Chinese Journal of Physics

(The TQCC of Chinese Journal of Physics is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stellar modeling with the Einstein-Maxwell field equations via gravitational decoupling169
Evolutionary dynamics of the travel mode choice behavior based on the replicator-mutator model95
Nonlinear steady Darcy-Bénard convection problem: Revisit using the heatlines approach85
Flow and heat transfer analysis of an ionanofluid above a rotating disk undergoing torsion85
Off-axis dispersion-managed metasurface for routing orbital angular momentum mode and wavelength multiplexing channels85
Transient free convective flow of viscoelastic nanofluids governed by fractional integrodifferential equations under Newtonian heating and thermal radiation85
Phase transitions in the tetramerized Su–Schrieffer–Heeger chain differentiated by disordered non-Hermitian imaginary potentials83
Thermodynamics of a quantum corrected Reissner-Nordström black hole80
Electromagnetic wave beam propagation through a chiral slab75
On the structural properties from ring diblock copolymers in bulk and in solution73
Investigation of self-focusing a Gaussian laser pulse in a weakly relativistic and ponderomotive regime inside a collisionless warm quantum plasma71
Plastic bioconversion: Reaction mechanism of PETases70
Study of radiative Reiner–Philippoff nanofluid model with gyrotactic microorganisms and activation energy: A Cattaneo–Christov Double Diffusion (CCDD) model analysis68
A lattice hierarchy associated with RTL+68
Viscoelastic flow through a wavy curved channel67
A remarkable effect of substrate temperature on novel Al/Y2O3/n-Si heterojunction diodes performance fabricated by facile jet nebulizer spray pyrolysis for optoelectronic applications66
Gravitational collapse for anisotropic radiating star with Karmarkar condition in f(65
Parabolic Split Ring Resonator (PSRR) based MNZ metamaterial with angular rotation for WiFi/WiMax/Wireless/ISM band applications65
Shock wave propagation in perfectly conducting rotational axisymmetric two-phase medium with increasing energy under the action of heat conduction and radiation heat flux64
Topological defects inspired static spherically symmetric solution64
On the oscillations of the inflaton field of the simplest α-attractor63
Tensor form factors of N(1535)61
Signature of structural parameter in Floquet spectra of α60
Electrostatics in a tortuous nanochannel in a newly developed curvilinear coordinate system60
Cluster approach to ferromagnetic Ising-type model for spin-crossover systems59
Growth of large size Triphenylphosphine Oxide 4-Nitrophenol (TP4N) single crystal by Sankaranarayanan–Ramasamy (SR) method for third order nonlinear optical applications56
Phonon-assisted Interfacial Charge Transfer Excitons in Graphene/h-BN van der Waals Heterostructures56
The multiple kink solutions and interaction mechanism with help of the coupled Burgers' equation55
Effect of phase disturbance on logical vibrational resonance55
Optical bistability and multistability in a graphene quantum system53
Relativistic ion-acoustic waves in electrospherically confined gyromagnetoactive quantum plasmas52
Open quasispecies systems: New approach to evolutionary adaptation52
Improved microwave absorption performance with negative permittivity of polyaniline in the Ku-band region50
Degenerate solutions to the massless Dirac and Weyl equations and a proposed method for controlling the quantum state of Weyl particles50
Orientation selection of particles growing in an alloy melt50
Magnetic granulometry, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and theoretical modeling of magnetic states of FemOn–Fem-xTixOn composites49
Bright attosecond polarized γ-ray emission from the interaction of 49
Shock wave solution for the planar, cylindrically, and spherically symmetric flows of non-ideal relaxing gas48
Direct separation approach and multi-valued localized excitation for (M+N)-dimensional nonlinear system46
L-Valine doped oxalate single crystals for optoelectronic applications46
Quantum correlations in spin-1/2 XXZ chains with modulated magnetic fields and modulated Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction46
Theoretical analysis of biofluid through a capillary having linear type of leakage46
The liquid-liquid structure change in eutectic Ga-Sn alloy45
