Canadian Journal on Aging-Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement

(The TQCC of Canadian Journal on Aging-Revue Canadienne du Vieillissement is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Online Social Networking and Mental Health among Older Adults: A Scoping Review30
Stigma Reduction Interventions of Dementia: A Scoping Review18
Older Adults’ Perceptions of Frailty Language: A Scoping Review17
Social Participation in Long-term Residential Care: Case Studies from Canada, Norway, and Germany14
“Be Their Advocate”: Families’ Experience with a Relative in LTC during the COVID-19 Pandemic13
Randomized Controlled Trial of Group Exercise Intervention for Fall Risk Factors Reduction in Nursing Home Residents11
Older Adults and Social Isolation and Loneliness During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Integrated Review of Patterns, Effects, and Interventions11
Multispecialty Interprofessional Team Memory Clinics: Enhancing Collaborative Practice and Health Care Providers’ Experience of Dementia Care11
Scoping Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Fall Risk Screening and Assessment in Older Adults across the Care Continuum10
Push and Pull Factors Surrounding Older Adults’ Relocation to Supportive Housing: A Scoping Review10
A Systematic Review of the Psychometric Properties of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory10
Occupational Disruption during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Lived Experience of Community-Dwelling Older Adults9
Aging in Place in Social Housing: A Scoping Review of Social Housing for Older Adults8
Mental Health and Social Connectedness Across the Adult Lifespan in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic8
Imperfect Solutions to the Neoliberal Problem of Public Aging: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Public Narratives of Long-Term Residential Care7
Impact of COVID-19 on Relationship-Centred Residential Dining Practices7
Multimorbidity Treatment Burden Questionnaire (MTBQ): Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Validation in French-Canadian7
What Factors Shape Self-Reported Health Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults? A Scoping Review7
Integration of a Palliative Approach in the Care of Older Adults with Dementia in Primary Care Settings: A Scoping Review7
Challenges and Strategies to Adapt the Provision of Support Services to Older Adults and Caregivers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Perspective of Community Organizations7
Applying the Knowledge-to-Action Framework to Engage Stakeholders and Solve Shared Challenges with Person-Centered Advance Care Planning in Long-Term Care Homes7
Rural Aging during COVID-19: A Case Study of Older Voluntarism6
Understanding Aging, Frailty, and Resilience in Ontario First Nations6
The Role of Volunteers in Enhancing Resident Quality of Life in Long-Term Care: Analyzing Policies that May Enable or Limit this Role6
COVID-19 and the Experiences and Needs of Staff and Management Working at the Front Lines of Long-Term Care in Central Canada6
Assistive Technology Use among Older Adults with Vision Loss: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Canadian Newspapers5
A SHARP Response: Developing COVID-19 Research Aims in Partnership with the Seniors Helping as Research Partners (SHARP) Group5
Religion/Spirituality, Mental Health, and the Lifespan: Findings from a Representative Sample of Canadian Adults5
Pandemic Stories: The Voices of Older Adults5
Cognitive Impairment and Length of Stay in Acute Care Hospitals: A Scoping Review of the Literature5
Quality Indicators for Older Persons’ Transitions in Care: A Systematic Review and Delphi Process5
Mitigating the Challenges and Capitalizing on Opportunities: A Qualitative Investigation of the Public Library’s Response to an Aging Population5
Let’s Work Together: Assessing the Impact of Intergenerational Dynamics on Young Workers’ Ageism Awareness and Job Satisfaction5
In Their Own Words: How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Well-Being of Persons Living with Dementia in the Community4
Facilitating Age-Conscious Student Development through Lecture-Based Courses on Aging4
Long-Term Care Facility Workers’ Perceptions of the Impact of Subcontracting on their Conditions of Work and the Quality of Care: A Qualitative Study in British Columbia, Canada4
Physicians’ Characteristics and Attitudes Towards Medically Assisted Dying for Non-Competent Patients with Dementia4
Assessing Resilience in Older Adulthood: Development and Validation of the Resilience Scale for Older Adults4
Passive Remote Monitoring and Aging in Place: A Scoping Review4
A Newly Identified Impairment in Both Vision and Hearing Increases the Risk of Deterioration in Both Communication and Cognitive Performance4
Covid-19 and Priorities for Research in Aging4
An Agile Development Cycle of an Online Memory Program for Healthy Older Adults4
Low Back Pain in a Nova Scotian Emergency Department: Prevalence and Patient Characteristics in the Older Adult Patient Population4
“We’ve All Lost So Much”: The Long-Term Care Home Experiences of Essential Family Caregivers During COVID-194
