Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications

(The TQCC of Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Solvency contagion risk in the Chinese commercial banks’ network148
Spectral design of anomalous diffusion123
Single-molecule tracking measurement of PDMS layer during curing process123
On the motion of substance in a channel and growth of random networks90
Robustness of networks with dependence clusters against hybrid cascading failure induced by fluctuating load85
Kagome antiferromagnet with the multisite interaction in the external magnetic field: Exact results within higher recursive-lattice approximation83
Dynamic price interactions in energy commodities benchmarks: Insights from multifractal analysis during crisis periods78
Adaptive multi-parameter constrained time-delay feedback tri-stable stochastic resonance combined with EEMD for rolling bearing fault diagnosis66
Numerical modeling of queues at multi-lane signalized intersections with a versatile arrival process63
Time series analysis and stochastic processes modeling using explosive eruption data from Japan’s Sakurajima volcano59
Reconstructing functional networks of air transport delay propagations with minimal information56
Analysis of linear stability and damping characteristics of car-following model with time delay56
Enhancing the robustness of planar spatial networks51
A framework for overlapping and non-overlapping communities detection based on seed extension and label propagation51
Finite-time performance of quantum Otto refrigerators driven by a squeezed reservoir50
Large traffic jam formation induced by multiple crossings in city network48
Metamagnetic anomalies in the kinetic Blume–Capel model with arbitrary spin47
Uncovering the spatiotemporal motif patterns in urban mobility networks by non-negative tensor decomposition47
The frustrated Ising model on the body-centered cubic lattice46
Entropy based robust portfolio44
Generalized fractional Gaussian noise and its application to traffic modeling43
A unified formulation of entropy and its application43
Dynamic capacity estimation of mixed traffic flows with application in adaptive traffic signal control42
Specified QoS based networked observer and PI controller design with disturbance and noise rejection under random packet dropout42
Extending DFA-based multiple linear regression inference: Application to acoustic impedance models41
Quantum multi-party private set intersection using single photons41
A simple learning agent interacting with an agent-based market model40
Study of the thermodynamic inconsistency of the potential of mean force calculated using the integral equation theory of molecular liquids40
Characterising heavy-tailed networks using q-generalised entropy and q-adjacency kernels39
Coupling graph neural networks and travel mode choice for human mobility prediction39
Impact of agent-based intervention strategies on the COVID-19 pandemic in large-scale dynamic contact networks39
Global-scale statistical modelling of the radiative power released by vegetation fires using a doubly truncated lognormal body distribution with generalized Pareto tails38
Metaheuristic optimization with dynamic strategy adaptation: An evolutionary game theory approach38
Network versus content: The effectiveness in identifying opinion leaders in an online social network with empirical evaluation38
Social percolation revisited: From 2d lattices to adaptive networks38
Quantum continual learning of quantum data realizing knowledge backward transfer38
Phase transitions may explain why SARS-CoV-2 spreads so fast and why new variants are spreading faster38
Long-term correlations and multifractality of toll-free calls in China38
Reliability of maximum spanning tree identification in correlation-based market networks38
Dynamic evolution of shipping network based on hypergraph37
The growth path of high-tech industries: Statistical laws and evolution demands37
Spatial distribution of reduced density of hard spheres near a hard-sphere dimer: Results from three-dimensional Ornstein–Zernike equations coupled with several different closures and from grand canon37
A fixed charge transportation problem with damageable items under uncertain environment37
Improving recommendation by connecting user behavior in temporal and topological dimensions37
Global Ashkin–Teller phase diagrams in two and three dimensions: Multicritical bifurcation versus double tricriticality—endpoint37
Thermostatistics in deformed space with maximal length37
WT-2DCNN: A convolutional neural network traffic flow prediction model based on wavelet reconstruction37
Evolutionary dynamics of information in the market: Transmission and trust37
The acceleration effect and Gamma factor in asset pricing35
Non-consensus states in circular opinion model with repulsive interaction35
The coupled dynamics of information-behavior-epidemic propagation considering the heterogeneity of adoption thresholds and network structures in multiplex networks35
Gainers and losers with higher order portfolio risk optimization34
Dynamics of traffic flow affected by the future motion of multiple preceding vehicles under vehicle-connected environment: Modeling and stabilization34
Research on lean supply chain network model based on node removal34
Wealth concentration in systems with unbiased binary exchanges34
Recurrence measures and transitions in stock market dynamics34
Cooperation enhanced by the interaction diversity for the spatial public goods game on regular lattices34