Numerical investigation of damped wave type MHD flow with time-varied external magnetic field43
The bouncing cosmic behavior with logarithmic lawf(<42
Fisher information of a modified trigonometric inversely quadratic potential41
Representation of compact stars using the black string set-up40
Stochastic solitons in a two-layer fluid system40
Interaction between peptides and an MoS2 monolayer containing a nanopore: First-principles calculations40
Analytical study of ion-acoustic solitary waves in a magnetized plasma with degenerate electrons40
Properties and stability analysis of the sixth-order Boussinesq equations for Rossby waves39
Transportation of particulate suspension in a Newtonian fluid by dilating peristaltic waves in a tube of uniform cross-section: Application to flows in normal oesophagus39
Dust Acoustic Nonlinear waves in Pair-ion-electron Superthermal Plasma38
Invariant solutions and conservation laws of Einstein field equations in non-comoving radiation fields38
Spectral function distributions in the correlated Anderson model38
Effect of W238
Role of decoupling measure on the complexity factor and isotropization of the charged anisotropic spheres37
Time evolution of quantum correlations induced by atomic state superpositions37
Induced entanglement by three-level laser in an open cavity coupled to thermal reservoir37
Einstein–AdS gravity coupled to modified arctan-electrodynamics, magnetic black hole thermodynamics and Joule–Thomson expansion37
Study of gravitational sedimentation of two flexible circular shaped particles using Immersed Boundary Method36
A self-similar solution for the flow behind an exponential cylindrical shock in a self-gravitating mixture of non-ideal gas and a pseudo-fluid of solid particles in a rotating medium36
Body acceleration effects on two-directional unsteady Cross fluid (blood) flow in time variant stenosed (w-shape) artery36
Investigating entangled photons to quantify quantum correlations in dual optomechanical cavities.36
Proton-deuteron elastic scattering at energies 108-392 MeV: An application of spin-independent three-nucleon force potential35
Design and Numerical Simulation of a Bandpass Filter Nano-film35
An Unusual chaotic system with pure quadratic nonlinearities: Analysis, control, and synchronization34
Manipulating the optimal transport orbital and virtual states in a supramolecular transistor34
Constraints on asymmetric dark matter self annihilation cross sections in non-standard cosmological scenarios34
The role of local thermal non-equilibrium on the instability analysis in the presence of variable gravity field with throughflow34
Estimations of global Mittag–Leffler bounds and synchronization for fractional-order permanent magnet synchronous motor systems33
Electroosmotic slip flow of Eyring fluid under high Zeta potential in a circular microchannel33
Role of holographic dark energies in preserving stability of thin-shell wormholes in charged torus black holes32
Magnetized nanofluid flow of ferromagnetic nanoparticles from parallel stretchable rotating disk with variable viscosity and thermal conductivity32
Solar GES-structure modified with EiBI gravity32
BTZ black hole in R31
Charged anisotropic gravitational decoupled strange stars via complexity factor31
WITHDRAWN: Effect of magnetostrictive coupling on the magnetic properties of TbFe2: ab initio study31
Electrically charged compact stars with an interacting quark equation of state31
Periodic electroosmotic flow of nanofluids with slip-dependent high zeta potential31
Computation of couple stress electroconductive polymer from an exponentially stretching sheet30
Charmed baryon physics circa 202130
Thermodynamics of phase transition in Reissner–Nordström–de Sitter spacetime29
An entropy analysis in a slip condition flow over a linear stretching sheet29
Notes on further refining de Sitter swampland conjecture with inflationary models29
Quasi discreteness analysis of a two dimensional ferromagnetic spin system28
Motion and collision of particles near Plebanski-Demianski black hole: Shadow and gravitational lensing28
Mechanically Tuned Gradient-Index Phononic Crystal Lens28
Traversable wormholes in f(R27
Succinct quantum classification algorithm based on quantum circuit model27
Arbitrary amplitude electron acoustic solitary excitations with Cairns–Tsallis distributed hot electrons and positrons in magnetized space plasmas27
