Journal of Pragmatics

(The median citation count of Journal of Pragmatics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Sequence organization in human–animal interaction. An exploration of two canonical sequences62
Performing good diplomatic relations: The case of presidential introductory conversations during credential ceremonies60
Non-propositional effects in verbal communication: The case of metaphor29
Pragmatic reframing from distress to playfulness: !Xun caregiver responses to infant crying29
Syntactic constraints on relevance: The case of causal pre-position in Modern Greek27
How to identify an argument type? On the hermeneutics of persuasive discourse27
The climate of climate change: Impoliteness as a hallmark of homophily in YouTube comment threads on Greta Thunberg's environmental activism26
Leadership style in transition? Decision-making processes in cabin crew's pre-flight briefings25
Editorial Board24
Book review22
Book review22
Growing up laughing: Laughables and pragmatic functions between 12 and 36 months22
Accounting for changes in series of vocalisations – Professional vision in a gym-training session21
Book review20
Persuasive presuppositions20
Can the reference of a use of “That” change? Assessing non-standard approaches to the semantics of demonstratives20
Prosodic modulation as a mark to express pragmatic values: The case of mitigation in Spanish20
Negation as involvement: Building intersubjectivity via the Hebrew lo tagid construction19
The interpretation of plural mass nouns in Greek19
Book review18
Book review17
Book review17
Editorial Board16
Book review16
Intertextuality and comembership by university police call-takers in relaying information from laypeople in emergency calls to 91116
Book review16
Political Language in Contrast: An Introduction16
The dentist's first turn-at-talk in Korean dental visits16
Book review15
Epistemic independence and speaker roles: Highlighting the role of second speaker and mitigating the role of first speaker15
Editorial Board15
Book review15
If and only if people were logical! The effect of pragmatic enrichment on reasoning with abstract and realistic materials15
Picture this! The effects of positivity bias, situation saliency, and verbal politeness in valence framing research15
Text, discourse, context: A meta-trilogy for discourse analysis15
Interaction Ritual and (Im)Politeness14
Toward a pragmatics of relating in conversational interaction14
Book review14
Editorial Board14
Onomatopoeia: A relevance-based eye-tracking study of digital manga14
Jacob L. Mey III (1926–2023)14
Book review14
Book review13
The rise and fall of illocutionary negation: Evidence from Veneto13
Book review13
Editorial Board13
Book review13
Pragmatic overlap and consecutive change: The case of Hebrew (inter)subjective markers yeʃ/en matsav/sikuy13
Book review13
Book review12
Book review12
Questions with address terms in Indonesian conversation: Managing next-speaker selection and action formation12
The pragmatics of rebroadcasting content on Twitter: How is retweeting relevant?12
Book review11
Face-saving strategies and the burden of opioid policy enactments: When physicians’ compliance makes patients non-compliant11
First-person pronouns with and without wa in parenthetical inserts in Japanese telling sequences11
Book review11
Book review11
Book review11
Meaning non-verbally: The neglected corners of the bi-dimensional continuum communication in people with aphasia10
Book review10
Book review10
The spontaneous co-creation of comedy: Humour in improvised theatrical fiction10
Book review10
“Bravo!”: Co-constructing praise in French family life10
Book review10
Book review10
Story recipiency in a language café: Integration work at the micro-level of interaction10
Multimodally constructed dialogue in political campaign commercials10
Article in Translation: Chinese compliment responses in triadic contexts10
Fast and slow thinking as secret agents behind speakers’ (un)conscious pragmatic decisions and judgements10
Editorial Board10
Epistemic and non-epistemic modals: The key to interpreting the spirit of counter-terrorism United Nations Security Council resolutions10
Demystifying the development of a structurally marginal pattern: A case study of the wa-initiated responsive construction in Japanese conversation10
Editorial Board10
Constructed general truths against specific political rivals in politicians’ Facebook posts9
Editorial Board9
Premise conditionals are echoic thematic conditionals9
Final tteyuu as a mockery stance marker: Multifunctionality and ongoing semantic change in Japanese social media9
Backflagging revisited: A case study on bueno in English-Spanish bilingual speech9
Child-initiated informings and conversational participation in a bilingual preschool9
Editorial Board9
‘Child's time’: Kinship carers' use of time reference to construct parental identities9
Patterns of incongruous media/mode configurations in Viz Magazine9
Editorial Board9
Pragmatic socialization through gameplay directives: Multimodal conversation analysis of avatar-embodied interactions9
Diagnosis resistance in Chinese medical encounters and its implications on medical authority9
Challenging askability through particles: uei-prefaced responses in Catalan9
Motion verbs and future constructions: the case of Hebrew omed le-V ‘standing (up) to-V’/‘(be) about to-V’9
Summarising in medical emergencies: The role of the discourse marker so9
Sharing travel experiences on TripAdvisor: A genre analysis of negative hotel reviews written in French, Spanish and Italian9
Editorial Board9
Practical (un)cancellability8
Everybody swears on Only Murders in the Building: The interpersonal functions of scripted television swearing8
Book review8
Expressing evidence8
