Acta Physica Polonica B

(The median citation count of Acta Physica Polonica B is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Exorcizing Ghosts from the Vacuum Spectra in String-inspired Nonlocal Tachyon Condensation39
Inferring Community Structure Through Maximum Degree-based Random Walk with Restart22
Symmetry in Neutrino Oscillation in Matter with Non-unitarity12
S-matrix Description of Refractive Effects in One-nucleon Stripping Reactions Induced by \(\alpha \)-particles on \(^{28}\)Si6
Influence of Collectivity on Reduced Hindrance Factor of \(K\)-isomers in Tantalum and Hafnium Isotopes5
Route to Chaos in Discrete Two-dimensional Maps with Hyperbolic Double-well Potentials5
\(j-1\) Anomalous States and Electromagnetic Transition Rates in the Neutron Mid-shell Ag Nuclei4
Instanton Effects in Euclidean vacuum, Real Time Production, and in the Light-front Wave Functions3
Examples of Strong Action of Highly Relativistic Spin–Gravity Coupling on A Spinning Particle in Schwarzschild’s Background3
Quantum Baryon Number Fluctuations in Subsystems of a Hot and Dense Relativistic Gas of Fermions2
Third-0rder Corrections to the Ground-state Energy of the Polarized Diluted Gas of Spin \(1/2\) fermions2
The Role of Scalar and Mass Interactions in a Relativistic Model of the Charmonium Spectrum2
Numerical Complexity of Helix Unraveling Algorithm for Charged Particle Tracking2
Physics Performance Studies of CBM-ToF Detector2
On the Ground-state Energy of a Mixture of Two Different Oppositely Polarized Fermionic Gases2
Darboux Transformation of the Coupled Massive Thirring Models and Exact Solutions1
Relaxation of Particle–Hole-type Excitation in a Fermi System Within the~Diffusion Approximation of Kinetic Theory for the Case of Constant Diffusion and Drift Coefficients1
Quantum Field Theory in Large-\(N\) Wonderland: Three Lectures1
Improved VoteRank Algorithm to Identify Crucial Spreaders in Social Networks1
Extra Dimensions and Fuzzy Branes in String-inspired Nonlocal Field Theory1
Semi-classical Kinetic Theory for Massive Spin-half Fermions with Leading-order Spin Effects1
Wigner and Husimi Partonic Distributions of the Pion in a Chiral Quark Model1
Lorentz-violating Pseudovectors in Effective Field Theories for Quantum Gravity1
Conformal Flatness and Conformal Vector Fields on Umbilically Synchronized Space-times1
Predictions of \(\alpha \)-decay Half-lives for Neutron-deficient Nuclei with the Aid of Artificial Neural Network1
Deuteron Production in a Combined Thermal and Coalescence Framework for Heavy-ion Collisions in the Few-GeV Energy Regime1
Do \({\mit \Lambda }_{\mathrm {CC}}\) and \(G\) Run?1
Axial Momentum and Quantization of the Majorana Field1
On the Calculation of Invariant Tensors in Gauge Theories1
Searching for New Physics in Rare \(K\) and \(B\) Decays without \(|V_{cb}|\) and \(|V_{ub}|\) Uncertainties1
Phenomenological Exploration of the Strong Coupling Constant in the Perturbative and Nonperturbative Regions1
Massive Dark Photons as Hot Dark Matter1
Contact Interactions at Future Circular Collider Based Muon–Proton Colliders1
Thermodynamic Properties of the Noncommutative Dirac Oscillator with a Permanent Electric Dipole Moment1
Gradient Estimators for Normalizing Flows1
Equilibration and Locality1
Calculation of Branching Fraction and CP Violation in \(B^-\rightarrow D_s^-D^0\) Decay1
Particle-theory Input for Neutron-star Physics1
Estimation of Nuclear Temperature During Fusion Interactions: A Dynamic Approach1
An Efficient Algorithm of Parity, Translational and Spin-rotational Symmetry for Chains1
Remarks on Mathematical Structure of the Staruszkiewicz Theory0
Prediction of Mixing Formalism for the Energy Spectra and Quadrupole Transition Rates of \(^{98}\)Mo Nucleus0
Thermal Model Interpretation of Particle Production in \(pp\) Interactions Around \(s^{1/2}\simeq 10\) GeV0
Characteristics of Chiral Bandhead0
