Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

(The median citation count of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Modelling equilibrium for a multi-criteria selfish routing network equilibrium flow problem770
Stochastic behavior of exchange rate on an international supply chain under random energy price162
Impact of anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide and related temperature rise on wildlife population: A modeling study147
Precise calculation of electrical capacitance by means of quadruple integrals in method of moments technique135
Influence of the load angle on magnetic radial forces and torque ripple of a low power permanent magnet synchronous machine115
Asymptotic stability of fractional-order Hopfield neural networks with event-triggered delayed impulses and switching effects103
Optimization of unconstrained problems using a developed algorithm of spectral conjugate gradient method calculation103
Coarse-grained methods for heterogeneous vesicles with phase-separated domains: Elastic mechanics of shape fluctuations, plate compression, and channel insertion101
Performance analyses of mesh-based local Finite Element Method and meshless global RBF Collocation Method for solving Poisson and Stokes equations90
Global μ-stabilization of quaternion-valued inertial BAM neural netwo81
Stochastic SEIR epidemic models with virus mutation and logistic growth of susceptible populations78
Threshold dynamics of an age-structured infectious disease model with limited medical resources77
Dynamical complexity of FitzHugh–Nagumo neuron model driven by Lévy noise and Gaussian white noise75
Extended finite element method in mixed-hybrid model of singular groundwater flow74
An efficient analytical scheme with convergence analysis for computational study of local fractional Schrödinger equations74
Consistent asset modelling with random coefficients and switches between regimes72
Extended splitting methods for systems of three-operator monotone inclusions with continuous operators71
Approximate solution of Fredholm integral equations of the second kind through multinode Shepard operators71
Robust adaptive backstepping control of uncertain fractional-order nonlinear systems with input time delay64
Low conservative stability criteria for discrete-time Lur’e systems with sector and slope constrained nonlinearities64
Modeling of photovoltaic power uncertainties for impact analysis on generation scheduling and cost of an urban micro grid63
A class of compact finite difference schemes for solving the 2D and 3D Burgers’ equations63
Solving a singular beam equation by the method of energy boundary functions62
A systematic design methodology for DC-link voltage control of single phase grid-tied PV systems61
Longitudinal model identification of multi-gear vehicles using an LPV approach61
Dynamical complexity of a delay-induced eco-epidemic model with Beddington–DeAngelis incidence rate60
An analytical method of switching waveform design for selective harmonic elimination58
Modeling the effects of baculovirus to control insect population in agricultural fields57
Numerical solution of two-dimensional fractional-order reaction advection sub-diffusion equation with finite-difference Fibonacci collocation method57
Some computational tests for inverse conductivity problems based on vector, variational principles: The 2D case57
Bifurcation analysis of waning-boosting epidemiological models with repeat infections and varying immunity periods56
A decoupled, linearly implicit and high-order structure-preserving scheme for Euler–Poincaré equations55
Multiscale stochastic elasticity of variance for options and equity linked annuity; A Mellin transform approach54
Editorial Board52
A posteriori error analysis and mesh adaptivity for a virtual element method solving the Stokes equations52
Problems with uncertain hysteresis operators and homogenization52
IMACS Calendar of Events52
Spatiotemporal patterns in a diffusive resource–consumer model with distributed memory and maturation delay50
On the validity of numerical simulations for control-theoretic AQM schemes in computer networks50
A uniformly convergent quadratic B-spline based scheme for singularl49
Generalized multiscale discontinuous Galerkin method for convection–diffusion equation in perforated media49
Shifted Legendre polynomials algorithm used for the numerical analysis of viscoelastic plate with a fractional order model49
Stability and spatiotemporal dynamics of a diffusive predator–prey system with generalist predator and nonlocal intraspecific competition49
An accurate and efficient numerical solution for the generalized Burgers–Huxley equation via Taylor wavelets method: Qualitative analyses and Applications48
Global stability and analysing the sensitivity of parameters of a multiple-susceptible population model of SARS-CoV-2 emphasising vaccination drive48
Finite time passivity analysis for Caputo fractional BAM reaction–diffusion delayed neural networks47