Varieties of specification: Redefining over- and under-specification8
And now, co-occurrence and functionality of discourse markers on the Oregon Coast8
“By then you'd say ‘why hadn't I hung on a little bit longer?’”: Ventriloquizing as indirectness in Chinese medical interaction8
Pursuing and resisting argumentative projects in Q&A sequences during a trial8
Corpus-pragmatic perspectives on the contemporary weakening of fuck: The case of teenage British English conversation8
Headlines as illocutionary subacts: The genre-specificity of headlines8
“That's amazing!”: Making self-praise work in Japanese conversation8
Sharing is caring: An ethnographic approach to Spanish WhatsApp groups8
The procedural meaning of Spanish adverb apenas8
Book review8
Book review8
Editorial Board8
Book review8
Moments of sharing, language style and resources for solidarity on social media: A comparative analysis8
Saving one's face from unintended humour: Impression management in follow-up sports interviews8
Lexical meaning contextualization and semantic changes: The case of the Mandarin Chinese discourse marker dangran7
Gatekeeping and linguistic capital: A case study of the Cambridge university undergraduate admissions interview7
Epistemic vigilance and persuasion: The construction of trust in online marketing7
Fanzheng ‘anyway’ as a discourse pragmatic particle in Mandarin conversation: Prosody, locus, and interactional function7
The English politeness marker please in Chinese7
Phygital highlighting: Achieving joint visual attention when physically co-editing a digital text7
Jocular self-deprecation in Japanese initial interactions7
Like and dislike scales in couples’ argumentative interaction7
“Can you read my mind?” Conventionalized indirect requests and Theory of Mind abilities7
Pragmatic competence without a language model: Other-Initiated Repair in Balinese homesign7
Toward a multimodal pragmatics analysis of ambulant vending on a Buenos Aires trainline7
The pragmatic differences between grammatical and lexical evidentiality: A corpus-based study of Tibetan and English7
Using discourse markers to negotiate epistemic stance: A view from situated language use7
Pragmatic functions of versatile unsa ‘what’ in Cebuano: From interrogative pronoun to placeholder to stance marker7
Asking more than one question in one turn in oral examinations and its impact on examination quality7
Cross-linguistic differences in demonstrative systems: Comparing spatial and non-spatial influences on demonstrative use in Ticuna and Dutch7
Multimodal action formats for managing preference: chais pas ‘dunno’ plus gaze conduct in dispreferred responses to questions7
The marking of weak stance in Cebuano: The case of the versatile demonstrative kanάng7
Directives in the construction site: Grammatical design and work phases in second language interactions with crane operators7
On the evolution of a multifunctional discourse marker: A Discourse Grammar analysis of Korean com7
On the interpretation of scalar implicatures in first and second language7
Disagreements in casual Taiwanese Mandarin conversations: A gender-based study7
The development of non-literal uses of language: Sense conventions and pragmatic competence7
Japanese first-person singular pronouns revisited: A semantic and cultural interpretation7
Book review7
Discourse context cannot make ‘or’ inclusive (only experimental task can)7
Phrasal alternation and Kerinci demonstrative (i)neh: Implications for spatial and socio-interactional deixis7
(When) Can I say Du to You? The metapragmatics of forms of address on German-Speaking Twitter7
Complimenting on-the-go: Features from colloquial Algerian Arabic7
Whose turn is it anyway? Latency and the organization of turn-taking in video-mediated interaction6
Interpersonal relationships in translation: Address terms in the English and Polish translations of Henning Mankell's The Dogs of Riga6
Experiencing space: Some uses of Japanese proximal spatial deictic expressions6
Interpreters, rapport, and the role of familiarity6
Book review6
The interpretive mediation of social worlds: Intention markers in news headlines6
Interrogatives and speaker stance: From information-seeking to interpersonal (dis)affiliation6
Engaging readers across participants: A cross-interactant analysis of metadiscourse in letters of advice during the COVID-19 pandemic6
What is “Versailles Literature”?: Humblebrags on Chinese social networking sites6
The role of inference and inferencing in pragmatic models of communication6
Accepting invitations and offers in second language Chinese: Effect of proficiency on pragmatic competence in interaction6
Also on humblebragging: An evaluation of self-image in Versailles literature6
Corrigendum to “Speech act recognition in Spanish speakers” [J. Prag. 141 (2019) 44–56]6
Editorial: Swearing and interpersonal pragmatics6
Socio-pragmatic variation in request refusals in Cameroon French6
Book review6
Low spirits vs. high spirits: How failure and success influence sharing in social media groups6
Book review6
From interrogative to disaffiliative stance marker: An analysis of mwusun ‘what’ in Korean conversation6
Is low-arousal laughter a reliable cue for irony? Individual differences in integrating speech and laughter meanings6
“Sorry it took me a long time to reply”: Sorry as a discourse-pragmatic feature in African Englishes6
Translating in times of crisis: A study about the emotional effects of the COVID19 pandemic on the translation of evaluative language6
Social interaction in high stakes crisis communication6
“I appreciate u not being a total prick …”: Oppositional stancetaking, impoliteness and relational work in adversarial Twitter interactions6