Novel of neodymium nanoparticles zinc tellurite glasses in experimental and theoretical elastic properties using artificial intelligence approach27
A possible coexistence of spontaneous magnetic order and thermal entanglement in a spin-1/2 Ising–Heisenberg diamond-decorated square lattice27
Phase field simulation of single bubble behavior under magnetic field27
Hybrid nanofluid flow over two different geometries with Cattaneo–Christov heat flux model and heat generation: A model with correlation coefficient and probable error27
Effects of non-linear radiation and chemical reaction on Oldroyd‐B nanofluid near oblique stagnation point flow27
Prospective lead-free fluorine double perovskites Rb2B'BiF6 (B' = Ag, Cu, In): Unveiling solar cell and optoelectronic promise through ab-initio insights27
Instability of power-law viscoelastic-viscous fluid interface with heat and mass transfer26
Nonplanar ion acoustic solitary waves in an electronegative plasma by damped Korteweg–de Vries-Burgers equation25
Influence of magnetic field on the basic electrical quantities of a cyclotron RF cavity resonator25
Nusselt and Sherwood correlations of multi-component hydrocarbon droplet in rotating natural convection25
The regression for the redshifts of galaxies in SDSS DR1825
Effect of band bending on the valley-resolved transport through zigzag silicene nanoribbons subject to edge electric fields25
Engineering and controlling the electronic properties of zigzag and armchair boron nitride nanotubes with various concentrations of oxygen impurities25
Kinetic Alfvén waves in the temperature anisotropic space plasma with a kappa-Maxwellian distribution25
Magnetic behaviors of diatomic molecules with mixed spin-1 and spin-1/2 on the Bethe lattice25
Semi-discrete local and nonlocal Frobenius-coupled complex modified Korteweg–de Vries equations25
Trapped electrons, trapped ions and quantum effects contributions in instability analysis of dust acoustic waves in dense quantum plasma24
Dynamics modeling of a memristor-based Rucklidge chaotic system: Multistability, offset boosting control and FPGA implementation24
Ultranarrow and multiband perfect absorbers based on dual quasi-bound states in the continuum in near infrared24
Observing Majorana fermion dynamic properties on a NISQ computer24
Chaos detection and control of a fractional piecewise-smooth system with nonlinear damping24
Anisotropic strange stars in extended f(<24
Investigation of CP-even Higgs bosons decays H24
Stability of fluid flow in a porous medium with uniform cross-flow and velocity slip24
High rectification effects of heterojunctions based on C3N4 nanoribbons24
Modeling of structural, electronic, optical, and thermoelectric properties of CsPb(I1-xBrx)3 (x=0, 1, 2, 3) solid solutions by first principle approach23
Impact of porous material and slip condition on the MHD flow of immiscible Couple stress-Newtonian fluids through an inclined channel: Head loss and pressure difference23
A novel design of Gaussian Wavelet Neural Networks for nonlinear Falkner-Skan systems in fluid dynamics23
Adsorption of CO, CO2 and NO2 molecules on Li/Pt decorated C-57 nanostructures and effect of applied external electric field: A DFT study23
Modal stability of low-frequency nucleus-acoustic waves in completely degenerate white dwarf cores and their nearly degenerate surroundings23
Reflection and transmission due to inhomogeneity from an incident wave in a fluid-filled elastic tube22
Thermophoresis and Brownian motion effects on 3D flow of Casson nanofluid consisting microorganisms over a Riga plate using PSO: A numerical study22
Decoupled quark stars relativistic models in the regime of self-interacting Brans–Dicke gravity22
Contraction/dilation flow analysis of non-Newtonian fluid in a deformable channel with exponential permeable walls22
Engineering qubit coupling to reservoir mode: Optimizing circuitry to extend coherence time22
Thermal analysis of unsteady convective flows over a vertical cylinder with time-dependent temperature using the generalized Atangana–Baleanu derivative22
The ion acoustic solitary waves in the four-component complex plasma with a Cairns-Tsallis distribution22
Self-consistent plasma boundary distortions during the interaction of a normally incident electromagnetic beam with a nonlinear surface charge22