A delay nonautonomous model for the impacts of fear and refuge in a three species food chain model with hunting cooperation47
Time-dependent and Caputo derivative order-dependent quasi-uniform synchronization on fuzzy neural networks with proportional and distributed delays47
An iterated greedy algorithm for finding the minimum dominating set in graphs47
Advanced golden jackal optimization for solving the constrained integer stochastic optimization problems46
Photovoltaic single-diode model parametrization. An application to the calculus of the Euclidean distance to an 44
Quantization of stochastic volatility models: Numerical tests and an open source implementation43
A novel meshless method for time Caputo-space Riesz fractional Schrödinger equation43
Coalitional game-based gain generation and distribution for collective self-consumption in an energy community42
Enhancing image data security with chain and non-chain Galois ring structures42
Bioconvection: Significance of mixed convection and mhd on dynamics of Casson nanofluid in the stagnation point of rotating sphere via finite element simulation41
Multi-robot co-operation for stick carrying application using hybridization of meta-heuristic algorithm41
A boundary shape function iterative method for solving nonlinear singular boundary value problems40
A virtual bus parallel differential power processing configuration for photovoltaic applications40
Numerical analysis for a thermoelastic diffusion problem in moving boundary39
Dual strategies for solving the Stokes problem with stick–slip boundary conditions in 3D39
Stability, bifurcation and chaos of a discrete-time pair approximation epidemic model on adaptive networks38
XVA in a multi-currency setting with stochastic foreign exchange rates38
Dynamics of a discrete-time mixed oligopoly Cournot-type model with three time delays38
Change point estimation in an M/M37
Global stability analysis of an unemployment model with distributed delay37
On the three-component mixture of exponential distributions: A Bayesian framework to model data with multiple lower and upper outliers37
Heat transfer analysis of water-ethylene glycol (50:50) based nanofluid over a cone with the influences of magnetic field and uniform heat generation/absorption36
High order discretization methods for spatial-dependent epidemic models36
News of IMACS36
Longitudinal strain waves propagating in an infinitely long cylindrical rod composed of generally incompressible materials and its Jacobi elliptic function solutions36
Ulam–Hyers stability for an impulsive Caputo–Hadamard fractional neutral stochastic differential equations with infinite delay36
A new fractional derivative operator with generalized cardinal sine kernel: Numerical simulation36
Dynamical analysis of nonlinear fractional order Lorenz system with a novel design of intelligent solution predictive radial base networks35
Analysis of nonlinear Timoshenko–Ehrenfest beam problems with von Kármán nonlinearity using the Theory of Functional Connections35
Best proximity points of (EP)-operators with qualitative analysis and simulation35
Dependence properties of scrambled Halton sequences34
Discrete L134
Quasi-interpolation for multivariate density estimation on bounded domain34
SoC-based embedded real-time simulation of mismatched photovoltaic strings34
Editorial Board34
Finite-time event-triggered approach for recurrent neural networks with leakage term and its application34
The impulsive synchronization of multiplex networks with mixed delays and dual uncertainties34
A representation and comparison of three cubic macro-elements33
Non-negativity-preserving and maximum-principle-satisfying finite difference methods for Fisher’s equation with delay33
Investigation of controllability and stability of fractional dynamical systems with delay in control33
Modified hybrid B-spline estimation based on spatial regulator tensor network for burger equation with nonlinear fractional calculus32
Theoretical guarantees for neural control variates in MCMC32
A novel dimensionality reduction approach by integrating dynamics theory and machine learning32
Off-lattice interfacial force scheme for simulation of multiphase flows using meshless lattice Boltzmann method32
Generalized finite integration method for 2D elastostatic and elastodynamic analysis32
Galerkin finite element method for a two-dimensional tempered time–space fractional diffusion equation with application to a Bloch–Torrey equation retaining Larmor precession31
Existence of homoclinic orbit of Shilnikov type and the application in Rössler system30
Conservative finite difference methods for the Boussinesq paradigm equation30
New DY-HS hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm for solving optimization problem of unsteady partial differential equations with convection term30
Exploiting dynamic modeling, parameter identification, and power electronics to implement a non-dissipative Li-ion battery hardware emulator30