Mass and Decay of the \(s\bar {s}\) Member of the 1\(^{3}F_{4}\) Meson Nonet0
The Odyssey of Kaonic Atoms Studies at the DA\(\Phi \)NE Collider: From DEAR to SIDDHARTA-20
A Theoretical Description of \(2\nu \beta ^{-}\beta ^{-}\) Decay to the Excited \(2^{+}\) States0
Explicit Solution of the Mean-variance Optimal Investment Model for Defined-contribution Pension under Non-extensive Statistical Mechanics0
Gravitational Instantons, Old and New0
Spacetimes with No Position Drift0
White Paper on Forward Physics, BFKL, Saturation Physics and Diffraction0
Beta-decay Half-life Uncertainty of the Extremely Neutron-rich Nuclei Due to Nuclear-mass Deviation0
The QCD Phase Diagram at High Densities: An Experimental Overview0
The Earliest Phase of Relativistic Heavy-ion Collisions0
Decay of the Higgs Boson \(h\to \tau ^- \tau ^+\to \pi ^-\nu _{\tau }\pi ^+{\bar \nu }_\tau \) for a Non-Hermitian Yukawa Interaction0
Positivity of the Invariant Kernel Underlying Quantum Theory of the Coulomb Field0
Non-exponential Decay in Classical Stochastic Processes with Memory0
Weak and Strong Magnetic Fields Effect on the Non-extensive Thermodynamics0
Should Unstable Quantum Field Theories be Lorentz-invariant?0
Nuclear Matter Properties Using Chiral Interactions Up to Fourth Order of Chiral Expansion Based on Pauli Operator0
RMF-based Microscopic Study of Ground-state Properties and Nuclear Shape Transitions in Even–Even Po Isotopes0
Effects of Central and Density-dependent Terms of the Skyrme Interaction on Neutron Elastic Scattering Observables0
QCD Critical Point and Hydrodynamic Fluctuations in Relativistic Fluids0
The Mass Density Contrast in Perturbed Friedman–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker Cosmologies0
The Effective QCD Running Coupling Constant and a Dirac Model for the Charmonium Spectrum0
Vacuum-Defect Wormholes and a Mirror World0
Perturbative Computation of Thermal Characteristics of the Stoner Phase Transition0
Nuclear Structure of Proton-rich \(^{20-23}\)Mg Isotopes0
Simultaneous Study of Scattering and Fusion Hindrance Near Coulomb Barrier in F\(+\)Pb Systems0
HBT Radii of Charged Pions with Shear Viscous Transport Dynamics Simulations in the AMPT Model0
Lecture Notes on Transverse-momentum-dependent Parton Distribution Function and Soft Functions in the Large-momentum Effective Theory0
Re-evaluation of the Isoscalar Mixing Angle within Selected Mesonic Nonets0
A Search for Leptonic Photon, \(Z_{l}\), at All Three CLIC Energy Stages by Using Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)0
The Rigorous Test of the Generalized Brink–Axel Hypothesis in the \(A=138\) Nuclear Mass Region0
On Fractional and Distributed Orders Nonlinear Chaotic Jerk Models and Their Control0
Schwarzschild-like Five-dimensional Topologically Charged Wormhole Without Exotic Matter0
Investigation of Coulomb Diffraction Interference in \(^{23}\)Al Breakup Reaction0
Secondary Reactions in Relativistic Fragmentation of Nuclei0
Topologically Charged Rotating Wormhole0
Spinor-helicity Calculation of the \(g^* g^* \to q \bar q V^*\) Amplitude at the Tree Level0
Chromosome Packing in Cell Nuclei: Towards Understanding of Radiation-induced Gene Translocation Frequency0
Investigating the Violation of Charge-parity Symmetry Through Top-quark ChromoElectric Dipole Moments by Using Machine Learning Techniques0
Limiting Spectral Density of Elliptic Volatility Sample Covariance Ensemble with Student’s \(t\) Tailed Volatility0
Snowmass 2021 Whitepaper: Proton Structure at the Precision Frontier0
Superharmonic Double-well Systems with Zero-energy Ground States: Relevance for Diffusive Relaxation Scenarios0
Exploring the QCD Phase Diagram with Fluctuations0
Predictions for a Low-mass Cutoff for the Primordial Black Hole Mass Spectrum0
Enhancement of Deuteron Production in Jets0
Lambda Transverse Polarization in NA61/SHINE at the CERN SPS: Feasibility Studies0