Influence of driving style on traffic flow fuel consumption and emissions based on the field data34
An entropic simulational study of the spin-1 Baxter–Wu model in a crystal field34
Thermal hysteresis activity of antifreeze proteins: A model based on fractional statistics theory of adsorption34
Stability and safety analysis of mixed traffic flow considering network function degradation and platoon driving on the road with a slope34
Optimized coefficient of performance of power law dissipative Carnot like refrigerator33
Biased random walk with restart for link prediction with graph embedding method33
Collaborative filtering approach to link prediction33
Characterizing postural sway signals by the analysis of zero-crossing patterns32
Dynamic phase transition properties and metamagnetic anomalies of kinetic Ising model in the presence of additive white noise32
A bidirectional quasi-moving block cellular automaton model for single-track railways32
Effective interactions in protein solutions with and without clustering31
Development of travel time functions for disrupted urban arterials with microscopic traffic simulation31
An extended queueing model based on vision and morality for crowd evacuation31
Vulnerability analysis of cyber physical systems under the false alarm cyber attacks31
Newton’s cooling law in generalised statistical mechanics31
An integrated car-following and lane changing vehicle trajectory prediction algorithm based on a deep neural network31
Beyond Zipf’s law: Exploring the discrete generalized beta distribution in open-source repositories31
Modeling and impact analysis of connected vehicle merging accounting for mainline random length tight-platoon31
Day-to-day dynamics in a simple traffic network with mixed direct and contrarian route choice behaviors30
Statistically validated hierarchical clustering: Nested partitions in hierarchical trees30
Influence percolation method for overlapping community detection30
Variable range random walk30
Physics-informed neural networks for data-driven simulation: Advantages, limitations, and opportunities30
Stability of financial market driven by information delay and liquidity in delay agent-based model30
Modeling mixed traffic flows of human-driving vehicles and connected and autonomous vehicles considering human drivers’ cognitive characteristics and driving behavior interaction30
Zip-merging behavior at Y-intersection based on intelligent travel points30
Influence of individual factors on fundamental diagrams of pedestrians30
A note on microlocal kernel design for some slow–fast stochastic differential equations with critical transitions and application to EEG signals29
Kinetic-controlled hydrodynamics for multilane traffic models29
Critical behavior of the Ising model under strong shear: The conserved case29
Hagiotoponyms in France: Saint popularity, like a herding phase transition29
A novel self-adaption macroscopic fundamental diagram considering network heterogeneity29
Forecasting the effect of traffic control strategies in railway systems: A hybrid machine learning method29
Flight delay propagation in the multiplex network system of airline networks28
Active intruder motion in a two-dimensional granular medium28
Modeling and descriptive analysis of dengue cases in Palu City, Indonesia28
Protection and improvement of indirect identity cognition on the spatial evolution of cooperation28
Particle traps and stationary currents captured by an active 1D model28
Quantum simultaneous measurement of non-commuting observables based on K28
The effect of building bottlenecks on crowd dynamics involving individuals with simulated disabilities27
Simulating rumor spreading and rebuttal strategy with rebuttal forgetting: An agent-based modeling approach27
Cognitive dissonance and introversion effects on opinion dynamics and echo chamber formation27
Extended fractional cumulative past and pairedϕ-entropy measures27
Finding spatial and temporal features of delay propagation via multi-layer networks27
CPNet: Conditionally parameterized graph convolutional network for traffic forecasting27
Multiperiod metro timetable optimization based on the complex network and dynamic travel demand27
Spectral amplification and power absorption of charged particles under electric field and fluctuating magnetic field26
Self-oscillating open quantum systems26
Quantum Representation based Preference Evolution Network for E-commerce recommendation26
Generating merging strategies for connected autonomous vehicles based on spatiotemporal information extraction module and deep reinforcement learning26
Impact of surface-roughness and fractality on electrical conductivity of SnS thin films26
A traffic-fractal-element-based congestion model considering the uneven distribution of road traffic26
Role of delay in brain dynamics26
Modeling and maximizing information diffusion over hypergraphs based on deep reinforcement learning25
A computational method for calculating the electrical and thermal conductivity of random composites25
Detecting lag linkage effect between economic policy uncertainty and crude oil price: A multi-scale perspective25
Long distance measurement-device-independent three-party quantum key agreement25
Multifractal descriptors ergodically characterize non-ergodic multiplicative cascade processes25
Exploration on relation between vehicle oscillation type and platoon oscillation evolution based on multi-scenario field experiment25
Dynamic forecasting performance and liquidity evaluation of financial market by Econophysics and Bayesian methods25
