without Medals in European Championships1
Application of Sphenoid Sinus Morphological Characteristics in Sex Estimation Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Images1
Anatomical Study and Clinical Importance of the Inferior Epigastric Artery1
Influences of Glabridin Treatment on Motor Function Recovery after Spinal Cord Injury1
Histopathological and Immunohistochemical Study of Antiosteoporotic Efficacy of the Earthworm Allolobophora caliginosa Extract In Orchiectomized Rats1
Latin American Forensic Odontology: A Scoping Review of its Current Research and the Objective/Subjective Nature of its Studies1
Light Microscopic, Ultrastructure Analysis and Functional Morphology of Cornu aspersum Spermatozoa Contained in the Frozen Hermaphroditic Duct1
Axial and Sciatic Arteries: A New Interpretation1
Efectos del Autoinjerto Hueso-Tendón Patelar-Hueso sobre la Posición Articular y la Fuerza en Pacientes con Reconstrucción del Ligamento Cruzado Anterior1
Effect of Bimaxillary Orthognathic Surgery on Pharyngeal Airway Volume1
Study of ex-ovo Embryonic Development of Gallus gallus domesticus1
Effects of Open Board Lecture Videos on Anatomy1
Comparison of Age-Related anti Müllerian Hormone, Inhibin-b Levels and Follicle Reserve in Rat Ovarium1
Variaciones Anatómicas de las Arterias Radial y Ulnar en Miembros Superiores Plastinados1
El Ciclo de la Terminología Anatómica: Evolución e Involución1
Six Asymmetric Bilateral Additional Heads Of Biceps Brachii Muscle Observed in a Cadaver1
Descripción Anatómica de los Segmentos Óseos que Componen el Esqueleto Apendicular Torácico de la Especie Puma concolor1
Evaluation of Fertility and Embryo Implantation in Rats After the Oral Administration of Salvia officinalis (Sage) Extract1
Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Academic Performance in the Subject of Human Gross Anatomy1
Sex Determination From Glenoid Cavity By Computed Tomography in Turkish Population1
Histochemical Assessment of Mucin-Secreting Cells in the Stomach of Domestic Rabbit1
The Anterior Pelvic Index (API) in the Classification of the Female Pelvis and Prediction of Fetopelvic Disproportion1
Neuron parvum fluorescens, un Término con Influencia Anglo-Greco-Latina. Propuesta a Terminologia Neuroanatomica y Terminologia Histologica1
Incidence of Muscular Strength, Anthropometry, and Asymmetry in the General Index of Autonomy in Older Chilean Women1
Comparative Study of the Histomorphological Structure of the Small Intestine of Lonchura striata and Copsychus saularis1
Split Unilateral del Nervio Femoral a Nivel del Músculo Psoas Mayor: Reporte de Caso1
Comparison Between the Parietal Foramina Observed in Samples of African and European Population Groups1
Metástasis Pancreática Metacrónica de un Carcinoma de Células Renales. Reporte de un Caso1
The Pterygospinous Foramen (Civinini) and the Pterygoalar (Crotaphitico-Buccinatorius). Laboratory Findings1
Laboratorios Tradicionales versus Nuevas Tecnologías para el Estudio de Anatomía Humana en Estudiantes de Medicina: Revisión Sistemática y Meta Análisis1
Descripción de la Morfología del Sistema de Canales Radiculares del Primer Molar Maxilar Mediante Tomografía Computarizada Cone-Beam en una Población Chilena1
Early vs. Standard Loop Ileostomy Closure: An Unmatched Case-Control Study1
Histological and Ultrastructural Changes in Lungs One Year Post Asymptomatic or Mild SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Evaluating the Potential for Active Virus Presence1
Crown Formation Times of Deciduous Teeth and Age at Death in Neolithic Newborns1
Angle Evaluation of Possible Routes that Can Be Used to Reach the Foramen Ovale in the Anterior Approach1
Unique Morphology of Intraoperative Measurement of Distal Femur in Northern Malaysian Females and its Correlation With Total Knee Arthroplasty Implant Sizing1
Variations in Foramen Transversarium in Typical Cervical Vertebra1
Root Canal Treatment of Mandibular First Premolar with 3 Canals: A Case Report1
The Posterior Interosseous Nerve at the Proximal Forearm. Anatomical Study and Clinical Correlation1
Mastoid and Opisthion-Bimastoid Triangles for Sex Determination in a Brazilian Sample1
Confiabilidad Inter-evaluador en la Medición del Grosor Muscular y el Ángulo de Penación a través de la Evaluación Ecográfica: Estudio entre un Experto y un Kinesiólogo en Formación1
Single-Slice Hounsfield Unit (HU) Value of the Chinese Proximal Humerus on Routine Chest CT: A Study on Opportunistically Screening for Low Bone Density1
Body Height and Its Estimation Utilizing Shoulder Blade Length Measurements of Montenegrin Adolescents of Both Sexes1