New Predictions on alpha Decay Half-lives of Superheavy Nuclei0
Analysis of \(^{6}\)Li(\(^{3}\)He,\(d)^{7}\)Be Transfer Reaction for Different Approaches0
Hosotani Mechanism in the “Color”-singlet Plasma0
An Exact Prediction for Electric Quadrupole Transition Rates in \(\mathrm {^{104-110}Pd}\) Isotopic Chain by Using IBM 20
Study of Non-trivial Behavior in the Analysis of \(\mathrm {^{58}Ni}+\mathrm {^{27}Al}\) Elastic Scattering Around the Coulomb Barrier0
Introductory Visual Lecture on QCD at Large \(N_{c}\): Bound States, Chiral Models, and Phase Diagram0
The Gluon Exchange Model in Proton–Nucleus Collisions0
Relativistic Variables for Covariant, Retardless Wave Equations0
Ghost-free Electroweak Symmetry Breaking with Weakly Nonlocal Interactions0
Modifications on the Properties of \(D^*_{s0}\)(2317) as Four-quark State in Thermal Medium0
Comparative Study of the 1–2 Exchange Symmetries in Neutrino Frameworks with Global and Local Validities0
Mittag–Leffler Relaxation in the Light of Asymptotic Analysis0
Study of Two-proton Emission Half-lives Using Relativistic Mean-field Model0
New Transformation Method for Generation of Exactly Solvable Centrally Symmetric Power-law Potentials in the Quantum Mechanics of Klein–Gordon Equation0
The Study of Strongly-intensive Observables for \(\pi ^{\pm ,0}\) in \(pp\) Collisions at LHC Energy in the Framework of PYTHIA Model0
On the Dynamics of Delayed and Non-delayed Fractional-order and Distributed-order Consumer Models0
The Thermodynamic Properties of \(^{138,139}\)La Nuclear Systems0
Exhaustive Theoretical Investigation of~Phonon Number Alteration, Fusion Cross Sections and Barrier Distributions for \({^{30}\mathrm {Si}}+{^{90,92,94,96}\mathrm {Zr}}\) Reactions via Energy-dependen0
There Is No ‘Velocity Kick’ Memory in Electrodynamics0
Note on Spin(3,1) Tensors, the Dirac Field and GL\((k, \mathbb {R})\) Symmetry0
Deep Learning Approaches for BSM Physics: Evaluating DNN and GNN Performance in Particle Collision Event Classification0
Testing Methods of Computing Corrections to the Ground-state Energy on the Perturbed Harmonic Oscillator0
Structure of the \(^{115}\)Ag Excited States from IBFM-1 Calculations0
Random Sequential Adsorption of Shapes with Random Geometry: the Case of Rectangles with Random Aspect Ratio0
Dynamical Analysis and Finite-time Synchronization of a New Memristor-based Chaotic System with Amplitude Modulation0
Probing Nucleon Spin Structure in Deep-inelastic Scattering, Proton–Proton Collisions, and Drell–Yan Processes0
On the \({\mit \Theta }\)-term in Electrodynamics0
Different Kinds of Modulus–Modulus Synchronization for Chaotic Complex Systems and Their Applications0
Bound-free Pair Production Mechanism in Pb–\(p\) Collisions at the LHC0
Fission Fragment Mass and Kinetic Energy Yields of Fermium Isotopes0
Dense Hadronic Matter in Neutron Stars0
Towards a Numerical Solution of the Bosonic Master-Field Equation of the IIB Matrix Model0
Towards the Assignments for \(1^{1}D_{2}\) and \(1^{3}D_{2}\) Meson Nonets0
Comparison of Valence-correlation Schemes in Nuclei Having Valence Nucleons in the Same Shell0
The Moment of Inertia of Proto-neutron Star PSR J0740+66200
Off-energy-shell Scattering by Additive Interactions Under an Approximation Scheme0
Defect Wormhole: A Traversable Wormhole Without Exotic Matter0
Nonequilibrium Dynamics at the Quantum Critical Point of a System with Scale-free Localization0
Asymptotic Normalization Coefficients for the \({^{17}{\mathrm {F}}}\rightarrow {^{16}{\mathrm {O}}}+p\) Configuration from the \({^{16}{\mathrm {O}}}({^{10}{\mathrm {B}}},{^9{\mathrm {Be}}}){^{17}{\m0
A Novel Generalisation of Supersymmetry: Quantum \(\mathbb {Z}_2^2\)-Oscillators and Their ‘Superisation’0
IR and UV Limits of CDT and Their Relations to FRG0
Complex Dynamics and Circuit Implementation of an Infinite-equilibria Memristive Chaotic System0
Density Distributions of \(^8\)Li on Proton Target0