Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference

(The median citation count of Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Optimal bias correction of the log-periodogram estimator of the fractional parameter: A jackknife approach15
Deterministic construction methods for uniform designs14
Generating optimal order-of-addition designs with flexible run sizes14
Bayesian predictive density estimation for a Chi-squared model using information from a normal observation with unknown mean and variance14
Adaptive nonparametric estimation of a component density in a two-class mixture model13
Editorial Board12
Scale tests for a multilevel step-stress model with exponential lifetimes under Type-II censoring12
Distributed eQTL analysis with auxiliary information11
A note on the construction of incomplete row–column designs: An algorithmic approach11
Model-free, monotone invariant and computationally efficient feature screening with data-adaptive threshold11
A new approach for ultrahigh dimensional precision matrix estimation11
Testing higher and infinite degrees of stochastic dominance for small samples: A Bayesian approach11
Construction of component orthogonal arrays with any number of components10
Gibbs posterior inference on multivariate quantiles10
An adaptive group LASSO approach for domain selection in functional generalized linear models10
Estimation of a distribution function with increasing failure rate average9
Corrected empirical Bayes confidence region in a multivariate Fay–Herriot model9
Testing for adequacy of seasonal adjustment in the frequency domain8
On optimal fMRI designs for correlated errors8
Piecewise autoregression for general integer-valued time series8
Portmanteau-type test for unit root with heavy-tailed noise7
A note on estimation of α-stable CARMA processes sampled at low freq7
A test for second-order stationarity of a time series based on the maximum of Anderson–Darling statistics7
Properties of Fisher information gain for Bayesian design of experiments7
Testing the skewness of skew-normal distribution by Bayes factors7
Editorial Board6
Asymptotic efficiency of the calibration estimator in a high-dimensional data setting6
Editorial Board6
LAMN property for jump diffusion processes with discrete observations on a fixed time interval6
A Quasi-Bayesian change point detection with exchangeable weights6
Goodness-of-fit test for partial functional linear model with errors in scalar covariates6
Nonparametric methods for clustered data in pre-post intervention design6
Deep learning for ψ-weakly dependent processes5
Column-orthogonal nearly strong orthogonal arrays5
Column expanded Latin hypercube designs5
Poisson limit theorems for the Cressie–Read statistics5
Removing inessential points in c-and 5
A zero-estimator approach for estimating the signal level in a high-dimensional model-free setting5
Construction of 2fi-optimal row–column designs5
An empirical likelihood-based unified test for the integer-valued AR(1) models5
Adapting to one- and two-way classified structures of hypotheses while controlling the false discovery rate5
Construction on large four-level designs via quaternary codes5
Robust Integrative Analysis via Quantile Regression with Homogeneity and Sparsity5
Informed censoring: The parametric combination of data and expert information4
Estimation in functional single-index varying coefficient model4
High-dimensional variable screening through kernel-based conditional mean dependence4
Optimal designs for mean–covariance models with missing observations4
Adjusted maximum likelihood method for multivariate Fay–Herriot model4
Reduced-bias estimation of the extreme conditional tail expectation for Box–Cox transforms of heavy-tailed distributions4
Generalized accelerated failure time model with censored data from case-cohort studies4
A new non-parametric estimation of the expected shortfall for dependent financial losses4
Semiparametric Bayesian doubly robust causal estimation4
Editorial Board4
Multiplier subsample bootstrap for statistics of time series4
Exact model comparisons in the plausibility framework4
Graph signal denoising usingt-shrinkage priors4
A modification of MaxT procedure using spurious correlations4
Inference on regression model with misclassified binary response4
Ridge rerandomization: An experimental design strategy in the presence of covariate collinearity4
Semiparametric regression modeling of the global percentile outcome3
Choice of smoothing parameter in multivariate copula-based tail coefficients3
Proximal operator for the sorted3
M-type penalized splines with auxiliary scale estimation3
Regularized matrix-variate logistic regression with response subject to misclassification3
Semiparametric inference for merged data from multiple data sources3
Construction of optimal supersaturated designs by the expansive replacement method3
Detecting non-isomorphic orthogonal design3
Local polynomial smoothing based on the Kaplan–Meier estimate3
