Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

(The median citation count of Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A generalized application of the catch-curve regression with comparisons of adult mortality and year-class strength between hatchery-stocked and wild-reared lake trout in US waters of Lake Huron32
Bias in hatchery-origin coho salmon survival estimates due to underestimated prerelease mortality29
Correction: Spatiotemporal variation in maturation: a case study with American plaice (Hippoglossoides platessoides) on the Grand Bank off Newfoundland25
Informative priors assess tradeoffs between mark–recapture and telemetry-based fish movement in a large river system25
Fine-scale distribution and occupancy modelling of the threatened pugnose shiner (Notropis anogenus) in the St. Lawrence River, Ontario, Canada123
Identifying drivers of tropical riverine larval fish abundance and diversity22
Note de reconnaissance21
Quantification of land–sea nutrient fluxes supplied by allis shad across the species’ range20
Monitoring estuarine fish communities: environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding as a complement to beach seining19
Competition overwhelms environment and genetic effects on growth rates of endangered white sturgeon from a conservation aquaculture program19
Unveiling the recovery dynamics of walleye after the invisible collapse18
Outmigration survival of a threatened steelhead population through a tidal estuary17
Association networks in the Dutch offshore beam trawl fleet: their predictors and relationship to vessel performance17
Considerations of variability and power for long-term monitoring of stream fish assemblages16
The role of propagule pressure and environmental factors on the establishment of a large invasive cyprinid: black carp in the Laurentian Great Lakes basin16
Comparing the performance of three common species distribution modelling frameworks for freshwater environments through application to eel species in New Zealand16
Landlocked Atlantic salmon in a large river–lake ecosystem: managing an endemic, large-bodied population of high conservation value16
Extreme variability in European eel growth revealed by an extended mark and recapture experiment in southern France and implications for management15
Assessing movement patterns using Bayesian state space models on Lake Winnipeg walleye14
Climate warming and projected loss of thermal habitat volume in lake populations of brook trout14
Direct estimates of reef fish abundance across an artificial reef network14
Epigenetic age estimation in a long-lived, deepwater scorpionfish: insights into epigenetic clock development14
Lake trout reflex impairment and physiological status following ice-angling14
Assessing the viability of pre-industrial sediment prior to remediation using primary producer (Zostera marina and Spartina alterniflora) growth and survival14
Integrating trawl and longline surveys across British Columbia improves groundfish distribution predictions13
Personality in hatchery Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is associated with growth but not metabolic rate or performance13
Trophic ecology of juvenile lean and siscowet lake charr (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Superior: assessing for potential competition12
Predation of Atlantic salmon across ontogenetic stages and impacts on populations12
Interactions between life history and the environment on changing growth rates of Chinook salmon12
Hierarchical genetic structure in a direct-developing whelk (Buccinum undatum) throughout the western North Atlantic12
Energetic state and the continuum of migratory tactics in brown trout (Salmo trutta)12
Contrasting strengths of eDNA and electrofishing compared to historic records for assessing fish community diversity and composition12
Inferring hatchery effects using spawner-recruit data: comment on Courter et al. (2022)12
Species-specific adaptations, individual condition, and life-history-induced dispersal strategies of fish larvae along a transverse gradient in a large river11
Spatially varying catchability for integrating research survey data with other data sources: case studies involving observer samples, industry-cooperative surveys, and predators as samplers11
Assessing the ability of the growing degree-day metric to explain variation in size-at-age and duration-to-moult of lobsters and crabs11
The timing of spring warming shapes reproductive effort in a warm-water fish: the role of mismatches between hepatic and gonadal processes11
Characteristics of a sea louse (Caligus clemensi) epizootic in wild Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii)11
Behavioural response of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) to acoustic stimuli in a small stream11
Factors affecting powerhouse passage of spring migrant smolts at federally operated hydroelectric dams of the Snake and Columbia rivers11
Evaluation of management performance of a new state-space model for pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) stock–recruitment analysis10