Measurement-device-independenization of quantum key distribution protocols22
Stochastic resonance of an asymmetric tristable system driven by cross-correlated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck noise21
Impact of polytropic fluid on a usual gravitational source21
Designing sp3 networks of two novel carbon allotropes in the P4/mmm phase21
Effect of Rastall parameter on wormhole spacetime21
Dynamical instability of charged self-gravitating stars in modified gravity21
Chaos, coexisting attractors and chaos control in a nonlinear dissipative chemical oscillator21
Accelerating Universe scenario in anisotropic f(21
Strong gravitational lensing by Bardeen black holes in 4D EGB gravity: Constraints from supermassive black holes20
Employing response surface methodology and neural network to accurately model thermal conductivity of TiO2–water nanofluid using experimental data20
Low-temperature magnetic refrigeration in Gd20Tb20Er20Al20M20 (M = Fe, Co) high-entropy metallic glasses20
Analysis and control of saddle-node bifurcation based on continuum model with headway fluctuation20
Gray-body factor and absorption of the Dirac field in ESTGB gravity20
Solitonic rogue waves induced by the modulation instability in a split-ring-resonator-based left-handed coplanar waveguide20
Effect of rotational speed modulation on weakly nonlinear magneto convective heat transfer with temperature-dependent viscosity20
Hydrodynamic force on a spherical particle oscillating in a micropolar fluid near a plan wall20
Growth and optimization of optical traits of copper sulphate crystal exploiting L-ascorbic acid for photonic device applications20
Theoretical perspective on the electronic, magnetic and thermodynamic properties of T-graphene: the tight-binding approach20
Radiative flow of clay nanoparticles on the lubricity of Williamson drilling fluids across a vertical surface in a Darcy-Brinkman porous medium19
Parameter-induced logical stochastic resonance in substrate potential with deformable sine-Gordon shape19
Influences of Newtonian heating and Darcy's law in micropolar fluid flow over a magnetized stretchable disk: A Bayesian analysis19
First-principles calculations on structural stability and electronic properties of two pressure-stabilized N-rich Sr(N5)2 compounds19
Synchronization in multiplex neural networks with homeostatic structural plasticity19
Ultra-wideband terahertz absorber with switchable multiple modes based on graphene and vanadium dioxide metamaterials19
Silicon nitride directional coupler-based polarization beam splitter utilizing shallow ridge waveguides for improved fabrication tolerance19
Analysis of slip effects on slow viscoelastic flow of second order fluid through a small diameter permeable tube18
A new methodology in evaluating nonlinear electrohydrodynamic azimuthal stability between two dusty viscous fluids18
MHD quadratic mixed convective Eyring-Powell nanofluid flow with multiple diffusions18
Strain effect on the electronic and optical properties of anisotropic Au2Te monolayer18
Resolving FLRW cosmology through effective equation of state in f18
Experimental and theoretical evaluation of a novel organic proton transfer crystal p-Toluidinium 5‑chloro-2-hydroxybenzoate for third order nonlinear optical applications18
Multiwave interaction solutions for a (3+1)-dimensional generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation18
Thermal analysis of charged Symmergent black hole with logarithmic correction18
Computational evaluating on the role of sac centerline length on hemorrhage risk of anterior cerebral artery with saccular aneurysm18
Hubbard model and its impact on the thermoelectric properties of the penta-graphene structure18
Relevant alternative analytic average magnetization calculation method for the square and the honeycomb Ising lattices18
Corrections to long wavelength approximation of peristalsis viscous fluid flow within a wavy channel18
NRQCD analysis of charmonium production with pion and proton beams at fixed-target energies18
Impact of temperature-dependent viscosity on linear and weakly nonlinear stability of double-diffusive convection in viscoelastic fluid18
Thermal progress of a non-Newtonian hybrid nanofluid flow on a permeable Riga plate with temporal stability analysis17
