Field Crops Research

(The TQCC of Field Crops Research is 13. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Advantages of deep fertilizer placement in environmental footprints and net ecosystem economic benefits under the variation of precipitation year types from winter wheat fields100
Wheat yield progress and stability during the last five decades in Argentina95
How process-based modeling can help plant breeding deal with G x E x M interactions89
Coordinating lodging incidence and grain yield through wheat genetic diversity77
Nitrogen reduction by 20 % with green manure retention reduces soil evaporation, promotes maize transpiration and improves water productivity in arid areas70
Editorial Board67
Flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf quality can be improved by grafting with potassium-efficient rootstock66
Nano-iron and AM fungi inoculation in dryland wheat field: A sustainable alternative to plastic film mulching60
Forage boost or grain blues? Legume choices shape Kernza intermediate wheatgrass dual-purpose crop performance60
Combining manure with mineral N fertilizer maintains maize yields: Evidence from four long-term experiments in Kenya60
Ecosystem level carbon and moisture fluxes from a high biomass fibre producing jute crop (Corchorus olitorius L): An eddy covariance-based analysis58
Responses to precision planting in canola and grain legume crops52
System-based phosphorus management in non-flooded rice-lentil rotation in tropical alkaline soil on Gangetic plain: Crop productivity, phosphorus use efficiency and budgeting50
Establishing a water-use boundary function for potato through crop modeling49
Defoliation level and timing affect popcorn yield traits in the Midwestern United States48
Alleles of high-yielding indica rice that improve root hydraulic conductance also increase flag leaf photosynthesis, biomass, and grain production of japonica rice in the paddy field48
Does canopy angle influence radiation use efficiency of sugar beet?48
DPC can inhibit cotton apical dominance and increase seed yield by affecting apical part structure and hormone content47
Developing recommendations for increased productivity in cassava-maize intercropping systems in Southern Nigeria47
Effects of long-term mineral fertilization on silage maize monoculture yield, phosphorus uptake and its dynamic in soil47
An improvement in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) productivity through optimization of rice-straw quantity and plant density46
Agronomic and physiological traits facilitating better yield performance of japonica/indica hybrids in saline fields46
N-loaded clinoptilolite under water-saving irrigation mitigates ammonia volatilization while increasing grain yield and water-nitrogen use efficiency46
Adapting the CROPGRO Perennial Forage model to predict growth and development of Pensacola bahiagrass45
The environmental and agronomic benefits and trade-offs linked with the adoption alternate wetting and drying in temperate rice paddies43
Grain growth and development in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): Coordination between water content and source/sink ratio43
Comprehensive growth monitoring index using Sentinel-2A data for large-scale cotton production42
Influence of the temperature during grain filling stage and nitrogen application rate on yield and quality of indica hybrid rice41
Simultaneous enhancement of maize yield and lodging resistance via delaying plant growth retardant application41
Competition-recovery and overyielding of maize in intercropping depend on species temporal complementarity and nitrogen supply39
Regulation of photoassimilate transportation and nitrogen uptake to decrease greenhouse gas emissions in ratooning rice with higher economic return by optimized nitrogen supplies39
Crop attributes explaining current grain yield dominance of maize over sorghum39
Adopting different irrigation and nitrogen management based on precipitation year types balances winter wheat yields and greenhouse gas emissions39
Agronomic and economic evaluation of ratoon rice cropping systems with perennial rice varieties in West Africa38
Direct nitrous oxide emissions from a crop rotation of maize and mung bean after different long-term fertilizer applications in Thailand38
Effects of selenium (Se) uptake on plant growth and yield in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)38
Zeolite enhances phosphorus accumulation, translocation, and partitioning in rice under alternate wetting and drying37
Estimating early season growth and biomass of field pea for selection of divergent ideotypes using proximal sensing37
Quantifying physiological contributions to nitrogen-induced yield variation in field-grown cotton37
Quantifying the contribution of above- and below-ground residues of chickpea, faba bean, lentil, field pea and wheat to the nitrogen nutrition of a subsequent wheat crop37