Reduced recruitment of Chinook salmon in a leveed bar-built estuary10
Body size- and temperature-related metabolic traits of juvenile chum salmon during northward migration10
Drivers of Atlantic herring decline and evidence basis for fisheries closures and rebuilding plans10
Neuromorphological and behavioural effects of early developmental exposure to alarm cue on captive-reared Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)10
Diel patterns of foraging and microhabitat use by sympatric rainbow trout and bull trout: implications for adaptive differentiation and instream flow assessment10
Benthic habitat mapping of the glass sponge (Vazella pourtalesii), and associated community composition on Sambro Bank, Scotian Shelf, Canada10
Correction: A catastrophic coal mine spill in the Athabasca River watershed induces isotopic niche shifts in stream biota including an endangered rainbow trout ecotype10
Comment: Surprising salmonid response to water diversion at four run-of-river hydroelectric projects in British Columbia9
Incorporating antenna detections into abundance estimates of fish9
Electronic tags reveal high migratory diversity within the largest Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) stock9
Escape, discard, and landing probability of Nephrops norvegicus in the Mediterranean Sea creel fishery9
Effects of fishing mortality on the age structure of marine fishes9
Mapping American lobster (Homarus americanus) habitat for use in marine spatial planning9
Differences in life history patterns of American shad (Alosa sapi dissima) populations between ancestral, Atlantic coast, and non-native Pacific coast rivers of North America9
Working towards decolonial futures in Canada: first steps for non-Indigenous fisheries researchers9
Managing Canadian freshwater fisheries: persistent challenges and emerging opportunities9
Numbers or mass? Comparison of two theoretically different stage-based stock assessment models and their ability to model simulated and real-life stocks9
A probabilistic foundation for the study of larval fish feeding, growth, and mortality rates9
An integrated population model and sensitivity assessment for a data-poor population of green sturgeon9
Thermal tolerance in cutthroat trout of the southern Rocky Mountains9
Catch as catch can: markets, availability, and fishery closures drive distinct responses among the U.S. West Coast coastal pelagic species fleet segments8
Combining fixed-location count data and movement data to estimate abundance of a lake sturgeon spawning run: a framework for riverine migratory species8
Effects of a low-thiamine diet on reproductive traits in three populations of Atlantic salmon targeted for reintroduction into Lake Ontario8
Electronic tagging and tracking aquatic animals to understand a world increasingly shaped by a changing climate and extreme weather events8
Where do you come from, where do you go: early life stage drift and migrations of cod inferred from otolith microchemistry and genetic population assignment8
Simulated pre-spawning catch and release of wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) results in faster fungal spread and opposing effects on female and male proxies of fecundity8
Escape panels in trawls: does placement matter when every individual contacting the panel can escape?8
No free lunch: estimating the biomass and ex-vessel value of target catch lost to depredation by odontocetes in the Hawai‘i longline tuna fishery8
Dams facilitate predation during Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolt migration8
Induced triploidy reduces mercury bioaccumulation in a piscivorous fish8
Trends in phytoplankton communities within large marine ecosystems diverge from the global ocean8
Bottom-up conservation: using translational ecology to inform conservation priorities for a recreational fishery8
Spatiotemporal modeling of bycatch data: methods and a practical guide through a case study in a Canadian Arctic fishery8
Environmental variability and fishing effects on the Pacific sardine fisheries in the Gulf of California8
Somatic growth of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) under global climate variability: evidence from over 60 years of daily resolved growth increments with a simulation study8
Evaluation of alternative harvest policies for striped bass and their prey, Atlantic menhaden8
Effects of behavioral strategies on catchability, bait selectivity, and hunting behavior in northern pike (Esox lucius)8
A tale of two fishes: depth preference of migrating Atlantic salmon smolt and predatory brown trout in a Norwegian lake8
Agricultural land use and morphometry explain substantial variation in nutrient and ion concentrations in lakes across Canada8
Using a multi-proxy paleolimnological approach to track the effects of multiple stressors on a naturally acidic lake from Killarney Provincial Park (Ontario, Canada)8
Linking real world fisheries datasets for mapping of revenue from fishing grounds to dependent communities8