Editorial Board30
A comparison study of the efficiency and accuracy of IEFG in solving elasticity problems using different nodal integration schemes30
New stable, explicit, second order hopscotch methods for diffusion-type problems29
ADI+MDA orthogonal spline collocation for the pressure Poisson reformulation of the Navier–Stokes equation in two space variables29
On the design of the channel region in 4H-SiC JBS diode through an analytical model of the potential barrier28
Using a meshless method to assess the effect of mechanical loading in angiogenesis28
Valuation of barrier and lookback options under hybrid CEV and stochastic volatility28
IMACS Calendar of Events28
Influence of advection in box models describing thermohaline circulation28
M-lump solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional generalized Calogero–Bogoyavlenshii–Schiff equation27
An improved mathematical method for the identification of fuel cell impedance parameters based on the interval arithmetic27
Generalized Adams method for solving fractional delay differential equations27
Model order reduction strategies for weakly dispersive waves27
Multiscale control of Stackelberg games26
IMACS Calendar of Events26
On the choice of denominator functions and convergence of NSFD schemes for a class of nonlinear SBVPs26
Bifurcations and multistability in a virotherapy model with two time delays26
Viral capsid nanoindentation simulations using octree-type data structures26
IMACS Calendar of Events26
TT-M FE method for a 2D nonlinear time distributed-order and space fractional diffusion equation26
Non-stationary grid generation algorithm for deformed volumes of revolution26
Graphical predetermination of optimal machine designs by iso-performance configuration modeling25
Editorial Board25
Regional boundary observability for Riemann–Liouville linear fractional evolution systems25
Deep learning-based forecasting of aggregated CSP production25
A semi-Lagrangian mixed finite element method for advection–diffusion variational inequalities25
Dynamic behaviors in a Cournot duopoly model with knowledge spillover effect based on constant conjectural variation25
Improved butterfly optimization algorithm applied to prediction of combined cycle power plant25
IMACS Calendar of Events25
A modified Stenger’s quadrature formula for infinite integrals of unilateral rapidly decreasing functions and its theoretical error bound24
Numerical approach to solve imprecisely defined systems using Inner Outer Direct Search optimization technique24
Editorial Board24
Multiple-order line rogue wave solutions of extended Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation24
Time-dependent solution for natural convection in a porous enclosure using the Darcy–Lapwood–Brinkman model24
Simulations of Ga melting based on multiple-relaxation time lattice Boltzmann method performed with CUDA in Python24
Triangular Bernstein moment-based identification of algebraic curves24
On solving elliptic boundary value problems using a meshless method with radial polynomials24
Mapping techniques for collocation method of time-fractional convection–diffusion equations in domains with cracks23
News of IMACS23
Editorial Board23
News of IMACS23
IMACS Calendar of Events22
IMACS Calendar of Events22
Reduced-order modeling for Ablowitz–Ladik equation22
On three types of soft fuzzy coverings based rough sets22
Editorial Board22
Importance sampling imputation algorithms in quantile regression with their application in CGSS data22
An improved time accurate numerical estimation for singularly perturbed semilinear parabolic differential equations with small space shifts and a large time lag22
Positivity and convergence of the balanced implicit method for the nonlinear jump-extended CIR model22
Clustered entropy for edge detection22
Improved stability and stabilization criteria of sampled-data control systems based on an enhanced looped-functional22
A model of Plasmodium vivax malaria with delays: Mathematical analysis and numerical simulations22
Walsh functions, scrambled (0,22
Finite difference discretization for one-dimensional higher-order integral fractional Laplacian and its application22
Non-fragile state estimation for memristive cellular neural networks with proportional delay21
A COPRAS-based Approach to Multi-Label Feature Selection for Text Classification21
Dynamical behavior and Poincare section of fractional-order centrifugal governor system21
Pointwise error estimates of compact difference scheme for mixed-type time-fractional Burgers’ equation21
Integral transforms and probability distributions for a certain class of Fox–Wright type functions and its applications21
A novel hybrid technique to obtain the solution of generalized fractional-order differential equations21
Improvement of heat transfer mechanism through a Maxwell fluid flow over a stretching sheet embedded in a porous medium and convectively heated21
