Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi

(The TQCC of Nihon Reoroji Gakkaishi is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
初学者のための実用レオロジー 第2回 高分子の伸長流動挙動17
研究室紹介 大阪電気通信大学 工学部 機械工学科 流体工学研究室15
A Review for the 49<sup>th</sup> Volume of the Journal of the Society of Rheology, Japan10
Synthesis of Organogelators: Pyromellitamides (PMDA-R) and Their Rheological Properties during Commercial Scale-Up10
Modeling Techniques for the Rheology of Wormlike Micellar Solutions9
Machine-Learning Based Multi-Scale Simulation for Polymer Melt Spinning Process7
Rheo-Optical Analysis of Aqueous Suspension of Cellulose Nanofiber in Shear Flow Field7
Impact Analysis of Compression Parameters and Fracture of Gummy Candy Using the Mastication Process Simulator6
Changes Over Time in Crispiness and Moisture Content of Tempura Prepared Using Barley Flour, Buckwheat Flour, and Job's Tears Flour6
Determination of Xanthan Gum-Based Thickener Concentration for Videofluoroscopic Contrast Media6
Effects of Copolymer Composition on Phase Transition Behavior and Mobility of Mesogenic Group for Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline-Amorphous Random Copolymers5
New Progress of Rheology in Industrial Field, Contribution to Development and Enlightenment in Psychorheology5
Dilute Solution and Fine Particle Dispersion Rheologies Applied to Efficient Thermal Energy Transportation5
身近なレオロジー その5 洗濯のレオロジー5
Nonlinear Shear and Elongational Rheology of Poly(propylene carbonate)4
Effect of Surface Treatment for Iron Particles with Excessive Amounts of Silane Coupling Agent on Rheological Properties of Magnetorheological Fluids4
Unusual Tiger-Striped Flow Mark Pattern in Injection Moldings for Polypropylene/Talc Compounds II4
Effect of Mass on Single File Diffusion4
Dispersion Model of Fine Particles in a Suspension under Ultrasonic Irradiation4
Evaluation of Dynamic Viscosity in the 10 MHz Range Using a General-Purpose Quartz Crystal Microbalance4
Nonlinear Stress Relaxation of End-Associative Star Chain 2. Behavior Under Double-Step Strain4
初学者のための実用レオロジー 第6回 高分子が制御する粒子の分散・凝集とレオロジー4
Characteristic Time for Disappearance of Shear-Induced Structure in Wormlike Micelle Solutions4
Review of Rheology in Cement-Based Materials and Its Application to 3D Printing Using Concrete3
Rheo-Raman Spectroscopic Study of Microscopic Deformation Behavior of Low- and High-Density Polyethylene Solids under Uniaxial Deformation3
Influence of Particle-Dispersant Compatibility on Rheological Properties of High Concentration Suspension3
Characterization of a Branched Polysaccharide Dextran Based on the Stress-Optical Rule3
Rheology of Polyelectrolyte Solutions: Current Understanding and Perspectives3
Radial Distribution Functions of Entanglements in Primitive Chain Network Simulations3
Molecular Understanding of Viscoelasticity in Transient Polymer Networks Based on Multiple Methods3
Fracture and Toughening Mechanisms of Glassy Polymer at the Molecular Level3
Rheology for Safe Swallowing 33
Thickening Mechanisms and Emulsion Stabilizing Properties of Polymer Thickeners3
Relationship between Dynamic Viscoelasticity and Amorphous Structural Changes Associated with Enthalpy Relaxation in Polystyrene Injection Moldings3
Elasticity of Randomly Cross-Linked Networks in Primitive Chain Network Simulations3
Foreword to Special Issue for Industrial Rheology3
Normal Modes of Rouse-Ham Symmetric Star Polymer Model3
CSJ カレントレビュー46 持続可能な社会を支えるゴム・エラストマー3
Multiscale Simulation of the Flows of a Bidisperse Entangled Polymer Melt3
Mechanical and Fracture Properties of Dynamically Cross-Linked Polymeric Materials3
Short Review on Machine Learning-Based Multi-Scale Simulation in Rheology3
Rheological Properties of Ring Polymers and Their Derivatives3