Effects of spruce budworm defoliation on in-stream algal production and carbon use by food webs7
The various ways that anadromous salmonids use lake habitats to complete their life history7
A review of adult salmon maximum swim performance7
Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) in Greenland — mixed-stock origin, diet, hydrographic conditions, and repeated catches in this new fringe area7
Artificial light improves size selection for northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) in trawls7
Foraging modes and movements of Oncorhynchus mykiss as flow and invertebrate drift recede in a California stream7
Impacts of river flow and thermal regimes on fish growth dynamics during early life history7
A Bayesian spatially explicit estimation of daily egg production: application to anchovy in the Bay of Biscay7
Environmental influences on uptake kinetics and partitioning of strontium in age-0 lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens): effects of temperature and ambient calcium activities7
Atlantic salmon of wild and hatchery origin have different migration patterns7
Retrospective analysis of marine growth and relationships to return rates of Penobscot River Atlantic salmon7
Ecosystem heating experiment reveals sex-specific growth responses in fish7
Longitudinal analyses of catch-at-age data for reconstructing year-class strength, with an application to lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the main basin of Lake Huron7
As the prey thickens: rainbow trout select prey based upon width not length7
Estimating economic-based target reference points for key species in multi-species multi-métier fisheries7
Growth during the first summer at sea modulates sex-specific maturation schedule in Atlantic salmon7
Look who’s talking: contributions to evidence-based decision making for commercial fisheries in Atlantic Canada7
Data-rich but model-resistant: an evaluation of data-limited methods to manage fisheries with failed age-based stock assessments7
Does recruitment trigger negative density-dependent feedback loops in stream-dwelling salmonids?7
Post-settlement abundance, condition, and survival in a climate-stressed population of Pacific cod7
Enhancing single-species stock assessments with diverse ecosystem perspectives: a case study for Gulf of Mexico red grouper (Epinephelus morio) and red tides7
Response of alewife abundance to the bacterial kidney disease outbreak in the Chinook salmon population of Lake Michigan: importance of predation7
Lower possession limits and shorter seasons directly reduce for-hire fishing effort in a multispecies marine recreational fishery7
Next-generation lampricides: a three-stage process to develop improved control tools for invasive sea lamprey7
Quantifying regional patterns of collapse in British Columbia Central Coast chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations since 19607
A cautionary tale: management implications of critical transitions in oyster fisheries7
Assessing total mortality following seabird wrecks given variable data quantity and quality: the Cassin’s auklet die-off6
Assessing the trophic ecology of Southern Ocean Myctophidae: the added value of DNA metabarcoding6
The consequences of dam passage for downstream-migrating American eel in the Penobscot River, Maine6
Using fin ray elemental signatures and growth zone width to estimate onset of sexual maturity in lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)6
Opposing trends in survival and recruitment slow the recovery of a historically overexploited fishery6
Surprising salmonid response to water diversion at four run-of-river hydroelectric projects in British Columbia6
Interactions between American lobster (Homarus americanus) and salmonid aquaculture in the Canadian Maritimes6
Disentangling risks to an endangered fish: using a state-space life cycle model to separate natural mortality from anthropogenic losses6
Assessing the impacts of mining activities on fish health in Northern Québec6
A life cycle model to assess the abundance of black scabbardfish, a widely distributed fish with cryptic migrations6
Using LASSO regularization to project recruitment under CMIP6 climate scenarios in a coastal fishery with spatial oceanographic gradients6
Cycles in adult steelhead length suggest interspecific competition in the North Pacific Ocean6
A NOAA Fisheries science perspective on the conditions during and after COVID-19: challenges, observations, and some possible solutions, or why the future is upon us6
Development of a stock-specific management procedure for snow crab fishery in the Sea of Japan using conditioned surplus production models in a data-moderate situation6
Applying the ideal free distribution to the movement of a highly mobile gillnet fishery for Pacific salmon6
Ranking ecosystem impacts on Chesapeake Bay blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) using empirical Gaussian Graphical Models6