Superman or Homelander? The pragmatic features and argumentative potential of online victimhood narratives of Israeli-Palestinian conflict5
Know what? How digital technologies undermine learning and remembering5
Confessions of lockdown breaches. Problematising morality during the Covid-19 pandemic5
Book review5
Adjusting entitlement degrees in inappropriate requests: TCU-final particle bei (呗) in Mandarin Chinese conversation5
Uso “lie” or hontoo “truth”?: Two lexical response tokens in Japanese informings5
Book review5
Co-constructing and other-extending collaborative reported speech in Italian5
Editorial Board5
The mother of all worries: Formulations of parents' gender in their talk about the transition to the empty nest phase5
What the mirrors won't tell: Instructing the blind spot check in driver training5
Metapragmatic awareness development in Chinese Children: A conversational competence perspective5
Editorial Board5
Accounting for leaving the break room: Work obligations as a resource in transitions from one activity to another at the workplace5
On linguistic communication based on resemblance in form5
Editorial Board5
Book review5
Editorial Board5
Book review5
Prosodic linking in apology sequences in Finnish elementary school mediations5
Getting your inferences in order: Limiting variability in pragmatic inferences5
Reference tracking strategies of deaf adult signers in Turkish Sign Language5
Semantic incorporation and discourse prominence: Experimental evidence from English pronoun resolution5
Using information of relationship closeness in the comprehension of Chinese ironic criticism: Evidence from behavioral experiments5
A corpus-based analysis of (im)politeness metalanguage and speech acts: The case of insults in Shakespeare's plays5
Are you serious? Workplace agenda and aesthetic negotiations with depictions at opera rehearsals5
Partitioning a population in agreement and disagreement5
The pragmatics of initial interactions: Cross-cultural and intercultural perspectives5
Functional proposition: A new concept for representing discourse meaning?5
The pragmatics of metapragmatics in death trials5
What makes inferences reliable? The unpredictable relationship between pragmatic inference and truth5
Book review5
Dogs responding to human utterances in embodied ways5
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: Analysis of dubbed and subtitled insults into European Spanish5
Explaining the distribution of implicit means of misrepresentation: A case study on Italian immigration discourse5
Procedural structures: The case of sentence-initial subordinate clauses5
Swearing, discourse and function in conversational British English5
Editorial Board5
Desperately seeking intentions: Genuine and jocular insults on social media5
Expressing belief with evidentials: A case study with Cuzco Quechua on the dispensability of illocutionary explanation5
Communication: Inferring speaker intentions or perceiving the world? Insights from developmental research5
Teacher responses to toddler crying in the New Zealand outdoor environment4
Managing expert/novice identity with actions in conversation: Identity construction & negotiation4
Metaphorical space in academic talk4
Book review4
Book review4
Discourse markers and turn-planning at the pragmatics–prosody interface: The case of allora in spoken Italian4
Book review4
Book review4
Book review4
On the communicative affordances of instrumental action: Offering meal service to others, whilst serving oneself4
Book review4
Development of the Korean proximal demonstrative into an affective stance marker4
Organizing talk with contrasts: Nixon and Colson discuss watergate4
Book review4
Polyfunctional particles in spoken Russian: The case of čto li4
Creating placeholders on the fly: A metarepresentational approach4
Book review4
Requesting an account for the unaccountable: The primordial nature of [NP+wa?]-format turns used by young Japanese children4
On epistemic modality and discourse strategy: Evidence from Galician adverbs4
Disrupted vs. sustained humor in colloquial conversations in peninsular Spanish4
Book review4
Relationships between construction grammar(s) and genre: Evidence from an analysis of Instagram posts4
Speech reports and evidence4
Ghosts and the haunting of the American dream: The pragmatics of stance and suspense in making the improbable sound possible4
Editorial Board4
Book review4
Beyond ostension: Introducing the expressive principle of relevance4
Book review4
An investigation into health professionals’ perception of the appropriateness of elderspeak in a Korean hospital setting4
Proverbs in Akan highlife lyrics: A case study of Alex Konadu's lyrics4
Book review4
Intonational cues to speaker bias in questions and the role of language exposure4
An interactional perspective on grammaticalization of turn-initial linguistic forms in turn-final position: The case of Chinese turn-continuations4
Interactional use of compliments in mental health rehabilitation4
Informings as recruitment in nurses′ intrahospital telephone calls4
Hendiadys in naturally occurring interactions: A cross-linguistic study of double verb constructions4
“It seems to be some kind of an accident”: Perception and team decision-making in time critical situations4
Post-truth assertion and assertoric competence4
Book review4
All-cleft constructions in the London–Lund Corpora of spoken English: Empirical and methodological perspectives4
To orient and to engage: Metaphorical hashtags in Weibo posts of Chinese banks4
The use of praise upgrades in compliment sequences in natural conversations between young adults in dating relationships4
Concession strategies in online newspaper comments4
Ethnomethodology of written discourse: An analytical model for treating written discourse as ongoing social action4
Book review4