Quadratic regression analysis of unsteady MHD free convective and radiative–dissipative stagnation flow of hybrid nanofluid over an exponentially stretching surface under porous medium17
Quantum defect and Rydberg energy level calculations for 85Rb and 87Rb by Weakest Bound Electron Potential Model17
Advancing Blood Flow in Stenotic Arteries through Magnetohydrodynamic Peristaltic Motion of Hybrid Nanoparticles17
The influence of student interaction on GPA in social networks17
Static traversable wormhole solutions in 17
Changes in the physical structures for new versions of the Degasperis-Procesi-Camassa-Holm model17
Weakly non-linear stability analysis of g-jitter induced Rayleigh–Bénard convection under inclined surfaces17
The impact of rotation on the onset of cellular convective movement in a casson fluid saturated permeable layer with temperature dependent thermal conductivity and viscosity deviations17
Ultralow energy switching with spin polarized magneto-electric properties of co-doped cubic phase BFO: A first-principles study17
Transverse momentum distributions of the identified particles in mini–bias non-single diffracted p+p collisions at 200 GeV17
Effect of Ce3+ ion doped Ni-Zn ferrites: Structural, optical and low temperature magnetic properties16
A high-capacity and robust steganography algorithm for quantum images16
A single neuron model with memristive synaptic weight16
Mass-based hybrid nanofluid model for entropy generation analysis of flow upon a convectively-warmed moving wedge16
Optimized metamaterial solar absorber with ultra-wideband, polarization-independent and large incident angle-insensitive16
Some exact invariant solutions and dynamical structures of multiple solitons for the (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlensky-Konopelchenko equation with variable coefficients using Lie symmetry analysis16
Design and simulation of charge transport in single-electron transistor using TCAD numerical simulator16
G-jitter effect on mass transport in electrically conducting Newtonian fluid16
Physical and mechanical properties of vulcanized and filled rubber at high strain rate16
Numerical simulation of MHD hybrid nanofluid flow by a stretchable surface16
Study of Pseudoplastic and Dilatant Behavior of Nanofluid in Peristaltic Flow: Reiner-Philippoff Models16
Evaluating hydrogen storage potential of NaNbO3-xHx: DFT-based approach16
Similarity solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations for an injection-driven flow between two orthogonally moving porous discs16
Force analysis and distribution evolution of Fe3O4 nanoparticles in magnetic fluids16
Dual solutions of a nanofluid flow past a convectively heated nonlinearly shrinking sheet16
Mass-based hybridity model for thermomicropolar binary nanofluid flow: first derivation of angular momentum equation16
MHD flow and heat transfer of a hybrid nanofluid past a nonlinear surface stretching/shrinking with effects of thermal radiation and suction16
Neural net pattern recognition based auscultation of croup cough and pertussis using phase portrait features15
Cross-assisted NCS and rGO hetero-architecture for hybrid symmetric and asymmetric supercapacitor electrodes15
Energy consumption in the synchronization of neurons coupled by electrical or memristive synapse15
Analysis of complexity on the anisotropic charged fluid in modified teleparallel gravity15
Electron and positron nonthermality effects on the formation of damped solitons in collisional multi-component plasmas15
Monte Carlo study of magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of the polyphenylene dendrimers of a mixed spin 3/2 and 115
Ricci inverse anisotropic stellar structures15
The influence of leaders on the evolution of investment decisions15
First-principles prediction of a two-dimensional semiconductor ferromagnetism in Cr2X2Se6 (X = Al, Ga, In) materials15
Cosmological implications of the constant jerk parameter in f15
High frequency permittivity dispersion of Fe-based nanocrystallined ferromagnetic flakes15
Firing multistability, symmetry, bubbles of a Shinriki oscillator with mem-elements15
Bäcklund transformations, nonlocal symmetry and exact solutions of a generalized (2+1)-dimensional Korteweg–de Vries equation15
Bioconvective flow of thermally radiative Casson nanofluid with aerobic microorganisms over a stretching surface15
