Annali Della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze

(The median citation count of Annali Della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa-Classe di Scienze is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A characterization of chains in dimension three15
Smooth projective surfaces with infinitely many real forms8
Divides and hyperbolic volumes7
Weak and strong Lp-limits of vector fields with finitely many integer singularities in dimension n6
Rigidity of non-compact static domains in hyperbolic space via positive mass theorems5
Klt varieties of general type with small volume5
The Picard group of the universal moduli stack of principal bundles on pointed smooth curves II4
Classification of convex ancient free boundary mean curvature flows in the ball4
Propriétés de la hauteur de Faltings4
Stability of the vortex in micromagnetics and related models4
A determinantal point process governed by in integrable kernel is Giambelli compatible4
Eigenvalue asymptotics for weighted Laplace equations on rough Riemannian manifolds with boundary4
Quartic differentials and harmonic maps in conformal surface geometry4
Topological moduli space for germs of holomorphic foliations II: universal deformations3
Holomorphic convexity of pseudoconvex surfaces3
Equivariant birational types and Burnside volume3
Pointwise universal Gysin formulae and applications towards Griffiths’ conjecture3
On anticanonical volumes of weak Q-Fano terminal threefolds of Picard rank two3
Twelfth moment of Dirichlet L-functions to prime power moduli3
Arnoux-Rauzy interval exchanges3
Summability condition and rigidity for finite type maps2
Lefschetz properties of Jacobian algebras and Jacobian modules2
Maximum principle for non-uniformly parabolic equations and applications2
Almost formality of manifolds of low dimension2
The complex Ginzburg-Landau equation perturbed by a force localised both in physical and Fourier spaces2
The Neumann problem for the fractional Laplacian: regularity up to the boundary2
Modulus of continuity of weak solutions to a class of singular elliptic equations2
Dirichlet forms on metric measure spaces as Mosco limits of Korevaar-Schoen energies2
On symmetries of iterates of rational functions2
Uniform bounds for rational points on hyperelliptic fibrations2
Some rigidity results for Sobolev inequalities and related PDEs on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds2
On Shafarevich-Tate groups and analytic ranks in families of modular forms, I. Hida families2
Harmonic intrinsic graphs in the Heisenberg group2
The space of Gauss maps of complete minimal surfaces2
Laminations of coexisting attractors2
The CR almost Schur Lemma and the positivity conditions2
Heat kernel estimates for general symmetric pure jump Dirichlet forms2
A Lojasiewicz inequality for ALE metrics2
Generalised Rado and Roth Criteria2
Strichartz estimates for the Dirac equation on asymptotically flat manifolds2
Backward Rauzy-Veech algorithm and horizontal saddle connections2
Constant Q-curvature metrics with Delaunay ends: the nondegenerate case2
Fractional Sobolev isometric immersions of planar domains2
Existence of cscK metrics on smooth minimal models2
Fractional Sobolev spaces with power weights2
Constancy of the dimension in codimension one and locality of the unit normal on $\RCD(K,N)$ spaces1
On some improved weighted weak type inequalities1
On Shrinking Targets and Self-returning Points1
Infinite time bubble towers in the fractional heat equation with critical exponent1
Gamma-convergence of nonconvex unbounded integrals in Cheeger-Sobolev spaces1
Non-existence of axisymmetric optimal domains with smooth boundary for the first curl eigenvalue1
On rigidity properties of time-changes of unipotent flows1
Clustering phenomena in low dimensions for a boundary Yamabe problem1
Families and unfoldings of singular holomorphic Lie Algebroids1
The structure of the homogeneous Riemannian manifolds with nullity1
Rotational symmetry of uniformly 3-convex translating solitons of mean curvature flow in higher dimensions1
Intersection numbers with Pixton's class and the noncommutative KdV hierarchy1
A trajectorial interpretation of Moser’s proof of the Harnack inequality1
Alternating Catalan numbers and curves with triple ramification1
The vortex-wave system with gyroscopic effects1
Interchange Rules for Integral Functions1
Delsarte’s extremal problem and packing on locally compact Abelian groups1
On the limiting behaviour of some nonlocal seminorms: a new phenomenon1