Taking full advantage of the diverse assemblage of data at hand to produce time series of abundance: a case study on Atlantic salmon populations of Brittany6
Rearing conditions differentially affect behavioural phenotypes of male “jack” and “hooknose” Chinook salmon and their sisters in both fresh and salt water6
How quota cuts, recreational fishing, and predator conservation can shape coastal commercial fishery efforts6
Nonstationary patterns in demographic traits covary with Chinook salmon marine distributions6
The cost of hatchery straying: an economic case study on Alaska pink salmon6
Seabird inputs drive changes in Cladocera assemblages in freshwater ponds6
Rapid improvement of lake acid–base status in Atlantic Canada following steep decline in precipitation acidity6
Multiple environmental drivers across life stages influence Yukon River Chinook salmon productivity6
Species–environment relationships, clusters, and thermal ranges of fish species inhabiting boreal rivers6
Interplay of temperature and hypoxia in habitat quality for a juvenile demersal fish in a coastal upwelling system6
Comparison of staircase and asymmetrical before–after, control–impact (aBACI) experimental designs to test the effectiveness of stream restoration at increasing juvenile steelhead density6
Comparing a suite of surplus-production-based stock status identification approaches and management procedures6
An empirical comparison of alternative likelihood formulations for composition data, with application to cobia and Pacific hake6
Hierarchical model to predict common carp and bigmouth buffalo abundance from electrofishing data6
Stable isotopes delineate regional pelagic food web structure in British Columbia’s coastal ocean6
Poor downstream passage at a dam creates an ecological trap for migratory fish5
Fish length, diet, and depth drive Anisakis levels in a zooplankton-feeding fish5
The translocation trade-off for eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida): balancing harm to source populations with the goal of re-establishment15
Spatial and temporal patterns in the threats to at-risk freshwater fish species in Canada5
Apparent migration and natal homing of a small minnow in a large ancient lake5
Invasive dreissenid mussel effects on phosphorus dynamics in Lake Ontario: insights from integrated hydrodynamic–ecological modeling5
On the factors affecting migration and straying in brown trout (Salmo trutta)5
The effect of total dissolved gas supersaturation on gas bubble trauma in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), juvenile kokanee (Oncorhynchus nerka), and two age classes of whit5
Fixed mesh shape reduces variability in codend size selection5
Hydrological control of a floodplain subsidy to littoral riverine fish5
Food web incorporation of marine-derived nutrients after the reintroduction of endangered inner Bay of Fundy Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)5
Quantifying status and trends from monitoring surveys: application to pygmy whitefish (Prosopium coulterii) in Lake Superior5
Fishing regulations, sexual dimorphism, and the life history of harvest5
Tributary streams provide migratory fish with access to floodplain habitats in a regulated river: evidence from alligator gar, Atractosteus spatula5
Persistence of native riverine fishes downstream from two hydropower dams with contrasting operations5
Reply to “Comment: Surprising salmonid response to water diversion at four run-of-river hydroelectric projects in British Columbia”5
Modeling pulse dynamics of juvenile fish enables the short-term forecasting of population dynamics in Japanese pufferfish: a latent variable approach and hindcasting5
Population structure of eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) from Northern California to Alaska using single nucleotide polymorphisms from direct amplicon sequencing5
Atlantic salmon survival at sea: temporal changes that lack regional synchrony5
The influence of stream tributaries to lakes and upstream forest harvest on benthic, lake delta communities5
Incorporating life history diversity in an integrated population model to inform viability analysis5
Leading or lagging: How well are climate change considerations being incorporated into Canadian fisheries management?5
Wildfire in western Oregon increases stream temperatures, benthic biofilms, and juvenile coastal cutthroat trout size and densities with mixed effects on adult trout and coastal giant salamanders5
Multi-indicator precautionary approach frameworks for crustacean fisheries5
Assessing the impacts of environmental and ecological variables on the performance of Fraser sockeye salmon forecast5
Lake characteristics drive concordant trophic responses across ecosystems in three top predator fish species5
Effect of temperature on 13C and 15N incorporation rates and discrimination factors in two North American fishes5
Territories within groups: the dynamic competition of drift-feeding juvenile Chinook salmon in 3-dimensional space5
Joint-species analysis reveals potential displacement of native fishes by non-native fishes within the Santa Ana River, California5