Understanding the mobility of public transport systems based on weighted multiplex networks24
Integrating variable speed limit and ramp metering to enhance vehicle group safety and efficiency in a mixed traffic environment24
Social network analysis in China’s hospital healthcare24
An innovative approach for constructing a shipping index based on dynamic weighted complex networks24
A stable velocity control strategy for a discrete-time car-following model24
Bifurcation control of a delayed fractional-order prey-predator model with cannibalism and disease24
Firm dynamics and employee performance management in duopoly markets24
A bathtub model with nonlinear velocity–density relation24
Degree distributions in AB random geometric graphs24
Label propagation algorithm for community detection based on Coulomb’s law24
Multi-anticipative bi-directional visual field traffic flow models in the connected vehicle environment23
Evolutionary quantization and matter-antimatter distribution in accelerated expanding of Universe23
A double velocity control method for a discrete-time cooperative driving system with varying time-delay23
Statistical analysis of complex weighted network for seismicity23
An algorithm to represent inbreeding trees23
A unified modeling framework for lane change intention recognition and vehicle status prediction23
Dynamical quantum phase transitions in Stark quantum spin chains23
Evolution of cooperation in public goods games with segregated networks and periodic invasion23
Differential entropy estimation with a Paretian kernel: Tail heaviness and smoothing23
Effectiveness of wealth-based vs exchange-based tax systems in reducing inequality23
Estimation of traffic emissions in a polycentric urban city based on a macroscopic approach23
Lacunarity exponent and Moran index: A complementary methodology to analyze AFM images and its application to chitosan films23
The influence of obstacles on the collective motion of self-propelled objects22
Quantum attacks on Beyond-Birthday-Bound MACs22
Tight bound on tilted CHSH inequality with measurement dependence22
The influence of confidence in aspiration-fulfillment strategy on prisoner’s dilemma evolution22
Coherence and entanglement in Grover and Harrow–Hassidim–Lloyd algorithm22
Bipartite synchronization of coupled delayed neural networks with cooperative-competitive interaction via event-triggered control22
DNA visibility graphs22
Editorial Board22
A world language family simulation22
Generalized Poisson ensemble21
Contact geometry and quantum thermodynamics of nanoscale steady states21
Observer-based aperiodically intermittent pinning synchronization of complex-valued dynamical networks with time-varying delay21
Rank–size distributions for banks: A cross-country analysis21
Phase diagrams of extended and deformed kagome lattices21
The general expressions of heat and work in two representations of quantum mechanics21
Extortion evolutionary game on scale-free networks with tunable clustering21
On forest expansions for two-body partition functions on tree-like interaction graphs21
Stochastic resonance in Bayesian estimation and CRLB for nonlinear system21
Mathematical and informational tools for classifying blood glucose signals - a pilot study21
Investigation of the degree of local structural similarity between the parent-liquid and children-crystal states for a model soft matter system21
Group consensus of fractional-order heterogeneous multi-agent systems with random packet losses and communication delays21
Moderate irrational sentiment-driven fitness can promote cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game21
Analysis of an edge-based SEIR epidemic model with sexual and non-sexual transmission routes21
Nonequilibrium fractional correlation functions and fluctuation–dissipation in linear viscoelasticity20
Identification of structural key genes of mutual information gene networks of brain tumor20
A simplified algorithm for identifying abnormal changes in dynamic networks20
Characterization of task allocation techniques in data centers based on information theory20
Analysis and simulation of vehicle following behavior with consideration of multiple time delays20
Research of the left-turn vehicles lane-changing behaviors at signalized intersections with contraflow lane20
Entropy analysis of the discrete-time quantum walk under bit-flip noise channel20
A general dynamic sequential learning framework for vehicle trajectory reconstruction using automatic vehicle location or identification data20
An Enquiry on similarities between Renormalization Group and Auto-Encoders using Transfer Learning20
An optimization method for evacuation guidance under limited visual field20
Two types of dynamic quantum state secret sharing based on tensor networks states20
Community detection in directed acyclic graphs of adversary interactions20
Quantum distributions for the electromagnetic field20
Synchronization of Kuramoto-oscillator networks under event-triggered delayed impulsive control20
Langevin original approach and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-type processes20
The Kronecker-clique model for higher-order clustering coefficients20
A model of lane-changing intention induced by deceleration frequency in an automatic driving environment19
Backward Degree a new index for online and offline change point detection based on complex network analysis19
Does anisotropy hold in mixed traffic conditions?19
Measuring dependence structure and extreme risk spillovers in stock markets: An APARCH-EVT-DMC approach19
