Field Crops Research

(The H4-Index of Field Crops Research is 37. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Advantages of deep fertilizer placement in environmental footprints and net ecosystem economic benefits under the variation of precipitation year types from winter wheat fields100
Wheat yield progress and stability during the last five decades in Argentina95
How process-based modeling can help plant breeding deal with G x E x M interactions89
Coordinating lodging incidence and grain yield through wheat genetic diversity77
Nitrogen reduction by 20 % with green manure retention reduces soil evaporation, promotes maize transpiration and improves water productivity in arid areas70
Editorial Board67
Flue-cured tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf quality can be improved by grafting with potassium-efficient rootstock66
Nano-iron and AM fungi inoculation in dryland wheat field: A sustainable alternative to plastic film mulching60
Forage boost or grain blues? Legume choices shape Kernza intermediate wheatgrass dual-purpose crop performance60
Combining manure with mineral N fertilizer maintains maize yields: Evidence from four long-term experiments in Kenya60
Ecosystem level carbon and moisture fluxes from a high biomass fibre producing jute crop (Corchorus olitorius L): An eddy covariance-based analysis58
Responses to precision planting in canola and grain legume crops52
System-based phosphorus management in non-flooded rice-lentil rotation in tropical alkaline soil on Gangetic plain: Crop productivity, phosphorus use efficiency and budgeting50
Establishing a water-use boundary function for potato through crop modeling49
Defoliation level and timing affect popcorn yield traits in the Midwestern United States48
Alleles of high-yielding indica rice that improve root hydraulic conductance also increase flag leaf photosynthesis, biomass, and grain production of japonica rice in the paddy field48
Does canopy angle influence radiation use efficiency of sugar beet?48
DPC can inhibit cotton apical dominance and increase seed yield by affecting apical part structure and hormone content47
Developing recommendations for increased productivity in cassava-maize intercropping systems in Southern Nigeria47
Effects of long-term mineral fertilization on silage maize monoculture yield, phosphorus uptake and its dynamic in soil47
An improvement in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) productivity through optimization of rice-straw quantity and plant density46
Agronomic and physiological traits facilitating better yield performance of japonica/indica hybrids in saline fields46
N-loaded clinoptilolite under water-saving irrigation mitigates ammonia volatilization while increasing grain yield and water-nitrogen use efficiency46
Adapting the CROPGRO Perennial Forage model to predict growth and development of Pensacola bahiagrass45
The environmental and agronomic benefits and trade-offs linked with the adoption alternate wetting and drying in temperate rice paddies43
Grain growth and development in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): Coordination between water content and source/sink ratio43
Comprehensive growth monitoring index using Sentinel-2A data for large-scale cotton production42
Influence of the temperature during grain filling stage and nitrogen application rate on yield and quality of indica hybrid rice41
Simultaneous enhancement of maize yield and lodging resistance via delaying plant growth retardant application41
Competition-recovery and overyielding of maize in intercropping depend on species temporal complementarity and nitrogen supply39
Regulation of photoassimilate transportation and nitrogen uptake to decrease greenhouse gas emissions in ratooning rice with higher economic return by optimized nitrogen supplies39
Crop attributes explaining current grain yield dominance of maize over sorghum39
Adopting different irrigation and nitrogen management based on precipitation year types balances winter wheat yields and greenhouse gas emissions39
Agronomic and economic evaluation of ratoon rice cropping systems with perennial rice varieties in West Africa38
Direct nitrous oxide emissions from a crop rotation of maize and mung bean after different long-term fertilizer applications in Thailand38
Effects of selenium (Se) uptake on plant growth and yield in common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench)38
Zeolite enhances phosphorus accumulation, translocation, and partitioning in rice under alternate wetting and drying37
Estimating early season growth and biomass of field pea for selection of divergent ideotypes using proximal sensing37
Quantifying physiological contributions to nitrogen-induced yield variation in field-grown cotton37
Quantifying the contribution of above- and below-ground residues of chickpea, faba bean, lentil, field pea and wheat to the nitrogen nutrition of a subsequent wheat crop37