High-dimensional asymptotic expansion of the null distribution for L<3
Asymptotically most powerful tests for random number generators3
An integrative framework for geometric and hidden projections in three-level fractional factorial designs3
Multimatricvariate distribution under elliptical models3
A Bayesian stochastic approximation method3
Results on constructing sn3
Semiparametric estimation for average causal effects using propensity score-based spline3
Optimal designs for some bivariate cokriging models3
A selective review of sufficient dimension reduction for multivariate response regression3
Nonparametric inference for distribution functions with stratified samples3
Time changes and stationarity issues for extended scalar autoregressive models3
Estimating change-point latent factor models for high-dimensional time series2
Testing hypotheses about covariance matrices in general MANOVA designs2
A general Bayesian bootstrap for censored data based on the beta-Stacy process2
A new user specific multiple testing method for business applications: The SiMaFlex procedure2
Incorporating spatial structure into inclusion probabilities for Bayesian variable selection in generalized linear models with the spike-and-slab elastic net2
Analytical approach for designing accelerated degradation tests under an exponential dispersion model2
Exchangeable Bernoulli distributions: High dimensional simulation, estimation, and testing2
Optimal model averaging estimator for expectile regressions2
The effects of adaptation on maximum likelihood inference for nonlinear models with normal errors2
Statistical inference for wavelet curve estimators of symmetric positive definite matrices2
Editorial Board2
Fast construction of efficient two-level parallel flats designs2
Inference for seemingly unrelated linear mixed models2
Non-asymptotic model selection for models of network data with parameter vectors of increasing dimension2
Tractable Bayesian density regression via logit stick-breaking priors2
Robust estimation of nonparametric function via addition sequence2
A new First-Order mixture integer-valued threshold autoregressive process based on binomial thinning and negative binomial thinning2
Evaluation of early phase dose finding algorithms in heterogeneous populations2
A scalable surrogate L02
Some results for stochastic orders and aging properties related to the Laplace transform2
A dynamic count process2
General minimum lower-order confounding split-plot designs with important whole-plot factors2
Resampling techniques for a class of smooth, possibly data-adaptive empirical copulas2
Robust estimation of a regression function in exponential families2
Subgroup analysis for the functional linear model2
Estimating diffusion with compound Poisson jumps based on self-normalized residuals2
Locally adaptive sparse additive quantile regression model with TV penalty2
Variable selection with the knockoffs: Composite null hypotheses2
On IPW-based estimation of conditional average treatment effects2
Two-sample Behrens–Fisher problems for high-dimensional data: A normal reference approach2
A systematic construction of compromise designs under baseline parameterization2
Equivalence theorems for multiple-design problems with application in mixed models2
Analysis of odds, probability, and hazard ratios: From 2 by 2 tables to two-sample survival data2
Efficient inference of parent-of-origin effect using case-control mother–child genotype data2
Efficient and direct estimation of the variance–covariance matrix in EM algorithm with interpolation method2
Augmented projection Wasserstein distances: Multi-dimensional projection with neural surface2
Invariant density adaptive estimation for ergodic jump–diffusion processes over anisotropic classes2
Regression to the mean for overdispersed count data2
Construction of high-dimensional high-separation distance designs2
On card guessing with two types of cards2
Validation likelihood estimation method for a zero-inflated Bernoulli regression model with missing covariates2
Generalized linear–quadratic model with a change point due to a covariate threshold2
Convergence guarantees for forward gradient descent in the linear regression model2
Robust active learning with binary responses2
Mixed-integer linear programming for computing optimal experimental designs1
Multiple testing in genome-wide association studies via hierarchical hidden Markov models1
Self-normalized inference for stationarity of irregular spatial data1
Statistical theory for image classification using deep convolutional neural network with cross-entropy loss under the hierarchical max-pooling model1
Semi-parametric homogeneity test and sample size calculation for a two-sample problem under an inequality constraint1
Editorial Board1
Modelling and parameter estimation for discretely observed fractional iterated Ornstein–Uhlenbeck processes1
Feature selection in ultrahigh-dimensional additive models with heterogeneous frequency component functions1
