Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

(The TQCC of Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Information-based optimal subdata selection for big data logistic regression18
Parametric estimation for a parabolic linear SPDE model based on discrete observations15
Two-sample Behrens–Fisher problems for high-dimensional data: A normal reference approach14
Construction of component orthogonal arrays with any number of components14
Two-sample nonparametric test for comparing mean time to failure functions in age replacement13
A brief review of linear sufficient dimension reduction through optimization13
Model-free posterior inference on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve12
Simultaneous confidence bands for functional data using the Gaussian Kinematic formula12
Normalized power prior Bayesian analysis12
Constructing minimum aberration split-plot designs via complementary sets when the whole plot factors are important11
Generating optimal order-of-addition designs with flexible run sizes11
Projection pursuit based tests of normality with functional data11
Piecewise autoregression for general integer-valued time series11
A precise local limit theorem for the multinomial distribution and some applications10
Tractable Bayesian density regression via logit stick-breaking priors10
Invariant density adaptive estimation for ergodic jump–diffusion processes over anisotropic classes10
On energy tests of normality9
Column-orthogonal nearly strong orthogonal arrays9
Analysis of convolutional neural network image classifiers in a hierarchical max-pooling model with additional local pooling9
Ridge rerandomization: An experimental design strategy in the presence of covariate collinearity9
Construction of space-filling orthogonal designs8
Estimation in functional single-index varying coefficient model8
Optimal prediction of quantile functional linear regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces8
Minimax D-optimal designs for multivariate regression models with multi-factors7
A scalable surrogate L07
Asymptotic efficiency of the calibration estimator in a high-dimensional data setting7
Two-way ORDANOVA: Analyzing ordinal variation in a cross-balanced design7
Robust designs for generalized linear mixed models with possible model misspecification7
A test for second-order stationarity of a time series based on the maximum of Anderson–Darling statistics7
Support point of locally optimal designs for multinomial logistic regression models7
Testing for lack-of-fit in functional regression models against general alternatives7
Checking the adequacy of functional linear quantile regression model7
Sequential online subsampling for thinning experimental designs6
Validation likelihood estimation method for a zero-inflated Bernoulli regression model with missing covariates6
Gibbs posterior inference on multivariate quantiles6
A Mann–Whitney test of distributional effects in a multivalued treatment6
M-type penalized splines with auxiliary scale estimation6
Goodness-of-fit tests for Markov Switching VAR models using spectral analysis6
Maximum likelihood estimation of sparse networks with missing observations6
Analytical approach for designing accelerated degradation tests under an exponential dispersion model6
Bayesian tests for circular uniformity5
Fitting time series models for longitudinal surveys with nonignorable missing data5
Semiparametric estimation for average causal effects using propensity score-based spline5
Predictive density estimation under the Wasserstein loss5
Multivariate non-central Birnbaum–Saunders kernel density estimator for nonnegative data5
Saturated and supersaturated order-of-addition designs5
Anisotropic multivariate deconvolution using projection on the Laguerre basis5
Optimal designs for some bivariate cokriging models5
Estimation of a distribution function with increasing failure rate average5
Jackknife empirical likelihood for the mean difference of two zero-inflated skewed populations5
A diagnostic for bias in linear mixed model estimators induced by dependence between the random effects and the corresponding model matrix5
Overlap weight and propensity score residual for heterogeneous effects: A review with extensions5
High-dimensional variable screening through kernel-based conditional mean dependence5
Optimal finite sample post-selection confidence distributions in generalized linear models4
Tensor product splines and functional principal components4
Testing hypotheses about covariance matrices in general MANOVA designs4
Adapting to one- and two-way classified structures of hypotheses while controlling the false discovery rate4
Generalization performance of Lagrangian support vector machine based on Markov sampling4
On large deviations for combinatorial sums4
On IPW-based estimation of conditional average treatment effects4
Efficient and direct estimation of the variance–covariance matrix in EM algorithm with interpolation method4
A regularization method for the parameter estimation problem in ordinary differential equations via discrete optimal control theory4
Exchangeable Bernoulli distributions: High dimensional simulation, estimation, and testing4
Efficient estimation in periodic INA4
Temporal aggregation and systematic sampling for INGARCH processes4
Variance estimation and confidence intervals from genome-wide association studies through high-dimensional misspecified mixed model analysis4
Estimation of mean squared prediction error of empirically spatial predictor of small area means under a linear mixed model4
Moderate deviations in a class of stable but nearly unstable processes4
Optimal bias correction of the log-periodogram estimator of the fractional parameter: A jackknife approach4
Estimating the proportion of true null hypotheses under dependency: A marginal bootstrap approach4
Incorporating spatial structure into inclusion probabilities for Bayesian variable selection in generalized linear models with the spike-and-slab elastic net4
Group orthogonal greedy algorithm for change-point estimation of multivariate time series3
Central limit theorem for linear spectral statistics of general separable sample covariance matrices with applications3
K-sign depth: From asymptotics to efficient implementation3
Uniform semi-Latin squares and their pairwise-variance aberrations3
Universally consistent estimation of the reach3
Construction of uniform projection designs via level permutation and expansion3
Equivalence theorems for multiple-design problems with application in mixed models3
Bayesian predictive density estimation for a Chi-squared model using information from a normal observation with unknown mean and variance3
Efficient analysis of time-to-event endpoints when the event involves a continuous variable crossing a threshold3
On the asymptotic behaviour of the variance estimator of a U-statisti3
Correcting for linkage errors in contingency tables—A cautionary tale3
Joint estimation of heterogeneous exponential Markov Random Fields through an approximate likelihood inference3
Optimal experimental designs for treatment contrasts in heteroscedastic models with covariates3
Flexible binomial AR(1) processes using copulas3
Outcome-adjusted balance measure for generalized propensity score model selection3
Whittle parameter estimation for vector ARMA models with heavy-tailed noises3
Semiparametric estimation for proportional hazards mixture cure model allowing non-curable competing risk3
Corrected empirical Bayes confidence region in a multivariate Fay–Herriot model3
A scan procedure for multiple testing: Beyond threshold-type procedures3
A likelihood-ratio type test for stochastic block models with bounded degrees3
Rerandomization: A complement or substitute for stratification in randomized experiments?3
Circular designs for total effects under interference models3
Fixed-domain asymptotic properties of maximum composite likelihood estimators for Gaussian processes3
Z-valued time series: Models, propertie3
Optimal rerandomization designs via a criterion that provides insurance against failed experiments3
On the ruin probabilities for a general perturbed renewal risk process3
Asymptotically most powerful tests for random number generators3
Estimation and inference in partially functional linear regression with multiple functional covariates3
Using nonregular designs to generate space-filling designs3