Exploring the Interpretation of COVID-19 Messaging on Older Adults’ Experiences of Vulnerability3
Aligning Virtual Care in Canada with the Needs of Older Adults3
Dementia-Friendly Neighbourhoods in Canada: A Carer Perspective3
Barriers to Help Seeking among Victims of Elder Abuse: A Scoping Review and Implications for Public Health Policy in Canada3
Sleep Problems and Psychological Well-Being: Baseline Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging3
(Dis)Connecting Through COVID-19: Experiences of Older Persons in the Context of a Volunteer–Client Relationship3
Best Practices in Dementia Care: A Review of the Grey Literature on Guidelines for Staffing and Physical Environment in Long-Term Care3
Age-Friendly Cities and Older Indigenous People: An Exploratory Study in Prince George, Canada3
Adapting the Namaste Care Program for Use with Caregivers of Community-Dwelling Older Adults with Moderate to Advanced Dementia: A Qualitative Descriptive Study3
Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in the Elderly3
Exploring Constraints to Well-Being for Older Adults in Transition Into an Assisted Living Home: A Qualitative Study3
Interventions for Caregivers of Older Adults with Dementia Living in the Community: A Rapid Review of Reviews3
Intervention Fidelity of a Volunteer-Led Montessori-Based Intervention in a Canadian Long-Term Care Home3
La nécessité des approches interdisciplinaires et collaboratives pour évaluer l’impact de la COVID-19 sur les personnes âgées et le vieillissement: déclaration conjointe de l’ACG / CAG et de la RCV / 3
Culture Change in Long-Term Care-Post COVID-19: Adapting to a New Reality Using Established Ideas and Systems3
Exploring the Black Box of Managing Total Rewards for Older Professionals in the Canadian Financial Services Sector3
Re-engaging in Aging and Mobility Research in the COVID-19 Era: Early Lessons from Pivoting a Large-Scale, Interdisciplinary Study amidst a Pandemic3
Balancing Flexibility and Administrative Burden: Experiences of Family Managers Using Directly Funded Home Care in Manitoba, Canada3
Social Determinants and Health Behaviours among Older Adults Experiencing Multimorbidity Using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging3
Advance Care Planning for Seniors Diagnosed with Dementia: A Scoping Review of the Canadian Literature2
Character Strengths and Resilience in Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Personality Is Associated with Driving Avoidance in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA)2
Social Connectedness Between Family Caregivers and Older Adults Living in Long-Term Care Homes in the Context of COVID-192
Understanding the Patient Experience of Foreign-Born Older Adults: A Scoping Review of Older Immigrants Receiving Health Care in Canada2
Slam Bam, Thank you, Ma’am: The Challenges of Advance Care Planning Engagement in Long-Term Care2
Maltraitance entre résidents en temps de pandémie: Effets dans les résidences privées pour aînés au Québec2
Influence of Frailty Status on Pain, Disability, and Quality of Life in Older Adults with Acute Low Back Pain: Results from the Back Complaints in the Elders (BACE-Brazil) Study2
“It Makes You Feel Good to Help!”: An Exploratory Study of the Experience of Peer Mentoring in Long-Term Care2
Policy and Practice Note: Policy, Safety, and Regulation with Regard to Ontario Home Care Clients and Personal Support Workers2
Life Course Predictors of Young Men Surviving to Age 90 in a Cohort Study: The Manitoba Follow-up Study2
Strategies for Maintaining Friendship in Dementia2
Adult Day Program Directors’ Experiences Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Indoor Built Environment and Older Adults’ Activity: A Systematic Review2
Detecting Anxiety in Long-Term Care Residents: A Systematic Review2
Critical Knowledge Mobilization: Directions for Social Gerontology2
Hindsight 20/20: Looking Back for a Vision Forward in Gerontology2
Public Reporting of Performance Indicators in Long-Term Care in Canada: Does it Make a Difference?2
Whole Person, Whole Journey: Developing a Person-Centred Regional Dementia Strategy2
A Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Group Memory Intervention for Healthy Older Adults with Memory Concerns2
Importance de la nature, des opportunités d’activités, de leur accessibilité et de leur publicisation pour favoriser la santé positive, la participation sociale et l’équité en santé d’Estriens âgés2
Addressing Communication Breakdowns during Emergency Care Transitions of Older Adults: Evaluation of a Standardized Inter-Facility Health Care Communication Form2
Practitioner Empowerment, Older Adult Mistreatment, and Dementia2
Improving Primary Health Care for Residents Living in Assisted Living: Evidence for Practice and Policy2
Factors Associated with the Development of High Nutrition Risk: Data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging2
L’expérience de retour au travail des personnes vieillissantes ayant subi une atteinte à la santé : un examen de la portée2
Experience and Appreciation of Health Care Teams Regarding a New Model of Pharmaceutical Care in Long-Term Care Settings2