Journal of Banking & Finance

(The H4-Index of Journal of Banking & Finance is 35. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Editorial Board159
No-Arbitrage pricing of GDP-Linked bonds149
Interest rate risk in the banking book: A closed-form solution for non-maturity deposits143
Estimating the probability of informed trading: A Bayesian approach134
Editorial Board124
Norwegian interbank market's response to changes in liquidity policy101
Editorial Board96
Market discipline and policy loans88
Competition, peer firm effects, and cash composition87
Shades of trade: Dark trading and price efficiency79
Why does option-implied volatility forecast realized volatility? Evidence from news events76
Systemic risk allocation using the asymptotic marginal expected shortfall75
Editorial Board75
Bank foreign assets, government support and international spillover effects of sovereign rating events on bank stock prices71
Editorial Board69
Negative news and the stock market impact of tone in rating reports69
Determinants and predictability of commodity producer returns66
Non-recourse mortgage law and housing speculation65
Negative externalities of mutual fund instability: Evidence from leveraged loan funds61
Reprint of: Delegated asset management and performance when some investors are unsophisticated61
Algos gone wild: What drives the extreme order cancellation rates in modern markets?57
Compositional effects of bank capital buffers and interactions with monetary policy57
Editorial Board54
Fair advice54
Aggregate Distress Risk and Equity Returns48
The capital gain lock-in effect and seasoned equity offerings47
Post-crisis regulations, market making, and liquidity in over-the-counter markets47
An analysis of finance journal accessibility: Author inclusivity and journal quality43
Stocks versus corporate bonds: A cross-sectional puzzle40
Banking relationship, information reusability, and acquisition loans39
Reducing credit card delinquency using repayment reminders38
Editorial Board38
Impact of systemic risk regulation on optimal policies and asset prices37
What are reference rates for?36
Covid-19, credit risk management modeling, and government support35
Editorial Board35