Free vibration analysis of viscoelastic plates with simultaneous calculation of natural frequency and viscous damping21
Inertial viscosity-type iterative method for solving inclusion problems with applications21
A numerical model for the calculation of electromagnetic interference from power lines on nonparallel underground pipelines21
Numerical solution of partial integro-differential equation with a weakly singular kernel based on Sinc methods21
Maximal reproduction number estimation and identification of transmission rate from the first inflection point of new infectious cases waves: COVID-19 outbreak example21
Finite-time circular formation around a moving target with multiple underactuated ODIN vehicles20
Preface ELECTRIMACS 2022 – Energy20
Topological modelling of gas networks for co-simulation applications in multi-energy systems20
Three-phase bidirectional active split source inverter for automotive traction application20
Lidstone-based collocation splines for odd-order BVPs20
Role of linear and non-linear thermal radiation over the rotating porous disc with the occurrence of non-uniform heat source/sink: HAM analysis20
A positive and elementary stable nonstandard explicit scheme for a mathematical model of the influenza disease20
Application of Monte Carlo stochastic optimization (MOST) to deep learning20
A second-order numerical method for nonlinear variable-order fractional diffusion equation with time delay20
A rational-expansion-based method to compute Gabor coefficients of 2D indicator functions supported on polygonal domain19
Analytical and numerical dissipativity for the space-fractional Allen–Cahn equation19
Reduced-order state-space models for two-dimensional discrete systems via bivariate discrete orthogonal polynomials19
Immersed boundary simulations of fluid shear-induced deformation of a cantilever beam19
A finite element approximation to a viscoelastic Euler–Bernoulli beam with internal damping19
Computational hemodynamics and thermal analysis of laminar blood flow for different types of hypertension19
Fuzzy sampled-data control for single-master multi-slave teleoperation systems with stochastic actuator faults19
Hopf bifurcation of a multiple-delayed predator–prey system with habitat complexity19
Topology optimization using a natural neighbour meshless method combined with a bi-directional evolutionary algorithm19
Predicting the production and consumption of natural gas in China by using a new grey forecasting method18
A new approach to deal with C18
Fractional order 1D memristive time-delay chaotic system with application to image encryption and FPGA implementation18
New synchronization results for a class of nonlinear discrete-time chaotic systems based on synergetic observer and their implementation18
An efficient scalar auxiliary variable partitioned projection ensemble method for simulating surface-groundwater flows18
Bifurcation dynamics of a delayed chemostat system with spatial diffusion18
Series form of the characteristic functions of scale mixtures of multivariate skew-normal distributions18
Fractional order forestry resource conservation model featuring chaos control and simulations for toxin activity and human-caused fire through modified ABC operator18
FPGA based effective agriculture productivity prediction system using fuzzy support vector machine18
A class of nonconvex fuzzy optimization problems under granular differentiability concept18
Impacts of prey-taxis and nonconstant mortality on a spatiotemporal predator–prey system18
Distributed adaptive tracking consensus control for a class of heterogeneous nonlinear multi-agent systems18
Error analysis of fast L1 ADI finite difference/compact difference schemes for the fractional telegraph equation in three dimensions18
Numerical simulation of time variable fractional order mobile–immobile advection–dispersion model based on an efficient hybrid numerical method with stability and convergence analysis18
Evaluating the unsteady MHD micropolar fluid flow past stretching/shirking sheet with heat source and thermal radiation: Implementing fourth order predictor–corrector FDM17
Existence of a weak solution to a steady 2D fluid-1D elastic structure interaction problem with Tresca slip boundary condition17
Improving performance in swarm robots using multi-objective optimization17
Pricing Asian options under the mixed fractional Brownian motion with jumps17
Second-order error analysis of a corrected average finite difference scheme for time-fractional Cable equations with nonsmooth solutions17
News of IMACS17
Railway safety through predictive vertical displacement analysis using the PINN-EKF synergy17
A conservative Allen–Cahn model for a hydrodynamics coupled phase-field surfactant system17
IMACS Calendar of Events17
An intelligent equation for methane hydrate growth kinetics17
Modeling and solving of knapsack problem with setup based on evolutionary algorithm17