Simulation of maize crop growth using an improved crop model considering the disintegrated area of biodegradable film36
Influence of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and drought stress on fatty acids profile of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)35
Assessing the mechanisms underlying sunflower grain weight and oil content responses to temperature during grain filling35
Evaluation of production capacity for rice-rapeseed cropping system in China35
Editorial Board35
Innovative furrow ridging fertilization under a mechanical direct seeding system improves the grain yield and lodging resistance of early indica rice in South China35
Evaluating nitrogen fertilization strategies to optimize yield and grain nitrogen content in top winter wheat varieties across Switzerland35
Long-term fertility experiments for irrigated rice in the West African Sahel: Effect on macro- and micronutrient concentrations in plant and soil35
Big data, small explanatory and predictive power: Lessons from random forest modeling of on-farm yield variability and implications for data-driven agronomy35
Maize genetic progress in the central Pampas of Argentina: effects of contrasting sowing dates35
Genetic improvement analysis of nitrogen uptake, utilization, translocation, and distribution in Chinese wheat in Henan Province34
The critical period for yield and grain protein determination in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)33
Impact of climate variability and extreme rainfall events on sugarcane yield gap in a tropical Island33
Grain yield prediction using multi-temporal UAV-based multispectral vegetation indices and endmember abundance in rice33
Contrasted reaction norms of wheat yield in pure vs mixed stands explained by tillering plasticities and shade avoidance32
Crop nitrogen status and yield formation: A cross-species comparison for maize, rice, and wheat field crops32
Improving maize nitrogen nutrition index prediction using leaf fluorescence sensor combined with environmental and management variables32
Genotype × environment interaction and selection of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids across moisture regimes32
Crop establishment and diversification strategies for intensification of rice-based cropping systems in rice-fallow areas in Odisha31
Agronomic management factors impacting yield, quality stability, and environmental footprints of barley in a mediterranean environment31
Selection of suitable type and application rate of biochar for alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) productivity in ridge-furrow rainwater-harvesting in semiarid regions of China31
Cotton crop transpiration reveals opportunities to reduce yield loss when applying defoliants for efficient mechanical harvesting31
Incorporation of rice residue and green gram cultivation saves nitrogen, improve soil health and sustainability of rice-wheat system31
Quantitative trait loci for leaf inclination angle in rice detected using reciprocal mapping populations31
Boll/leaf ratio improves the source–sink relationship and lint yield during the boll setting stage of cotton30
Editorial Board30
Integration of genome-wide association and genomic prediction for dissecting seed protein and amino acid in foxtail millet29
Impact of paclobutrazol on storage root number and yield of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.)29
Nitrogen fertilization produces divergent effects on canopy structure between indica and japonica rice reflected in leaf to panicle ratio based on deep learning29
Effects of cultural practices on weed community and seedbank dynamics in a potato rotation29
Increased cassava growth and yields through improved variety use and fertilizer application in the highlands of South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo29
Editorial Board29
Incorporating environmental covariates to explore genotype × environment × management (G × E × M) interactions: A one-stage predictive model29
Drivers of sorghum response to fertilizer microdosing on smallholder farms across Burkina Faso28
Impact of plastic sheet mulching on grain Zn concentration, P/Zn ratio and Zn uptake in dryland grown winter wheat28
Genetic progress in cotton lint and yield components in Argentina28
Morpho-physiological traits and leaf surface chemicals as markers conferring resistance to sorghum shoot fly (Atherigona soccata Rondani)28
LINTUL-Cassava-NPK: A simulation model for nutrient-limited cassava growth27
Machine learning models fed with optimized spectral indices to advance crop nitrogen monitoring27
A farmer data-driven approach for prioritization of agricultural research and development: A case study for intensive crop systems in the humid tropics27
Novel Genetic Variation Through Altered zmm28 Expression Improves Maize Performance Under Abiotic Stress27
Effective Striga control and yield intensification on maize farms in western Kenya with N fertilizer and herbicide-resistant variety27
Editorial Board26