Fine properties of metric space-valued mappings of bounded variation in metric measure spaces1
On a conjecture of Gezmis and Pellarin1
Marcinkiewicz-type multipliers on products of noncompact symmetric spaces1
No breather theorems for the mean curvature flow1
Blowing-up hermitian Yang-Mills connections1
Quantitative and qualitative properties for Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs via the nonlinear adjoint method1
Distinguished varieties in a family of domains associated with spectral interpolation and operator theory1
Hardy spaces, Besov spaces and Triebel--Lizorkin spaces associated with a discrete Laplacian and applications1
Transport proofs of some discrete variants of the Prékopa-Leindler inequality1
A variational analysis of the spinorial Yamabe equation on product manifolds1
Estimates for the Weyl coefficient of a two-dimensional canonical system1
Instantaneous blowup and singular potentials on Heisenberg groups1
Explicit compactifications of moduli spaces of Campedelli and Burniat surfaces1
Navier-Stokes-Fourier fluids interacting with elastic shells1
A Fejér theorem for boundary quotients arising from algebraic dynamical systems1
On the classification of ancient solutions to curvature flows on the sphere1
Geometry of certain foliations on the complex projective plane1
Diophantine Inheritance for $p$-adic measures1
Visco-energetic solutions for a model of crack growth in brittle materials1
Chern classes of spherical CR manifolds1
Calderón-Zygmund type estimate for the parabolic double-phase system1
Determinant morphism for singular varieties1
Kakeya maximal inequality in the Heisenberg group1
Gradient estimates for Orlicz double-phase problems1
Discriminants of theta-representations1
Multiplicative relations among differences of singular moduli1
Long time existence for fully nonlinear NLS with small Cauchy data on the circle1
Threefolds of Kodaira dimension one1
Holomorphicity of real Kaehler submanifolds1
Pluri-cotangent maps of surfaces of general type1
Spectral multipliers in a general Gaussian setting1
Liouville-type result for the CR Yamabe equation in the Heisenberg group1
The rational Chow rings of moduli spaces of hyperelliptic curves with marked points1
Varieties of groups and the problem on conciseness of words1
On minimal graphs of sublinear growth over manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature1
The stable crossing number of a twist family of knots and the satellite crossing number conjecture1
Constant Gaussian curvature foliations and Schläfli formulae of hyperbolic 3-manifolds1
Proof of spherical flocking based on quantitative rearrangement inequalities1
Genericity of infinite entropy for maps with low regularity1
Fractional integration of summable functions: Maz'ya's~$\Phi$-inequalities1
Isometries of the Space of Sasaki Potentials1
From formal to actual Puiseux series solutions of algebraic differential equations of first order1
Asymptotic behavior of stochastic currents under large deviation scaling with mean field interaction and vanishing noise1
Projective homogeneous varieties of Picard rank one in small characteristic1
On Segal entropy1
Monge-Ampère equations on compact Hessian manifolds1
Linearization and a superposition principle for deterministic and stochastic nonlinear Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations1
A decomposition theorem for 0-cycles and applications to class field theory1
Asymptotic expansions about infinity for solutions of nonlinear differential equations with coherently decaying forcing functions1
The Eisenbud-Green-Harris conjecture for fast-growing degree sequences1
The 0-fractional perimeter between fractional perimeters and Riesz potentials1
Equidistribution in the space of 3-lattices and Dirichlet-improvable vectors on planar lines1
Rigidity for relative 0-cycles1
Alexander invariants and cohomology jump loci in group extensions1
Maps of bounded variation from PI spaces to metric spaces1
Local behavior for solutions to anisotropic weighted quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations1
On the quantitative isoperimetric inequality in the plane with the barycentric asymmetry1
Homology of the Lie algebra gl(\infty, R)1
A representation formula for members of SBV dual1
Non occurence of the Lavrentiev gap for multidimensional autonomous problems1
Hermitian manifolds with flat Gauduchon connections1
Irreducible modules over finite simple Lie pseudoalgebras IV. Non-primitive pseudoalgebras1