Dynamic analysis of a fast slow modified Leslie–Gower predator–prey model with constant harvest and stochastic factor17
Numerical simulation of Emden–Fowler integral equation with Green’s function type kernel by Gegenbauer-wavelet, Taylor-wavelet and Laguerre-wavelet collocation methods17
Two effective methods for solution of the Gardner–Kawahara equation arising in wave propagation17
New characterizations of the (discrete) Lindley distribution and their applications17
An efficient collocation method based on Hermite formula and cubic B-splines for numerical solution of the Burgers’ equation17
Photovoltaic module series resistance identification at its maximum power production17
New stability results for bidirectional associative memory neural networks model involving generalized piecewise constant delay17
A general formulation of reweighted least squares fitting17
Effect of fear with saturated fear cost and harvesting on aquatic food chain model (plankton–fish model) in the presence of nanoparticles17
Inference for constant-stress Weibull competing risks model under generalized progressive hybrid censoring17
A Susceptible–Infectious (SI) model with two infective stages and an endemic equilibrium17
Qualitative analysis of TB transmission dynamics considering both the age since latency and relapse17
General escape criteria for the generation of fractals in extended Jungck–Noor orbit16
Dynamical analysis for the impact of asymptomatic infective and infection delay on disease transmission16
A transformed L1 method for so16
Two efficient spectral methods for the nonlinear fractional wave equation in unbounded domain16
Altruistic population algorithm: A metaheuristic search algorithm for solving multimodal multi-objective optimization problems16
Adaptive LASSO for selecting Fourier coefficients in a functional smooth time-varying cointegrating regression: An application to the Feldstein–Horioka puzzle16
Complex pattern formations induced by the presence of cross-diffusion in a generalized predator–prey model incorporating the Holling type functional response and generalization of habitat complexity e16
Numerical solution of Rosseland model for transient thermal radiation in non-grey optically thick media using enriched basis functions16
Cost Optimization of an Unreliable server queue with two stage service process under hybrid vacation policy16
A new (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation and its integrability, multiple-solitons, breathers and lump waves16
Convective stability of a permeable nanofluid inside a horizontal conduit: Fast chemical reactions16
Positivity and boundedness preserving nonstandard finite difference schemes for solving Volterra’s population growth model16
Application of modified extended tanh method in solving fractional order coupled wave equations16
Optimal vaccine for human papillomavirus and age-difference between partners16
Diagnosis of breast cancer for modern mammography using artificial intelligence16
Non-uniform L1/discontinuous Galerkin approximation for the time-fractional convection equation with weak regular solution16
An optimal combination of antiretroviral treatment and immunotherapy for controlling HIV infection16
Bending analysis of simply supported and clamped thin elastic plates by using a modified version of the LMFS15
Nonfragile state estimation for semi-Markovian switching CVNs with general uncertain transition rates: An event-triggered scheme15
Analysis and simulation of a delayed HIV model with reaction–diffusion and sliding control15
Queueing modeling and optimization of a fault-tolerant system with reboot, recovery, and vacationing server operating under admission control policy15
Disturbance observer-based event-triggered impulsive control for nonlinear systems with unknown external disturbances15
Spectral and Haar wavelet collocation method for the solution of heat generation and viscous dissipation in micro-polar nanofluid for MHD stagnation point flow15
Pattern formation and delay-induced instability in a Leslie–Gower type prey–predator system with Smith growth function15
Neuro-evolution computing for nonlinear multi-singular system of third order Emden–Fowler equation15
Dynamics of a stochastic non-autonomous phytoplankton–zooplankton system involving toxin-producing phytoplankton and impulsive perturbations15
Transient analysis and ANFIS computing of unreliable single server queueing model with multiple stage service and functioning vacation15
Fixed-time consensus control for uncertain heterogeneous multi-agent systems with high-order dynamics and time-varying delay under generic topologies15
An uncertain bi-objective mean-entropy model for portfolio selection with realistic factors15
A physical tire model for real-time simulations15
Performance and cost comparative analysis for M/G/1 repairable machining system with N-policy vacation15
Direct integration of the third-order two point and multipoint Robin type boundary value problems15
Editorial Board15