Sperm motility and offspring pre- and posthatching survival in hybridization crosses among a landlocked and two anadromous Atlantic salmon populations: implications for conservation5
Effect of government removal of salmon farms on sea lice infection of juvenile wild salmon in the Discovery Islands5
Space use of juvenile and subadult yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in the Detroit River using acoustic telemetry: incorporating variable detection ranges in vegetated areas5
Evaluating methods for estimating mortality from acoustic telemetry data5
Expanded, compressed, or equal? Interactions between spawning window and stream thermal regime generate three responses in modeled juvenile emergence for Pacific salmon5
Investigating the influence of minor krill-predators on the krill-predator dynamics of the Antarctic ecosystem in the International Whaling Commission's Management Area II5
A tribute to David Schindler: the sentinel of fresh waters5
Evolutionary perspectives on thiamine supplementation of managed Pacific salmonid populations5
Spatiotemporal variation in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) foraging ecology along western Hudson Bay, Nunavut, Canada4
Regional and local effects drive changes in spawning stream occupancy in a sockeye salmon metapopulation4
Large contribution of pulsed subsidies to a predatory fish inhabiting large stream channels4
Red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) abundance on oil and gas platforms based on mark–recapture methods in the northern Gulf of Mexico4
Acute cerebrovascular effects in juvenile coho salmon exposed to roadway runoff4
The vulnerability of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) to the invasive European catfish (Silurus glanis) in a large peri-Alpine lake4
Food web structure across basins in Lake Erie, a large freshwater ecosystem4
A novel approach for directly incorporating disease into fish stock assessment: a case study with seroprevalence data4
Potential for codends with shortened lastridge ropes to replace mandated selection devices in demersal trawl fisheries4
Interpopulation variation in thermal physiology among seasonal runs of Chinook salmon4
Has primary production declined in the Salish Sea?4
Linking changes in sedimentary Cladocera assemblages to limnological variables in 67 Sudbury (Ontario, Canada) lakes reflecting various degrees of metal smelter impacts4
Who spawns where? Temperature, elevation, and discharge differentially affect the distribution of breeding by six Pacific salmonids within a large river basin4
Low predator and conspecific density lead to larger juveniles4
What evidence exists for evaluating the effectiveness of conservation-oriented captive breeding and release programs for imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels?14
An assessment of hybridization potential between Atlantic and Pacific salmon4
Variation in estuary use patterns of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Fraser River, BC4
High-resolution remote sensing and multistate occupancy estimation identify drivers of spawning site selection in fall chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) across a sub-Arctic riverscape4
The influence of human population change and aquatic invasive species establishment on future recreational fishing activities to the Canadian portion of the Laurentian Great Lakes4
California steelhead populations were regionally buffered and individually resistant to a severe multi-year drought4
Role of maturation and mortality in portfolio effects and climate resilience4
Simulated instream restoration structures offer smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) swimming and energetic advantages at high flow velocities4
Long life spans can mitigate the genetic effects of strays from temporary conservation hatchery programs4
Estimating catch curve mortality based on relative return rates of coded wire tagged lake trout in US waters of Lake Huron4
Paradox of otolith shape indices: routine but overestimated use4
Small pelagic fish: new frontiers in science and sustainable management4
Stock identification of sympatric Atlantic cod populations in the Gulf of Maine and mixed stock fishery analysis using otolith-based techniques4
Predicting distribution, production, recreational fishing demand, and conservation concern of Indigenous rainbow trout populations based on landscape characteristics4
Elevated temperature and deposited sediment jointly affect early life history traits in southernmost Arctic char populations4
Guidance for selecting base temperatures when using degree-days in fish growth analyses4
Characterizing prey fields in humpback whale foraging areas of southern British Columbia4
Cold-water habitats, climate refugia, and their utility for conserving salmonid fishes4
Parentage-based tagging improves escapement estimates for ESA-listed adult Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Snake River basin4