Density estimation of a mixture distribution with unknown point-mass and normal error1
Whittle parameter estimation for vector ARMA models with heavy-tailed noises1
Model checking for parametric single-index models with massive datasets1
Editorial Board1
Optimal rerandomization designs via a criterion that provides insurance against failed experiments1
Variance estimation and confidence intervals from genome-wide association studies through high-dimensional misspecified mixed model analysis1
Toward improved inference for Krippendorff’s Alpha agreement coefficient1
Hypothesis testing for Panels of Semi-Markov Processes with parametric sojourn time distributions1
A numerical method to obtain exact confidence intervals for likelihood-based parameter estimators1
Semiparametric estimation for proportional hazards mixture cure model allowing non-curable competing risk1
On energy tests of normality1
Regression models for circular data based on nonnegative trigonometric sums1
Optimal crossover designs for inference on total effects1
An orthogonally equivariant estimator of the covariance matrix in high dimensions and for small sample sizes1
Generalized Bayes estimators with closed forms for the normal mean and covariance matrices1
Jackknife empirical likelihood confidence intervals for the categorical Gini correlation1
Random and quasi-random designs in group testing1
Zero-modified count time series with Markovian intensities1
A sequential approach to feature selection in high-dimensional additive models1
A diagnostic for bias in linear mixed model estimators induced by dependence between the random effects and the corresponding model matrix1
Testing truncation dependence: The Gumbel–Barnett copula1
Bayesian analysis of nonparanormal graphical models using rank-likelihood1
An inverse Sanov theorem for exponential families1
Measures of conditional dependence for nonlinearity, asymmetry and beyond1
Uniformity of saturated orthogonal arrays1
A nonparametric measure of heteroskedasticity1
Uniform semi-Latin squares and their pairwise-variance aberrations1
Approximate I-optimal designs for polynomial models over the unit 1
Representative points for distribution recovering1
A test for the identity of a high-dimensional correlation matrix based on the 1
Comparing adaptive interventions under a general sequential multiple assignment randomized trial design via multiple comparisons with the best1
Hilbert space-valued fractionally integrated autoregressive moving average processes with long memory operators1
On the ruin probabilities for a general perturbed renewal risk process1
Robust penalized empirical likelihood in high dimensional longitudinal data analysis1
Outcome-adjusted balance measure for generalized propensity score model selection1
Estimation of a regression function on a manifold by fully connected deep neural networks1
Construction of space-filling orthogonal designs1
Editorial Board1
Anisotropic multivariate deconvolution using projection on the Laguerre basis1
Optimal finite sample post-selection confidence distributions in generalized linear models1
Convergence rate of plugin estimates for functional parameters with applications to locally-stationary time-series1
Reference priors viaα-divergence for a certain non-regular model in th1
Designs for half-diallel experiments with commutative orthogonal block structure1
Efficient tapered local Whittle estimation of multivariate fractional processes1
Maximum likelihood estimation of sparse networks with missing observations1
On distributions with fixed marginals maximizing the joint or the prior default probability, estimation, and related results1
Multivariate expectile-based distribution: Properties, Bayesian inference, and applications1
Marginal posterior distributions for regression parameters in the Cox model using Dirichlet and gamma process priors1
Exact confidence limits compatible with the result of a sequential trial1
A multidimensional objective prior distribution from a scoring rule1
Projection pursuit based tests of normality with functional data1
Editorial Board1
Overlap weight and propensity score residual for heterogeneous effects: A review with extensions1
Local linear regression with nonparametrically generated covariates for weakly dependent data1
Entropic regularization of neural networks: Self-similar approximations1
Statistical inference in factor analysis for diffusion processes from discrete observations1
Estimation for the Cox model with biased sampling data via risk set sampling1
Maximum-type tests for high-dimensional regression coefficients using Wilcoxon scores1
New robust confidence intervals for the mean under dependence1
Analysis of convolutional neural network image classifiers in a hierarchical max-pooling model with additional local pooling1
Construction of uniform projection designs via level permutation and expansion1
A non-parametric solution to the multi-armed bandit problem with covariates1