On global attractors for a nonlinear porous elastic system with fractional damping and memory term1
Approximations in Besov Spaces and Jump Detection of Besov Functions with Bounded Variation1
Multilinear exponential sums with a general class of weights1
On the classification of non-big Ulrich vector bundles on fourfolds1
Hardy type inequalities with mixed weights in cones1
Chow classes of divisors on stacks of pointed hyperelliptic curves1
On the local maximizers of higher capacity ratios1
Ground state energy threshold and blow-up for NLS with competing nonlinearities1
Regular-singular connections on relative complex schemes1
Two balls maximize the third Neumann eigenvalue in hyperbolic space1
On local holomorphic maps between Kähler manifolds preserving $(p,p)$-forms1
On Mean Value formulas for solutions to second order linear PDEs1
Quantitative particle approximation of nonlinear Fokker-Planck equations with singular kernel1
On the concave one-dimensional random assignment problem and Young integration theory1
On Busemann--Hausdorff densities of dimension two and of codimension two, with an application to Plateau Problem1
Sphere theorems for RCD and stratified spaces0
Good Reduction of K3 Surfaces in equicharacteristic p0
On unknotting fibered positive knots and braids0
Proof of a Conjecture by H. Dullin and R. Montgomery0
Asymptotics as s → 0+ of the fractional perimeter on Riemannian manifolds0
On singular strictly convex solutions to the Monge-Ampère equation0
Multplicities and degree relative to a set0
Equilibrium Configurations for Nonhomogeneous Linearly Elastic Materials with Surface Discontinuities0
Eigenvalue bounds for the Paneitz operator and its associated third-order boundary operator on locally conformally flat manifolds0
Nonlinear elliptic equations with measure valued absorption potentials0
Hydrodynamic behavior of long-range symmetric exclusion with a slow barrier: superdiffusive regime0
$C_p$ estimates for rough homogeneous singular integrals and sparse forms0
Explicit construction of stationary discs and its consequences for nondegenerate quadrics0
Covering numbers for characters of symmetric groups0
Non-convex functionals penalizing simultaneous oscillations along independent directions: rigidity estimates0
Tamely ramified torsors and parabolic bundles0
Applications of optimal transport methods in the least gradient problem0
Periodic striped configurations in the large volume limit0
Dynamics of fibered endomorphisms of CP(k)0
Uniqueness results on CR manifolds0
On the Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of nodal curves0
The structure of greedy-type bases in Tsirelson's space and its convexifications0
Kinetic Brownian motion on the diffeomorphism group of a closed Riemannian manifold0
Satake-Furstenberg compactifications and gradient map0
The binary digits of n+t0
On the base point free theorem for KLT threefolds in large characteristic0
Sharp propagation rate for solutions of Leibenson's equation on Riemannian manifolds0
Existence of nonsymmetric logarithmic spiral vortex sheet solutions to the 2D Euler equations0
Ergodic properties of a parameterised family of symmetric golden maps: the matching phenomenon revisited0
Higher arithmetic degrees of dominant rational self-maps0
Equidistribution for sets which are not necessarily Galois stable: On a theorem of Mignotte0
Cohomology of the moduli space of degree two Enriques surfaces0
Higgs bundles and flat connections over compact Sasakian manifolds, II: quasi-regular bundles0
Nevanlinna theory for tropical hypersurfaces0
Harmonic flow of Spin(7)-structures0
Involutions on hyperelliptic curves and Prym maps0
Rational blowdown graphs for symplectic fillings of lens spaces0
Existence and improved regularity for a nonlinear system with collapsing ellipticity0
Elliptic involutive structures on compact Lie groups0
The angular Laplacian on the lowest dimensional non-symmetric Damek-Ricci space0
Willmore Obstacle Problems under Dirichlet Boundary Conditions0
A Poincaré map for the horocycle flow on $\lquot{PSL(2,\Z)}{\HP}$ and the Stern-Brocot tree0
Continued fractions of cubic Laurent series and their effective irrationality exponents0
Gevrey well-posedness for 3-evolution equations with variable coefficients0
Dunford property for composition operators on $H^p$-spaces0
Positive solutions of Schrödinger equations in product form and Martin compactifications of the plane0
The Hardy-Littlewood property and maximal operators associated with the inverse Gauss measure0