Modeling coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) population response to streamflow and water temperature extremes4
Eye lens Δ14C validates otolith-derived age estimates of Gulf of Mexico reef fishes4
Acoustic telemetry and network analysis reveal seasonal spatial overlap between gadid species in a subarctic coastal marine protected area4
Predicting nonlinear dynamics of short-lived penaeid shrimp species in the Gulf of Mexico4
Forestry influences on salmonid habitat in the North Thompson River watershed, British Columbia4
Monitoring the water balance of seepage lakes to track regional responses to an evolving climate4
Partial migration and spawning movements of humpback chub in the Little Colorado River are better understood using data from autonomous PIT tag antennas4
The genetic composition of wild recruits in a recovering lake trout population in Lake Michigan4
Nature or nurture: a genetic basis for the behavioral selection of depth in siscowet and lean lake char (Salvelinus namaycush) ecomorphs4
Physiological assessment of the effects of experimental capture and transport in Pacific spiny dogfish4
Understanding the dynamics of fish spawning phenology and habitat in a changing ecosystem using a long-term ichthyoplankton monitoring dataset4
Spatial and temporal differences in fecundity of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) off Nova Scotia and consequences for biological reference points3
Effects of acclimation to elevated water temperature and hypoxia on thermal tolerance of the threatened pugnose shiner (Notropis anogenus)13
Automatic classification of the phenotype textures of three Thunnus species based on the machine learning SVM algorithm3
Zooplankton communities in Precambrian Shield lakes (Quebec, Canada): responses to spatial and temporal gradients in water chemistry and climate3
Habitat use of anadromous and amphidromous sturgeons in North America: a systematic review3
Application of the bomb radiocarbon chronometer with eye lens core Δ14C for age validation in deepwater reef fishes3
Microlitter in the water, sediments, and mussels of the Saint John River (Wolastoq) watershed, Atlantic Canada3
Evaluation of harvest control rules for a group of interacting commercial stocks using a multispecies MSE framework3
Instream complexity increases habitat quality and growth for cutthroat trout in headwater streams3
Long-term changes in body condition and gillnet selectivity in Lake Constance pelagic spawning whitefish (Coregonus wartmanni)3
Assessing the potential responses of 10 important fisheries species to a changing climate with machine learning and observational data across the province of Québec3
Fine-scale behavior of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) around bait: approach distances, bait plume dynamics, and effective fishing area3
Chinook salmon exhibit long-term rearing and early marine growth in the Fraser River, British Columbia, a large urban estuary3
Spawning season movements of transported landlocked Atlantic salmon in a newly restored river habitat3
A catastrophic coal mine spill in the Athabasca River watershed induces isotopic niche shifts in stream biota including an endangered rainbow trout ecotype3
An integrative approach to assessing bridle shiner (Notropis bifrenatus) distribution using environmental DNA and traditional techniques3
Reductions in sampling effort for fishery-independent age and length composition: balancing sampling efficiency, data uncertainty, and workforce health3
Enriched rearing environment enhances fitness-related traits of salmonid fishes facing multiple biological interactions3
Synchronous changes in length at maturity across four species of Lake Erie fish with different harvest histories3
Modeling of age-dependent natural mortality rates for long-lived fishes based on the Richards model family3
Short to medium-term forecasting of fishing ground distribution based on deep learning model3
Stock-specific variation in the probability of precocious male maturation in hatchery Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha)3
Incorporating demographic information into spawner–recruit analyses alters biological reference point estimates for a western Alaska salmon population3
A statistical censoring approach accounts for hook competition in abundance indices from longline surveys3
Conflicts among protected native birds and valuable sport fishes: potential pelican predation effects3
Sprinting performance and behavior of adult shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum)3
Surface water with more natural temperatures promotes physiological and endocrine changes in landlocked Atlantic salmon smolts3
Fringe effects: detecting bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) at distributional boundaries in a montane watershed3
Inclusion of recreational fishing in data-limited stocks: a case study on Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) in Norway3
Balancing prey availability and predator consumption: a multispecies stock assessment for Lake Ontario3