Social Networks

(The TQCC of Social Networks is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
A network-based explanation of inequality perceptions47
Editorial Board43
A first look at justice-involved women’s egocentric social networks36
Using Trellis software to enhance high-quality large-scale network data collection in the field32
Socio-semantic configuration of an online conversation space31
Does “network closure” beef up firms’ performance?27
Investigating the role of multilevel social capital in ethnic income inequality in the Chinese labour market27
Neighborhood conditions and social network turnover among older adults24
Configuration to conviction: Network structures of political judiciary in the Austrian Corporate State24
A restricted multiple generator approach to enumerate personal support networks: An alternative to global important matters and satisficing in web surveys23
Data collection for social network research22
Network structure influence on simulated network interventions for behaviour change21
Organizational practices and workplace relationships in precarious work: New survey evidence20
A latent space model for cognitive social structures data20
Reprint of: Predicting data quality of proxy reports in egocentric network studies19
Editorial Board19
Analysing networks of networks17
Two-mode relational similarities17
Reprint of: What is(n’t) a friend? Dimensions of the friendship concept among adolescents17
Re-print of: Contextualizing oppositional cultures: A multilevel network analysis of status orders in schools17
The role of sociopolitical workplace networks in involuntary employee turnover16
Predictors of romantic partner nomination reciprocity in adolescent social networks16
Theorizing the concept of social tie using frames16
Not all friends are created equal: Friendship ties across different social contexts in South Korea16
Routine action networks: An architectural study of spatial layouts and performativity in outpatient clinics15
Religious friendship preferences of Muslim and non-Muslim students in German schools: Bright boundaries everywhere or contingent on the proportion of Muslim classmates?15
Name order effects in measuring adolescent social networks using rosters15
Confidentiality, power relations and evaluation of potential harm in the study of the personal and organizational networks of travel agents in Moscow15
Dynamics and disruption: Structural and individual changes in two Dutch Jihadi networks after police interventions15
Causal inference on networks under continuous treatment interference15
Same but different14
Social network and family business: Uncovering hybrid family firms14
Effects of smartphone use and recall aids on network name generator questions14
Co-evolution of a socio-cognitive scientific network: A case study of citation dynamics among astronomers14
Knowing me, knowing you: Socio-economic status and (segregation in) peer and parental networks in primary school13
Offence versatility among co-offenders: A dynamic network analysis13
Network ties, institutional roles and advocacy tactics:Exploring explanations for perceptions of influence in climate change policy networks13
Multiplexity as a lens to investigate the cultural meanings of interpersonal ties12
Interaction dynamics in classroom group work12
Migration, mixedness, and the partner’s role in core discussion networks12
Exponential random graph models and pendant-triangle statistics12
Let it go or let it grow? – Personal network development and the mobilization of intra-organizational social capital12
Timing and networks: Embedding patterns of Peruvian migrants in Switzerland11
How does socioeconomic homophily emerge? Testing for the contribution of different processes to socioeconomic segregation in adolescent friendships11
Local policymakers’ attitudes towards climate change: A multi-method case study11
Suicide bomber mobilization and kin and peer ties11
Identifying relationships between personal social networks and spatial mobility: A study using smartphone tracing and related surveys11
Social balance-based centrality measure for directed signed networks11
Staying connected under fire: Effects of individual roles and organizational specialization on the robustness of emergency-phase communication networks10
The interplay of structural features and observed dissimilarities among centrality indices10
Resilience and fragmentation in healthcare coalitions: The link between resource contributions and centrality in health-related interorganizational networks10
Studying organized crime networks: Data sources, boundaries and the limits of structural measures10
You said, they said: A framework on informant accuracy with application to studying self-reports and peer-reports9
The network of interfamily marriages in ’Ndrangheta9
Learning to understand: disentangling the outcomes of stakeholder participation in climate change governance9
Corrigendum to “Disliking friends of friends in schools: How positive and negative ties can co-occur in large numbers” [Social Networks, 64 (2021) 134–147]9
Indicators of the formation of precedent at the International Court of Justice9
Network formation in organizational settings: Exploring the importance of local social processes and team-level contextual variables in small groups using bayesian hierarchical ERGMs9
Uses and limitations of dichotomous aggregate relational data9
Editorial Board9
Bridging in network organisations. The case of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)9
How many friends do youth nominate? A meta-analysis of gender, age, and geographic differences in average outdegree centrality8
Order of recall and meaning of closeness in collecting affective network data8
A hostile reputation: A social network approach to interstate hostility8
Contingent bridge supervision: New evidence and cautions for network theory8
Down and out? the role of household income in students’ friendship formation in school-classes8
The role of network communication in mediating the effect of a social network intervention on HIV seroconversion among people who inject drugs in Ukraine8
An inductive typology of egocentric networks with data from the Socio-Economic Panel8
Class inequalities in access to social capital in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires7
Anagraphical relationships and crime specialization within Cosa Nostra7
Mobilizing personal networks into concert audiences: The differential multilevel effects in an art convention7
Imaginary network motifs: Structural patterns of false positives and negatives in social networks7
Social distance in France: Evolution of homogeneity within personal networks from 2001 to 20177
Privacy and confidentiality considerations for collecting HIV risk network data among men who have sex with men and implications for constructing valid risk networks7
A network centrality bias: Central individuals in workplace networks have more supportive coworkers7
Editorial Board7
Cognitive political networks: A structural approach to measure political polarization in multiparty systems7
Network Ecology: Introduction to the Special Issue7
Functional differentiation in governance networks for sea level rise adaptation in the San Francisco Bay Area7
Avoiding GIGO: Learnings from data collection in innovation research7
Re-evaluating standards of human subjects protection for sensitive health data in social media networks7
Editorial Board7
Editorial Board7