Stability estimates for invariant measures of diffusion processes, with applications to stability of moment measures and Stein kernels0
On Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem for linear algebraic groups0
Criterion of the L2 boundedness in Dunkl setting and applications0
Irrationality and monodromy for cubic threefolds0
Heat kernels and non-local Dirichlet forms on ultrametric spaces0
The Fano variety of lines of a cuspidal cyclic cubic fourfold0
Logarithmic sheaves of complete intersections (with an appendix by A. Muniz)0
Generalized Heegner cycles and p-adic L-functions in a quaternionic setting0
On the canonical, fpqc, and finite topologies on affine schemes. The state of the art0
Surface braid groups, Finite Heisenberg covers and double Kodaira fibrations0
Gromov hyperbolic John is quasihyperbolic John I0
Non-orientable slice surfaces and inscribed rectangles0
Global bi-Lipschitz classification of semialgebraic surfaces0
Enumerativity of virtual Tevelev degrees0
Ancient solutions in Lagrangian mean curvature flow0
Discrete versions of the Li-Yau gradient estimate0
Convergence of the Ricci flow on asymptotically flat manifolds with integral curvature pinching0
The Nonlocal Mean Curvature Flow of Periodic Graphs0
On the construction of k-regular maps to Grassmannians via algebras of socle dimension two0
Reading analytic invariants of parabolic diffeomorphisms from their orbits0
Existence and local uniqueness of normalized peak solutions for a Schrödinger-Newton system0
On an analogue of the Gauss circle problem for the Heisenberg group0
Discrete and continuum area-preserving mean-curvature flow of rectangles0
Semi-isometric CR immersions of CR manifolds into Kähler manifolds and applications0
The Talenti comparison result in a quantitative form0
PGL2-equivariant strata of point configurations in P10
Gradient flows in asymmetric metric spaces0
Décompte de polarisations de degré donné0
Isoparametric surfaces in $E(\kappa,\tau)$-spaces0
Ordinary isogeny graphs over $\mathbb{F}_p$: the inverse volcano problem0
Affine interval exchange maps with a singular conjugacy to an IET0
Gluing metrics with prescribed $Q$-curvature and different asymptotic behaviour in high dimension0
Tachibana-type theorems on complete manifolds0
Gluing theory for slc surfaces and threefolds in positive characteristic0
A signed count of 2-torsion points on real abelian varieties0
Fibrés principaux et adèles0
Uniqueness of positive solutions to elliptic equations with the critical exponential growth on the unit disc and its applications0
Polynomial mixing for time-changes of unipotent flows0
Global well-posedness for the non-linear Maxwell-Schrödinger system0
Smooth branch of travelling waves for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in R2 for small speed0
Almost nef regular foliations and Fujita's decomposition of reflexive sheaves0
The Baouendi-Treves approximation theorem for Gevrey classes and applications0
A characterization of the degenerate complex Hessian equations for functions with bounded (p,m)-energy0
Entire solutions of the magnetic Ginzburg-Landau equation in R40
Weak and semi normalization in real algebraic geometry0
On the Schottky problem for genus five Jacobians with a vanishing theta null0
Erratum to “Heights of points with bounded ramification”0
The finite Hilbert transform acting in the Zygmund space LlogL0
Dynamic boundary conditions for divergence form operators with Hölder coefficients0
The classification of reflexive modules of rank one over rational and minimally elliptic singularities0
A noncommutative calculus on the cyclic dual of Ext0
Geometry of Grassmannians and optimal transport of quantum states0
Lifting functionals defined on maps to measure-valued maps via optimal transport0
Analyticity in space-time of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations via parameter trick based on maximal regularity0
Regularity and stability of invariant measures for diffusion processes under synthetic lower Ricci curvature bounds0
Linear Forms in Polylogarithms0
Vaisman theorem for lcK spaces0
Hölder continuity of $\omega$-minimizers of functionals with generalized Orlicz growth0
Lipschitz-Killing curvatures for arithmetic random waves0
On tangential weak defectiveness and identifiability of projective varieties0
Generalized sign Fourier uncertainty0
On elliptic equations involving surface measures0
Topological recursion for monotone orbifold Hurwitz numbers: a proof of the Do-Karev conjecture0