Occlusal Polygon Area of the Molars in Six Colombian Ethnic Groups1
Osteoteca Digital de Cráneos y Mandíbulas1
Efecto de la Vitamina E en Células Peritubulares de Testículos de Ratones Mus musculus Tratados con Ácido Valproico Durante el Estado Fetal y Pubertad1
An Applied Anatomical Study on the Inferior Extensor Retinaculum of Ankle1
Historia y Reconceptualización del Término Sacro1
Effect of Internal Carotid Artery Aberrations on the Distance Between Styloid Process and Carotid Artery1
The Effects of White Tea (Camellia Sinensis) and Infliximab Against Cisplatin- Induced Testicular Damage via Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis1
Congenital Atlanto-Occipital Fusion and its Effect on the Myodural Bridge: A Case Report Utilizing the P45 Plastination Technique1
Anatomic Variations of the Hip Joint in Soldiers of Different Ages1
Morphometrics of T11-L5 Vertebrae in Jordanian Population: CT Scan-Based Study1
Complejo Ligamentoso Lateral de la Articulación Talocrural (Tobillo): Biometría y Patrones de División1
Gross Anatomy of Urethra and Penis in Uncastrated and Castrated Buck of Black Bengal Goat1
Efectos de una Intervención Nutricional Asociada a Entrenamiento Concurrente en la Composición Corporal de Hombres Físicamente Activos1
Cranial Bone Regeneration with Collagen Type I and Polyvinylpyrrolidone (Fibroquel®) Combined with Hyaluronic Acid in Wistar Rats: Morphological Study1
Diferencia en la Expresión del Ligando de Receptor Activador para el Factor Nuclear k B, en Tejido Tumoral Frente a la Infección por Diferentes Patógenos Periodontales1
How Were Modified the Human Anatomy Study Habits During and After Confinement By the COVID-19 Pandemic?1
Veterinary Anatomy During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Brazil: Research Focused on Pedagogical Practice1
Relación entre Dimensiones Antropométricas de Tronco y Valores de Espirometría1
Anatomical and Histomorphometric Study of the Ulnar Nerve at the Wrist1
Resultados de la Cirugía de Urgencia en Pacientes con Cáncer de Colon Perforado1
Instrumentos para Evaluar las Percepciones Físico-Emocionales en Estudiantes de Anatomía de Medicina. Revisión Sistemática1
Comparative Assessment of Contact Osteogenesis at the Titanium Implant-Bone Junction in Male Rabbits with Dissimilar Femoral Defects1
Normative Data of Handgrip Strength in Macedonian Children and Adolescents According to Chronological and Biological Age1
Mechanisms of Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt in the Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy Based on Network Pharmacyology Analysis of its Active Ingredients1
The Evaluation of Cerebellum Gross Morphometric Measurements in Subjects Having Migraine, Ataxia, Dementia and Vertigo1
Humoral and Cellular Immunology in Human Prostate Cancer: Plasma Cells and T and B Lymphocytes1
Comparación Morfométrica de Esqueletos Transparentados de Cuatro Especies de Roedores Myomorfos1
Cephalometric Characteristics in Chilean Latino Population with Normal Occlusion and Harmonic Profiles in Permanent Dentition. A Retrospective Study1
Root Anatomy and Canal Configuration of Maxillary Premolars: A Cone-beam Computed Tomography Study1
Evaluation of Distance and Face-to-Face Anatomy Education From the Perspective of Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic Period1
An R Script to Estimate Which and How Many Landmarks Represent the Most Variable Parts of an Object1
Hepatic Mitochondria in Diet-induced Obese Mice (Stereology and Molecular Analysis)1
Gonadal Differentiation During Embryonic and Fetal Development of Male New Zealand Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)1
Emerging Role of Mast Cells as Biological Markers in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Diseases and their Projection in Health Emergencies1
Relación entre Índices Antropométricos de Obesidad y Condición Física en Escolares de 9 a 14 Años de la Región de Valparaíso, Chile1
Incomplete Petrosphenoidal Foramen: Morphological and Morphometric Analysis and the Proposal of a Classification Study in Brazilian Dry Skulls1
Surco del Músculo Iliopsoas y su Relación Clínica con la Cadera. Una Revisión1
Maxillary Molar Root Canal Morphology Using Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: An Epidemiological Study from Shandong Province, China1
Evaluación Semicuantitativa de los Microelementos del Esmalte en un Modelo de Obesidad inducido por Glutamato Monosódico en Ratas1
Human Anatomy in Cinema1
A Randomized Controlled Study on the Efficacy of Different Approaches of Intramedullary Nailing with Blocking Screws for Proximal Tibial Fractures1