Stability of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes for root system architecture and seed yield in multi-environments26
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Editorial Board26
Carbon uptake of the sugarcane agroecosystem is profoundly impacted by climate variations due to seasonality and topography26
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Editorial Board26
Seed inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense in the U.S. soybean systems26
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Editorial Board26
Grain mineral concentration of Chinese winter wheat varieties released between 1970 and 2005 under diverse nutrient inputs26
Exploiting heterosis of semi-hybrids and heterogeneity of cultivar mixtures to enhance alfalfa crop performance26
Maize/soybean intercrop over time has higher yield stability relative to matched monoculture under different nitrogen-application rates25
Maximising soybean productivity with late maturity groups in Mediterranean irrigated systems25
Booting stage is the key timing for split nitrogen application in improving grain yield and quality of wheat – A global meta-analysis25
Radiative transfer model inversion using high-resolution hyperspectral airborne imagery – Retrieving maize LAI to access biomass and grain yield25
Feasibility of yield estimation based on leaf area dynamics measurements in rice paddy fields of farmers25
Sustainability assessment of nitrogen nutrition index based topdressing nitrogen application25
Multi-source data fusion for estimating maize leaf area index over the whole growing season under different mulching and irrigation conditions25
Management practices regulate the response of canopy and ecosystem water use efficiency in cropland ecosystems25
Optimal row spacing configuration to improve cotton yield or quality is regulated by plant density and irrigation rate25
Integrated mulching and nitrogen management strategies influence carbon footprint and sustainability of wheat production on the Loess Plateau of China25
Uncovering the potentials of long-term straw return and nitrogen supply on subtropical maize (Zea mays L.) photosynthesis and grain yield24
Extended photoperiods after flowering increase the rate of dry matter production and nitrogen assimilation in mid maturing soybean cultivars24
Environmental conditions outweigh seeding rates for cover crop mixture performance across the Northeast US24
One–third substitution of nitrogen with cow manure or biochar greatly reduced N2O emission and carbon footprint in saline–alkali soils24
Modeling long-term nitrogen utilization under alfalfa–corn rotation in Northeast China24
Real-time application of neem-coated urea for enhancing N-use efficiency and minimizing the yield gap between aerobic direct-seeded and puddled transplanted rice24
Cover crops decrease maize yield variability in sloping landscapes through increased water during reproductive stages24
Sheep grazing increases the forage yield and reduces the yield-scaled soil CO2 emissions of sown pastures in an inland arid region23
Changes of rice canopy structure under global dimming23
Navigating the trade-offs in crop production and soil quality through alternative cropping23
Traits associated with higher productivity and resilience to drought-prone Mediterranean environments of coastal-lowland quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)23
Optimizing tillage regimes in rice-rapeseed rotation system to enhance crop yield and environmental sustainability23
MP3, a quantitative trait locus for increased panicle number, improves rice yield potential in Japan by connecting with high source and translocation traits23
Is partial substitution of animal manure for synthetic fertilizer a viable N2O mitigation option? An integrative global meta-analysis23
Interspecific competition and nitrogen application alter soil ecoenzymatic stoichiometry, microbial nutrient status, and improve grain yield in broomcorn millet/mung bean intercropping systems23
Optimal planting dates for diverse crops in Inner Mongolia23
Agronomic adaptations to heat stress: Sowing summer crops earlier23
Unlocking maize yield potential through exploring canopy-root interactions with nature-based nutrient management23
Variations in water availability and N cycling across different seasons in cover crop systems23
Optimizing bioenergy sorghum productivity and nutrient removal in Illinois: Impact of nitrogen fertilization under diverse marginal conditions23
Plastic film mulch combined with adding biochar improved soil carbon budget, carbon footprint, and maize yield in a rainfed region23
Enhancing precision nitrogen management for cotton cultivation in arid environments using remote sensing techniques22
Responses of soil water supply during the wheat growing season to agricultural management practice in Northern China: A meta-analysis22
Balancing phosphorus fertilization for sustainable maize yield and soil test phosphorus management: A long-term study using machine learning22