Tolman IV fluid sphere in f(R15
Critical field analysis and magnetic properties of perovskite manganese oxide La0.8Ca0.2Mn1-xNixO3(x = 0.0,0.1,0.2)15
Direct measurement of the polynomial invariant of degree 215
Dissipation energy and satisfaction rate for a two-lane traffic model with two types of vehicles15
Numerical and statistical analyses of three-dimensional non-axisymmetric Homann's stagnation-point flow of nanofluids over a shrinking surface14
Slip boundary conditions effect on bidispersive convection with local thermal non-equilibrium: Significant findings14
Adaptive tracking control of underactuated AUV with historical navigation information and piecewise weighted fractional order integration14
Effect of (r,q14
Kinetic-scale diagnostics of destabilization of electromagnetic electron whistler-cyclotron modes in the presence of hybrid non-thermal non-extensive electrons14
Lie group analysis for obtaining the abundant group invariant solutions and dynamics of solitons for the Lonngren-wave equation14
Fractional-order quantum game chaotic map and its synchronization with application14
Numerical analysis of ultrathin Sb2Se3-based solar cells by SCAPS-1D numerical simulator device14
Extending gravitational potentials from the surface boundaries of compact objects14
On some properties of generalized cardinal sine kernel fractional operators: Advantages and applications of the extended operators14
Colorful excitations of 3D dark-bright vector ring-like Peregrine structures in partially nonlocal nonlinear context under a harmonic potential14
Hidden coexisting firing patterns and bubble-like bifurcation in HR neuron model under electromagnetic induction14
Insight into the mechanical, electronic, kinetic, thermodynamic, and hydrogen storage properties of XFeH3 (X=Ca, Sr, Ba) perovskites for hydrogen storage applications: First-principle calculations14
Biometric holographic encryption and authentication with multiple optics-biology keys based on inhomogeneous media optics14
Constraining a hyperbolic cosmological model with observational data14
Investigating rheological characteristics of nonlinear fluid model in an asymmetric channel: A peristaltic pumping of blood with curvature and hydrodynamic impacts14
CP violation in the CKM mixing for degenerate quark masses14
Theoretical study of the low-lying electronic states of diatomic antimony oxide including the spin-orbit coupling effect13
Charged anisotropic spherical collapse in f(13
Extraordinary optical characteristics of one-dimensional double anti-PT-symmetric ring optical waveguide networks13
Shadow cast and center of mass energy in a charged Gauss-Bonnet-AdS black hole13
Synchronization of four unalike local coupled phase oscillators in a ring: Analytic formulas for the critical coupling and phase differences13
Unsteady MHD mixed convection flow of a hybrid nanofluid with thermal radiation and convective boundary condition13
A highly accurate peak time formula of epidemic outbreak from the SIR model13
Influence of intense laser fields on measurable quantities in W13
Fabrication and investigation of the electrical performance of nitrogenated bilayer ZnO:N/ZnO thin-film transistors13
Structure and thermodynamics of droplets with end-grafted polymer-chains of Pickering emulsions from Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Scaling-Theory13
A comprehensive semi-empirical formula for the half-lives of beta-decaying nuclei13
Comprehensive study of cylindrical Levi-Civita and cosmic string solutions in Rastall theory of gravity13
Theoretical prediction of topological insulators in two-dimensional ternary transition metal chalcogenides (MM'X4, M = Ta, Nb, or V; M'= Ir, Rh, or Co; X = Se or Te)13
Interaction of two soliton waves in plasma including electrons with Kappa-Cairns distribution function13
Conjugate free convection in a non-uniform heating walled enclosure filled by ternary hybrid nanofluid under magnetic field12
Multi-functional switchable terahertz metasurface device prediction by K-nearest neighbor12
The effects of parameters of Cairns-Tsallis distribution on the properties of ion-acoustic soliton waves in plasma12
Bilinear forms, bilinear Bäcklund transformation, soliton and breather interactions of a damped variable-coefficient fifth-order modified Korteweg–de Vries equation for the surface waves in a strait o12