Multiscale online-horizontal-visibility-graph correlation analysis of financial market19
A cordon-based reservation system for urban traffic management19
Spiral dynamics in oscillatory bilayer systems with an inhomogeneous inter-layer coupling19
Quantum criticality driven by the cavity coupling in the Rabi-dimer model19
Accelerating convergence of inference in the inverse Ising problem19
Stochastically stable equilibria for evolutionary snowdrift games with time costs19
Order pattern recurrence for the analysis of complex systems19
Contagion and supervision of liquidity crisis in interbank markets: Based on the SIS network model19
Practical aspects of absolute permeability finding for the lattice Boltzmann method and pore network modeling19
Rewiring or adding links: A real-world case study of network vulnerability19
How to locate urban–rural transit hubs from the viewpoint of county integration?19
Comfort of pedestrians from a mathematical viewpoint: Kernel estimate approach19
Dynamic patterns of open review process19
Quantum generative adversarial networks based on Rényi divergences18
Editorial Board18
Effect of autonomous vehicles on car-following behavior of human drivers: Analysis based on structural equation models18
On the model of random walk with multiple memory structure18
Entanglement in (4 + 1)-D-Dirac-type lattice model time-reversal-invariant18
Entropic characterization of Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP) values of countries18
Modification of multifractal analysis based on multiplicative cascade image18
An Ising model having permutation spin motivated by a permutation complexity measure18
On the effect of memory on the Prisoner’s Dilemma game in correlated networks18
Ranking academic institutions by means of institution–publication networks18
Modeling impacts of the tunnel section on the mixed traffic flow: A case study of Jiaodong’ao Tunnel in China18
Nonequilibrium phenomena in driven and active Coulomb field theories18
Bose system critical dynamics near quantum phase transition18
A privacy preserving graph neural networks framework by protecting user’s attributes18
The slow but persistent self-improvement boosts group cooperation18
Group relations, resilience and the I Ching18
Dense Hebbian neural networks: A replica symmetric picture of supervised learning18
The role of network topology in competition and ticket pricing in air transportation: Evidence from Brazil18
Reconstruction of density and cost potential field of Eikonal equation: Applications to discrete pedestrian flow models18
Adiabatic based Algorithm for SAT: A comprehensive algorithmic description18
A stage structured demographic model with “no-regression” growth: The case of temperature-dependent development rate18
How long does one wait at a traffic congestion?17
Entanglement and quantum strategies reduce congestion costs in Pigou networks17
The role of multiplicative noise in critical dynamics17
Influence of rotation on pedestrian flow considering bipedal features: Modeling using a fine discrete floor field cellular automaton17
Statistical inference for mixed jump processes by Markov switching model with application to identify seismicity levels17
Scaling feature of nano-scale friction based on the inverse statistical approach17
Energy landscapes of spin glasses on triangular Archimedean lattices17
Editorial Board17
A communication efficient distributed one-step estimation17
Long-term effects of abrupt environmental perturbations in model of group chase and escape with the presence of non-conservative processes17
Motifs in earthquake networks: Romania, Italy, United States of America, and Japan17
Quantum machine learning for natural language processing application17
Fractal networks with Sturmian structure17
Dynamics of skew information correlations in two coupled qubit-systems under the high nonlinearity of a parametric amplifier: Intrinsic decoherence model17
Collective dynamic behaviors of a general adjacent coupled chain in both unconfined and confined spaces17
A revisit to the Ising model in a transverse and random magnetic field17
Statistical model of synchronized cooperative motion in glass-forming liquids17
A method to compute the communicability of nodes through causal paths in temporal networks16
Structural behavior of a two length scale core-softened fluid in two dimensions16
Editorial Board16
Power-law frictional landscapes induce anomalous diffusion16
Adaptive size-independent control of uncertain leader following systems with only relative displacement information16
Two-dimensional LWR model for lane-free traffic16
A fund-stock network projection model16
Exact solution of directed walk models of polymeric zipping with pulling in two and three dimensions16
An efficient approach to obtaining the exit location distribution and the mean first passage time based on the GCM method16
Critical and hysteresis behaviors for a hexagonal core-shell structure nanowire in the Blume–Emery–Griffiths model16
Linear response theory of entanglement entropy16
Multiparty semiquantum key agreement with d-level single-particle 16
Constructing games on networks for controlling the inequalities in the capital distribution16
Discussion on the paper “On magnetohydrodynamics Prandtl fluid flow in the presence of stratification and heat generation, Imad Khan, Arif Hussain, M.Y. Malik, Safyan Mukhtar, Physica A 540 (2020) 12316
Ground-state phase diagrams in spin–orbit coupled spin-3 Bose–Einstein condensates16
Maximal likely phase lines for a reduced ice growth model16
Structural properties of random networks of cliques16