Coupling effect analysis of drip irrigation and mixed slow-release nitrogen fertilizer on yield and physiological characteristics of winter wheat in Guanzhong area22
Quantifying contributions of leaf area and longevity to leaf area duration under increased planting density and nitrogen input regimens during maize yield improvement22
Winter wheat genotype ability to recover nitrogen supply by precedent crops under combined nitrogen and water scenarios22
Yield performance, land and water use, economic profit of irrigated spring wheat/alfalfa intercropping in the inland arid area of northwestern China22
Phenotypic traits of sunflower varieties depend on the composition of cover crops22
Pi-efficient wheat cultivars screened by using both functional marker CAPS-799 and field experiment22
Irrigation increases on-farm soybean yields in water-limited environments without a trade-off in seed protein concentration22
Optimizing root system architecture to improve cotton drought tolerance and minimize yield loss during mild drought stress22
Long-term straw incorporation regulates greenhouse gas emissions from biodegradable film farmland, improves ecosystem carbon budget and sustainable maize productivity22
Influence of photothermal quotient in the critical period on yield potential of cereals–A comparison of wheat and barley22
Grain size variation in two-rowed malt barley under Mediterranean conditions: Phenotypic plasticity and relevant trade-offs21
Effects of enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilizers on CH4 and CO2 emissions in a global perspective21
A European perspective on opportunities and demands for field-based crop phenotyping21
Comparing process-based wheat growth models in their simulation of yield losses caused by plant diseases21
Experimental assessment of the yield gap associated with maize production in the North China Plain21
Upland rice intercropped with forage grasses in an integrated crop-livestock system: Optimizing nitrogen management and food production21
Increasing temperature shortened the carbon uptake period and decreased the cumulative net ecosystem productivity in a maize cropland in Northeast China21
Experimental and producer-reported data quantify the value of foliar fungicide to winter wheat and its dependency on genotype and environment in the U.S. central Great Plains21
Diverse water management in a preceding wheat crop does not affect maize yield but increases inter-annual variability: A six-year field study21
Ozone flux-effect relationship for early and late sown Indian wheat cultivars: Growth, biomass, and yield21
The dwarf gene Rht15 improved lodging resistance but differentially affected agronomic and quality traits in durum wheat20
No-tillage with total green manure mulching: A strategy to lower N2O emissions20
Nitrogen and rice straw incorporation impact nitrogen use efficiency, soil nitrogen pools and enzyme activity in rice-wheat system in north-western India20
Is bunch planting suitable for wheat? An evaluation based on yield and lodging resistance20
Conservation agriculture practices lead to diverse weed communities and higher maize grain yield in Southern Africa20
Slow-release fertilizer deep placement increased rice yield and reduced the ecological and environmental impact in Southeast China: A life-cycle perspective20
Clade-dependent effects of drought on nitrogen fixation and its components – Number, size, and activity of nodules in legumes20
Continuous years of biodegradable film mulching enhances the soil environment and maize yield sustainability in the dryland of northwest China20
Estimating the maize above-ground biomass by constructing the tridimensional concept model based on UAV-based digital and multi-spectral images20
Intercropping and species interactions on physiological and light use characteristics of forage cereals-legumes combinations in semi-arid regions20
Consistency, variability, and predictability of on-farm nutrient responses in four grain legumes across East and West Africa20
Responses of soil CO2 emissions to tillage practices in a wheat maize cropping system: A 4-year field study20
Optimization of water and nitrogen management to improve seed cotton yield, water productivity and economic benefit of mulched drip-irrigated cotton in southern Xinjiang, China20
Estimating maize LAI by exploring deep features of vegetation index map from UAV multispectral images20
Physiological response and agronomic performance of drought tolerance mutants of Aus rice cultivar Nagina 22 (Oryza sativa L)20
Does straw return increase crop yield in the wheat-maize cropping system in China? A meta-analysis20
Exploring the nitrogen source-sink ratio to quantify ear nitrogen accumulation in maize and wheat using critical nitrogen dilution curve19
Modelling water productivity for ecological intensification of crop sequences in the Inner Argentinean Pampas19
