International Journal of Speleology

(The TQCC of International Journal of Speleology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Revealing the ongoing speleogenetic processes in an underwater cave through the application of natural radionuclides and stable isotopes: case study from the hypogene Buda Thermal Karst12
Speleothems in sandstone crevice and boulder caves of the Elbe River Canyon, Czech Republic8
Vermiculations in painted caves: New inputs from laboratory experiments and field observations6
Air pressure propagation through Wind Cave and Jewel Cave: How do pressure waves travel through barometric caves?6
Protura (Arthropoda: Hexapoda) in Slovenian caves5
Predictive modeling of cave entrance locations: relationships between surface and subsurface morphology5
Guano-derived morphologies and associated minerals found in Cova de sa Guitarreta, Llucmajor, Balearics5
Monitoring photosynthetic activity using in vivo chlorophyll a fluorescence in microalgae and cyanobacteria biofilms in the Nerja Cave (Malaga, Spain)5
Why the delay in recognizing terrestrial obligate cave species in the tropics?5
Sulfuric acid speleogenesis and surface landform evolution along the Vienna Basin Transfer Fault: Plavecký Karst, Slovakia5
Absence of visitors during lockdown reveals natural variation in carbon dioxide level in the Glowworm Cave, Waitomo, New Zealand4
Cave-dwelling heleomyzid flies (Diptera: Heleomyzidae) from the Polish caves. Historical overview and new data4
Microbially-mediated carbonate dissolution and precipitation; towards a protocol for ex-situ, cave-analogue cultivation experiments4
Time-transgressive microbial diversity in a tropical bat guano accumulation, Deer Cave, Mulu, Borneo3
Rates of diagenesis of tropical insectivorous bat guano accumulations: implications for potential paleoenvironmental reconstruction3
Climate monitoring in the Caumont cave and quarry system (northern France) reveal near oxygen isotopic equilibrium conditions for carbonate deposition3
Cave-dwelling crocodiles of Central Belize3
Dispersion of artificial tracers in ventilated caves2
Low impact sampling of speleothems – reconciling scientific study with cave conservation2
The physical activity of Spanish speleologists: accomplishment of recommendations and differences by sociodemographic variables2
Paleokarst coastal caves at Torricelle Hills (Lessini Mountains, Venetian Prealps, Italy)2
Algae and cyanobacteria in the aphotic habitats of Veternica Cave (Medvednica Mt., Croatia) and selected caves of the Dinaric karst (South-Eastern Europe)2