Yield benefits from joint application of manure and inorganic fertilizer in a long-term field pea, wheat and potato crop rotation19
Effects of long-term nutrient management in semi-arid Vertisols on soil quality and crop productivity in a cotton-greengram intercropping system19
Genetic gains in maize yield and related traits for high-yielding cultivars released during 1980s to 2010s in China19
Optimization of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization increases ash salt accumulation and ions absorption of drip-fertigated sugar beet in saline-alkali soils19
Machine learning for regional crop yield forecasting in Europe19
Dissecting the relationship between yield and mineral nutriome of wheat grains in double cropping as affected by preceding crops and nitrogen application19
Crop response to P fertilizer omission under a changing climate - Experimental and modeling results over 115 years of a long-term fertilizer experiment19
Plant topping effects on growth, yield, and earliness of field-grown cotton as mediated by plant density and ecological conditions19
Comparative prediction accuracy of hyperspectral bands for different soybean crop variables: From leaf area to seed composition19
Kernel filling and desiccation in temperate maize: Breeding and environmental effects19
Retrieving canopy nitrogen concentration and aboveground biomass with deep learning for ryegrass and barley: Comparing models and determining waveband contribution19
Perenniality and diversity drive output stability and resilience in a 26-year cropping systems experiment18
The central role of ear nitrogen uptake in maize endosperm cell and kernel weight determination during the lag period18
Alternate intercropping of cotton and peanut increases productivity by increasing canopy photosynthesis and nutrient uptake under the influence of rhizobacteria18
Quantifying pre- and post-anthesis heat waves on grain number and grain weight of contrasting wheat cultivars18
Carbon dioxide and/or temperature elevation effect on yield response, nutrient partitioning and use efficiency of applied nitrogen in wheat crop in central India18
Auxin plays a key role in nitrogen and plant density-modulated root growth and yield in different plant types of rapeseed18
UAV-based indicators of crop growth are robust for distinct water and nutrient management but vary between crop development phases18
How does increasing planting density affect nitrogen use efficiency of maize: A global meta-analysis18
Reducing cadmium accumulation and increasing grain yield with proper timing of flood irrigation in the second season of ratoon rice18
Edaphic stress interactions: Important yet poorly understood drivers of plant production in future climates18
Analysis of spatio-temporal variation of crop yield in China using stepwise multiple linear regression18
Rice yield response to climate variability diverges strongly among climate zones across China and is sensitive to trait variation18
Moderately deep tillage enhances rapeseed yield by improving frost resistance of seedling during overwintering18
Six years of different fertilization regimes shift weed community and competition with winter oilseed rape17
Nitrogen application at a lower rate reduce net field global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in winter wheat grown in semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau17
Model-based evaluation of rainfed lowland rice responses to N fertiliser in variable hydro-edaphic wetlands of East Africa17
Improving maize yield estimation by assimilating UAV-based LAI into WOFOST model17
The roots of the rotation effect run deep17
Key factors influencing wheat grain zinc and manganese concentration in areas with different soil available phosphorus17
Spatial and temporal variation in crop productivity and relation with soil fertility within upland agroforestry17
Ultra-wide film mulching with moderate irrigation water salinity enhances cotton growth under drip irrigation in Xinjiang, China17
Editorial Board17
Using the time series nitrogen diagnosis curve for precise nitrogen management in wheat and rice17
A new adaptive identification strategy of best crop management with farmers17
Editorial Board17
Mixed cropping of determinate and indeterminate soybean lines enhances productivity17
Effects of free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on grain yield and quality of hybrid rice17
Innovative fertilizer management system maintains higher maize productivity with lower environmental costs in the Loess Plateau region of China17
Optimizing irrigation and planting density of spring maize under mulch drip irrigation system in the arid region of Northwest China17
Valuation for the ecosystem services of maize under plastic mulch in China based on a meta-analysis17
Optimal rate of nitrogen fertilizer improves maize grain yield by delaying the senescence of ear leaves and thereby altering their nitrogen remobilization17
Substitution of fertilizer-N with biogas slurry in diversified rice-based cropping systems: Effect on productivity, carbon footprints, nutrients and energy balance17
Biochar addition mitigates asymmetric competition of water and increases yield advantages of maize–alfalfa strip intercropping systems in a semiarid region on the Loess Plateau17
Corrigendum to “Assessing the impacts of cover crops on maize and soybean yield in the U.S. Midwestern agroecosystems” [Field Crops Res. 273 (2021) 108264]17
High-throughput physiological phenotyping of crop evapotranspiration at the plot scale17
Biochar effects on crop yield variability17
Modeling the current land suitability and future dynamics of global soybean cultivation under climate change scenarios16
Sequential submergence and drought induce yield loss in rice by affecting redox homeostasis and source-to-sink sugar transport16
How does biochar impact soils and crops in a semi-arid environment? A 5-yr assessment16
Enhancing productivity while reducing water footprint and groundwater depletion: Optimizing irrigation strategies in a wheat-soybean planting system16
Manure application enhanced cotton yield by facilitating microbially mediated P bioavailability16
Evaluation of cover crop contributions to conservation agriculture in northern Benin16
Analysis of yield constraints and seasonal solar radiation and temperature limits for stable cultivation of dry direct-seeded rice in northeastern Japan16
Effect of diversified cropping systems on crop yield, legacy, and budget of potassium in a subtropical Oxisol16
Effect of cultivars and nature–based solutions for the reduction of phosphate fertilizer usage on oilseed rape16
Nitrogen partitioning in maize organs and underlined mechanisms from different plant density levels and N application rate in China16
Can root systems redistribute soil water to mitigate the effects of drought?16
Screening suitable legumes for living mulches to support nitrogen dynamics and weed control in a durum wheat-forage sorghum crop sequence16
Sulfur partitioning and grain concentration differed from that for nitrogen in malting barley16
Phenotypic and genotypic analysis of blotch/tiger stripe in Australian desi-type chickpea16
Assessing chickpea attainable yield and closing the yield gaps caused by agronomic and genetic factors16
Short term fallow and partitioning effects of green manures on wheat systems in East African highlands16
Assessing perennial alfalfa yield by incorporating physiologically-lucid function into DeNitrification-DeComposition model16
Mowing and nitrogen management guidelines for superior rice ratoon yields16
Interspecies interaction for nitrogen use efficiency via up-regulated glutamine and glutamate synthase under wheat-faba bean intercropping16
Optimized fertilizer recommendation method for nitrate residue control in a wheat–maize double cropping system in dryland farming16
Straw management adopted by large farms sustains grain yield but mitigates greenhouse gas emissions16
Variation in over-yielding of pulse-oilseed intercrops16
Effect of grass-diet and grass-legume-diet manure applied to planting holes on smallholder maize production in Rwanda16
Effect of crop management and climatic factors on weed control in sugarcane intercropping systems16
Warm air temperatures increase photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 concentrations in rice under field conditions16
Effects of climate change on the yield potentials and resource use efficiencies of mid-season indica rice cultivars in Eastern China16
Spring barley grown for decades with straw incorporation and cover crops: Effects on crop yields and N uptake16
Dressed for success. Are crop N uptake, N loss and lint yield of irrigated cotton affected by how in-crop N fertiliser is applied?16
Mitigating heat-induced yield loss in peanut: Insights into 24-epibrassinolide-mediated improvement in antioxidant capacity, photosynthesis, and kernel weight16
Fates and controlling factors of nitrogen fertilizers in relation to grain yield after the application season in wheat cropping systems: A meta-analysis of 15N field trials16
Thermal time and precipitation dictate cereal rye shoot biomass production15
Upscaling from leaf to canopy: Improved spectral indices for leaf biochemical traits estimation by minimizing the difference between leaf adaxial and abaxial surfaces15
Editorial Board15
Genotype x environment interaction and stability analyses of grain yield and micronutrient (Fe and Zn) concentrations in navy bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes under varied production environment15
Inter-annual variations of seed cotton yield in relation to soil organic carbon and harvest index in reclaimed desertified land15
Analysing potato response to subsurface drip irrigation and nitrogen fertigation regimes in a temperate environment using the Daisy model15
Plant population density in cotton: Addressing knowledge gaps in stand uniformity and lint quality under dryland and irrigated conditions15